LMERConvenienceFunctions: Model Selection and Post-hoc Analysis for (G)LMER Models

The main function of the package is to perform backward selection of fixed effects, forward fitting of the random effects, and post-hoc analysis using parallel capabilities. Other functionality includes the computation of ANOVAs with upper- or lower-bound p-values and R-squared values for each model term, model criticism plots, data trimming on model residuals, and data visualization. The data to run examples is contained in package LCF_data.

Version: 2.10
Imports: Matrix, lme4, LCFdata, rgl, fields, mgcv, parallel
Published: 2015-01-31
Author: Antoine Tremblay, Dalhousie University, and Johannes Ransijn, University of Copenhagen
Maintainer: "Antoine Tremblay, Dalhousie University" <trea26 at gmail.com>
License: GPL-2
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: NEWS
CRAN checks: LMERConvenienceFunctions results


Reference manual: LMERConvenienceFunctions.pdf
Package source: LMERConvenienceFunctions_2.10.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: LMERConvenienceFunctions_2.10.zip, r-release: LMERConvenienceFunctions_2.10.zip, r-oldrel: LMERConvenienceFunctions_2.10.zip
OS X El Capitan binaries: r-release: LMERConvenienceFunctions_2.10.tgz
OS X Mavericks binaries: r-oldrel: LMERConvenienceFunctions_2.10.tgz
Old sources: LMERConvenienceFunctions archive


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