CHANGES IN GeoLight VERSION 2.00 Please view package vignette "GeoLight2.0" for detailed description on changes within functions and about additional functionalities. CHANGES IN GeoLight VERSION 1.04 OVERVIEW o roxygenized and ported to GitHub CHANGES IN GeoLight VERSION 1.03 OVERVIEW o We thank Eli Brigde, Michael Sumner and Eldar Rakhimberdiev for fruitful comments during a workshop. o Version 1.03 provides one new filter function and some additional graphical output o With the help of the users we could remove some bugs and improve the package significantly NEW FUNCTIONS o loessFilter Filter to remove outliers based on residuals from a local polynomial regression fitting process (loess). SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o twilightCalc A new argument was added to the twilightCalc function: preSelection. If preSelection=TRUE a routine will go trough all times where the light intensity crosses the light threshold. Only the earliest in the morning and the latest in the evening will be set as "choosen" for further graphical examination. This usually results in a much faster interactive process especially if the light intensity fluctuates much around the light threshold. o getElevation In addition to the already existing graph where the user gets an overview of all defined twilight times within the calibration period as well as the deviation from the optimal sun elevation, another plot shows the sun elevaion curves for the calibration period at the known position and the defined twilight events. The two graphs are highly redundant but we think that the new graph gives a better impression about the distribution of the defined twilight events and whether single twilight events should be excluded from the calibration period (i.e. twilight events which do not represent the sunrise or sunset). CHANGES IN GeoLight VERSION 1.02 OVERVIEW o We thank all users providing helpful comments and helping to identify bugs o Some modifications to internal code. NEW FUNCTIONS o lightFilter Filter to remove noise in light intensity measurements during the night CHANGES IN GeoLight VERSION 1.01 OVERVIEW o We thank Eli Brigde for helpful comments. o We thank Michael U. Kemp (Author from the RNCEP Package) to help us writing a code for exporting a trip into Google Earth o James Fox provided details to write a transformation script for geolocator data from Migrate Technology Ltd. o Some modifications to internal code. NEW FUNCTIONS o luxTrans Files with the siuffix .lux are derived from geolocators provided by Migrate Technology Ltd. luxTrans() produces a table with datetime and light recordings in a format required by GeoLight. o trip2kml This function creates a .kml file from light intensity measurements over time that can ve viewed as a trip in Google Earth SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o twilightCalc Code to calculate the times were light recordings pass the light intensity threshold were modified. Therewith wrong calculations from the first versions should not appear anymore. The new code is also faster. Most important, the way how users can judge the calculated twilight events has changed significantly. The function provides a very similar plot (with some more details about the date and the time of the twilight events), however wrong definitions can be deleted by clicking the first mouse buttom at the particular twiligth event (and vice verca). Clicking the second mouse bottom will move the time series forwards (no backward moving is possible). o changeLight The function got an additional argument: quantile! If this argument is specified e.g. 0.6, only change points with higher probabilities than 60% of all calculated probabilites will be considered as changes in the movement behavior. The arguments rise.prob and set.prob will not be considered if quantile is defined by a value.