A3 | Accurate, Adaptable, and Accessible Error Metrics for Predictive Models |
abbyyR | Access to Abbyy Optical Character Recognition (OCR) API |
abc | Tools for Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) |
abc.data | Data Only: Tools for Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) |
ABC.RAP | Array Based CpG Region Analysis Pipeline |
ABCanalysis | Computed ABC Analysis |
abcdeFBA | ABCDE_FBA: A-Biologist-Can-Do-Everything of Flux Balance Analysis with this package |
ABCoptim | Implementation of Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Optimization |
ABCp2 | Approximate Bayesian Computational Model for Estimating P2 |
abcrf | Approximate Bayesian Computation via Random Forests |
abctools | Tools for ABC Analyses |
abd | The Analysis of Biological Data |
abe | Augmented Backward Elimination |
abf2 | Load Gap-Free Axon ABF2 Files |
ABHgenotypeR | Easy Visualization of ABH Genotypes |
abind | Combine Multidimensional Arrays |
abjutils | Useful Tools for Jurimetrical Analysis Used by the Brazilian Jurimetrics Association |
abn | Modelling Multivariate Data with Additive Bayesian Networks |
abodOutlier | Angle-Based Outlier Detection |
ABPS | The Abnormal Blood Profile Score to Detect Blood Doping |
AbsFilterGSEA | Improved False Positive Control of Gene-Permuting GSEA with Absolute Filtering |
AbSim | Time Resolved Simulations of Antibody Repertoires |
abundant | High-Dimensional Principal Fitted Components and Abundant Regression |
ACA | Abrupt Change-Point or Aberration Detection in Point Series |
acc | Exploring Accelerometer Data |
accelerometry | Functions for Processing Minute-to-Minute Accelerometer Data |
accelmissing | Missing Value Imputation for Accelerometer Data |
AcceptanceSampling | Creation and Evaluation of Acceptance Sampling Plans |
ACCLMA | ACC & LMA Graph Plotting |
accrual | Bayesian Accrual Prediction |
accrued | Data Quality Visualization Tools for Partially Accruing Data |
accSDA | Accelerated Sparse Discriminant Analysis |
ACD | Categorical data analysis with complete or missing responses |
ACDm | Tools for Autoregressive Conditional Duration Models |
acebayes | Optimal Bayesian Experimental Design using the ACE Algorithm |
acepack | ACE and AVAS for Selecting Multiple Regression Transformations |
ACEt | Estimating Dynamic Heritability and Twin Model Comparison |
acid | Analysing Conditional Income Distributions |
acm4r | Align-and-Count Method comparisons of RFLP data |
acmeR | Implements ACME Estimator of Bird and Bat Mortality by Wind Turbines |
ACNE | Affymetrix SNP Probe-Summarization using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization |
acnr | Annotated Copy-Number Regions |
acopula | Modelling dependence with multivariate Archimax (or any user-defined continuous) copulas |
AcousticNDLCodeR | Coding Sound Files for Use with NDL |
acp | Autoregressive Conditional Poisson |
aCRM | Convenience functions for analytical Customer Relationship Management |
AcrossTic | A Cost-Minimal Regular Spanning Subgraph with TreeClust |
acrt | Autocorrelation Robust Testing |
acs | Download, Manipulate, and Present American Community Survey and Decennial Data from the US Census |
ACSNMineR | Gene Enrichment Analysis from ACSN Maps or GMT Files |
acss | Algorithmic Complexity for Short Strings |
acss.data | Data Only: Algorithmic Complexity of Short Strings (Computed via Coding Theorem Method) |
ACSWR | A Companion Package for the Book "A Course in Statistics with R" |
ACTCD | Asymptotic Classification Theory for Cognitive Diagnosis |
Actigraphy | Actigraphy Data Analysis |
ActiveDriver | Finding Cancer Driver Proteins with Enriched Mutations in Post-Translational Modification Sites |
activity | Animal Activity Statistics |
activpalProcessing | Process activPAL Events Files |
actogrammr | Read in Activity Data and Plot Actograms |
actuar | Actuarial Functions and Heavy Tailed Distributions |
AcuityView | A Package for Displaying Visual Scenes as They May Appear to an Animal with Lower Acuity |
ada | The R Package Ada for Stochastic Boosting |
adabag | Applies Multiclass AdaBoost.M1, SAMME and Bagging |
adagio | Discrete and Global Optimization Routines |
AdapEnetClass | A Class of Adaptive Elastic Net Methods for Censored Data |
adapr | Implementation of an Accountable Data Analysis Process |
AdapSamp | Adaptive Sampling Algorithms |
AdaptFit | Adaptive Semiparametic Regression |
AdaptFitOS | Adaptive Semiparametric Regression with Simultaneous Confidence Bands |
AdaptGauss | Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) |
adaptiveGPCA | Adaptive Generalized PCA |
AdaptiveSparsity | Adaptive Sparsity Models |
adaptivetau | Tau-Leaping Stochastic Simulation |
adaptMCMC | Implementation of a Generic Adaptive Monte Carlo Markov Chain Sampler |
adaptsmoFMRI | Adaptive Smoothing of FMRI Data |
adaptTest | Adaptive two-stage tests |
ADCT | Adaptive Design in Clinical Trials |
addhaz | Binomial and Multinomial Additive Hazards Models |
addhazard | Fit Additive Hazards Models for Survival Analysis |
addinslist | Discover and Install Useful RStudio Addins |
additiveDEA | Additive Data Envelopment Analysis Models |
additivityTests | Additivity Tests in the Two Way Anova with Single Sub-class Numbers |
addreg | Additive Regression for Discrete Data |
ADDT | Analysis of Accelerated Destructive Degradation Test Data |
ade4 | Analysis of Ecological Data: Exploratory and Euclidean Methods in Environmental Sciences |
ade4TkGUI | 'ade4' Tcl/Tk Graphical User Interface |
adeba | Adaptive Density Estimation by Bayesian Averaging |
adegenet | Exploratory Analysis of Genetic and Genomic Data |
adegraphics | An S4 Lattice-Based Package for the Representation of Multivariate Data |
adehabitat | Analysis of Habitat Selection by Animals |
adehabitatHR | Home Range Estimation |
adehabitatHS | Analysis of Habitat Selection by Animals |
adehabitatLT | Analysis of Animal Movements |
adehabitatMA | Tools to Deal with Raster Maps |
adephylo | Exploratory Analyses for the Phylogenetic Comparative Method |
adepro | A 'shiny' Application for the (Audio-)Visualization of Adverse Event Profiles |
AdequacyModel | Adequacy of Probabilistic Models and General Purpose Optimization |
adespatial | Multivariate Multiscale Spatial Analysis |
adfExplorer | Import from and Export to Amiga Disk Files |
ADGofTest | Anderson-Darling GoF test |
AdhereR | Adherence to Medications |
adhoc | Calculate Ad Hoc Distance Thresholds for DNA Barcoding Identification |
adimpro | Adaptive Smoothing of Digital Images |
adiv | Analysis of Diversity |
AdjBQR | Adjusted Bayesian Quantile Regression Inference |
adjclust | Adjacency-Constrained Clustering of a Block-Diagonal Similarity Matrix |
adjustedcranlogs | Remove Automated and Repeated Downloads from 'RStudio' 'CRAN' Download Logs |
adklakedata | Adirondack Long-Term Lake Data |
adlift | An Adaptive Lifting Scheme Algorithm |
ADM3 | An Interpretation of the ADM method - automated detection algorithm |
AdMit | Adaptive Mixture of Student-t Distributions |
admixturegraph | Admixture Graph Manipulation and Fitting |
ADMM | Algorithms using Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers |
ADMMnet | Regularized Model with Selecting the Number of Non-Zeros |
adnuts | No-U-Turn MCMC Sampling for 'ADMB' and 'TMB' Models |
ADPclust | Fast Clustering Using Adaptive Density Peak Detection |
ADPF | Use Least Squares Polynomial Regression and Statistical Testing to Improve Savitzky-Golay |
ads | Spatial point patterns analysis |
AdvBinomApps | Upper Clopper-Pearson Confidence Limits for Burn-in Studies under Additional Available Information |
advclust | Object Oriented Advanced Clustering |
adwave | Wavelet Analysis of Genomic Data from Admixed Populations |
AEDForecasting | Change Point Analysis in ARIMA Forecasting |
aemo | Download and Process AEMO Price and Demand Data |
AER | Applied Econometrics with R |
AF | Model-Based Estimation of Confounder-Adjusted Attributable Fractions |
afc | Generalized Discrimination Score |
afCEC | Active Function Cross-Entropy Clustering |
afex | Analysis of Factorial Experiments |
affluenceIndex | Affluence Indices |
AFLPsim | Hybrid Simulation and Genome Scan for Dominant Markers |
AFM | Atomic Force Microscope Image Analysis |
afmToolkit | Functions for Atomic Force Microscope Force-Distance Curves Analysis |
afpt | Tools for Modelling of Animal Flight Performance |
aftgee | Accelerated Failure Time Model with Generalized Estimating Equations |
AGD | Analysis of Growth Data |
AggregateR | Aggregate Numeric, Date and Categorical Variables by an ID |
aggregation | p-Value Aggregation Methods |
agop | Aggregation Operators and Preordered Sets |
agRee | Various Methods for Measuring Agreement |
Agreement | Statistical Tools for Measuring Agreement |
agricolae | Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research |
agridat | Agricultural Datasets |
agriTutorial | Tutorial Analysis of Some Agricultural Experiments |
agrmt | Calculate Agreement or Consensus in Ordered Rating Scales |
AGSDest | Estimation in Adaptive Group Sequential Trials |
agsemisc | Miscellaneous plotting and utility functions |
ahaz | Regularization for semiparametric additive hazards regression |
AHMbook | Functions and Data for the Book 'Applied Hierarchical Modeling in Ecology' |
ahnr | An Implementation of the Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks |
AhoCorasickTrie | Fast Searching for Multiple Keywords in Multiple Texts |
ahp | Analytic Hierarchy Process |
AHR | Estimation and Testing of Average Hazard Ratios |
AICcmodavg | Model Selection and Multimodel Inference Based on (Q)AIC(c) |
AID | Box-Cox Power Transformation |
aidar | Tools for Reading AIDA Files |
AIG | Automatic Item Generator |
AIM | AIM: adaptive index model |
aimPlot | Create Pie Like Plot for Completeness |
aire.zmvm | Download Mexico City Pollution, Wind, and Temperature Data |
airGR | Suite of GR Hydrological Models for Precipitation-Runoff Modelling |
aiRthermo | Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Visualization |
ajv | Another JSON Schema Validator |
Ake | Associated Kernel Estimations |
akima | Interpolation of Irregularly and Regularly Spaced Data |
akmeans | Adaptive Kmeans algorithm based on threshold |
ALA4R | Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) Data and Resources in R |
alabama | Constrained Nonlinear Optimization |
alakazam | Immunoglobulin Clonal Lineage and Diversity Analysis |
ald | The Asymmetric Laplace Distribution |
ALDqr | Quantile Regression Using Asymmetric Laplace Distribution |
ALEPlot | Accumulated Local Effects (ALE) Plots and Partial Dependence (PD) Plots |
aLFQ | Estimating Absolute Protein Quantities from Label-Free LC-MS/MS Proteomics Data |
alfred | Downloading Time Series from ALFRED Database for Various Vintages |
AlgDesign | Algorithmic Experimental Design |
AlgebraicHaploPackage | Haplotype Two Snips Out of a Paired Group of Patients |
algorithmia | Allows you to Easily Interact with the Algorithmia Platform |
algstat | Algebraic statistics in R |
AlignStat | Comparison of Alternative Multiple Sequence Alignments |
alineR | Alignment of Phonetic Sequences Using the 'ALINE' Algorithm |
ALKr | Generate Age-Length Keys for fish populations |
allan | Automated Large Linear Analysis Node |
allanvar | Allan Variance Analysis |
alleHap | Allele Imputation and Haplotype Reconstruction from Pedigree Databases |
allelematch | Identifying unique multilocus genotypes where genotyping error and missing data may be present |
AlleleRetain | Allele Retention, Inbreeding, and Demography |
allelic | A fast, unbiased and exact allelic exact test |
AllPossibleSpellings | Computes all of a word's possible spellings |
alluvial | Alluvial Diagrams |
alphabetr | Algorithms for High-Throughput Sequencing of Antigen-Specific T Cells |
alphahull | Generalization of the Convex Hull of a Sample of Points in the Plane |
alphaOutlier | Obtain Alpha-Outlier Regions for Well-Known Probability Distributions |
alphashape3d | Implementation of the 3D Alpha-Shape for the Reconstruction of 3D Sets from a Point Cloud |
AlphaVantageClient | Wrapper for Alpha Vantage API |
alphavantager | Lightweight R Interface to the Alpha Vantage API |
alr3 | Data to accompany Applied Linear Regression 3rd edition |
alr4 | Data to accompany Applied Linear Regression 4rd edition |
ALS | Multivariate Curve Resolution Alternating Least Squares (MCR-ALS) |
ALSCPC | Accelerated line search algorithm for simultaneous orthogonal transformation of several positive definite symmetric matrices to nearly diagonal form |
ALSM | Companion to Applied Linear Statistical Models |
alterryx | An 'API' Client for the 'Alteryx' Gallery |
altmeta | Alternative Meta-Analysis Methods |
ALTopt | Optimal Experimental Designs for Accelerated Life Testing |
amap | Another Multidimensional Analysis Package |
AMAP.Seq | Compare Gene Expressions from 2-Treatment RNA-Seq Experiments |
ambhasGW | Ground Water Modelling |
AMCP | A Model Comparison Perspective |
AMCTestmakeR | Generate LaTeX Code for Auto-Multiple-Choice (AMC) |
ameco | European Commission Annual Macro-Economic (AMECO) Database |
amei | Adaptive Management of Epidemiological Interventions |
Amelia | A Program for Missing Data |
amelie | Anomaly Detection with Normal Probability Functions |
amen | Additive and Multiplicative Effects Models for Networks and Relational Data |
AmericanCallOpt | This package includes pricing function for selected American call options with underlying assets that generate payouts |
AmesHousing | The Ames Iowa Housing Data |
AMGET | Post-processing tool for ADAPT 5 |
AMIAS | Alternating Minimization Induced Active Set Algorithms |
aml | Adaptive Mixed LASSO |
AMModels | Adaptive Management Model Manager |
AmmoniaConcentration | Un-Ionized Ammonia Concentration |
AMOEBA | A Multidirectional Optimum Ecotope-Based Algorithm |
AMORE | A MORE flexible neural network package |
AmostraBrasil | Generates Samples or Complete List of Brazilian IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro De Geografia e Estatistica) Census Households, Geocoding it by Google Maps |
ampd | An Algorithm for Automatic Peak Detection in Noisy Periodic and Quasi-Periodic Signals |
AmpliconDuo | Statistical Analysis of Amplicon Data of the Same Sample to Identify Artefacts |
AMR | Antimicrobial Resistance Analysis |
amt | Animal Movement Tools |
AmyloGram | Prediction of Amyloid Proteins |
AnaCoDa | Analysis of Codon Data under Stationarity using a Bayesian Framework |
anacor | Simple and Canonical Correspondence Analysis |
analogsea | Interface to 'Digital Ocean' |
analogue | Analogue and Weighted Averaging Methods for Palaeoecology |
analogueExtra | Additional Functions for Use with the Analogue Package |
analytics | Regression Outlier Detection, Stationary Bootstrap, Testing Weak Stationarity, and Other Tools for Data Analysis |
analyz | Model Layer for Automatic Data Analysis via CSV File Interpretation |
AnalyzeFMRI | Functions for analysis of fMRI datasets stored in the ANALYZE or NIFTI format |
AnalyzeTS | Analyze Fuzzy Time Series |
anapuce | Tools for microarray data analysis |
AncestryMapper | Assigning Ancestry Based on Population References |
anchoredDistr | Post-Processing for the Method of Anchored Distributions |
anchors | Statistical analysis of surveys with anchoring vignettes |
AnDE | An extended Bayesian Learning Technique developed by Dr. Geoff Webb |
andrews | Andrews curves |
anesrake | ANES Raking Implementation |
anfis | Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System in R |
AnglerCreelSurveySimulation | Simulate a Bus Route Creel Survey of Anglers |
angstroms | Tools for 'ROMS' the Regional Ocean Modeling System |
aniDom | Inferring Dominance Hierarchies and Estimating Uncertainty |
anim.plots | Simple Animated Plots for R |
animalTrack | Animal track reconstruction for high frequency 2-dimensional (2D) or 3-dimensional (3D) movement data |
animation | A Gallery of Animations in Statistics and Utilities to Create Animations |
anipaths | Animation of Observed Trajectories Using Spline-Based Interpolation |
ANLP | Build Text Prediction Model |
anMC | Compute High Dimensional Orthant Probabilities |
ANN2 | Artificial Neural Networks for Anomaly Detection |
AnnotationBustR | Extract Subsequences from GenBank Annotations |
AnnotLists | AnnotLists: A tool to annotate multiple lists from a specific annotation file |
annovarR | Integrated Framework to Annotate Genetic Variants |
AnnuityRIR | Annuity Random Interest Rates |
anocva | A Non-Parametric Statistical Test to Compare Clustering Structures |
anoint | Analysis of Interactions |
ANOM | Analysis of Means |
anomalyDetection | Implementation of Augmented Network Log Anomaly Detection Procedures |
anominate | Alpha-NOMINATE Ideal Point Estimator |
anonymizer | Anonymize Data Containing Personally Identifiable Information |
ANOVAreplication | Test ANOVA Replications by Means of the Prior Predictive p-Value |
AntAngioCOOL | Anti-Angiogenic Peptide Prediction |
antaresRead | Import, Manipulate and Explore the Results of an 'Antares' Simulation |
AnthropMMD | An R-Shiny Application for Smith's Mean Measure of Divergence (MMD) |
Anthropometry | Statistical Methods for Anthropometric Data |
antitrust | Tools for Antitrust Practitioners |
antiword | Extract Text from Microsoft Word Documents |
AntWeb | programmatic interface to the AntWeb |
anytime | Anything to 'POSIXct' or 'Date' Converter |
aod | Analysis of Overdispersed Data |
aods3 | Analysis of Overdispersed Data using S3 methods |
aoos | Another Object Orientation System |
aop | Adverse Outcome Pathway Analysis |
Aoptbdtvc | A-Optimal Block Designs for Comparing Test Treatments with Controls |
aoristic | aoristic analysis with spatial output (kml) |
apa | Format Outputs of Statistical Tests According to APA Guidelines |
ApacheLogProcessor | Process the Apache Web Server Log Files |
apaStyle | Generate APA Tables for MS Word |
apaTables | Create American Psychological Association (APA) Style Tables |
apc | Age-Period-Cohort Analysis |
APCanalysis | Analysis of Unreplicated Orthogonal Experiments using All Possible Comparisons |
apcluster | Affinity Propagation Clustering |
apdesign | An Implementation of the Additive Polynomial Design Matrix |
ape | Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution |
apercu | Quick Look at your Data |
apex | Phylogenetic Methods for Multiple Gene Data |
APfun | Geo-Processing Helper Functions |
aphid | Analysis with Profile Hidden Markov Models |
aplore3 | Datasets from Hosmer, Lemeshow and Sturdivant, "Applied Logistic Regression" (3rd Ed., 2013) |
aplpack | Another Plot PACKage: stem.leaf, bagplot, faces, spin3R, plotsummary, plothulls, and some slider functions |
APML0 | Augmented and Penalized Minimization Method L0 |
apmsWAPP | Pre- and Postprocessing for AP-MS data analysis based on spectral counts |
apng | Convert Png Files into Animated Png |
appell | Compute Appell's F1 hypergeometric function |
APPEstimation | Adjusted Prediction Model Performance Estimation |
apple | Approximate Path for Penalized Likelihood Estimators |
AppliedPredictiveModeling | Functions and Data Sets for 'Applied Predictive Modeling' |
appnn | Amyloid Propensity Prediction Neural Network |
approximator | Bayesian prediction of complex computer codes |
approxmatch | Approximately Optimal Fine Balance Matching with Multiple Groups |
aprean3 | Datasets from Draper and Smith "Applied Regression Analysis" (3rd Ed., 1998) |
apricom | Tools for the a Priori Comparison of Regression Modelling Strategies |
aprof | Amdahl's Profiler, Directed Optimization Made Easy |
APSIM | General Utility Functions for the 'Agricultural Production Systems Simulator' |
APSIMBatch | Analysis the output of Apsim software |
apsimr | Edit, Run and Evaluate APSIM Simulations Easily Using R |
apsrtable | apsrtable model-output formatter for social science |
apt | Asymmetric Price Transmission |
aptg | Automatic Phylogenetic Tree Generator |
APtools | Average Positive Predictive Values (AP) for Binary Outcomes and Censored Event Times |
apTreeshape | Analyses of Phylogenetic Treeshape |
aqfig | Functions to help display air quality model output and monitoring data |
aqp | Algorithms for Quantitative Pedology |
aqr | Interface methods to use with an ActiveQuant Master Server |
AquaEnv | Integrated Development Toolbox for Aquatic Chemical Model Generation |
AR | Another Look at the Acceptance-Rejection Method |
AR1seg | Segmentation of an autoregressive Gaussian process of order 1 |
arabicStemR | Arabic Stemmer for Text Analysis |
ArArRedux | Rigorous Data Reduction and Error Propagation of Ar40 / Ar39 Data |
arc | Association Rule Classification |
ARCensReg | Fitting Univariate Censored Linear Regression Model with Autoregressive Errors |
ArchaeoChron | Bayesian Modeling of Archaeological Chronologies |
ArchaeoPhases | Post-Processing of the Markov Chain Simulated by 'ChronoModel', 'Oxcal' or 'BCal' |
archdata | Example Datasets from Archaeological Research |
archetypes | Archetypal Analysis |
archiDART | Plant Root System Architecture Analysis Using DART and RSML Files |
archivist | Tools for Storing, Restoring and Searching for R Objects |
archivist.github | Tools for Archiving, Managing and Sharing R Objects via GitHub |
ArCo | Artificial Counterfactual Package |
ArDec | Time series autoregressive-based decomposition |
areaplot | Plot Stacked Areas and Confidence Bands as Filled Polygons |
arf3DS4 | Activated Region Fitting, fMRI data analysis (3D) |
arfima | Fractional ARIMA (and Other Long Memory) Time Series Modeling |
ArfimaMLM | Arfima-MLM Estimation For Repeated Cross-Sectional Data |
argon2 | Secure Password Hashing |
argosfilter | Argos locations filter |
argparse | Command Line Optional and Positional Argument Parser |
argparser | Command-Line Argument Parser |
ArgumentCheck | Improved Communication to Users with Respect to Problems in Function Arguments |
ari | Automated R Instructor |
arm | Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models |
arnie | "Arnie" box office records 1982-2014 |
aroma.affymetrix | Analysis of Large Affymetrix Microarray Data Sets |
aroma.apd | A Probe-Level Data File Format Used by 'aroma.affymetrix' [deprecated] |
aroma.cn | Copy-Number Analysis of Large Microarray Data Sets |
aroma.core | Core Methods and Classes Used by 'aroma.*' Packages Part of the Aroma Framework |
ARPobservation | Tools for Simulating Direct Behavioral Observation Recording Procedures Based on Alternating Renewal Processes |
aRpsDCA | Arps Decline Curve Analysis in R |
arrangements | Fast Generators and Iterators for Permutations, Combinations and Partitions |
arrApply | Apply a Function to a Margin of an Array |
ArrayBin | Binarization of numeric data arrays |
arrayhelpers | Convenience Functions for Arrays |
ars | Adaptive Rejection Sampling |
arsenal | An Arsenal of 'R' Functions for Large-Scale Statistical Summaries |
ART | Aligned Rank Transform for Nonparametric Factorial Analysis |
artfima | ARTFIMA Model Estimation |
ARTIVA | Time-Varying DBN Inference with the ARTIVA (Auto Regressive TIme VArying) Model |
ARTool | Aligned Rank Transform |
ARTP | Gene and Pathway p-values computed using the Adaptive Rank Truncated Product |
ARTP2 | Pathway and Gene-Level Association Test |
arules | Mining Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets |
arulesCBA | Classification Based on Association Rules |
arulesNBMiner | Mining NB-Frequent Itemsets and NB-Precise Rules |
arulesSequences | Mining Frequent Sequences |
arulesViz | Visualizing Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets |
aRxiv | Interface to the arXiv API |
as.color | Assign Random Colors to Unique Items in a Vector |
asaur | Data Sets for "Applied Survival Analysis Using R"" |
asbio | A Collection of Statistical Tools for Biologists |
ascii | Export R objects to several markup languages |
asciiruler | Render an ASCII Ruler |
asciiSetupReader | Reads 'SPSS' and 'SAS' Files from ASCII Data Files (.txt) and Setup Files (.sps or .sas) |
asd | Simulations for Adaptive Seamless Designs |
asdreader | Reading ASD Binary Files in R |
ash | David Scott's ASH Routines |
ashr | Methods for Adaptive Shrinkage, using Empirical Bayes |
asht | Applied Statistical Hypothesis Tests |
ASICS | Automatic Statistical Identification in Complex Spectra |
AsioHeaders | 'Asio' C++ Header Files |
ASIP | Automated Satellite Image Processing |
aslib | Interface to the Algorithm Selection Benchmark Library |
ASMap | Linkage Map Construction using the MSTmap Algorithm |
asnipe | Animal Social Network Inference and Permutations for Ecologists |
aspace | A collection of functions for estimating centrographic statistics and computational geometries for spatial point patterns |
ASPBay | Bayesian Inference on Causal Genetic Variants using Affected Sib-Pairs Data |
aSPC | An Adaptive Sum of Powered Correlation Test (aSPC) for Global Association Between Two Random Vectors |
aspect | A General Framework for Multivariate Analysis with Optimal Scaling |
aspi | Analysis of Symmetry of Parasitic Infections |
aSPU | Adaptive Sum of Powered Score Test |
asremlPlus | Augments the Use of 'ASReml-R' in Fitting Mixed Models |
AssayCorrector | Detection and Correction of Spatial Bias in HTS Screens |
assertable | Verbose Assertions for Tabular Data (Data.frames and Data.tables) |
assertive | Readable Check Functions to Ensure Code Integrity |
assertive.base | A Lightweight Core of the 'assertive' Package |
assertive.code | Assertions to Check Properties of Code |
assertive.data | Assertions to Check Properties of Data |
assertive.data.uk | Assertions to Check Properties of Strings |
assertive.data.us | Assertions to Check Properties of Strings |
assertive.datetimes | Assertions to Check Properties of Dates and Times |
assertive.files | Assertions to Check Properties of Files |
assertive.matrices | Assertions to Check Properties of Matrices |
assertive.models | Assertions to Check Properties of Models |
assertive.numbers | Assertions to Check Properties of Numbers |
assertive.properties | Assertions to Check Properties of Variables |
assertive.reflection | Assertions for Checking the State of R |
assertive.sets | Assertions to Check Properties of Sets |
assertive.strings | Assertions to Check Properties of Strings |
assertive.types | Assertions to Check Types of Variables |
assertr | Assertive Programming for R Analysis Pipelines |
assertthat | Easy Pre and Post Assertions |
AssetPricing | Optimal pricing of assets with fixed expiry date |
assignPOP | Population Assignment using Genetic, Non-Genetic or Integrated Data in a Machine Learning Framework |
assist | A Suite of R Functions Implementing Spline Smoothing Techniques |
ASSISTant | Adaptive Subgroup Selection in Group Sequential Trials |
AssocAFC | Allele Frequency Comparison |
assocInd | Implements New and Existing Association Indices for Constructing Animal Social Networks |
AssocTests | Genetic Association Studies |
assortnet | Calculate the Assortativity Coefficient of Weighted and Binary Networks |
AssotesteR | Statistical Tests for Genetic Association Studies |
aster | Aster Models |
aster2 | Aster Models |
astro | Astronomy Functions, Tools and Routines |
astrochron | A Computational Tool for Astrochronology |
astrodatR | Astronomical Data |
astroFns | Astronomy: time and position functions, misc. utilities |
astrolibR | Astronomy Users Library |
astsa | Applied Statistical Time Series Analysis |
asus | Adaptive SURE Thresholding Using Side Information |
asVPC | Average Shifted Visual Predictive Checks |
asymLD | Asymmetric Linkage Disequilibrium (ALD) for Polymorphic Genetic Data |
asymmetry | Multidimensional Scaling of Asymmetric Data |
asympTest | Asymptotic statistic |
AsynchLong | Regression Analysis of Sparse Asynchronous Longitudinal Data |
asypow | Calculate Power Utilizing Asymptotic Likelihood Ratio Methods |
ATE | Inference for Average Treatment Effects using Covariate Balancing |
AtelieR | A GTK GUI for teaching basic concepts in statistical inference, and doing elementary bayesian tests |
atlantistools | Process and Visualise Output from Atlantis Models |
atmcmc | Automatically Tuned Markov Chain Monte Carlo |
ATmet | Advanced Tools for Metrology |
AtmRay | Acoustic Traveltime Calculations for 1-D Atmospheric Models |
ATR | Alternative Tree Representation |
aTSA | Alternative Time Series Analysis |
atsd | Support Querying Axibase Time-Series Database |
attempt | Easy Condition Handling |
attrCUSUM | Tools for Attribute VSI CUSUM Control Chart |
attribrisk | Population Attributable Risk |
atus | American Time Use Survey Data |
AUC | Threshold independent performance measures for probabilistic classifiers |
aucm | AUC Maximization |
AUCRF | Variable Selection with Random Forest and the Area Under the Curve |
auctestr | Statistical Testing for AUC Data |
audio | Audio Interface for R |
audiolyzR | audiolyzR: Give your data a listen |
audit | Bounds for Accounting Populations |
augSIMEX | Analysis of Data with Mixed Measurement Error and Misclassification in Covariates |
auk | eBird Data Extraction and Processing with AWK |
aurelius | Generates PFA Documents from R Code and Optionally Runs Them |
AurieLSHGaussian | Creates a Neighbourhood Using Locality Sensitive Hashing for Gaussian Projections |
auRoc | Various Methods to Estimate the AUC |
AUtests | Approximate Unconditional and Permutation Tests |
auto.pca | Automatic Variable Reduction Using Principal Component Analysis |
autoBagging | Learning to Rank Bagging Workflows with Metalearning |
AutoDeskR | An Interface to the 'AutoDesk' 'API' Platform |
autoencoder | Sparse Autoencoder for Automatic Learning of Representative Features from Unlabeled Data |
autoimage | Multiple Heat Maps for Projected Coordinates |
automagic | Automagically Document and Install Packages Necessary to Run R Code |
automap | Automatic interpolation package |
AutoModel | Automated Hierarchical Multiple Regression with Assumptions Checking |
automultinomial | Autologistic and Automultinomial Spatial Regression and Variable Selection |
autoplotly | Automatic Generation of Interactive Visualizations for Popular Statistical Results |
Autoplotprotein | Development of Visualization Tools for Protein Sequence |
autopls | Partial Least Squares Regression with Backward Selection of Predictors |
AutoregressionMDE | Minimum Distance Estimation in Autoregressive Model |
AutoSEARCH | General-to-Specific (GETS) Modelling |
autoSEM | Performs Specification Search in Structural Equation Models |
autothresholdr | An R Port of the 'ImageJ' Plugin 'Auto Threshold' |
autovarCore | Automated Vector Autoregression Models and Networks |
available | Check if the Title of a Package is Available, Appropriate and Interesting |
averisk | Calculation of Average Population Attributable Fractions and Confidence Intervals |
aVirtualTwins | Adaptation of Virtual Twins Method from Jared Foster |
AWR | 'AWS' Java 'SDK' for R |
AWR.Athena | 'AWS' Athena 'DBI' Wrapper |
AWR.Kinesis | Amazon 'Kinesis' Consumer Application for Stream Processing |
AWR.KMS | A Simple Client to the 'AWS' Key Management Service |
aws | Adaptive Weights Smoothing |
aws.alexa | Client for the Amazon Alexa Web Information Services API |
aws.cloudtrail | AWS CloudTrail Client Package |
aws.ec2metadata | Get EC2 Instance Metadata |
aws.iam | AWS IAM Client Package |
aws.lambda | AWS Lambda Client Package |
aws.polly | Client for AWS Polly |
aws.s3 | AWS S3 Client Package |
aws.ses | AWS SES Client Package |
aws.signature | Amazon Web Services Request Signatures |
aws.sns | AWS SNS Client Package |
aws.sqs | AWS SQS Client Package |
awsjavasdk | Boilerplate R Access to the Amazon Web Services ('AWS') Java SDK |
awsMethods | Class and Methods Definitions for Packages 'aws', 'adimpro', 'fmri', 'dwi' |
awspack | Amazon Web Services Bundle Package |
aylmer | A generalization of Fisher's exact test |
AzureML | Interface with Azure Machine Learning Datasets, Experiments and Web Services |
B2Z | Bayesian Two-Zone Model |
b6e6rl | Adaptive differential evolution, b6e6rl variant |
babar | Bayesian Bacterial Growth Curve Analysis in R |
babel | Ribosome Profiling Data Analysis |
BaBooN | Bayesian Bootstrap Predictive Mean Matching - Multiple and Single Imputation for Discrete Data |
babynames | US Baby Names 1880-2015 |
BACA | Bubble Chart to Compare Biological Annotations by using DAVID |
BacArena | Modeling Framework for Cellular Communities in their Environments |
BACCO | Bayesian Analysis of Computer Code Output (BACCO) |
BACCT | Bayesian Augmented Control for Clinical Trials |
backblazer | Bindings to the Backblaze B2 API |
backpipe | Backward Pipe Operator |
backports | Reimplementations of Functions Introduced Since R-3.0.0 |
backShift | Learning Causal Cyclic Graphs from Unknown Shift Interventions |
backtest | Exploring Portfolio-Based Conjectures About Financial Instruments |
BACprior | Choice of the Hyperparameter Omega in the Bayesian Adjustment for Confounding (BAC) Algorithm |
bacr | Bayesian Adjustment for Confounding |
badgecreatr | Create Badges for 'Travis', 'Repostatus' 'Codecov.io' Etc in Github Readme |
badger | Badge for R Package |
BAEssd | Bayesian Average Error approach to Sample Size Determination |
Bagidis | BAses GIving DIStances |
bagRboostR | Ensemble bagging and boosting classifiers |
bairt | Bayesian Analysis of Item Response Theory Models |
baitmet | Library Driven Compound Profiling in Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry Data |
BalanceCheck | Balance Check for Multiple Covariates in Matched Observational Studies |
BalancedSampling | Balanced and Spatially Balanced Sampling |
BALCONY | Better ALignment CONsensus analYsis |
Ball | Statistical Inference and Sure Independence Screening via Ball Statistics |
ballr | Access to Current and Historical Basketball Data |
BaM | Functions and Datasets for Books by Jeff Gill |
BAMBI | Bivariate Angular Mixture Models |
bamboo | Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Using the Bamboo Method |
bamdit | Bayesian Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Test Data |
bamlss | Bayesian Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape (and Beyond) |
BAMMtools | Analysis and Visualization of Macroevolutionary Dynamics on Phylogenetic Trees |
bandit | Functions for simple A/B split test and multi-armed bandit analysis |
BANEScarparkinglite | Working with Car Parking Data for Bath and North East Somerset |
BANFF | Bayesian Network Feature Finder |
bang | Bayesian Analysis, No Gibbs |
bannerCommenter | Make Banner Comments with a Consistent Format |
BANOVA | Hierarchical Bayesian ANOVA Models |
banR | R Client for the BAN API |
banxicoR | Download Data from the Bank of Mexico |
bapred | Batch Effect Removal and Addon Normalization (in Phenotype Prediction using Gene Data) |
BaPreStoPro | Bayesian Prediction of Stochastic Processes |
BarBorGradient | Function Minimum Approximator |
barcode | Barcode distribution plots |
BarcodingR | Species Identification using DNA Barcodes |
Barnard | Barnard's Unconditional Test |
BART | Bayesian Additive Regression Trees |
bartMachine | Bayesian Additive Regression Trees |
bartMachineJARs | bartMachine JARs |
Barycenter | Regularized Wasserstein Distances and Barycenters |
BAS | Bayesian Variable Selection and Model Averaging using Bayesian Adaptive Sampling |
basad | Bayesian Variable Selection with Shrinking and Diffusing Priors |
base64 | Base64 Encoder and Decoder |
base64enc | Tools for base64 encoding |
base64url | Fast and URL-Safe Base64 Encoder and Decoder |
baseballDBR | Sabermetrics and Advanced Baseball Statistics |
basefun | Infrastructure for Computing with Basis Functions |
baseline | Baseline Correction of Spectra |
basicspace | Recovering a Basic Space from Issue Scales |
basictabler | Construct Rich Tables for Output to 'HTML'/'Excel' |
basicTrendline | Add Trendline of Basic Regression Models to Plot |
BASiNET | Classification of mRNA and lncRNA Sequences using Complex Network Theory |
BASIX | BASIX: An efficient C/C++ toolset for R |
BASS | Bayesian Adaptive Spline Surfaces |
BaSTA | Age-Specific Survival Analysis from Incomplete Capture-Recapture/Recovery Data |
bastah | Big Data Statistical Analysis for High-Dimensional Models |
BAT | Biodiversity Assessment Tools |
batade | HTML reports and so on |
batch | Batching Routines in Parallel and Passing Command-Line Arguments to R |
BatchExperiments | Statistical Experiments on Batch Computing Clusters |
BatchGetSymbols | Downloads and Organizes Financial Data for Multiple Tickers |
BatchJobs | Batch Computing with R |
BatchMap | Software for the Creation of High Density Linkage Maps in Outcrossing Species |
batchmeans | Consistent Batch Means Estimation of Monte Carlo Standard Errors |
batchtools | Tools for Computation on Batch Systems |
BaTFLED3D | Bayesian Tensor Factorization Linked to External Data |
batman | Convert Categorical Representations of Logicals to Actual Logicals |
batteryreduction | An R Package for Data Reduction by Battery Reduction |
BAwiR | Analysis of Basketball Data |
BayClone2 | Bayesian Feature Allocation Model for Tumor Heterogeneity |
bayesAB | Fast Bayesian Methods for AB Testing |
BayesBD | Bayesian Inference for Image Boundaries |
BayesBinMix | Bayesian Estimation of Mixtures of Multivariate Bernoulli Distributions |
bayesbio | Miscellaneous Functions for Bioinformatics and Bayesian Statistics |
bayesboot | An Implementation of Rubin's (1981) Bayesian Bootstrap |
bayesCL | Bayesian Inference on a GPU using OpenCL |
BayesCombo | Bayesian Evidence Combination |
BayesComm | Bayesian Community Ecology Analysis |
bayescount | Power Calculations and Bayesian Analysis of Count Distributions and FECRT Data using MCMC |
BayesCR | Bayesian Analysis of Censored Regression Models Under Scale Mixture of Skew Normal Distributions |
BayesDA | Functions and Datasets for the book "Bayesian Data Analysis" |
bayesDccGarch | The Bayesian Dynamic Conditional Correlation GARCH Model |
BAYESDEF | Bayesian Analysis of DSD |
bayesDem | Graphical User Interface for bayesTFR, bayesLife and bayesPop |
bayesDP | Tools for the Bayesian Discount Prior Function |
BayesFactor | Computation of Bayes Factors for Common Designs |
BayesFM | Bayesian Inference for Factor Modeling |
bayesGARCH | Bayesian Estimation of the GARCH(1,1) Model with Student-t Innovations |
bayesGDS | Scalable Rejection Sampling for Bayesian Hierarchical Models |
BayesGESM | Bayesian Analysis of Generalized Elliptical Semi-Parametric Models and Flexible Measurement Error Models |
BayesGOF | Bayesian Modeling via Goodness of Fit |
BayesH | Bayesian Regression Model with Mixture of Two Scaled Inverse Chi Square as Hyperprior |
BayesianAnimalTracker | Bayesian Melding of GPS and DR Path for Animal Tracking |
Bayesianbetareg | Bayesian Beta regression: joint mean and precision modeling |
bayesianETAS | Bayesian Estimation of the ETAS Model for Earthquake Occurrences |
BayesianGLasso | Bayesian Graphical Lasso |
BayesianNetwork | Bayesian Network Modeling and Analysis |
BayesianTools | General-Purpose MCMC and SMC Samplers and Tools for Bayesian Statistics |
bayesImageS | Bayesian Methods for Image Segmentation using a Potts Model |
BayesLCA | Bayesian Latent Class Analysis |
bayesLife | Bayesian Projection of Life Expectancy |
bayeslm | Efficient Sampling for Gaussian Linear Regression with Arbitrary Priors |
bayesloglin | Bayesian Analysis of Contingency Table Data |
bayeslongitudinal | Adjust Longitudinal Regression Models Using Bayesian Methodology |
bayesLopod | Bayesian Inference of Landscape Occupancy from Presence-Only Data |
bayesm | Bayesian Inference for Marketing/Micro-Econometrics |
BayesMAMS | Designing Bayesian Multi-Arm Multi-Stage Studies |
BayesMed | Default Bayesian Hypothesis Tests for Correlation, Partial Correlation, and Mediation |
bayesmeta | Bayesian Random-Effects Meta-Analysis |
bayesmix | Bayesian Mixture Models with JAGS |
BayesMixSurv | Bayesian Mixture Survival Models using Additive Mixture-of-Weibull Hazards, with Lasso Shrinkage and Stratification |
BayesNetBP | Bayesian Network Belief Propagation |
BayesNI | BayesNI: Bayesian Testing Procedure for Noninferiority with Binary Endpoints |
BayesPieceHazSelect | Variable Selection in a Hierarchical Bayesian Model for a Hazard Function |
BayesPiecewiseICAR | Hierarchical Bayesian Model for a Hazard Function |
bayesplot | Plotting for Bayesian Models |
bayesPop | Probabilistic Population Projection |
bayespref | Hierarchical Bayesian analysis of ecological count data |
bayesQR | Bayesian Quantile Regression |
BayesRS | Bayes Factors for Hierarchical Linear Models with Continuous Predictors |
bayess | Bayesian Essentials with R |
BayesS5 | Bayesian Variable Selection Using Simplified Shotgun Stochastic Search with Screening (S5) |
BayesSAE | Bayesian Analysis of Small Area Estimation |
BayesSingleSub | Computation of Bayes factors for interrupted time-series designs |
BayesSpec | Bayesian Spectral Analysis Techniques |
BayesSummaryStatLM | MCMC Sampling of Bayesian Linear Models via Summary Statistics |
bayesSurv | Bayesian Survival Regression with Flexible Error and Random Effects Distributions |
bayesTFR | Bayesian Fertility Projection |
Bayesthresh | Bayesian thresholds mixed-effects models for categorical data |
BayesTree | Bayesian Additive Regression Trees |
BayesTreePrior | Bayesian Tree Prior Simulation |
BayesTwin | Bayesian Analysis of Item-Level Twin Data |
BayesValidate | BayesValidate Package |
BayesVarSel | Bayes Factors, Model Choice and Variable Selection in Linear Models |
BayesX | R Utilities Accompanying the Software Package BayesX |
BayesXsrc | R Package Distribution of the BayesX C++ Sources |
BayHap | Bayesian analysis of haplotype association using Markov Chain Monte Carlo |
BayHaz | R Functions for Bayesian Hazard Rate Estimation |
BaylorEdPsych | R Package for Baylor University Educational Psychology Quantitative Courses |
BayLum | Chronological Bayesian Models Integrating Optically Stimulated Luminescence and Radiocarbon Age Dating |
bayou | Bayesian Fitting of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Models to Phylogenies |
BaySIC | Bayesian Analysis of Significantly Mutated Genes in Cancer |
BAYSTAR | On Bayesian analysis of Threshold autoregressive model (BAYSTAR) |
bazar | Miscellaneous Basic Functions |
BB | Solving and Optimizing Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems |
bbefkr | Bayesian bandwidth estimation and semi-metric selection for the functional kernel regression with unknown error density |
bbemkr | Bayesian bandwidth estimation for multivariate kernel regression with Gaussian error |
BBEST | Bayesian Estimation of Incoherent Neutron Scattering Backgrounds |
BBmisc | Miscellaneous Helper Functions for B. Bischl |
bbmle | Tools for General Maximum Likelihood Estimation |
BBMM | Brownian bridge movement model |
BBMV | Models for Continuous Traits Evolving in Macroevolutionary Landscapes of any Shape |
bbo | Biogeography-Based Optimization |
BBRecapture | Bayesian Behavioural Capture-Recapture Models |
bbw | Blocked Weighted Bootstrap |
bc3net | Gene Regulatory Network Inference with Bc3net |
BCA | Business and Customer Analytics |
BCBCSF | Bias-Corrected Bayesian Classification with Selected Features |
BCC1997 | Calculation of Option Prices Based on a Universal Solution |
BCDating | Business Cycle Dating and Plotting Tools |
BcDiag | Diagnostics Plots for Bicluster Data |
BCE | Bayesian composition estimator: estimating sample (taxonomic) composition from biomarker data |
BCEA | Bayesian Cost Effectiveness Analysis |
BCEE | The Bayesian Causal Effect Estimation Algorithm |
BCellMA | B Cell Receptor Somatic Hyper Mutation Analysis |
BCgee | Bias-Corrected Estimates for Generalized Linear Models for Dependent Data |
Bchron | Radiocarbon Dating, Age-Depth Modelling, Relative Sea Level Rate Estimation, and Non-Parametric Phase Modelling |
Bclim | Bayesian Palaeoclimate Reconstruction from Pollen Data |
bclust | Bayesian Hierarchical Clustering Using Spike and Slab Models |
BClustLonG | A Dirichlet Process Mixture Model for Clustering Longitudinal Gene Expression Data |
bcmaps | Map Layers and Spatial Utilities for British Columbia |
bcp | Bayesian Analysis of Change Point Problems |
bcpa | Behavioral change point analysis of animal movement |
bcpmeta | Bayesian Multiple Changepoint Detection Using Metadata |
BCRA | Breast Cancer Risk Assessment |
bcRep | Advanced Analysis of B Cell Receptor Repertoire Data |
bcrm | Bayesian Continual Reassessment Method for Phase I Dose-Escalation Trials |
bcROCsurface | Bias-Corrected Methods for Estimating the ROC Surface of Continuous Diagnostic Tests |
bcrypt | 'Blowfish' Password Hashing Algorithm |
BCSub | A Bayesian Semiparametric Factor Analysis Model for Subtype Identification (Clustering) |
bcv | Cross-Validation for the SVD (Bi-Cross-Validation) |
bda | Density Estimation for Grouped Data |
bde | Bounded Density Estimation |
BDgraph | Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models using Birth-Death MCMC |
bdlp | Transparent and Reproducible Artificial Data Generation |
bdots | Bootstrapped Differences of Time Series |
bdpopt | Optimisation of Bayesian Decision Problems |
bdpv | Inference and design for predictive values in binary diagnostic tests |
bdscale | Remove Weekends and Holidays from ggplot2 Axes |
bdsmatrix | Routines for Block Diagonal Symmetric Matrices |
bdvis | Biodiversity Data Visualizations |
BDWreg | Bayesian Inference for Discrete Weibull Regression |
bdynsys | Bayesian Dynamical System Model |
bea.R | Bureau of Economic Analysis API |
BEACH | Biometric Exploratory Analysis Creation House |
beadarrayFilter | Bead filtering for Illumina bead arrays |
beadarrayMSV | Analysis of Illumina BeadArray SNP data including MSV markers |
beanplot | Visualization via Beanplots (like Boxplot/Stripchart/Violin Plot) |
beanz | Bayesian Analysis of Heterogeneous Treatment Effect |
beast | Bayesian Estimation of Change-Points in the Slope of Multivariate Time-Series |
BEDASSLE | Quantifies effects of geo/eco distance on genetic differentiation |
BEDMatrix | Extract Genotypes from a PLINK .bed File |
bedr | Genomic Region Processing using Tools Such as 'BEDTools', 'BEDOPS' and 'Tabix' |
beepr | Easily Play Notification Sounds on any Platform |
beeswarm | The Bee Swarm Plot, an Alternative to Stripchart |
beginr | Functions for R Beginners |
belex | Download Historical Data from the Belgrade Stock Exchange |
benchden | 28 benchmark densities from Berlinet/Devroye (1994) |
benchmark | Benchmark Experiments Toolbox |
Benchmarking | Benchmark and Frontier Analysis Using DEA and SFA |
benchmarkme | Crowd Sourced System Benchmarks |
benchmarkmeData | Data Set for the 'benchmarkme' Package |
benchr | High Precise Measurement of R Expressions Execution Time |
benford.analysis | Benford Analysis for Data Validation and Forensic Analytics |
BenfordTests | Statistical Tests for Evaluating Conformity to Benford's Law |
bentcableAR | Bent-Cable Regression for Independent Data or Autoregressive Time Series |
benthos | Marine Benthic Ecosystem Analysis |
BEQI2 | Benthic Ecosystem Quality Index 2 |
ber | Batch Effects Removal |
Bergm | Bayesian Exponential Random Graph Models |
berryFunctions | Function Collection Related to Plotting and Hydrology |
BeSS | Best Subset Selection in Linear, Logistic and CoxPH Models |
Bessel | Bessel – Bessel Functions Computations and Approximations |
BEST | Bayesian Estimation Supersedes the t-Test |
bestglm | Best Subset GLM |
bestNormalize | Normalizing Transformation Functions |
BetaBit | Mini Games from Adventures of Beta and Bit |
betacal | Beta Calibration |
betafam | Detecting rare variants for quantitative traits using nuclear families |
betalink | Beta-Diversity of Species Interactions |
betapart | Partitioning Beta Diversity into Turnover and Nestedness Components |
betaper | Functions to incorporate taxonomic uncertainty on multivariate analyses of ecological data |
betareg | Beta Regression |
betas | Standardized Beta Coefficients |
betategarch | Simulation, Estimation and Forecasting of Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH Models |
bethel | Bethel's algorithm |
BETS | Brazilian Economic Time Series |
BeviMed | Bayesian Evaluation of Variant Involvement in Mendelian Disease |
beyondWhittle | Bayesian Spectral Inference for Stationary Time Series |
bezier | Bezier Curve and Spline Toolkit |
bfa | Bayesian Factor Analysis |
bfast | Breaks For Additive Season and Trend (BFAST) |
bfp | Bayesian Fractional Polynomials |
BGData | A Suite of Packages for Analysis of Big Genomic Data |
bgeva | Binary Generalized Extreme Value Additive Models |
BGGE | Bayesian Genomic Linear Models Applied to GE Genome Selection |
bglm | Bayesian Estimation in Generalized Linear Models |
BGLR | Bayesian Generalized Linear Regression |
bgmfiles | Example BGM Files for the Atlantis Ecosystem Model |
bgmm | Gaussian Mixture Modeling Algorithms and the Belief-Based Mixture Modeling |
BGPhazard | Markov Beta and Gamma Processes for Modeling Hazard Rates |
BGSIMD | Block Gibbs Sampler with Incomplete Multinomial Distribution |
bgsmtr | Bayesian Group Sparse Multi-Task Regression |
BH | Boost C++ Header Files |
Bhat | General likelihood exploration |
BHH2 | Useful Functions for Box, Hunter and Hunter II |
bhm | Biomarker Threshold Models |
BHMSMAfMRI | Bayesian Hierarchical Multi-Subject Multiscale Analysis of Functional MRI Data |
biasbetareg | Bias correction of the parameter estimates of the beta regression model |
BiasedUrn | Biased Urn Model Distributions |
BiBitR | R Wrapper for Java Implementation of BiBit |
bibliometrix | An R-Tool for Comprehensive Science Mapping Analysis |
bibliospec | Reading Mass Spectrometric Search Results |
BibPlots | Plot Functions for Use in Bibliometrics |
bibtex | Bibtex Parser |
biclique | Maximal Biclique Enumeration in Bipartite Graphs |
biclust | BiCluster Algorithms |
BiDAG | Bayesian Inference for Directed Acyclic Graphs (BiDAG) |
BiDimRegression | Calculates the bidimensional regression between two 2D configurations |
BIEN | Tools for Accessing the Botanical Information and Ecology Network Database |
bifactorial | Inferences for bi- and trifactorial trial designs |
bife | Binary Choice Models with Fixed Effects |
BIFIEsurvey | Tools for Survey Statistics in Educational Assessment |
BiG | Bayesian Aggregation in Genomic Applications |
bigalgebra | BLAS routines for native R matrices and big.matrix objects |
biganalytics | Utilities for 'big.matrix' Objects from Package 'bigmemory' |
BIGDAWG | Case-Control Analysis of Multi-Allelic Loci |
bigFastlm | Fast Linear Models for Objects from the 'bigmemory' Package |
bigGP | Distributed Gaussian Process Calculations |
bigKRLS | Optimized Kernel Regularized Least Squares |
BIGL | Biochemically Intuitive Generalized Loewe Model |
biglars | Scalable Least-Angle Regression and Lasso |
biglasso | Extending Lasso Model Fitting to Big Data |
bigleaf | Physical and Physiological Ecosystem Properties from Eddy Covariance Data |
biglm | bounded memory linear and generalized linear models |
bigmemory | Manage Massive Matrices with Shared Memory and Memory-Mapped Files |
bigmemory.sri | A shared resource interface for Bigmemory Project packages |
bigml | Bindings for the BigML API |
bigpca | PCA, Transpose and Multicore Functionality for 'big.matrix' Objects |
bigQueryR | Interface with Google BigQuery with Shiny Compatibility |
BigQuic | Big Quadratic Inverse Covariance Estimation |
bigReg | Generalized Linear Models (GLM) for Large Data Sets |
bigrquery | An Interface to Google's 'BigQuery' 'API' |
bigRR | Generalized Ridge Regression (with special advantage for p >> n cases) |
BigSEM | Constructing Large Systems of Structural Equations |
bigsplines | Smoothing Splines for Large Samples |
bigstep | Stepwise Selection for Large Data Sets |
bigtabulate | Table, Apply, and Split Functionality for Matrix and 'big.matrix' Objects |
bigtcr | Nonparametric Analysis of Bivariate Gap Time with Competing Risks |
bigtime | Sparse Estimation of Large Time Series Models |
BigTSP | Top Scoring Pair based methods for classification |
BigVAR | Dimension Reduction Methods for Multivariate Time Series |
bikedata | Download and Aggregate Data from Public Hire Bicycle Systems |
bikeshare14 | Bay Area Bike Share Trips in 2014 |
bild | BInary Longitudinal Data |
billboard | Contains Data of Billboard Hot 100 Songs |
billboarder | Create Interactive Chart with the JavaScript 'Billboard' Library |
bimetallic | Power for SNP analyses using silver standard cases |
bimixt | Estimates Mixture Models for Case-Control Data |
BimodalIndex | The Bimodality Index |
Binarize | Binarization of One-Dimensional Data |
BinarybalancedCut | Threshold Cut Point of Probability for a Binary Classifier Model |
BinaryEMVS | Variable Selection for Binary Data Using the EM Algorithm |
BinaryEPPM | Mean and Variance Modeling of Binary Data |
binaryGP | Fit and Predict a Gaussian Process Model with (Time-Series) Binary Response |
binaryLogic | Binary Logic |
BINCOR | Estimate the Correlation Between Two Irregular Climate Time Series |
binda | Multi-Class Discriminant Analysis using Binary Predictors |
bindata | Generation of Artificial Binary Data |
bindr | Parametrized Active Bindings |
bindrcpp | An 'Rcpp' Interface to Active Bindings |
binequality | Methods for Analyzing Binned Income Data |
binford | Binford's Hunter-Gatherer Data |
bingat | Binary Graph Analysis Tools |
binGroup | Evaluation and experimental design for binomial group testing |
binhf | Haar-Fisz functions for binomial data |
binman | A Binary Download Manager |
binMto | Asymptotic simultaneous confidence intervals for many-to-one comparisons of proportions |
binnednp | Nonparametric Estimation for Interval-Grouped Data |
BinNonNor | Data Generation with Binary and Continuous Non-Normal Components |
BinNor | Simultaneous Generation of Multivariate Binary and Normal Variates |
binom | Binomial Confidence Intervals For Several Parameterizations |
binomen | 'Taxonomic' Specification and Parsing Methods |
binomialcftp | Generates binomial random numbers via the coupling from the past algorithm |
binomlogit | Efficient MCMC for Binomial Logit Models |
binomSamSize | Confidence Intervals and Sample Size Determination for a Binomial Proportion under Simple Random Sampling and Pooled Sampling |
BinOrdNonNor | Concurrent Generation of Binary, Ordinal and Continuous Data |
binr | Cut Numeric Values into Evenly Distributed Groups |
binseqtest | Exact Binary Sequential Designs and Analysis |
binsmooth | Generate PDFs and CDFs from Binned Data |
binst | Data Preprocessing, Binning for Classification and Regression |
bio.infer | Predict environmental conditions from biological observations |
bio3d | Biological Structure Analysis |
BioCircos | Interactive Circular Visualization of Genomic Data using 'htmlwidgets' and 'BioCircos.js' |
Biocomb | Feature Selection and Classification with the Embedded Validation Procedures for Biomedical Data Analysis |
Biodem | Biodemography Functions |
BiodiversityR | Package for Community Ecology and Suitability Analysis |
BIOdry | Multilevel Modeling of Dendroclimatical Fluctuations |
biofiles | An Interface for GenBank/GenPept Flat Files |
BioFTF | Biodiversity Assessment Using Functional Tools |
biogas | Process Biogas Data and Predict Biogas Production |
biogeo | Point Data Quality Assessment and Coordinate Conversion |
BioGeoBEARS | BioGeography with Bayesian (and Likelihood) Evolutionary Analysis in R Scripts |
biogram | N-Gram Analysis of Biological Sequences |
Biograph | Explore Life Histories |
Bioi | Biological Image Analysis |
bioimagetools | Tools for Microscopy Imaging |
bioinactivation | Simulation of Dynamic Microbial Inactivation |
BioInstaller | Lightweight Biology Software Installer |
biolink | Create Hyperlinks to Biological Databases and Resources |
Biolinv | Modelling and Forecasting Biological Invasions |
BIOM.utils | Utilities for the BIOM (Biological Observation Matrix) Format |
BioMark | Find Biomarkers in Two-Class Discrimination Problems |
biomartr | Genomic Data Retrieval |
BIOMASS | Estimating Aboveground Biomass and Its Uncertainty in Tropical Forests |
biomod2 | Ensemble Platform for Species Distribution Modeling |
bionetdata | Biological and chemical data networks |
bioOED | Sensitivity Analysis and Optimum Experiment Design for Microbial Inactivation |
BioPET | Biomarker Prognostic Enrichment Tool |
BioPhysConnectoR | BioPhysConnectoR |
bioplots | Visualization of Overlapping Results with Heatmap |
bioPN | Simulation of deterministic and stochastic biochemical reaction networks using Petri Nets |
Bios2cor | From Biological Sequences and Simulations to Correlation Analysis |
bios2mds | From BIOlogical Sequences to MultiDimensional Scaling |
bioset | Convert a Matrix of Raw Values into Nice and Tidy Data |
biosignalEMG | Tools for Electromyogram Signals (EMG) Analysis |
biospear | Biomarker Selection in Penalized Regression Models |
BioStatR | Initiation àla Statistique avec R |
biotic | Calculation of Freshwater Biotic Indices |
biotools | Tools for Biometry and Applied Statistics in Agricultural Science |
bipartite | Visualising Bipartite Networks and Calculating Some (Ecological) Indices |
biplotbootGUI | Bootstrap on Classical Biplots and Clustering Disjoint Biplot |
BiplotGUI | Interactive Biplots in R |
BIPOD | BIPOD (Bayesian Inference for Partially Observed diffusions) |
birdnik | Connector for the Wordnik API |
birdring | Methods to Analyse Ring Re-Encounter Data |
birk | MA Birk's Functions |
birtr | The R Package for "The Basics of Item Response Theory Using R" |
BIS | Programmatic Access to Bank for International Settlements Data |
bisectr | Tools to find bad commits with git bisect |
BiSEp | Toolkit to Identify Candidate Synthetic Lethality |
bisoreg | Bayesian Isotonic Regression with Bernstein Polynomials |
BisRNA | Analysis of RNA Cytosine-5 Methylation |
bit | A class for vectors of 1-bit booleans |
bit64 | A S3 Class for Vectors of 64bit Integers |
bitops | Bitwise Operations |
BiTrinA | Binarization and Trinarization of One-Dimensional Data |
bitrugs | Bayesian Inference of Transmission Routes Using Genome Sequences |
Bivariate.Pareto | Bivariate Pareto Models |
BivarP | Estimating the Parameters of Some Bivariate Distributions |
bivarRIpower | Sample size calculations for bivariate longitudinal data |
BivRegBLS | Tolerance Intervals and Errors-in-Variables Regressions in Method Comparison Studies |
bivrp | Bivariate Residual Plots with Simulation Polygons |
BivUnifBin | Generation of Bivariate Uniform Data and Its Relation to Bivariate Binary Data |
biwt | Functions to compute the biweight mean vector and covariance & correlation matrices |
bizdays | Business Days Calculations and Utilities |
bkmr | Bayesian Kernel Machine Regression |
BKPC | Bayesian Kernel Projection Classifier |
blackbox | Black Box Optimization and Exploration of Parameter Space |
BlakerCI | Blaker's Binomial Confidence Limits |
BlandAltmanLeh | Plots (Slightly Extended) Bland-Altman Plots |
blandr | Bland-Altman Method Comparison |
blastula | Easily Send HTML Email Messages |
blatr | Send Emails Using 'Blat' for Windows |
Blaunet | Calculate and Analyze Blau Status for (Covert) Organizations |
blavaan | Bayesian Latent Variable Analysis |
BLCOP | Black-Litterman and Copula Opinion Pooling Frameworks |
blendedLink | A New Link Function that Blends Two Specified Link Functions |
blender | Analyze biotic homogenization of landscapes |
Blendstat | Joint Analysis of Experiments with Mixtures and Random Effects |
blighty | United Kingdom coastlines |
blink | Record Linkage for Empirically Motivated Priors |
blkbox | Data Exploration with Multiple Machine Learning Algorithms |
blkergm | Fitting block ERGM given the block structure on social networks |
blm | Binomial linear and linear-expit regression |
blme | Bayesian Linear Mixed-Effects Models |
blmeco | Data Files and Functions Accompanying the Book "Bayesian Data Analysis in Ecology using R, BUGS and Stan" |
BLModel | Black-Litterman Posterior Distribution |
blob | A Simple S3 Class for Representing Vectors of Binary Data ('BLOBS') |
blockcluster | Coclustering Package for Binary, Categorical, Contingency and Continuous Data-Sets |
BlockFeST | Bayesian Calculation of Region-Specific Fixation Index to Detect Local Adaptation |
blockmatrix | blockmatrix: Tools to solve algebraic systems with partitioned matrices |
BlockMessage | Creates strings that show a text message in 8 by 8 block letters |
blockmodeling | An R Package for Generalized and Classical Blockmodeling of Valued Networks |
blockmodels | Latent and Stochastic Block Model Estimation by a 'V-EM' Algorithm |
blockrand | Randomization for block random clinical trials |
blocksdesign | Nested and Crossed Block Designs for Factorial, Fractional Factorial and Unstructured Treatment Sets |
blockseg | Two Dimensional Change-Points Detection |
blockTools | Block, Assign, and Diagnose Potential Interference in Randomized Experiments |
blogdown | Create Blogs and Websites with R Markdown |
BLPestimatoR | Performs a BLP Demand Estimation |
BLR | Bayesian Linear Regression |
BLRPM | Stochastic Rainfall Generator Bartlett-Lewis Rectangular Pulse Model |
blsAPI | Request Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics API |
blscrapeR | An API Wrapper for the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) |
BMA | Bayesian Model Averaging |
BMAmevt | Multivariate Extremes: Bayesian Estimation of the Spectral Measure |
bmd | Benchmark dose analysis for dose-response data |
bmem | Mediation analysis with missing data using bootstrap |
bmeta | Bayesian Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression |
BMhyb | Hybrid Trait Evolution under Brownian Motion |
BMhyd | PCM for Hybridization |
BMisc | Miscellaneous Functions for Panel Data, Quantiles, and Printing Results |
Bmix | Bayesian Sampling for Stick-Breaking Mixtures |
bmixture | Bayesian Estimation for Finite Mixture of Distributions |
bmk | MCMC diagnostics package |
bmlm | Bayesian Multilevel Mediation |
bmmix | Bayesian multinomial mixture |
BMN | The pseudo-likelihood method for pairwise binary markov networks |
bmotif | Counting Motifs in Bipartite Networks |
bmp | Read Windows Bitmap (BMP) Images |
BMRBr | 'BMRB' File Downloader |
bmrm | Bundle Methods for Regularized Risk Minimization Package |
BMRV | Bayesian Models for Rare Variant Association Analysis |
BMS | Bayesian Model Averaging Library |
BMT | The BMT Distribution |
bnclassify | Learning Discrete Bayesian Network Classifiers from Data |
BNDataGenerator | Data Generator based on Bayesian Network Model |
bnlearn | Bayesian Network Structure Learning, Parameter Learning and Inference |
BNN | Bayesian Neural Network for High-Dimensional Nonlinear Variable Selection |
bnnSurvival | Bagged k-Nearest Neighbors Survival Prediction |
bnormnlr | Bayesian Estimation for Normal Heteroscedastic Nonlinear Regression Models |
BNPdensity | Ferguson-Klass Type Algorithm for Posterior Normalized Random Measures |
BNPMediation | Bayesian Nonparametric Method for Mediation |
BNPMIXcluster | Bayesian Nonparametric Model for Clustering with Mixed Scale Variables |
bnpmr | Bayesian monotonic nonparametric regression |
bnpsd | Simulate Genotypes from the BN-PSD Admixture Model |
BNPTSclust | A Bayesian Nonparametric Algorithm for Time Series Clustering |
BNSL | Bayesian Network Structure Learning |
BNSP | Bayesian Non- And Semi-Parametric Model Fitting |
bnspatial | Spatial Implementation of Bayesian Networks and Mapping |
bnstruct | Bayesian Network Structure Learning from Data with Missing Values |
boa | Bayesian Output Analysis Program (BOA) for MCMC |
BoardGames | Board Games and Tools for Building Board Games |
boclust | A Clustering Method Based on Boosting on Single Attributes |
bodenmiller | Profilling of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells using CyTOF |
BOG | Bacterium and Virus Analysis of Orthologous Groups (BOG) is a Package for Identifying Differentially Regulated Genes in the Light of Gene Functions |
boilerpipeR | Interface to the Boilerpipe Java Library |
BOIN | Bayesian Optimal INterval (BOIN) Design for Single-Agent and Drug- Combination Phase I Clinical Trials |
bold | Interface to Bold Systems API |
Bolstad | Functions for Elementary Bayesian Inference |
Bolstad2 | Bolstad functions |
bomrang | Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology Data from R |
BonEV | An Improved Multiple Testing Procedure for Controlling False Discovery Rates |
bookdown | Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown |
bookdownplus | Generate Varied Types of Books and Documents with R 'bookdown' Package |
boolean3 | Boolean Binary Response Models |
BoolFilter | Optimal Estimation of Partially Observed Boolean Dynamical Systems |
BoolNet | Construction, Simulation and Analysis of Boolean Networks |
Boom | Bayesian Object Oriented Modeling |
BoomSpikeSlab | MCMC for Spike and Slab Regression |
boostmtree | Boosted Multivariate Trees for Longitudinal Data |
boostr | A modular framework to bag or boost any estimation procedure |
boostSeq | Optimized GWAS cohort subset selection for resequencing studies |
boot | Bootstrap Functions (Originally by Angelo Canty for S) |
bootcluster | Bootstrapping Estimates of Clustering Stability |
bootES | Bootstrap Effect Sizes |
bootLR | Bootstrapped Confidence Intervals for (Negative) Likelihood Ratio Tests |
BootMRMR | Bootstrap-MRMR Technique for Informative Gene Selection |
bootnet | Bootstrap Methods for Various Network Estimation Routines |
BootPR | Bootstrap Prediction Intervals and Bias-Corrected Forecasting |
bootRes | Bootstrapped Response and Correlation Functions |
bootruin | A Bootstrap Test for the Probability of Ruin in the Classical Risk Process |
bootspecdens | Testing equality of spectral densities |
bootsPLS | Bootstrap Subsamplings of Sparse Partial Least Squares - Discriminant Analysis for Classification and Signature Identification |
bootStepAIC | Bootstrap stepAIC |
bootstrap | Functions for the Book "An Introduction to the Bootstrap" |
bootSVD | Fast, Exact Bootstrap Principal Component Analysis for High Dimensional Data |
boottol | Bootstrap Tolerance Levels for Credit Scoring Validation Statistics |
BootValidation | Adjusting for Optimism in 'glmnet' Regression using Bootstrapping |
BootWPTOS | Test Stationarity using Bootstrap Wavelet Packet Tests |
boral | Bayesian Ordination and Regression AnaLysis |
Boruta | Wrapper Algorithm for All Relevant Feature Selection |
BosonSampling | Classical Boson Sampling |
BoSSA | A Bunch of Structure and Sequence Analysis |
bossMaps | Convert Binary Species Range Maps into Continuous Surfaces Based on Distance to Range Edge |
boussinesq | Analytic Solutions for (ground-water) Boussinesq Equation |
boxcoxmix | Response Transformations for Random Effect and Variance Component Models |
boxoffice | Downloads Box Office Information for Given Dates (How Much Each Movie Earned in Theaters) |
boxplotdbl | Double Box Plot for Two-Axes Correlation |
boxr | Interface for the 'Box.com API' |
bpa | Basic Pattern Analysis |
bpca | Biplot of Multivariate Data Based on Principal Components Analysis |
bpcp | Beta Product Confidence Procedure for Right Censored Data |
bPeaks | bPeaks: an intuitive peak-calling strategy to detect transcription factor binding sites from ChIP-seq data in small eukaryotic genomes |
BPEC | Bayesian Phylogeographic and Ecological Clustering |
bpkde | Back-Projected Kernel Density Estimation |
bpp | Computations Around Bayesian Predictive Power |
bqtl | Bayesian QTL Mapping Toolkit |
BradleyTerry2 | Bradley-Terry Models |
BradleyTerryScalable | Fits the Bradley-Terry Model to Potentially Large and Sparse Networks of Comparison Data |
braidReports | Visualize Combined Action Response Surfaces and Report BRAID Analyses |
braidrm | Fitting Dose Response with the BRAID Combined Action Model |
BrailleR | Improved Access for Blind Users |
brainGraph | Graph Theory Analysis of Brain MRI Data |
brainR | Helper Functions to 'misc3d' and 'rgl' Packages for Brain Imaging |
brainwaver | Basic wavelet analysis of multivariate time series with a visualisation and parametrisation using graph theory |
Branching | Simulation and Estimation for Branching Processes |
brant | Test for Parallel Regression Assumption |
braQCA | Bootstrapped Robustness Assessment for Qualitative Comparative Analysis |
brazilmaps | Brazilian Maps from Different Geographic Levels |
brea | Bayesian Recurrent Event Analysis |
breakage | SICM pipette tip geometry estimation |
breakaway | Species Richness Estimation and Modeling |
breakDown | Break Down Plots |
breakfast | Multiple Change-Point Detection and Segmentation |
breakpoint | An R Package for Multiple Break-Point Detection via the Cross-Entropy Method |
breathtestcore | Core Functions to Read and Fit 13c Time Series from Breath Tests |
breathteststan | Stan-Based Fit to Gastric Emptying Curves |
bReeze | Functions for Wind Resource Assessment |
brew | Templating Framework for Report Generation |
brglm | Bias Reduction in Binomial-Response Generalized Linear Models |
brglm2 | Bias Reduction in Generalized Linear Models |
bride | Brier score decomposition of probabilistic forecasts for binary events |
bridgedist | An Implementation of the Bridge Distribution with Logit-Link as in Wang and Louis (2003) |
bridger2 | Genome-Wide RNA Degradation Analysis Using BRIC-Seq Data |
bridgesampling | Bridge Sampling for Marginal Likelihoods and Bayes Factors |
briskaR | Biological Risk Assessment |
brlrmr | Bias Reduction with Missing Binary Response |
brm | Binary Regression Model |
brms | Bayesian Regression Models using Stan |
brnn | Bayesian Regularization for Feed-Forward Neural Networks |
Brobdingnag | Very large numbers in R |
broman | Karl Broman's R Code |
broom | Convert Statistical Analysis Objects into Tidy Data Frames |
brotli | A Compression Format Optimized for the Web |
BrownDog | Brown Dog R Interface |
Brq | Bayesian Analysis of Quantile Regression Models |
brr | Bayesian Inference on the Ratio of Two Poisson Rates |
brranching | Fetch 'Phylogenies' from Many Sources |
brt | Biological Relevance Testing |
BRugs | Interface to the 'OpenBUGS' MCMC Software |
Brundle | Normalisation Tools for Inter-Condition Variability of ChIP-Seq Data |
BSagri | Statistical methods for safety assessment in agricultural field trials |
bsam | Bayesian State-Space Models for Animal Movement |
bsamGP | Bayesian Spectral Analysis Models using Gaussian Process Priors |
BSDA | Basic Statistics and Data Analysis |
bsearchtools | Binary Search Tools |
BSGS | Bayesian Sparse Group Selection |
BSGW | Bayesian Survival Model with Lasso Shrinkage Using Generalized Weibull Regression |
bshazard | Nonparametric Smoothing of the Hazard Function |
BsMD | Bayes Screening and Model Discrimination |
BSPADATA | Bayesian Proposal to Fit Spatial Econometric Models |
bspec | Bayesian Spectral Inference |
bsplinePsd | Bayesian Nonparametric Spectral Density Estimation Using B-Spline Priors |
bsplus | Adds Functionality to the R Markdown + Shiny Bootstrap Framework |
bspmma | bspmma: Bayesian Semiparametric Models for Meta-Analysis |
BSquare | Bayesian Simultaneous Quantile Regression |
BSSasymp | Asymptotic Covariance Matrices of Some BSS Mixing and Unmixing Matrix Estimates |
bssm | Bayesian Inference of Non-Linear and Non-Gaussian State Space Models |
bssn | Birnbaum-Saunders Model Based on Skew-Normal Distribution |
bst | Gradient Boosting |
bsts | Bayesian Structural Time Series |
btb | Beyond the Border |
btergm | Temporal Exponential Random Graph Models by Bootstrapped Pseudolikelihood |
btf | Estimates Univariate Function via Bayesian Trend Filtering |
BTLLasso | Modelling Heterogeneity in Paired Comparison Data |
BTR | Training and Analysing Asynchronous Boolean Models |
BTSPAS | Bayesian Time-Strat. Population Analysis |
BTYD | Implementing Buy 'Til You Die Models |
BTYDplus | Probabilistic Models for Assessing and Predicting your Customer Base |
bucky | Bucky's Archive for Data Analysis in the Social Sciences |
BUCSS | Bias and Uncertainty Corrected Sample Size |
bujar | Buckley-James Regression for Survival Data with High-Dimensional Covariates |
bulletr | Algorithms for Matching Bullet Lands |
BullsEyeR | Topic Modelling |
bullwhipgame | Bullwhip Effect Demo in Shiny |
bunchr | Analyze Bunching in a Kink or Notch Setting |
bundesligR | All Final Tables of the Bundesliga |
bupaR | Business Process Analysis in R |
burnr | Fire-History Analysis in R |
BurStFin | Burns Statistics Financial |
BurStMisc | Burns Statistics Miscellaneous |
bursts | Markov model for bursty behavior in streams |
BuyseTest | Generalized Pairwise Comparisons |
bvarsv | Bayesian Analysis of a Vector Autoregressive Model with Stochastic Volatility and Time-Varying Parameters |
bvenn | A Simple alternative to proportional Venn diagrams |
bvls | The Stark-Parker algorithm for bounded-variable least squares |
bvpSolve | Solvers for Boundary Value Problems of Differential Equations |
BVS | Bayesian Variant Selection: Bayesian Model Uncertainty Techniques for Genetic Association Studies |
BVSNLP | Bayesian Variable Selection in High Dimensional Settings using Non-Local Prior |
bWGR | Bayesian Whole-Genome Regression |
BWStest | Baumgartner Weiss Schindler Test of Equal Distributions |
bytescircle | Statistics About Bytes Contained in a File as a Circle Plot |
c060 | Extended Inference for Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Cox and Generalized Linear Models |
c212 | Methods for Detecting Safety Signals in Clinical Trials Using Body-Systems (System Organ Classes) |
c2c | Compare Two Classifications or Clustering Solutions of Varying Structure |
c3net | Infering large-scale gene networks with C3NET |
C50 | C5.0 Decision Trees and Rule-Based Models |
ca | Simple, Multiple and Joint Correspondence Analysis |
cablecuttr | A CanIStream.It API Wrapper |
cabootcrs | Bootstrap Confidence Regions for Correspondence Analysis |
cacIRT | Classification Accuracy and Consistency under Item Response Theory |
CaDENCE | Conditional Density Estimation Network Construction and Evaluation |
CADFtest | A Package to Perform Covariate Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Tests |
CADStat | Provides a GUI to Several Statistical Methods |
caesar | Encrypts and Decrypts Strings |
caffsim | Simulation of Plasma Caffeine Concentrations by Using Population Pharmacokinetic Model |
cAIC4 | Conditional Akaike information criterion for lme4 |
Cairo | R graphics device using cairo graphics library for creating high-quality bitmap (PNG, JPEG, TIFF), vector (PDF, SVG, PostScript) and display (X11 and Win32) output |
cairoDevice | Embeddable Cairo Graphics Device Driver |
CAISEr | Comparison of Algorithms with Iterative Sample Size Estimation |
calACS | Calculations for All Common Subsequences |
Calculator.LR.FNs | Calculator for LR Fuzzy Numbers |
CALF | Coarse Approximation Linear Function |
CALIBERrfimpute | Multiple imputation using MICE and Random Forest |
calibrar | Automated Parameter Estimation for Complex (Ecological) Models |
calibrate | Calibration of Scatterplot and Biplot Axes |
CalibrateSSB | Weighting and Estimation for Panel Data with Non-Response |
calibrator | Bayesian calibration of complex computer codes |
callr | Call R from R |
calmate | Improved Allele-Specific Copy Number of SNP Microarrays for Downstream Segmentation |
CAM | Causal Additive Model (CAM) |
CAMAN | Finite Mixture Models and Meta-Analysis Tools - Based on C.A.MAN |
camel | Calibrated Machine Learning |
camsRad | Client for CAMS Radiation Service |
camtrapR | Camera Trap Data Management and Preparation of Occupancy and Spatial Capture-Recapture Analyses |
cancensus | Canadian Census Data and Geography from the 'CensusMapper' API |
cancerGI | Analyses of Cancer Gene Interaction |
cancerTiming | Estimation of Temporal Ordering of Cancer Abnormalities |
candisc | Visualizing Generalized Canonical Discriminant and Canonical Correlation Analysis |
Canopy | Accessing Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity and Tracking Longitudinal and Spatial Clonal Evolutionary History by Next-Generation Sequencing |
canprot | Chemical Composition of Differential Protein Expression |
CANSIM2R | Directly Extracts Complete CANSIM Data Tables |
canvasXpress | Visualization Package for CanvasXpress in R |
cape | Combined Analysis of Pleiotropy and Epistasis |
caper | Comparative Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution in R |
capm | Companion Animal Population Management |
capn | Capital Asset Pricing for Nature |
captioner | Numbers Figures and Creates Simple Captions |
captr | Client for the Captricity API |
capushe | CAlibrating Penalities Using Slope HEuristics |
capwire | Estimates population size from non-invasive sampling |
car | Companion to Applied Regression |
CARBayes | Spatial Generalised Linear Mixed Models for Areal Unit Data |
CARBayesdata | Data Used in the Vignettes Accompanying the CARBayes and CARBayesST Packages |
CARBayesST | Spatio-Temporal Generalised Linear Mixed Models for Areal Unit Data |
carcass | Estimation of the Number of Fatalities from Carcass Searches |
carData | Companion to Applied Regression Data Sets |
cardidates | Identification of Cardinal Dates in Ecological Time Series |
cardioModel | Cardiovascular Safety Exposure-Response Modeling in Early-Phase Clinical Studies |
care | High-Dimensional Regression and CAR Score Variable Selection |
CARE1 | Statistical package for population size estimation in capture-recapture models |
caret | Classification and Regression Training |
caretEnsemble | Ensembles of Caret Models |
carfima | Continuous-Time Fractionally Integrated ARMA Process for Irregularly Spaced Long-Memory Time Series Data |
caribou | Estimation of caribou abundance based on large scale aggregations monitored by radio telemetry |
CarletonStats | Functions for Statistics Classes at Carleton College |
CARLIT | Ecological Quality Ratios Calculation and Plot |
caroline | A Collection of Database, Data Structure, Visualization, and Utility Functions for R |
carpenter | Build Common Tables of Summary Statistics for Reports |
caRpools | CRISPR AnalyzeR for Pooled CRISPR Screens |
CARrampsOcl | Reparameterized and marginalized posterior sampling for conditional autoregressive models, OpenCL implementation |
CARS | Covariate Assisted Ranking and Screening for Large-Scale Two-Sample Inference |
cartogram | Create Cartograms with R |
cartography | Thematic Cartography |
carx | Censored Autoregressive Model with Exogenous Covariates |
caschrono | Séries Temporelles Avec R |
casebase | Fitting Flexible Smooth-in-Time Hazards and Risk Functions via Logistic and Multinomial Regression |
caseMatch | Identify Similar Cases for Qualitative Case Studies |
CAST | 'caret' Applications for Spatial-Temporal Models |
castor | Efficient Phylogenetics on Large Trees |
cat | Analysis of categorical-variable datasets with missing values |
catcont | Test for and Identify Categorical or Continuous Values |
catdap | Categorical Data Analysis Program Package |
catdata | Categorical Data |
CatDyn | Fishery Stock Assessment by Generalized Depletion Models |
cate | High Dimensional Factor Analysis and Confounder Adjusted Testing and Estimation |
catenary | Fits a Catenary to Given Points |
CatEncoders | Encoders for Categorical Variables |
CateSelection | Categorical Variable Selection Methods |
cati | Community Assembly by Traits: Individuals and Beyond |
catIrt | An R Package for Simulating IRT-Based Computerized Adaptive Tests |
CATkit | Chronomics Analysis Toolkit (CAT): Periodicity Analysis |
catlearn | Formal Psychological Models of Categorization and Learning |
catmap | Case-Control and TDT Meta-Analysis Package |
catnet | Categorical Bayesian Network Inference |
caTools | Tools: moving window statistics, GIF, Base64, ROC AUC, etc |
CatPredi | Optimal Categorisation of Continuous Variables in Prediction Models |
catR | Generation of IRT Response Patterns under Computerized Adaptive Testing |
catspec | Special models for categorical variables |
catSurv | Computerized Adaptive Testing for Survey Research |
CATT | The Cochran-Armitage Trend Test |
CATTexact | Computation of the p-Value for the Exact Conditional Cochran-Armitage Trend Test |
cattonum | Encode Categorical Features |
causaldrf | Tools for Estimating Causal Dose Response Functions |
causaleffect | Deriving Expressions of Joint Interventional Distributions and Transport Formulas in Causal Models |
CausalFX | Methods for Estimating Causal Effects from Observational Data |
CausalGAM | Estimation of Causal Effects with Generalized Additive Models |
CausalImpact | Inferring Causal Effects using Bayesian Structural Time-Series Models |
causalMGM | Causal Learning of Mixed Graphical Models |
causalsens | Selection Bias Approach to Sensitivity Analysis for Causal Effects |
causalweight | Causal Inference Based on Weighting Estimators |
Causata | Analysis utilities for binary classification and Causata users |
CAvariants | Correspondence Analysis Variants |
cba | Clustering for Business Analytics |
cbanalysis | Coffee Break Descriptive Analysis |
cbar | Contextual Bayesian Anomaly Detection in R |
CBCgrps | Compare Baseline Characteristics Between Groups |
cbird | Clustering of Multivariate Binary Data with Dimension Reduction via L1-Regularized Likelihood Maximization |
cbsodataR | Statistics Netherlands (CBS) Open Data API Client |
CCA | Canonical correlation analysis |
ccafs | Client for 'CCAFS' 'GCM' Data |
CCAGFA | Bayesian Canonical Correlation Analysis and Group Factor Analysis |
ccaPP | (Robust) Canonical Correlation Analysis via Projection Pursuit |
cccd | Class Cover Catch Digraphs |
ccChooser | Developing a core collections |
cccp | Cone Constrained Convex Problems |
cccrm | Concordance Correlation Coefficient for Repeated (and Non-Repeated) Measures |
ccda | Combined Cluster and Discriminant Analysis |
ccdrAlgorithm | CCDr Algorithm for Learning Sparse Gaussian Bayesian Networks |
ccfa | Continuous Counterfactual Analysis |
ccgarch | Conditional Correlation GARCH models |
cchs | Cox Model for Case-Cohort Data with Stratified Subcohort-Selection |
cclust | Convex Clustering Methods and Clustering Indexes |
CCM | Correlation classification method (CCM) |
ccmm | Compositional Mediation Model |
CCMnet | Simulate Congruence Class Model for Networks |
CCP | Significance Tests for Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) |
CCpop | One and two locus GWAS of binary phenotype with case-control-population design |
ccRemover | Removes the Cell-Cycle Effect from Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Data |
cctools | Tools for the Continuous Convolution Trick in Nonparametric Estimation |
CCTpack | Consensus Analysis, Model-Based Clustering, and Cultural Consensus Theory Applications |
cdata | Fluid Data Transformations |
cdb | Reading and Writing Constant DataBases |
cdcfluview | Retrieve 'U.S'. Flu Season Data from the 'CDC' 'FluView' Portal |
cdcsis | Conditional Distance Correlation and Its Related Feature Screening Method |
CDF.PSIdekick | Evaluate Differentially Private Algorithms for Publishing Cumulative Distribution Functions |
cdfquantreg | Quantile Regression for Random Variables on the Unit Interval |
CDFt | Statistical downscaling through CDF-transform |
CDLasso | Coordinate Descent Algorithms for Lasso Penalized L1, L2, and Logistic Regression |
cdlTools | Tools to Download and Work with USDA Cropscape Data |
CDM | Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling |
CDNmoney | Components of Canadian Monetary and Credit Aggregates |
cdom | R Functions to Model CDOM Spectra |
cdparcoord | Top Frequency-Based Parallel Coordinates |
CDROM | Phylogenetically Classifies Retention Mechanisms of Duplicate Genes from Gene Expression Data |
cds | Constrained Dual Scaling for Detecting Response Styles |
CDVine | Statistical Inference of C- And D-Vine Copulas |
CDVineCopulaConditional | Sampling from Conditional C- and D-Vine Copulas |
CEC | Cross-Entropy Clustering |
cec2005benchmark | Benchmark for the CEC 2005 Special Session on Real-Parameter Optimization |
cec2013 | Benchmark functions for the Special Session and Competition on Real-Parameter Single Objective Optimization at CEC-2013 |
ceg | Chain Event Graph |
CEGO | Combinatorial Efficient Global Optimization |
celestial | Collection of Common Astronomical Conversion Routines and Functions |
cellranger | Translate Spreadsheet Cell Ranges to Rows and Columns |
CellularAutomaton | One-Dimensional Cellular Automata |
cellVolumeDist | Functions to fit cell volume distributions and thereby estimate cell growth rates and division times |
cellWise | Analyzing Data with Cellwise Outliers |
cem | Coarsened Exact Matching |
CENFA | Climate and Ecological Niche Factor Analysis |
cenGAM | Censored Regression with Smooth Terms |
censCov | Linear Regression with a Randomly Censored Covariate |
CensMixReg | Censored Linear Mixture Regression Models |
censNID | censored NID samples |
censorcopula | Estimate Parameter of Bivariate Copula |
censReg | Censored Regression (Tobit) Models |
CensRegMod | Fits Normal and Student-t Censored Regression Model |
CensSpatial | Censored Spatial Models |
census | Scrape US Census Data |
Census2016 | Data from the Australian Census 2016 |
censusapi | Retrieve Data from the Census APIs |
censusGeography | Changes United States Census Geographic Code into Name of Location |
censusr | Collect Data from the Census API |
censys | Tools to Query the 'Censys' API |
centiserve | Find Graph Centrality Indices |
cents | Censored time series |
CEoptim | Cross-Entropy R Package for Optimization |
CePa | Centrality-based pathway enrichment |
CepLDA | Discriminant Analysis of Time Series in the Presence of Within-Group Spectral Variability |
cepp | Context Driven Exploratory Projection Pursuit |
cepR | Busca CEPs Brasileiros |
cepreader | Read 'CEP' and Legacy 'CANOCO' Files |
CerioliOutlierDetection | Outlier Detection Using the Iterated RMCD Method of Cerioli (2010) |
cernn | Covariance Estimation Regularized by Nuclear Norm Penalties |
cetcolor | CET Perceptually Uniform Colour Maps |
cfa | Configural Frequency Analysis (CFA) |
CFC | Cause-Specific Framework for Competing-Risk Analysis |
CfEstimateQuantiles | Estimate quantiles using any order Cornish-Fisher expansion |
cffdrs | Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System |
cg | Compare Groups, Analytically and Graphically |
cgam | Constrained Generalized Additive Model |
cgAUC | Calculate AUC-type measure when gold standard is continuous and the corresponding optimal linear combination of variables with respect to it |
cgdsr | R-Based API for Accessing the MSKCC Cancer Genomics Data Server (CGDS) |
cggd | Continuous Generalized Gradient Descent |
cgh | Microarray CGH analysis using the Smith-Waterman algorithm |
cghFLasso | Detecting hot spot on CGH array data with fused lasso regression |
cghRA | Array CGH Data Analysis and Visualization |
cgmanalysis | Clean and Analyze Continuous Glucose Monitor Data |
CGP | Composite Gaussian process models |
ChainLadder | Statistical Methods and Models for Claims Reserving in General Insurance |
changepoint | Methods for Changepoint Detection |
changepoint.np | Methods for Nonparametric Changepoint Detection |
changepointsHD | Change-Point Estimation for Expensive and High-Dimensional Models |
changepointsVar | Change-Points Detections for Changes in Variance |
ChangepointTesting | Change Point Estimation for Clustered Signals |
ChannelAttribution | Markov Model for the Online Multi-Channel Attribution Problem |
ChannelAttributionApp | Shiny Web Application for the Multichannel Attribution Problem |
Chaos01 | 0-1 Test for Chaos |
ChaosGame | Chaos Game |
CharFun | Numerical Computation Cumulative Distribution Function and Probability Density Function from Characteristic Function |
ChargeTransport | Charge Transfer Rates and Charge Carrier Mobilities |
charlatan | Make Fake Data |
CHAT | Clonal Heterogeneity Analysis Tool |
CHCN | Canadian Historical Climate Network |
cheb | Discrete Linear Chebyshev Approximation |
chebpol | Multivariate Chebyshev Interpolation |
checkarg | Check the Basic Validity of a (Function) Argument |
CheckDigit | Calculate and verify check digits |
checkmate | Fast and Versatile Argument Checks |
checkpoint | Install Packages from Snapshots on the Checkpoint Server for Reproducibility |
checkr | Check Object Classes, Values, Names and Dimensions |
cheddar | Analysis and Visualisation of Ecological Communities |
chemCal | Calibration Functions for Analytical Chemistry |
chemmodlab | A Cheminformatics Modeling Laboratory for Fitting and Assessing Machine Learning Models |
chemometrics | Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Chemometrics |
ChemometricsWithR | Chemometrics with R - Multivariate Data Analysis in the Natural Sciences and Life Sciences |
ChemoSpec | Exploratory Chemometrics for Spectroscopy |
cherry | Multiple Testing Methods for Exploratory Research |
CHFF | Closest History Flow Field Forecasting for Bivariate Time Series |
chi | The Chi Distribution |
chi2x3way | Partitioning Chi-Squared and Tau Index for Three-Way Contingency Tables |
childhoodmortality | Calculating Childhood Mortality Rates |
childsds | Data and Methods Around Reference Values in Pediatrics |
chillR | Statistical Methods for Phenology Analysis in Temperate Fruit Trees |
chinese.misc | Miscellaneous Tools for Chinese Text Mining and More |
chipPCR | Toolkit of Helper Functions to Pre-Process Amplification Data |
ChIPtest | Nonparametric Methods for Identifying Differential Enrichment Regions with ChIP-Seq Data |
CHMM | Coupled Hidden Markov Models |
chngpt | Estimation and Hypothesis Testing for Threshold Regression |
CHNOSZ | Thermodynamic Calculations for Geobiochemistry |
ChocoLattes | Processing Data from Lattes CV Files |
choiceDes | Design Functions for Choice Studies |
ChoiceModelR | Choice Modeling in R |
cholera | Amend, Augment and Aid Analysis of John Snow's Cholera Data |
choplump | Choplump tests |
chopthin | The Chopthin Resampler |
ChoR | Chordalysis R Package |
chords | Estimation in Respondent Driven Samples |
choroplethr | Simplify the Creation of Choropleth Maps in R |
choroplethrAdmin1 | Contains an Administrative-Level-1 Map of the World |
choroplethrMaps | Contains Maps Used by the 'choroplethr' Package |
chromer | Interface to Chromosome Counts Database API |
chromoR | Analysis of chromosomal interactions data (correction, segmentation and comparison) |
chron | Chronological Objects which can Handle Dates and Times |
CHsharp | Choi and Hall Style Data Sharpening |
chunked | Chunkwise Text-File Processing for 'dplyr' |
chunkR | Read Tables in Chunks |
CIAAWconsensus | Isotope Ratio Meta-Analysis |
CIDnetworks | Generative Models for Complex Networks with Conditionally Independent Dyadic Structure |
CIEE | Estimating and Testing Direct Effects in Directed Acyclic Graphs using Estimating Equations |
CIFsmry | Weighted summary of cumulative incidence functions |
cifti | Toolbox for Connectivity Informatics Technology Initiative ('CIFTI') Files |
cin | Causal Inference for Neuroscience |
CINID | Curculionidae INstar IDentification |
CINNA | Deciphering Central Informative Nodes in Network Analysis |
CINOEDV | Co-Information based N-Order Epistasis Detector and Visualizer |
CIplot | Functions to Plot Confidence Interval |
cir | Centered Isotonic Regression and Dose-Response Utilities |
CircE | Circumplex models Estimation |
circlize | Circular Visualization |
CircMLE | Maximum Likelihood Analysis of Circular Data |
CircNNTSR | Statistical Analysis of Circular Data using Nonnegative Trigonometric Sums (NNTS) Models |
CircOutlier | Detection of Outliers in Circular-Circular Regression |
CircStats | Circular Statistics, from "Topics in circular Statistics" (2001) |
circular | Circular Statistics |
CircularDDM | Circular Drift-Diffusion Model |
cIRT | Choice Item Response Theory |
cit | Causal Inference Test |
CITAN | CITation ANalysis Toolpack |
citbcmst | CIT Breast Cancer Molecular SubTypes Prediction |
citccmst | CIT Colon Cancer Molecular SubTypes Prediction |
Cite | An RStudio Addin to Insert BibTex Citation in Rmarkdown Documents |
ciTools | Confidence or Prediction Intervals, Quantiles, and Probabilities for Statistical Models |
citr | 'RStudio' Add-in to Insert Markdown Citations |
CityPlot | Visualization of structure and contents of a database |
CityWaterBalance | Track Flows of Water Through an Urban System |
civis | R Client for the 'Civis data science API' |
cjoint | AMCE Estimator for Conjoint Experiments |
ck37r | Chris Kennedy's R Toolkit |
ckanr | Client for the Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network ('CKAN') 'API' |
Ckmeans.1d.dp | Optimal and Fast Univariate Clustering |
CLA | Critical Line Algorithm in Pure R |
cladoRcpp | C++ implementations of phylogenetic cladogenesis calculations |
clam | Classical Age-Depth Modelling of Cores from Deposits |
clampSeg | Idealisation of Patch Clamp Recordings |
ClamR | Time Series Modeling for Climate Change Proxies |
clarifai | Access to Clarifai API |
class | Functions for Classification |
ClassComparison | Classes and Methods for "Class Comparison" Problems on Microarrays |
ClassDiscovery | Classes and Methods for "Class Discovery" with Microarrays or Proteomics |
classGraph | Construct Graphs of S4 Class Hierarchies |
classifierplots | Generates a Visualization of Classifier Performance as a Grid of Diagnostic Plots |
classifly | Explore classification models in high dimensions |
classiFunc | Classification of Functional Data |
classify | Classification Accuracy and Consistency under IRT models |
classInt | Choose Univariate Class Intervals |
classyfire | Robust multivariate classification using highly optimised SVM ensembles |
cld2 | Google's Compact Language Detector 2 |
cld3 | Google's Compact Language Detector 3 |
cleanEHR | The Critical Care Clinical Data Processing Tools |
cleangeo | Cleaning Geometries from Spatial Objects |
cleanNLP | A Tidy Data Model for Natural Language Processing |
cleanr | Helps You to Code Cleaner |
clere | Simultaneous Variables Clustering and Regression |
clespr | Composite Likelihood Estimation for Spatial Data |
clhs | Conditioned Latin Hypercube Sampling |
cli | Helpers for Developing Command Line Interfaces |
ClickClust | Model-Based Clustering of Categorical Sequences |
clickR | Fix Data and Create Report Tables from Different Objects |
clickstream | Analyzes Clickstreams Based on Markov Chains |
clifro | Easily Download and Visualise Climate Data from CliFlo |
clikcorr | Censoring Data and Likelihood-Based Correlation Estimation |
climatol | Climate Tools (Series Homogenization and Derived Products) |
climbeR | Calculate Average Minimal Depth of a Maximal Subtree for 'ranger' Package Forests |
ClimClass | Climate Classification According to Several Indices |
climdex.pcic | PCIC Implementation of Climdex Routines |
ClimDown | Climate Downscaling Library for Daily Climate Model Output |
clime | Constrained L1-minimization for Inverse (covariance) Matrix Estimation |
climextRemes | Tools for Analyzing Climate Extremes |
climwin | Climate Window Analysis |
clinDR | Simulation and Analysis Tools for Clinical Dose Response Modeling |
clinfun | Clinical Trial Design and Data Analysis Functions |
ClinicalTrialSummary | Summary Measures for Clinical Trials with Survival Outcomes |
clinPK | Clinical Pharmacokinetics Toolkit |
clinsig | Clinical Significance Functions |
clinUtiDNA | Clinical Utility of DNA Testing |
clipr | Read and Write from the System Clipboard |
clisymbols | Unicode Symbols at the R Prompt |
CLME | Constrained Inference for Linear Mixed Effects Models |
clogitboost | Boosting Conditional Logit Model |
clogitL1 | Fitting exact conditional logistic regression with lasso and elastic net penalties |
clogitLasso | Lasso Estimation of Conditional Logistic Regression Models for Matched Case-Control Studies |
clordr | Composite Likelihood Inference for Spatial Ordinal Data with Replications |
cloudUtil | Cloud Utilization Plots |
clpAPI | R Interface to C API of COIN-OR Clp |
CLSOCP | A smoothing Newton method SOCP solver |
clttools | Central Limit Theorem Experiments (Theoretical and Simulation) |
clubSandwich | Cluster-Robust (Sandwich) Variance Estimators with Small-Sample Corrections |
clue | Cluster Ensembles |
ClueR | Cluster Evaluation |
clues | Clustering Method Based on Local |
CluMix | Clustering and Visualization of Mixed-Type Data |
clusrank | Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test for Clustered Data |
clust.bin.pair | Statistical Methods for Analyzing Clustered Matched Pair Data |
clustEff | Clusters of Effects Curves in Quantile Regression Models |
cluster | "Finding Groups in Data": Cluster Analysis Extended Rousseeuw et al. |
cluster.datasets | Cluster Analysis Data Sets |
Cluster.OBeu | Cluster Analysis 'OpenBudgets' |
ClusterBootstrap | Analyze Clustered Data with Generalized Linear Models using the Cluster Bootstrap |
clusterCrit | Clustering Indices |
clusteredinterference | Causal Effects from Observational Studies with Clustered Interference |
ClusteredMutations | Location and Visualization of Clustered Somatic Mutations |
clusterfly | Explore clustering interactively using R and GGobi |
clusterGeneration | Random Cluster Generation (with Specified Degree of Separation) |
clusterGenomics | Identifying clusters in genomics data by recursive partitioning |
clusterhap | Clustering Genotypes in Haplotypes |
clustering.sc.dp | Optimal Distance-Based Clustering for Multidimensional Data with Sequential Constraint |
clustermq | Evaluate Function Calls on HPC Schedulers (LSF, SGE, SLURM) |
clusternomics | Integrative Clustering for Heterogeneous Biomedical Datasets |
clusterPower | Power Calculations for Cluster-Randomized and Cluster-Randomized Crossover Trials |
ClusterR | Gaussian Mixture Models, K-Means, Mini-Batch-Kmeans and K-Medoids Clustering |
ClusterRankTest | Rank Tests for Clustered Data |
clusterRepro | Reproducibility of gene expression clusters |
clusterSEs | Calculate Cluster-Robust p-Values and Confidence Intervals |
clusterSim | Searching for Optimal Clustering Procedure for a Data Set |
ClusterStability | Assessment of Stability of Individual Objects or Clusters in Partitioning Solutions |
clustertend | Check the Clustering Tendency |
clusteval | Evaluation of Clustering Algorithms |
ClustGeo | Hierarchical Clustering with Spatial Constraints |
clustMD | Model Based Clustering for Mixed Data |
clustMixType | k-Prototypes Clustering for Mixed Variable-Type Data |
ClustMMDD | Variable Selection in Clustering by Mixture Models for Discrete Data |
ClustOfVar | Clustering of Variables |
clustRcompaR | Easy Interface for Clustering a Set of Documents and Exploring Group- Based Patterns |
clustrd | Methods for Joint Dimension Reduction and Clustering |
clustsig | Significant Cluster Analysis |
ClustVarLV | Clustering of Variables Around Latent Variables |
clustvarsel | Variable Selection for Gaussian Model-Based Clustering |
ClusVis | Gaussian-Based Visualization of Generic Model-Based Clustering |
clv | Cluster Validation Techniques |
clValid | Validation of Clustering Results |
cmaes | Covariance Matrix Adapting Evolutionary Strategy |
cmaesr | Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy |
CMatching | Matching Algorithms for Causal Inference with Clustered Data |
CMC | Cronbach-Mesbah Curve |
CMF | Collective matrix factorization |
cmm | Categorical Marginal Models |
cmna | Computational Methods for Numerical Analysis |
CMPControl | Control Charts for Conway-Maxwell-Poisson Distribution |
CMplot | Circle Manhattan Plot |
cmpprocess | Flexible Modeling of Count Processes |
cmprsk | Subdistribution Analysis of Competing Risks |
cmprskQR | Analysis of Competing Risks Using Quantile Regressions |
cmrutils | Misc Functions of the Center for the Mathematical Research |
cmsaf | Tools for CM SAF NetCDF Data |
cmvnorm | The Complex Multivariate Gaussian Distribution |
cna | Causal Modeling with Coincidence Analysis |
cnbdistr | Conditional Negative Binomial Distribution |
cncaGUI | Canonical Non-Symmetrical Correspondence Analysis in R |
CNLTreg | Complex-Valued Wavelet Lifting for Signal Denoising |
CNLTtsa | Complex-Valued Wavelet Lifting for Univariate and Bivariate Time Series Analysis |
cnmlcd | Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Log-Concave Density Function |
CNOGpro | Copy Numbers of Genes in prokaryotes |
CNprep | Pre-process DNA Copy Number (CN) Data for Detection of CN Events |
CNull | Fast Algorithms for Frequency-Preserving Null Models in Ecology |
CNVassocData | Example data sets for association analysis of CNV data |
coala | A Framework for Coalescent Simulation |
coalescentMCMC | MCMC Algorithms for the Coalescent |
coarseDataTools | A Collection of Functions to Help with Analysis of Coarsely Observed Data |
cobalt | Covariate Balance Tables and Plots |
COBRA | Nonlinear Aggregation of Predictors |
cobs | Constrained B-Splines (Sparse Matrix Based) |
CoClust | Copula Based Cluster Analysis |
COCONUT | COmbat CO-Normalization Using conTrols (COCONUT) |
cocor | Comparing Correlations |
cocoreg | Extract Shared Variation in Collections of Data Sets Using Regression Models |
cocorresp | Co-Correspondence Analysis Methods |
cocron | Statistical Comparisons of Two or more Alpha Coefficients |
coda | Output Analysis and Diagnostics for MCMC |
coda.base | A Basic Set of Functions for Compositional Data Analysis |
codadiags | Markov chain Monte Carlo burn-in based on "bridge" statistics |
cOde | Automated C Code Generation for 'deSolve', 'bvpSolve' and 'Sundials' |
CodeDepends | Analysis of R Code for Reproducible Research and Code Comprehension |
codemetar | Generate 'CodeMeta' Metadata for R Packages |
codep | Multiscale Codependence Analysis |
codetools | Code Analysis Tools for R |
CoDiNA | Co-Expression Differential Network Analysis |
codingMatrices | Alternative Factor Coding Matrices for Linear Model Formulae |
codyn | Community Dynamics Metrics |
coefficientalpha | Robust Coefficient Alpha and Omega with Missing and Non-Normal Data |
coefplot | Plots Coefficients from Fitted Models |
coenocliner | Coenocline Simulation |
coenoflex | Gradient-Based Coenospace Vegetation Simulator |
coexist | Species coexistence modeling and analysis |
cofeatureR | Generate Cofeature Matrices |
CoFRA | Complete Functional Regulation Analysis |
coga | Convolution of Gamma Distributions |
CoImp | Copula Based Imputation Method |
coin | Conditional Inference Procedures in a Permutation Test Framework |
coindeskr | Access 'CoinDesk' Bitcoin Price Index API |
coinmarketcapr | Get Cryptocurrencies Market Cap Prices from Coin Market Cap |
CoinMinD | Simultaneous Confidence Interval for Multinomial Proportion |
cointmonitoR | Consistent Monitoring of Stationarity and Cointegrating Relationships |
cointReg | Parameter Estimation and Inference in a Cointegrating Regression |
colf | Constrained Optimization on Linear Function |
CollapsABEL | Generalized CDH (GCDH) Analysis |
CollapseLevels | Collapses Levels, Computes Information Value and WoE |
collapsibleTree | Interactive Collapsible Tree Diagrams using 'D3.js' |
collectArgs | Quickly and Neatly Collect Arguments from One Environment to Pass to Another |
CollocInfer | Collocation Inference for Dynamic Systems |
collpcm | Collapsed Latent Position Cluster Model for Social Networks |
collUtils | Auxiliary Package for Package 'CollapsABEL' |
colmozzie | Dengue Cases and Climate Variables in Colombo Sri Lanka |
coloc | Colocalisation Tests of Two Genetic Traits |
colordistance | Distance Metrics for Image Color Similarity |
coloredICA | Implementation of Colored Independent Component Analysis and Spatial Colored Independent Component Analysis |
colorednoise | Simulate Temporally Autocorrelated Population Time Series |
colorfulVennPlot | Plot and add custom coloring to Venn diagrams for 2-dimensional, 3-dimensional and 4-dimensional data |
colorhcplot | Colorful Hierarchical Clustering Dendrograms |
colormap | Color Palettes using Colormaps Node Module |
ColorPalette | Color Palettes Generator |
colorpatch | Optimized Rendering of Fold Changes and Confidence Values |
colorplaner | A 'ggplot2' Extension to Visualize Two Variables per Color Aesthetic Through Color Space Projections |
colorr | Color Palettes for EPL, MLB, NBA, NHL, and NFL Teams |
colorRamps | Builds color tables |
colorscience | Color Science Methods and Data |
colorspace | Color Space Manipulation |
colorSpec | Color Calculations with Emphasis on Spectral Data |
colortools | Tools for colors in a Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV) color model |
colourlovers | R Client for the COLOURlovers API |
colourpicker | A Colour Picker Tool for Shiny and for Selecting Colours in Plots |
colourvision | Colour Vision Models |
colr | Functions to Select and Rename Data |
colt | Command-Line Color Themes |
comato | Analysis of Concept Maps |
COMBAT | A Combined Association Test for Genes using Summary Statistics |
COMBIA | Synergy/Antagonism Analyses of Drug Combinations |
combinat | combinatorics utilities |
Combine | Game-Theoretic Probability Combination |
CombinePortfolio | Estimation of Optimal Portfolio Weights by Combining Simple Portfolio Strategies |
CombinePValue | Combine a Vector of Correlated p-values |
CombinS | Construction Methods of some Series of PBIB Designs |
combiter | Combinatorics Iterators |
CombMSC | Combined Model Selection Criteria |
comclim | Community climate statistics |
cometExactTest | Exact Test from the Combinations of Mutually Exclusive Alterations (CoMEt) Algorithm |
comf | Functions for Thermal Comfort Research |
ComICS | Computational Methods for Immune Cell-Type Subsets |
commandr | Command pattern in R |
CommEcol | Community Ecology Analyses |
commentr | Print Nicely Formatted Comments for Use in Script Files |
CommonJavaJars | Useful libraries for building a Java based GUI under R |
commonmark | High Performance CommonMark and Github Markdown Rendering in R |
commonsMath | JAR Files of the Apache Commons Mathematics Library |
CommonTrend | Extract and plot common trends from a cointegration system. Calculate P-value for Johansen Statistics |
CommT | Comparative Phylogeographic Analysis using the Community Tree Framework |
CommunityCorrelogram | Ecological Community Correlogram |
comorbidity | Computing Comorbidity Scores |
Comp2ROC | Compare Two ROC Curves that Intersect |
compactr | Creates empty plots with compact axis notation |
compare | Comparing Objects for Differences |
compareC | Compare Two Correlated C Indices with Right-censored Survival Outcome |
CompareCausalNetworks | Interface to Diverse Estimation Methods of Causal Networks |
compareDF | Do a Git Style Diff of the Rows Between Two Dataframes with Similar Structure |
compareGroups | Descriptive Analysis by Groups |
compareODM | comparison of medical forms in CDISC ODM format |
comparer | Compare Output and Run Time |
CompareTests | Correct for Verification Bias in Diagnostic Accuracy & Agreement |
comparison | Multivariate likelihood ratio calculation and evaluation |
CompDist | Multisection Composite Distributions |
compeir | Event-specific incidence rates for competing risks data |
compendiumdb | Tools for Retrieval and Storage of Functional Genomics Data |
compete | Analyzing Social Hierarchies |
CompetingRisk | The Semi-Parametric Cumulative Incidence Function |
CompGLM | Conway-Maxwell-Poisson GLM and distribution functions |
compHclust | Complementary Hierarchical Clustering |
Compind | Composite Indicators Functions |
complexity | Calculate the Proportion of Permutations in Line with an Informative Hypothesis |
complexplus | Functions of Complex or Real Variable |
complmrob | Robust Linear Regression with Compositional Data as Covariates |
CompLognormal | Functions for actuarial scientists |
compoisson | Conway-Maxwell-Poisson Distribution |
COMPoissonReg | Conway-Maxwell Poisson (COM-Poisson) Regression |
Compositional | Compositional Data Analysis |
compositions | Compositional Data Analysis |
compound.Cox | Estimation, Gene Selection, and Survival Prediction Based on the Compound Covariate Method Under the Cox Model |
Compounding | Computing Continuous Distributions |
CompQuadForm | Distribution Function of Quadratic Forms in Normal Variables |
CompR | Paired Comparison Data Analysis |
CompRandFld | Composite-Likelihood Based Analysis of Random Fields |
compute.es | Compute Effect Sizes |
comtradr | Interface with the United Nations Comtrade API |
Conake | Continuous Associated Kernel Estimation |
concatenate | Human-Friendly Text from Unknown Strings |
concaveman | A Very Fast 2D Concave Hull Algorithm |
conclust | Pairwise Constraints Clustering |
ConConPiWiFun | Optimisation with Continuous Convex Piecewise (Linear and Quadratic) Functions |
concor | Concordance |
concordance | Product Concordance |
concreg | Concordance Regression |
cond | Approximate conditional inference for logistic and loglinear models |
condformat | Conditional Formatting in Data Frames |
condGEE | Parameter estimation in conditional GEE for recurrent event gap times |
CondIndTests | Nonlinear Conditional Independence Tests |
condir | Computation of P Values and Bayes Factors for Conditioning Data |
conditions | Standardized Conditions for R |
condmixt | Conditional Density Estimation with Neural Network Conditional Mixtures |
condMVNorm | Conditional Multivariate Normal Distribution |
CONDOP | Condition-Dependent Operon Predictions |
CondReg | Condition Number Regularized Covariance Estimation |
condSURV | Estimation of the Conditional Survival Function for Ordered Multivariate Failure Time Data |
condusco | Query-Driven Pipeline Execution and Query Templates |
condvis | Conditional Visualization for Statistical Models |
coneproj | Primal or Dual Cone Projections with Routines for Constrained Regression |
conf.design | Construction of factorial designs |
confidence | Confidence Estimation of Environmental State Classifications |
config | Manage Environment Specific Configuration Values |
ConfigParser | Package to Parse an INI File, Including Variable Interpolation |
configr | An Implementation of Parsing and Writing Configuration File (JSON/INI/YAML/TOML) |
confinterpret | Descriptive Interpretations of Confidence Intervals |
conformal | Conformal Prediction for Regression and Classification |
conformalClassification | Transductive and Inductive Conformal Predictions for Classification Problems |
ConfoundedMeta | Sensitivity Analyses for Unmeasured Confounding in Meta-Analyses |
confreq | Configural Frequencies Analysis Using Log-Linear Modeling |
confSAM | Estimates and Bounds for the False Discovery Proportion, by Permutation |
congressbr | Downloads, Unpacks and Tidies Legislative Data from the Brazilian Federal Senate and Chamber of Deputies |
conicfit | Algorithms for Fitting Circles, Ellipses and Conics Based on the Work by Prof. Nikolai Chernov |
conics | Plot Conics |
Conigrave | Flexible Tools for Multiple Imputation |
conjoint | Conjoint analysis package |
ConjointChecks | A package to check the cancellation axioms of conjoint measurement |
ConnMatTools | Tools for Working with Connectivity Data |
conover.test | Conover-Iman Test of Multiple Comparisons Using Rank Sums |
ConR | Computation of Parameters Used in Preliminary Assessment of Conservation Status |
CONS | Consonance Analysis Module |
ConSpline | Partial Linear Least-Squares Regression using Constrained Splines |
ConsRank | Compute the Median Ranking(s) According to the Kemeny's Axiomatic Approach |
constants | Reference on Constants, Units and Uncertainty |
constellation | Identify Event Sequences Using Time Series Joins |
constrainedKriging | Constrained, Covariance-Matching Constrained and Universal Point or Block Kriging |
ContaminatedMixt | Model-Based Clustering and Classification with the Multivariate Contaminated Normal Distribution |
contfrac | Continued Fractions |
conting | Bayesian Analysis of Contingency Tables |
contoureR | Contouring of Non-Regular Three-Dimensional Data |
ContourFunctions | Create Contour Plots from Data or a Function |
contrast | A Collection of Contrast Methods |
control | A Control Systems Toolbox |
controlTest | Quantile Comparison for Two-Sample Right-Censored Survival Data |
ConvCalendar | Converts dates between calendars |
ConvergenceClubs | Finding Convergence Clubs |
ConvergenceConcepts | Seeing Convergence Concepts in Action |
convertGraph | Convert Graphical Files Format |
convertr | Convert Between Units |
convevol | Analysis of Convergent Evolution |
convexjlr | Disciplined Convex Programming in R using 'Convex.jl' |
convey | Income Concentration Analysis with Complex Survey Samples |
convoSPAT | Convolution-Based Nonstationary Spatial Modeling |
cooccur | Probabilistic Species Co-Occurrence Analysis in R |
cooccurNet | Co-Occurrence Network |
coop | Co-Operation: Fast Covariance, Correlation, and Cosine Similarity Operations |
cooptrees | Cooperative aspects of optimal trees in weighted graphs |
CoordinateCleaner | Automated Cleaning of Occurrence Records from Biological Collections |
copBasic | General Bivariate Copula Theory and Many Utility Functions |
copCAR | Fitting the copCAR Regression Model for Discrete Areal Data |
cope | Coverage Probability Excursion (CoPE) Sets |
coppeCosenzaR | COPPE-Cosenza Fuzzy Hierarchy Model |
coprimary | Sample Size Calculation for Two Primary Time-to-Event Endpoints in Clinical Trials |
copula | Multivariate Dependence with Copulas |
Copula.Markov | Estimation and Statistical Process Control Under Copula-Based Time Series Models |
copulaData | Data Sets for Copula Modeling |
CopulaDTA | Copula Based Bivariate Beta-Binomial Model for Diagnostic Test Accuracy Studies |
copulaedas | Estimation of Distribution Algorithms Based on Copulas |
CopulaRegression | Bivariate Copula Based Regression Models |
CopulaREMADA | Copula Mixed Effect Models for Bivariate and Trivariate Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Test Accuracy Studies |
CopyDetect | Computing Statistical Indices to Detect Answer Copying on Multiple-Choice Tests |
coRanking | Co-Ranking Matrix |
Corbi | Collection of Rudimentary Bioinformatics Tools |
corclass | Correlational Class Analysis |
corcounts | Generate correlated count random variables |
cord | Community Estimation in G-Models via CORD |
cordillera | Calculation of the OPTICS Cordillera |
CORE | Cores of Recurrent Events |
coreCT | Programmatic Analysis of Sediment Cores Using Computed Tomography Imaging |
corehunter | Multi-Purpose Core Subset Selection |
CORElearn | Classification, Regression and Feature Evaluation |
coreNLP | Wrappers Around Stanford CoreNLP Tools |
coreSim | Core Functionality for Simulating Quantities of Interest from Generalised Linear Models |
coreTDT | TDT for compound heterozygous and recessive models |
corHMM | Analysis of Binary Character Evolution |
corkscrew | Preprocessor for Data Modeling |
corlink | Record Linkage, Incorporating Imputation for Missing Agreement Patterns, and Modeling Correlation Patterns Between Fields |
CORM | The Clustering of Regression Models Method |
corpcor | Efficient Estimation of Covariance and (Partial) Correlation |
corpora | Statistics and data sets for corpus frequency data |
CorporaCoCo | Corpora Co-Occurrence Comparison |
corpus | Text Corpus Analysis |
corpustools | Managing, Querying and Analyzing Tokenized Text |
corr2D | Implementation of 2D Correlation Analysis in R |
CorrBin | Nonparametrics with Clustered Binary and Multinomial Data |
correctedAUC | Correcting AUC for Measurement Error |
CorrectedFDR | Correcting False Discovery Rates |
CorrectOverloadedPeaks | Correct Overloaded Peaks from GC-APCI-MS Data |
CorReg | Linear Regression Based on Linear Structure Between Variables |
corregp | Functions and Methods for Correspondence Regression |
correlbinom | Correlated Binomial Probabilities |
Correlplot | A collection of functions for graphing correlation matrices |
corrgram | Plot a Correlogram |
CorrMixed | Estimate Correlations Between Repeatedly Measured Endpoints (E.g., Reliability) Based on Linear Mixed-Effects Models |
corrplot | Visualization of a Correlation Matrix |
corrr | Correlations in R |
corrsieve | CorrSieve |
CorrToolBox | Modeling Correlational Magnitude Transformations in Discretization Contexts |
corset | Arbitrary Bounding of Series and Time Series Objects |
corTools | Tools for processing data after a Genome Wide Association Study |
cosa | Constrained Optimal Sample Allocation |
COSINE | COndition SpecIfic sub-NEtwork |
cosinor | Tools for estimating and predicting the cosinor model |
cosinor2 | Extended Tools for Cosinor Analysis of Rhythms |
cosmoFns | Functions for cosmological distances, times, luminosities, etc |
CosmoPhotoz | Photometric redshift estimation using generalized linear models |
cosso | Fit Regularized Nonparametric Regression Models Using COSSO Penalty |
costat | Time series costationarity determination |
CosW | The CosW Distribution |
cotrend | Consistant Cotrend Rank Selection |
couchDB | Connect to and Work with CouchDB Databases |
COUNT | Functions, Data and Code for Count Data |
Counterfactual | Estimation and Inference Methods for Counterfactual Analysis |
Countr | Flexible Univariate Count Models Based on Renewal Processes |
countrycode | Convert Country Names and Country Codes |
CountsEPPM | Mean and Variance Modeling of Count Data |
countyfloods | Quantify United States County-Level Flood Measurements |
countytimezones | Convert from UTC to Local Time for United States Counties |
countyweather | Compiles Meterological Data for U.S. Counties |
COUSCOus | A Residue-Residue Contact Detecting Method |
covafillr | Local Polynomial Regression of State Dependent Covariates in State-Space Models |
covatest | Tests on Properties of Space-Time Covariance Functions |
covBM | Brownian Motion Processes for 'nlme'-Models |
covequal | Test for Equality of Covariance Matrices |
covfefe | Covfefy Any Word, Sentence or Speech |
covLCA | Latent Class Models with Covariate Effects on Underlying and Measured Variables |
covmat | Covariance Matrix Estimation |
covr | Test Coverage for Packages |
covreg | A simultaneous regression model for the mean and covariance |
covRobust | Robust Covariance Estimation via Nearest Neighbor Cleaning |
CovSel | Model-Free Covariate Selection |
CovSelHigh | Model-Free Covariate Selection in High Dimensions |
covsep | Tests for Determining if the Covariance Structure of 2-Dimensional Data is Separable |
covTest | Computes covariance test for adaptive linear modelling |
covTestR | Covariance Matrix Tests |
CovTools | Statistical Tools for Covariance Analysis |
cowbell | Performs Segmented Linear Regression on Two Independent Variables |
cowplot | Streamlined Plot Theme and Plot Annotations for 'ggplot2' |
cowsay | Messages, Warnings, Strings with Ascii Animals |
CoxBoost | Cox models by likelihood based boosting for a single survival endpoint or competing risks |
coxinterval | Cox-Type Models for Interval-Censored Data |
coxme | Mixed Effects Cox Models |
Coxnet | Regularized Cox Model |
coxphf | Cox Regression with Firth's Penalized Likelihood |
coxphMIC | Sparse Estimation of Cox Proportional Hazards Models via Approximated Information Criterion |
coxphSGD | Stochastic Gradient Descent log-Likelihood Estimation in Cox Proportional Hazards Model |
coxphw | Weighted Estimation in Cox Regression |
CoxPlus | Cox Regression (Proportional Hazards Model) with Multiple Causes and Mixed Effects |
CoxRidge | Cox Models with Dynamic Ridge Penalties |
coxrobust | Robust Estimation in Cox Model |
coxsei | Fitting a CoxSEI Model |
CP | Conditional Power Calculations |
cp4p | Calibration Plot for Proteomics |
cpa | Confirmatory Path Analysis through the d-sep tests |
CPBayes | Bayesian Meta Analysis for Studying Cross-Phenotype Genetic Associations |
cpca | Methods to perform Common Principal Component Analysis (CPCA) |
CPE | Concordance Probability Estimates in Survival Analysis |
CpGassoc | Association Between Methylation and a Phenotype of Interest |
cpgen | Parallelized Genomic Prediction and GWAS |
CpGFilter | CpG Filtering Method Based on Intra-Class Correlation Coefficients |
CPHshape | Find the maximum likelihood estimator of the shape constrained hazard baseline and the effect parameters in the Cox proportional hazards model |
cpk | Clinical Pharmacokinetics |
cplexAPI | R Interface to C API of IBM ILOG CPLEX |
cplm | Compound Poisson Linear Models |
cpm | Sequential and Batch Change Detection Using Parametric and Nonparametric Methods |
CPMCGLM | Correction of the P-Value after Multiple Coding in Generalized Linear Models |
cpr | Control Polygon Reduction |
Cprob | The Conditional Probability Function of a Competing Event |
cprr | Functions for Working with Danish CPR Numbers |
CPsurv | Nonparametric Change Point Estimation for Survival Data |
cpt | Classification Permutation Test |
cptec | An Interface to the 'CPTEC/INPE' API |
cqrReg | Quantile, Composite Quantile Regression and Regularized Versions |
cquad | Conditional Maximum Likelihood for Quadratic Exponential Models for Binary Panel Data |
CR | Power Calculation for Weighted Log-Rank Tests in Cure Rate Models |
cr17 | Testing Differences Between Competing Risks Models and Their Visualisations |
CRAC | Cosmology R Analysis Code |
crackR | Probabilistic damage tolerance analysis for fatigue cracking of metallic aerospace structures |
cramer | Multivariate nonparametric Cramer-Test for the two-sample-problem |
crank | Completing Ranks |
cranlike | Tools for 'CRAN'-Like Repositories |
cranlogs | Download Logs from the 'RStudio' 'CRAN' Mirror |
CRANsearcher | RStudio Addin for Searching Packages in CRAN Database Based on Keywords |
crantastic | Various R tools for http://crantastic.org/ |
crawl | Fit Continuous-Time Correlated Random Walk Models to Animal Movement Data |
crayon | Colored Terminal Output |
crblocks | Categorical Randomized Block Data Analysis |
crch | Censored Regression with Conditional Heteroscedasticity |
CREAM | Clustering of Genomic Regions Analysis Method |
CreditMetrics | Functions for calculating the CreditMetrics risk model |
creditr | Credit Default Swaps in R |
CreditRisk | Evaluation of Credit Risk with Structural and Reduced Form Models |
credsubs | Credible Subsets |
credule | Credit Default Swap Functions |
cRegulome | Obtain and Visualize Regulome-Gene Expression Correlations in Cancer |
CRF | Conditional Random Fields |
cricketr | Analyze Cricketers Based on ESPN Cricinfo Statsguru |
crimCV | Group-Based Modelling of Longitudinal Data |
crimelinkage | Statistical Methods for Crime Series Linkage |
crisp | Fits a Model that Partitions the Covariate Space into Blocks in a Data- Adaptive Way |
CRM | Continual Reassessment Method (CRM) for Phase I Clinical Trials |
crminer | Fetch 'Scholary' Full Text from 'Crossref' |
crmn | CCMN and other noRMalizatioN methods for metabolomics data |
crmPack | Object-Oriented Implementation of CRM Designs |
crn | Downloads and Builds datasets for Climate Reference Network |
crochet | Implementation Helper for [ and [<- Of Custom Matrix-Like Types |
cronR | Schedule R Scripts and Processes with the 'cron' Job Scheduler |
crop | Graphics Cropping Tool |
cropdatape | Open Data of Agricultural Production of Crops of Peru |
CrossClustering | A Partial Clustering Algorithm with Automatic Estimation of the Number of Clusters and Identification of Outliers |
crossdes | Construction of Crossover Designs |
crossmatch | The Cross-match Test |
Crossover | Analysis and Search of Crossover Designs |
crossReg | Confidence intervals for crossover points of two simple regression lines |
CrossScreening | Cross-Screening in Observational Studies that Test Many Hypotheses |
crosstalk | Inter-Widget Interactivity for HTML Widgets |
CrossVA | Verbal Autopsy Data Transform for Use with Various Coding Algorithms |
crossval | Generic Functions for Cross Validation |
CrossValidate | Classes and Methods for Cross Validation of "Class Prediction" Algorithms |
crosswalkr | Rename and Encode Data Frames Using External Crosswalk Files |
crossword.r | Generating Crosswords from Word Lists |
crp.CSFP | CreditRisk+ Portfolio Model |
CRPClustering | Bayesian Nonparametric Chinese Restaurant Process Clustering with Entropy |
crplyr | A 'dplyr' Interface for Crunch |
crqa | Cross-Recurrence Quantification Analysis for Categorical and Continuous Time-Series |
crrp | Penalized Variable Selection in Competing Risks Regression |
crrSC | Competing risks regression for Stratified and Clustered data |
crrstep | Stepwise Covariate Selection for the Fine & Gray Competing Risks Regression Model |
crs | Categorical Regression Splines |
crskdiag | Diagnostics for Fine and Gray Model |
crsnls | Nonlinear Regression Parameters Estimation by 'CRS4HC' and 'CRS4HCe' |
crtests | Classification and Regression Tests |
CRTgeeDR | Doubly Robust Inverse Probability Weighted Augmented GEE Estimator |
CRTSize | Sample Size Estimation Functions for Cluster Randomized Trials |
crul | HTTP Client |
crunch | Crunch.io Data Tools |
crunchy | Shiny Apps on Crunch |
cruts | Interface to Climatic Research Unit Time-Series Version 3.21 Data |
CrypticIBDcheck | Identifying cryptic relatedness in genetic association studies |
crypto | Cryptocurrency Market Data |
CryptRndTest | Statistical Tests for Cryptographic Randomness |
cryst | Calculate the Relative Crystallinity of Starch by XRD and FTIR |
csabounds | Bounds on Distributional Treatment Effect Parameters |
csampling | Functions for Conditional Simulation in Regression-Scale Models |
CsChange | Testing for Change in C-Statistic |
CSclone | Bayesian Nonparametric Modeling in R |
cSFM | Covariate-adjusted Skewed Functional Model (cSFM) |
cshapes | The CShapes Dataset and Utilities |
csn | Closed Skew-Normal Distribution |
csp | Correlates of State Policy Data Set in R |
csrplus | Methods to Test Hypotheses on the Distribution of Spatial Point Processes |
csSAM | csSAM - cell-specific Significance Analysis of Microarrays |
cssTools | Cognitive Social Structure Tools |
cstab | Selection of Number of Clusters via Normalized Clustering Instability |
cstar | Substantive significance testing for regression estimates and marginal effects |
csv | Read and Write CSV Files with Selected Conventions |
csvread | Fast Specialized CSV File Loader |
csvy | Import and Export CSV Data with a YAML Metadata Header |
cthreshER | Continuous Threshold Expectile Regression |
ctl | Correlated Trait Locus (CTL) Mapping in R |
CTM | A Text Mining Toolkit for Chinese Document |
ctmcd | Estimating the Parameters of a Continuous-Time Markov Chain from Discrete-Time Data |
ctmcmove | Modeling Animal Movement with Continuous-Time Discrete-Space Markov Chains |
ctmle | Collaborative Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation |
ctmm | Continuous-Time Movement Modeling |
ctqr | Censored and Truncated Quantile Regression |
cts | Continuous Time Autoregressive Models |
ctsem | Continuous Time Structural Equation Modelling |
CTT | Classical Test Theory Functions |
CTTShiny | Classical Test Theory via Shiny |
ctv | CRAN Task Views |
CUB | A Class of Mixture Models for Ordinal Data |
cubature | Adaptive Multivariate Integration over Hypercubes |
cubfits | Codon Usage Bias Fits |
cubing | Rubik's Cube Solving |
Cubist | Rule- And Instance-Based Regression Modeling |
CuCubes | MultiDimensional Feature Selection (MDFS) |
cudaBayesreg | CUDA Parallel Implementation of a Bayesian Multilevel Model for fMRI Data Analysis |
cudaBayesregData | Data sets for the examples used in the package "cudaBayesreg" |
cudia | CUDIA Cross-level Imputation |
CUFF | Charles's Utility Function using Formula |
CUMP | Analyze Multivariate Phenotypes by Combining Univariate Results |
cumplyr | Extends ddply to allow calculation of cumulative quantities |
cumSeg | Change point detection in genomic sequences |
cumstats | Cumulative Descriptive Statistics |
curl | A Modern and Flexible Web Client for R |
currentSurvival | Estimation of CCI and CLFS Functions |
curry | Partial Function Application with %<%, %-<%, and %><% |
curstatCI | Confidence Intervals for the Current Status Model |
curvecomp | Multiple Curve Comparisons Using Parametric Bootstrap |
curvetest | The package will formally test two curves represented by discrete data sets to be statistically equal or not when the errors of the two curves were assumed either equal or not using the tube formula to calculate the tail probabilities |
curvHDR | Filtering of Flow Cytometry Samples |
cusp | Cusp-Catastrophe Model Fitting Using Maximum Likelihood |
customizedTraining | Customized Training for Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models |
CUSUMdesign | Compute Decision Interval and Average Run Length for CUSUM Charts |
cutoffR | CUTOFF: A Spatio-temporal Imputation Method |
cuttlefish.model | An R package to perform LPUE standardization and stock assessment of the English Channel cuttlefish stock using a two-stage biomass model |
cvAUC | Cross-Validated Area Under the ROC Curve Confidence Intervals |
CVcalibration | Estimation of the Calibration Equation with Error-in Observations |
CVD | Color Vision Deficiencies |
cvequality | Tests for the Equality of Coefficients of Variation from Multiple Groups |
cvq2 | Calculate the predictive squared correlation coefficient |
CVR | Canonical Variate Regression |
CVST | Fast Cross-Validation via Sequential Testing |
CVThresh | Level-Dependent Cross-Validation Thresholding |
cvTools | Cross-validation tools for regression models |
CVTuningCov | Regularized Estimators of Covariance Matrices with CV Tuning |
cvxbiclustr | Convex Biclustering Algorithm |
cvxclustr | Splitting methods for convex clustering |
CVXR | Disciplined Convex Optimization |
cwhmisc | Miscellaneous Functions for Math, Plotting, Printing, Statistics, Strings, and Tools |
cwm | Cluster Weighted Models by EM algorithm |
cxxfunplus | extend cxxfunction by saving the dynamic shared objects |
cycleRtools | Tools for Cycling Data Analysis |
cyclocomp | Cyclomatic Complexity of R Code |
cycloids | cycloids |
Cyclops | Cyclic Coordinate Descent for Logistic, Poisson and Survival Analysis |
cymruservices | Query 'Team Cymru' 'IP' Address, Autonomous System Number ('ASN'), Border Gateway Protocol ('BGP'), Bogon and 'Malware' Hash Data Services |
cyphid | Cycle and Phase Identification for mastication data |
cystiSim | Agent-Based Model for Taenia_solium Transmission and Control |
CytobankAPI | Cytobank API Wrapper for R |
CytobankAPIstats | Computes Signaling and Population Stats for Cytometry Data on Cytobank using 'CytobankAPI' |
CytobankBridgeR | Bridging and Extending the CytobankAPI Package in R to the Cytobank Web Application |
cytoDiv | Cytometric diversity indices |
cytometree | Automated Cytometry Gating and Annotation |
cytominer | Methods for Image-Based Cell Profiling |
D2C | Predicting Causal Direction from Dependency Features |
D3GB | Interactive Genome Browser with R |
d3heatmap | Interactive Heat Maps Using 'htmlwidgets' and 'D3.js' |
d3Network | Tools for creating D3 JavaScript network, tree, dendrogram, and Sankey graphs from R |
D3partitionR | Interactive Charts of Nested and Hierarchical Data with 'D3.js' |
d3plus | Seamless 'D3Plus' Integration |
d3r | 'd3.js' Utilities for R |
d3Tree | Create Interactive Collapsible Trees with the JavaScript 'D3' Library |
DAAG | Data Analysis and Graphics Data and Functions |
DAAGbio | Data Sets and Functions, for Demonstrations with Expression Arrays and Gene Sequences |
DAAGxtras | Data Sets and Functions, supplementary to DAAG |
DAC | Calculating Data Agreement Criterion Scores to Rank Experts Based on Their Beliefs |
DACF | Data Analysis with Ceiling and/or Floor Data |
dad | Three-Way Data Analysis Through Densities |
dae | Functions Useful in the Design and ANOVA of Experiments |
daewr | Design and Analysis of Experiments with R |
daff | Diff, Patch and Merge for Data.frames |
dafs | Data analysis for forensic scientists |
DAGGER | Consensus genetic maps |
dagitty | Graphical Analysis of Structural Causal Models |
dagR | R functions for directed acyclic graphs |
Daim | Diagnostic accuracy of classification models |
DAISIE | Dynamical Assembly of Islands by Speciation, Immigration and Extinction |
DAKS | Data Analysis and Knowledge Spaces |
dalmatian | Automating the Fitting of Double Linear Mixed Models in 'JAGS' |
DALY | The DALY Calculator - Graphical User Interface for Probabilistic DALY Calculation in R |
dam | Data Analysis Metabolomics |
DamiaNN | Neural Network Numerai |
DAMisc | Dave Armstrong's Miscellaneous Functions |
DAMOCLES | Dynamic Assembly Model of Colonization, Local Extinction and Speciation |
dams | Dams in the United States from the National Inventory of Dams (NID) |
DandEFA | Dandelion Plot for R-Mode Exploratory Factor Analysis |
Dark | The Analysis of Dark Adaptation Data |
darksky | Tools to Work with the 'Dark Sky' 'API' |
dartR | Importing and Analysing Snp and Silicodart Data Generated by Genome-Wide Restriction Fragment Analysis |
darts | Statistical Tools to Analyze Your Darts Game |
dashboard | Interactive Data Visualization with D3.js |
Dasst | Tools for Reading, Processing and Writing 'DSSAT' Files |
dat | Tools for Data Manipulation |
data.table | Extension of 'data.frame' |
data.tree | General Purpose Hierarchical Data Structure |
data.world | Functions and Add-Ins for Working with 'data.world' Data Sets and Projects |
data360r | Wrapper for TC/Govdata360 API |
DatABEL | File-Based Access to Large Matrices Stored on HDD in Binary Format |
DatabionicSwarm | Swarm Intelligence for Self-Organized Clustering |
datacheck | Tools for Checking Data Consistency |
datacheckr | Data Checking |
DataClean | Data Cleaning |
DataCombine | Tools for Easily Combining and Cleaning Data Sets |
dataCompareR | Compare Two Data Frames and Summarise the Difference |
datadogr | R Client for 'Datadog' API |
datadr | Divide and Recombine for Large, Complex Data |
DataEntry | Make it Easier to Enter Questionnaire Data |
DataExplorer | Data Explorer |
dataframes2xls | Write Data Frames to Xls Files |
datafsm | Estimating Finite State Machine Models from Data |
DataGraph | Export Data from R so DataGraph can Read it |
DataLoader | Import Multiple File Types |
dataMaid | A Suite of Checks for Identification of Potential Errors in a Data Frame as Part of the Data Screening Process |
datamap | A system for mapping foreign objects to R variables and environments |
datamart | Unified access to your data sources |
dataMeta | Create and Append a Data Dictionary for an R Dataset |
dataonderivatives | Easily Source Publicly Available Data on Derivatives |
dataone | R Interface to the DataONE REST API |
datapack | A Flexible Container to Transport and Manipulate Data and Associated Resources |
datapasta | R Tools for Data Copy-Pasta |
dataPreparation | Automated Data Preparation |
dataQualityR | Performs variable level data quality checks and generates summary statistics |
dataRetrieval | Retrieval Functions for USGS and EPA Hydrologic and Water Quality Data |
datarobot | 'DataRobot' Predictive Modeling API |
datasauRus | Datasets from the Datasaurus Dozen |
dataseries | Switzerland's Data Series in One Place |
datasets.load | Interface for Loading Datasets |
Datasmith | Tools to Complete Euclidean Distance Matrices |
DatAssim | Data Assimilation |
datastepr | An Implementation of a SAS-Style Data Step |
datastructures | Implementation of Core Data Structures |
datasus | An Interface to DATASUS System |
datautils | Timestamps and Advanced Plotting |
dataverse | Client for Dataverse 4 Repositories |
dataview | Data and Workspace Browser for Terminals |
DataVisualizations | Visualizations of High-Dimensional Data |
date | Functions for Handling Dates |
datetime | Nominal Dates, Times, and Durations |
datetimeutils | Utilities for Dates and Times |
DATforDCEMRI | Deconvolution Analysis Tool for Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI |
datoramar | Interface to the 'Datorama' API |
dave | Functions for "Data Analysis in Vegetation Ecology" |
Davies | The Davies Quantile Function |
dawai | Discriminant Analysis with Additional Information |
dbarts | Discrete Bayesian Additive Regression Trees Sampler |
dbConnect | Provides a graphical user interface to connect with databases that use MySQL |
dbEmpLikeGOF | Goodness-of-fit and two sample comparison tests using sample entropy |
dbEmpLikeNorm | Test for joint assessment of normality |
DBEST | Detecting Breakpoints and Estimating Segments in Trend |
dbfaker | A Tool to Ensure the Validity of Database Writes |
DBGSA | methods of distance-based gene set functional enrichment analysis |
dbhydroR | 'DBHYDRO' Hydrologic and Water Quality Data |
DBI | R Database Interface |
DBItest | Testing 'DBI' Back Ends |
DBKGrad | Discrete Beta Kernel Graduation of Mortality Data |
dblcens | Compute the NPMLE of distribution from doubly censored data |
dblr | Discrete Boosting Logistic Regression |
dbmss | Distance-Based Measures of Spatial Structures |
dbplot | Simplifies Plotting Data Inside Databases |
dbplyr | A 'dplyr' Back End for Databases |
dbscan | Density Based Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) and Related Algorithms |
dbstats | Distance-Based Statistics |
dc3net | Inferring Condition-Specific Networks via Differential Network Inference |
DCA | Dynamic Correlation Analysis for High Dimensional Data |
DCchoice | Analyzing Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Data |
DCD | Differential Community Detection in Paired Biological Networks |
dcemriS4 | A Package for Image Analysis of DCE-MRI (S4 Implementation) |
DCG | Data Cloud Geometry (DCG): Using Random Walks to Find Community Structure in Social Network Analysis |
DCGL | Differential Co-expression Analysis and Differential Regulation Analysis of Gene Expression Microarray Data |
dcGOR | Analysis of Ontologies and Protein Domain Annotations |
dChipIO | Methods for Reading dChip Files |
DCL | Claims Reserving under the Double Chain Ladder Model |
dclone | Data Cloning and MCMC Tools for Maximum Likelihood Methods |
DCluster | Functions for the Detection of Spatial Clusters of Diseases |
DClusterm | Model-Based Detection of Disease Clusters |
DCM | Data Converter Module |
dcminfo | Information Matrix for Diagnostic Classification Models |
dcmle | Hierarchical Models Made Easy with Data Cloning |
dcmodify | Modify Data Using Externally Defined Modification Rules |
dcmr | Attribute profile estimation using Diagnostic Classification Models and MCMC |
DCODE | List Linear n-Peptide Constraints for Overlapping Protein Regions |
dCovTS | Distance Covariance and Correlation for Time Series Analysis |
dcv | Conventional Cross-validation statistics for climate-growth model |
ddalpha | Depth-Based Classification and Calculation of Data Depth |
DDD | Diversity-Dependent Diversification |
ddeploy | Wrapper for the Duke Deploy REST API |
DDHFm | Variance Stabilization by Data-Driven Haar-Fisz (for Microarrays) |
DDIwR | DDI with R |
DDM | Death Registration Coverage Estimation |
ddpcr | Analysis and Visualization of Droplet Digital PCR in R and on the Web |
ddR | Distributed Data Structures in R |
DDRTree | Learning Principal Graphs with DDRTree |
ddst | Data Driven Smooth Tests |
deadband | Statistical Deadband Algorithms Comparison |
deal | Learning Bayesian Networks with Mixed Variables |
deamer | Deconvolution density estimation with adaptive methods for a variable prone to measurement error |
deBInfer | Bayesian Inference for Differential Equations |
debug | MVB's debugger for R |
debugme | Debug R Packages |
DECIDE | DEComposition of Indirect and Direct Effects |
decision | Statistical Decision Analysis |
decisionSupport | Quantitative Support of Decision Making under Uncertainty |
decode | Differential Co-Expression and Differential Expression Analysis |
decoder | Decode Coded Variables to Plain Text and the Other Way Around |
decomposedPSF | Time Series Prediction with PSF and Decomposition Methods (EMD and EEMD) |
decompr | Global-Value-Chain Decomposition |
decon | Deconvolution Estimation in Measurement Error Models |
deconstructSigs | Identifies Signatures Present in a Tumor Sample |
deconvolveR | Empirical Bayes Estimation Strategies |
DecorateR | Fit and Deploy DECORATE Trees |
Deducer | A Data Analysis GUI for R |
DeducerExtras | Additional dialogs and functions for Deducer |
DeducerPlugInExample | Deducer Plug-in Example |
DeducerPlugInScaling | Reliability and factor analysis plugin |
DeducerSpatial | Deducer for spatial data analysis |
DeducerSurvival | Add Survival Dialogue to Deducer |
DeducerText | Deducer GUI for Text Data |
deducorrect | Deductive Correction, Deductive Imputation, and Deterministic Correction |
deductive | Data Correction and Imputation Using Deductive Methods |
deepboost | Deep Boosting Ensemble Modeling |
deepnet | deep learning toolkit in R |
DEEPR | Dirichlet-multinomial Evolutionary Event Profile Randomization (DEEPR) test |
default | Change the Default Arguments in R Functions |
deformula | Integration of One-Dimensional Functions with Double Exponential Formulas |
defrostR | An Amphibian Systematics Tool |
degenes | Detection of differentially expressed genes |
deGradInfer | Parameter Inference for Systems of Differential Equation |
degreenet | Models for Skewed Count Distributions Relevant to Networks |
deisotoper | Detection of Isotope Pattern of a Mass Spectrometric Measurement |
dejaVu | Multiple Imputation for Recurrent Events |
Delaporte | Statistical Functions for the Delaporte Distribution |
DelayedEffect.Design | Sample Size and Power Calculations using the APPLE and SEPPLE Methods |
deldir | Delaunay Triangulation and Dirichlet (Voronoi) Tessellation |
DeLorean | Estimates Pseudotimes for Single Cell Expression Data |
delt | Estimation of Multivariate Densities Using Adaptive Partitions |
Delta | Measure of Agreement Between Two Raters |
deltaPlotR | Identification of dichotomous differential item functioning (DIF) using Angoff's Delta Plot method |
deltar | Calculation of Delta R Values |
Demerelate | Functions to Calculate Relatedness on Diploid Genetic Data |
DEMEtics | Evaluating the genetic differentiation between populations based on Gst and D values |
demi | Differential Expression from Multiple Indicators |
deming | Deming, Thiel-Sen and Passing-Bablock Regression |
demogR | Analysis of Age-Structured Demographic Models |
demography | Forecasting Mortality, Fertility, Migration and Population Data |
demoKde | Kernel Density Estimation for Demonstration Purposes |
DEMOVA | DEvelopment (of Multi-Linear QSPR/QSAR) MOdels VAlidated using Test Set |
dendextend | Extending 'dendrogram' Functionality in R |
dendroextras | Extra Functions to Cut, Label and Colour Dendrogram Clusters |
dendrometeR | Analyzing Dendrometer Data |
DendroSync | A Set of Tools for Calculating Spatial Synchrony Between Tree-Ring Chronologies |
dendroTools | Linear and Nonlinear Methods for Analyzing Dendroclimatological Data |
DendSer | Dendrogram seriation: ordering for visualisation |
dendsort | Modular Leaf Ordering Methods for Dendrogram Nodes |
DengueRT | Parameter Estimates and Real-Time Prediction of a Single Dengue Outbreak |
denoiSeq | Differential Expression Analysis Using a Bottom-Up Model |
denoiseR | Regularized Low Rank Matrix Estimation |
denovolyzeR | Statistical Analyses of De Novo Genetic Variants |
denpro | Visualization of Multivariate Functions, Sets, and Data |
denseFLMM | Functional Linear Mixed Models for Densely Sampled Data |
Density.T.HoldOut | Density.T.HoldOut: Non-combinatorial T-estimation Hold-Out for density estimation |
densityClust | Clustering by Fast Search and Find of Density Peaks |
DensParcorr | Dens-Based Method for Partial Correlation Estimation in Large Scale Brain Networks |
densratio | Density Ratio Estimation |
denstrip | Density strips and other methods for compactly illustrating distributions |
DEoptim | Global Optimization by Differential Evolution |
DEoptimR | Differential Evolution Optimization in Pure R |
depend.truncation | Statistical Inference for Parametric and Semiparametric Models Based on Dependently Truncated Data |
DEploid | Deconvolute Mixed Genomes with Unknown Proportions |
depmix | Dependent Mixture Models |
depmixS4 | Dependent Mixture Models - Hidden Markov Models of GLMs and Other Distributions in S4 |
depth | Nonparametric Depth Functions for Multivariate Analysis |
depth.plot | Multivariate Analogy of Quantiles |
DepthProc | Statistical Depth Functions for Multivariate Analysis |
depthTools | Depth Tools Package |
dequer | Stacks, Queues, and 'Deques' for R |
Deriv | Symbolic Differentiation |
derivmkts | Functions and R Code to Accompany Derivatives Markets |
DES | Discrete Event Simulation |
desc | Manipulate DESCRIPTION Files |
descomponer | Seasonal Adjustment by Frequency Analysis |
descr | Descriptive Statistics |
DescribeDisplay | An Interface to the DescribeDisplay GGobi Plugin |
describer | Describe Data in R Using Common Descriptive Statistics |
DescriptiveStats.OBeu | Descriptive Statistics OpenBudgets.eu |
descriptr | Generate Descriptive Statistics & Explore Statistical Distributions |
desctable | Produce Descriptive and Comparative Tables Easily |
DescTools | Tools for Descriptive Statistics |
DescToolsAddIns | Some Functions to be Used as Shortcuts in 'RStudio' |
deseasonalize | Optimal deseasonalization for geophysical time series using AR fitting |
designGG | Computational tool for designing genetical genomics experiments |
designGLMM | Finding Optimal Block Designs for a Generalised Linear Mixed Model |
designmatch | Matched Samples that are Balanced and Representative by Design |
desiR | Desirability Functions for Ranking, Selecting, and Integrating Data |
desirability | Function Optimization and Ranking via Desirability Functions |
desire | Desirability functions in R |
DESnowball | Bagging with Distance-based Regression for Differential Gene Expression Analyses |
deSolve | Solvers for Initial Value Problems of Differential Equations ('ODE', 'DAE', 'DDE') |
desplot | Plotting Field Plans for Agricultural Experiments |
detect | Analyzing Wildlife Data with Detection Error |
detector | Detect Data Containing Personally Identifiable Information |
detectRUNS | Detect Runs of Homozygosity and Runs of Heterozygosity in Diploid Genomes |
deTestSet | Test Set for Differential Equations |
DetMCD | Implementation of the DetMCD Algorithm (Robust and Deterministic Estimation of Location and Scatter) |
detpack | Density Estimation and Random Number Generation with Distribution Element Trees |
DetR | Suite of Deterministic and Robust Algorithms for Linear Regression |
detrendeR | Start the detrendeR Graphical User Interface (GUI) |
detrendr | Detrend Images |
DetSel | A computer program to detect markers responding to selection |
detzrcr | Compare Detrital Zircon Suites |
devEMF | EMF Graphics Output Device |
devFunc | Clear and Condense Argument Check for User-Defined Functions |
Devore7 | Data sets from Devore's "Prob and Stat for Eng (7th ed)" |
devRate | Quantify the Relationship Between Development Rate and Temperature in Ectotherms |
devtools | Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier |
dexter | Data Management and Analysis of Tests |
df2json | Convert a dataframe to JSON |
dfcomb | Phase I/II Adaptive Dose-Finding Design for Combination Studies |
dfCompare | Compare Two Dataframes and Return Adds, Changes, and Deletes |
dfcrm | Dose-finding by the continual reassessment method |
dfexplore | Explore data.frames by plotting NA and classes of each variable |
DFIT | Differential Functioning of Items and Tests |
dfmta | Phase I/II Adaptive Dose-Finding Design for MTA |
dfoptim | Derivative-Free Optimization |
Dforest | Decision Forest |
dfped | Extrapolation and Bridging of Adult Information in Early Phase Dose-Finding Paediatrics Studies |
dfphase1 | Phase I Control Charts (with Emphasis on Distribution-Free Methods) |
dfpk | Bayesian Dose-Finding Designs using Pharmacokinetics (PK) for Phase I Clinical Trials |
dga | Capture-Recapture Estimation using Bayesian Model Averaging |
dGAselID | Genetic Algorithm with Incomplete Dominance for Feature Selection |
DGCA | Differential Gene Correlation Analysis |
dggridR | Discrete Global Grids for R |
dglars | Differential Geometric Least Angle Regression |
dglm | Double Generalized Linear Models |
DGM | Dynamic Graphical Models |
dgmb | Simulating Data for PLS Mode B Structural Models |
dgo | Dynamic Estimation of Group-Level Opinion |
dgodata | Data for the 'dgo' Package |
dgof | Discrete Goodness-of-Fit Tests |
DHARMa | Residual Diagnostics for Hierarchical (Multi-Level / Mixed) Regression Models |
dhga | Differential Hub Gene Analysis |
dhglm | Double Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models |
dHSIC | Independence Testing via Hilbert Schmidt Independence Criterion |
di | Deficit Index (DI) |
diagis | Diagnostic Plot and Multivariate Summary Statistics of Weighted Samples from Importance Sampling |
diagonals | Block Diagonal Extraction or Replacement |
diagram | Functions for Visualising Simple Graphs (Networks), Plotting Flow Diagrams |
DiagrammeR | Graph/Network Visualization |
DiagrammeRsvg | Export DiagrammeR Graphviz Graphs as SVG |
DiallelAnalysisR | Diallel Analysis with R |
diaplt | Beads Summary Plot of Ranges |
dice | Calculate probabilities of various dice-rolling events |
DiceDesign | Designs of Computer Experiments |
DiceEval | Construction and Evaluation of Metamodels |
DiceKriging | Kriging Methods for Computer Experiments |
DiceOptim | Kriging-Based Optimization for Computer Experiments |
diceR | Diverse Cluster Ensemble in R |
DiceView | Plot Methods for Computer Experiments Design and Surrogate |
dichromat | Color Schemes for Dichromats |
dicionariosIBGE | Dictionaries for reading microdata surveys from IBGE |
DidacticBoost | A Simple Implementation and Demonstration of Gradient Boosting |
Diderot | Bibliographic Network Analysis |
didrooRFM | Compute Recency Frequency Monetary Scores for your Customer Data |
dief | Metrics for Continuous Efficiency |
dielectric | Defines some physical constants and dielectric functions commonly used in optics, plasmonics |
diezeit | R Interface to the ZEIT ONLINE Content API |
DIFboost | Detection of Differential Item Functioning (DIF) in Rasch Models by Boosting Techniques |
difconet | Differential Coexpressed Networks |
DiffCorr | Analyzing and Visualizing Differential Correlation Networks in Biological Data |
diffdepprop | Calculates Confidence Intervals for two Dependent Proportions |
diffEq | Functions from the book Solving Differential Equations in R |
diffeR | Metrics of Difference for Comparing Pairs of Maps |
diffIRT | Diffusion IRT Models for Response and Response Time Data |
diffMeanVar | Detecting Gene Probes with Different Means or Variances Between Two Groups |
diffMeshGP | Multi-Fidelity Computer Experiments Using the Tuo-Wu-Yu Model |
DiffNet | Detection of Statistically Significant Changes in Complex Biological Networks |
diffobj | Diffs for R Objects |
diffpriv | Easy Differential Privacy |
diffr | Display Differences Between Two Files using Codediff Library |
diffractometry | Baseline identification and peak decomposition for x-ray diffractograms |
diffrprojects | Projects for Text Version Comparison and Analytics in R |
diffrprojectswidget | Visualization for 'diffrprojects' |
diffusion | Forecast the Diffusion of New Products |
diffusionMap | Diffusion map |
DiffusionRgqd | Inference and Analysis for Generalized Quadratic Diffusions |
DiffusionRimp | Inference and Analysis for Diffusion Processes via Data Imputation and Method of Lines |
DiffusionRjgqd | Inference and Analysis for Jump Generalized Quadratic Diffusions |
diffusr | Network Diffusion Algorithms |
DIFlasso | A Penalty Approach to Differential Item Functioning in Rasch Models |
difNLR | Detection of Differential Item Functioning (DIF) and Differential Distractor Functioning (DDF) by Non-Linear Regression Models |
difR | Collection of Methods to Detect Dichotomous Differential Item Functioning (DIF) |
DIFtree | Item Focused Trees for the Identification of Items in Differential Item Functioning |
digest | Create Compact Hash Digests of R Objects |
Digiroo2 | An application programming interface for generating null models of social contacts based on individuals' space use |
digitalPCR | Estimate Copy Number for Digital PCR |
digitize | Use Data from Published Plots in R |
dils | Data-Informed Link Strength. Combine multiple-relationship networks into a single weighted network. Impute (fill-in) missing network links |
DIME | DIME (Differential Identification using Mixture Ensemble) |
dimRed | A Framework for Dimensionality Reduction |
dina | Bayesian Estimation of DINA Model |
dinamic | DiNAMIC A Method To Analyze Recurrent DNA Copy Number Aberrations in Tumors |
diptest | Hartigan's Dip Test Statistic for Unimodality - Corrected |
DIRECT | Bayesian Clustering of Multivariate Data Under the Dirichlet-Process Prior |
DirectedClustering | Directed Weighted Clustering Coefficient |
Directional | Directional Statistics |
directlabels | Direct Labels for Multicolor Plots |
directPA | Direction Analysis for Pathways and Kinases |
DirectStandardisation | Adjusted Means and Proportions by Direct Standardisation |
dirichletprocess | Build Dirichlet Process Objects for Bayesian Modelling |
DirichletReg | Dirichlet Regression in R |
dirmcmc | Directional Metropolis Hastings Algorithm |
dirmult | Estimation in Dirichlet-Multinomial distribution |
Disake | Discrete associated kernel estimators |
discgolf | Discourse API Client |
disclap | Discrete Laplace Exponential Family |
disclapmix | Discrete Laplace Mixture Inference using the EM Algorithm |
disco | Discordance and Concordance of Transcriptomic Responses |
discord | Functions for Discordant Kinship Modeling |
discretecdAlgorithm | Coordinate-Descent Algorithm for Learning Sparse Discrete Bayesian Networks |
DiscreteInverseWeibull | Discrete Inverse Weibull Distribution |
DiscreteLaplace | Discrete Laplace Distributions |
discreteMTP | Multiple testing procedures for discrete test statistics |
discreteRV | Create and Manipulate Discrete Random Variables |
DiscreteWeibull | Discrete Weibull Distributions (Type 1 and 3) |
discretization | Data preprocessing, discretization for classification |
discrimARTs | Discrimination of Alternative Reproductive Tactics (ARTs) |
DiscriMiner | Tools of the Trade for Discriminant Analysis |
discSurv | Discrete Time Survival Analysis |
diseasemapping | Modelling Spatial Variation in Disease Risk for Areal Data |
DisHet | Estimate the Gene Expression Levels and Component Proportions of the Normal, Stroma (Immune) and Tumor Components of Bulk Tumor Samples |
DisimForMixed | Calculate Dissimilarity Matrix for Dataset with Mixed Attributes |
diskImageR | A Pipeline to Analyze Resistance and Tolerance from Drug Disk Diffusion Assays |
dismo | Species Distribution Modeling |
disp2D | 2D Hausdorff and Simplex Dispersion Orderings |
disparityfilter | Disparity Filter Algorithm for Weighted Networks |
displayHTS | displayHTS |
dispmod | Dispersion models |
disposables | Create Disposable R Packages for Testing |
dissever | Spatial Downscaling using the Dissever Algorithm |
dissUtils | Utilities for making pairwise comparisons of multivariate data |
Distance | Distance Sampling Detection Function and Abundance Estimation |
distance.sample.size | Calculates Study Size Required for Distance Sampling |
distances | Tools for Distance Metrics |
DistatisR | DiSTATIS Three Way Metric Multidimensional Scaling |
distcomp | Computations over Distributed Data without Aggregation |
distcrete | Discrete Distribution Approximations |
distdrawr | Download Occurrence Data of Vascular Plants in Germany from the FLORKART Database |
distfree.cr | Distribution-free confidence region (distfree.cr) |
distillery | Method Functions for Confidence Intervals and to Distill Information from an Object |
distory | Distance Between Phylogenetic Histories |
distr | Object Oriented Implementation of Distributions |
distrDoc | Documentation for 'distr' Family of R Packages |
distrEllipse | S4 Classes for Elliptically Contoured Distributions |
distrEx | Extensions of Package 'distr' |
DISTRIB | Four Essential Functions for Statistical Distributions Analysis: A New Functional Approach |
DistributionUtils | Distribution Utilities |
distrMod | Object Oriented Implementation of Probability Models |
distrom | Distributed Multinomial Regression |
distrr | Estimate and Manage Empirical Distributions |
distrRmetrics | Distribution Classes for Distributions from Rmetrics |
distrSim | Simulation Classes Based on Package 'distr' |
distrTeach | Extensions of Package 'distr' for Teaching Stochastics/Statistics in Secondary School |
distrTEst | Estimation and Testing Classes Based on Package 'distr' |
divagis | Provides tools for quality checks of georeferenced plant species accessions |
DivE | Diversity Estimator |
diveMove | Dive Analysis and Calibration |
diverse | Diversity Measures for Complex Systems |
diversitree | Comparative 'Phylogenetic' Analyses of Diversification |
diveRsity | A Comprehensive, General Purpose Population Genetics Analysis Package |
DiversityOccupancy | Building Diversity Models from Multiple Species Occupancy Models |
DiversitySampler | Functions for re-sampling a community matrix to compute diversity indices at different sampling levels |
divest | Get Images Out of DICOM Format Quickly |
DivMelt | HRM Diversity Assay Analysis Tool |
divo | Tools for Analysis of Diversity and Similarity in Biological Systems |
dixon | Nearest Neighbour Contingency Table Analysis |
DJL | Distance Measure Based Judgment and Learning |
dkDNA | Diffusion Kernels on a Set of Genotypes |
dLagM | Time Series Regression Models with Distributed Lag Models |
DLASSO | Implementation of Adaptive or Non-Adaptive Differentiable Lasso and SCAD Penalties in Linear Models |
dlib | Allow Access to the 'Dlib' C++ Library |
dlm | Bayesian and Likelihood Analysis of Dynamic Linear Models |
dlmap | Detection Localization Mapping for QTL |
dlmodeler | Generalized Dynamic Linear Modeler |
DLMtool | Data-Limited Methods Toolkit |
dlnm | Distributed Lag Non-Linear Models |
dlsem | Distributed-Lag Linear Structural Equation Models |
dlstats | Download Stats of R Packages |
dma | Dynamic Model Averaging |
dml | Distance Metric Learning in R |
dmm | Dyadic Mixed Model for Pedigree Data |
DMMF | Daily Based Morgan-Morgan-Finney (DMMF) Soil Erosion Model |
dMod | Dynamic Modeling and Parameter Estimation in ODE Models |
DMR | Delete or Merge Regressors for linear model selection |
DMRMark | DMR Detection by Non-Homogeneous Hidden Markov Model from Methylation Array Data |
DMRnet | Delete or Merge Regressors Algorithms for Linear and Logistic Model Selection and High-Dimensional Data |
dmt | Dependency Modeling Toolkit |
dmutate | Mutate Data Frames with Random Variates |
DMwR | Functions and data for "Data Mining with R" |
DMwR2 | Functions and Data for the Second Edition of "Data Mining with R" |
dna | Differential Network Analysis |
DNAseqtest | Generating and Testing DNA Sequences |
DNAtools | Tools for Analysing Forensic Genetic DNA Data |
DnE | Distribution and Equation |
dnet | Integrative Analysis of Omics Data in Terms of Network, Evolution and Ontology |
DNetFinder | Estimating Differential Networks under Semiparametric Gaussian Graphical Models |
dng | Distributions and Gradients |
DNLC | Differential Network Local Consistency Analysis |
DNMF | Discriminant Non-Negative Matrix Factorization |
dnr | Simulate Dynamic Networks using Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM) Family |
DOBAD | Analysis of Discretely Observed Linear Birth-and-Death(-and-Immigration) Markov Chains |
dobson | Data from the GLM Book by Dobson and Barnett |
doBy | Groupwise Statistics, LSmeans, Linear Contrasts, Utilities |
docker | Wraps Docker Python SDK |
docopt | Command-Line Interface Specification Language |
docopulae | Optimal Designs for Copula Models |
docstring | Provides Docstring Capabilities to R Functions |
documair | Automatic Documentation for R packages |
document | Run 'roxygen2' on (Chunks of) Single Code Files |
docuSignr | Connect to 'DocuSign' API |
docxtools | Tools for R Markdown to Docx Documents |
docxtractr | Extract Data Tables and Comments from Microsoft Word Documents |
Dodge | Functions for Acceptance Sampling Ideas originated by H.F. Dodge |
dodgr | Distances on Directed Graphs |
DODR | Detection of Differential Rhythmicity |
DoE.base | Full Factorials, Orthogonal Arrays and Base Utilities for DoE Packages |
DoE.MIParray | Creation of Arrays by Mixed Integer Programming |
DoE.wrapper | Wrapper Package for Design of Experiments Functionality |
DoEstRare | Rare Variant Association Test Based on Position Density Estimation |
doFuture | A Universal Foreach Parallel Adaptor using the Future API of the 'future' Package |
doMC | Foreach Parallel Adaptor for 'parallel' |
Dominance | ADI (Average Dominance Index), Social Network Graphs with Dual Directions, and Music Notation Graph |
domino | R Console Bindings for the 'Domino Command-Line Client' |
doMPI | Foreach Parallel Adaptor for the Rmpi Package |
doParallel | Foreach Parallel Adaptor for the 'parallel' Package |
doRedis | Foreach parallel adapter for the rredis package |
doRNG | Generic Reproducible Parallel Backend for 'foreach' Loops |
DoseFinding | Planning and Analyzing Dose Finding Experiments |
doSNOW | Foreach Parallel Adaptor for the 'snow' Package |
dosresmeta | Multivariate Dose-Response Meta-Analysis |
dostats | Compute Statistics Helper Functions |
DOT | Render and Export DOT Graphs in R |
DoTC | Distribution of Typicality Coefficients |
dotCall64 | Enhanced Foreign Function Interface Supporting Long Vectors |
dotenv | Load Environment Variables from '.env' |
dotwhisker | Dot-and-Whisker Plots of Regression Results |
doubcens | Survivor Function Estimation for Doubly Interval-Censored Failure Time Data |
DoubleCone | Test Against Parametric Regression Function |
DoubleExpSeq | Differential Exon Usage Test for RNA-Seq Data via Empirical Bayes Shrinkage of the Dispersion Parameter |
DOvalidation | Kernel Hazard Estimation with Best One-Sided and Double One-Sided Cross-Validation |
Dowd | Functions Ported from 'MMR2' Toolbox Offered in Kevin Dowd's Book Measuring Market Risk |
downloader | Download Files over HTTP and HTTPS |
downscale | Downscaling Species Occupancy |
downsize | A Tool to Downsize Large Workflows for Testing |
dpa | Dynamic Path Approach |
dparser | Port of 'Dparser' Package |
DPBBM | Dirichlet Process Beta-Binomial Mixture |
dpcR | Digital PCR Analysis |
dpglasso | Primal Graphical Lasso |
Dpit | Distribution Pitting |
dplR | Dendrochronology Program Library in R |
dplRCon | Concordance for Dendroclimatology |
dplyr | A Grammar of Data Manipulation |
dplyr.teradata | A 'Teradata' Backend for 'dplyr' |
dplyrAssist | RStudio Addin for Teaching and Learning Data Manipulation Using 'dplyr' |
dpmixsim | Dirichlet Process Mixture model simulation for clustering and image segmentation |
dpmr | Data Package Manager for R |
DPpackage | Bayesian Nonparametric Modeling in R |
dprep | Data Pre-Processing and Visualization Functions for Classification |
dprint | Print Tabular Data to Graphics Device |
dr | Methods for Dimension Reduction for Regression |
dr4pl | Dose Response Data Analysis using the 4 Parameter Logistic (4PL) Model |
drake | Data Frames in R for Make |
drat | 'Drat' R Archive Template |
drawExpression | Visualising R syntax through graphics |
DRaWR | Discriminative Random Walk with Restart |
DrBats | Data Representation: Bayesian Approach That's Sparse |
drc | Analysis of Dose-Response Curves |
DREGAR | Regularized Estimation of Dynamic Linear Regression in the Presence of Autocorrelated Residuals (DREGAR) |
drfit | Dose-Response Data Evaluation |
drgee | Doubly Robust Generalized Estimating Equations |
driftR | Drift Correcting Water Quality Data |
DrillR | R Driver for Apache Drill |
DrImpute | Imputing Dropout Events in Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Data |
DRIP | Discontinuous Regression and Image Processing |
drLumi | Multiplex Immunoassays Data Analysis |
drm | Regression and association models for repeated categorical data |
drmdel | Dual Empirical Likelihood Inference under Density Ratio Models in the Presence of Multiple Samples |
dropR | Analyze Drop Out of an Experiment or Survey |
DRR | Dimensionality Reduction via Regression |
drsmooth | Dose-Response Modeling with Smoothing Splines |
drtmle | Doubly-Robust Nonparametric Estimation and Inference |
DrugClust | Implementation of a Machine Learning Framework for Predicting Drugs Side Effects |
ds | Descriptive Statistics |
DSAIDE | Dynamical Systems Approach to Infectious Disease Epidemiology |
dsample | Discretization-Based Direct Random Sample Generation |
DSBayes | Bayesian subgroup analysis in clinical trials |
dse | Dynamic Systems Estimation (Time Series Package) |
DSL | Distributed Storage and List |
dslabs | Data Science Labs |
dslice | Dynamic Slicing |
dsm | Density Surface Modelling of Distance Sampling Data |
dsmodels | A Language to Facilitate Simulation and Visualization of Two-Dimensional Dynamical Systems |
DSpat | Spatial Modelling for Distance Sampling Data |
dsrTest | Tests and Confidence Intervals on Directly Standardized Rates for Several Methods |
DSsim | Distance Sampling Simulations |
dst | Using Dempster-Shafer Theory |
DstarM | Analyze Two Choice Reaction Time Data with the D*M Method |
DStree | Recursive Partitioning for Discrete-Time Survival Trees |
dSVA | Direct Surrogate Variable Analysis |
DSviaDRM | Exploring Disease Similarity in Terms of Dysfunctional Regulatory Mechanisms |
DT | A Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'DataTables' |
dtables | Simplifying Descriptive Frequencies and Statistics |
dtangle | Cell Type Deconvolution from Gene Expressions |
DTComPair | Comparison of Binary Diagnostic Tests in a Paired Study Design |
DTDA | Doubly truncated data analysis |
dti | Analysis of Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) Data |
DTK | Dunnett-Tukey-Kramer Pairwise Multiple Comparison Test Adjusted for Unequal Variances and Unequal Sample Sizes |
DTMCPack | Suite of functions related to discrete-time discrete-state Markov Chains |
dtplyr | Data Table Back-End for 'dplyr' |
DTR | Estimation and Comparison of Dynamic Treatment Regimes |
dtree | Decision Trees |
DTRlearn | Learning Algorithms for Dynamic Treatment Regimes |
DTRreg | DTR Estimation and Inference via G-Estimation, Dynamic WOLS, and Q-Learning |
dtt | Discrete Trigonometric Transforms |
dtw | Dynamic Time Warping Algorithms |
dtwclust | Time Series Clustering Along with Optimizations for the Dynamic Time Warping Distance |
dtwSat | Time-Weighted Dynamic Time Warping for Satellite Image Time Series Analysis |
dualScale | Dual Scaling Analysis of Multiple Choice Data |
dub | Unpacking Assignment for Lists via Pattern Matching |
duckduckr | Simple Client for the DuckDuckGo Instant Answer API |
dummies | Create dummy/indicator variables flexibly and efficiently |
dummy | Automatic Creation of Dummies with Support for Predictive Modeling |
dunn.test | Dunn's Test of Multiple Comparisons Using Rank Sums |
DunnettTests | Software implementation of step-down and step-up Dunnett test procedures |
dupiR | Bayesian inference from count data using discrete uniform priors |
dvfBm | Discrete variations of a fractional Brownian motion |
DVHmetrics | Analyze Dose-Volume Histograms and Check Constraints |
dvmisc | Faster Computation of Common Statistics and Miscellaneous Functions |
dvn | Access to Dataverse 3 APIs |
dwapi | A Client for 'data.world' REST API |
DWDLargeR | Fast Algorithms for Large Scale Generalized Distance Weighted Discrimination |
DWLasso | Degree Weighted Lasso |
DWreg | Parametric Regression for Discrete Response |
dyads | Dyadic Network Analysis |
dygraphs | Interface to 'Dygraphs' Interactive Time Series Charting Library |
Dykstra | Quadratic Programming using Cyclic Projections |
DYM | Did You Mean? |
dyn | Time Series Regression |
DynamicDistribution | Dynamically visualized probability distributions and their moments |
dynamicGraph | dynamicGraph |
dynamichazard | Dynamic Hazard Models using State Space Models |
dynamicTreeCut | Methods for Detection of Clusters in Hierarchical Clustering Dendrograms |
dynamo | Fit a Stochastic Dynamical Array Model to Array Data |
dynatopmodel | Implementation of the Dynamic TOPMODEL Hydrological Model |
dynaTree | Dynamic Trees for Learning and Design |
dynBiplotGUI | Full Interactive GUI for Dynamic Biplot in R |
DynClust | Denoising and clustering for dynamical image sequence (2D or 3D)+T |
dyncomp | Complexity of Short and Coarse-Grained Time Series |
dynCorr | Dynamic Correlation Package |
dynetNLAResistance | Resisting Neighbor Label Attack in a Dynamic Network |
dynfrail | Fitting Dynamic Frailty Models with the EM Algorithm |
dynia | Fit Dynamic Intervention Model |
dynlm | Dynamic Linear Regression |
DynNom | Dynamic Nomograms for Linear, Generalized Linear and Proportional Hazard Models |
dynOmics | Fast Fourier Transform to Identify Associations Between Time Course Omics Data |
dynpanel | Dynamic Panel Data Models |
dynpred | Companion Package to "Dynamic Prediction in Clinical Survival Analysis" |
dynr | Dynamic Modeling in R |
dynRB | Dynamic Range Boxes |
dynsbm | Dynamic Stochastic Block Models |
dynsim | Dynamic Simulations of Autoregressive Relationships |
dynsurv | Dynamic Models for Survival Data |
DynTxRegime | Methods for Estimating Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes |
DySeq | Functions for Dyadic Sequence Analyses |
DZEXPM | Estimation and Prediction of Skewed Spatial Processes |
e1071 | Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics, Probability Theory Group (Formerly: E1071), TU Wien |
eaf | Plots of the Empirical Attainment Function |
Eagle | Multiple Locus Association Mapping on a Genome-Wide Scale |
EAinference | Estimator Augmentation and Simulation-Based Inference |
eAnalytics | Dynamic Web-Based Analytics for the Energy Industry |
earlyR | Estimation of Transmissibility in the Early Stages of a Disease Outbreak |
earlywarnings | Early Warning Signals Toolbox for Detecting Critical Transitions in Timeseries |
earth | Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines |
earthtones | Derive a Color Palette from a Particular Location on Earth |
EasyABC | Efficient Approximate Bayesian Computation Sampling Schemes |
easyAHP | Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) |
easyanova | Analysis of Variance and Other Important Complementary Analyses |
easycsv | Load Multiple 'csv' and 'txt' Tables |
easyDes | An Easy Way to Descriptive Analysis |
easyformatr | Tools for Building R Formats |
EasyHTMLReport | EasyHTMLReport |
EasyMARK | Utility functions for working with mark-recapture data |
EasyMx | Easy Model-Builder Functions for 'OpenMx' |
easyNCDF | Tools to Easily Read/Write NetCDF Files into/from Multidimensional R Arrays |
easynls | Easy Nonlinear Model |
easypackages | Easy Loading and Installing of Packages |
easypower | Sample Size Estimation for Experimental Designs |
easyPubMed | Search and Retrieve Scientific Publication Records from PubMed |
easyreg | Easy Regression |
easySdcTable | Easy Interface to the Statistical Disclosure Control Package 'sdcTable' |
EasyStrata | Evaluation of stratified genome-wide association meta-analysis results |
easySVG | An Easy SVG Basic Elements Generator |
easyVerification | Ensemble Forecast Verification for Large Data Sets |
eba | Elimination-by-Aspects Models |
ebal | Entropy reweighting to create balanced samples |
EBASS | Sample Size Calculation Method for Cost-Effectiveness Studies Based on Expected Value of Perfect Information |
EbayesThresh | Empirical Bayes Thresholding and Related Methods |
ebdbNet | Empirical Bayes Estimation of Dynamic Bayesian Networks |
EBEN | Empirical Bayesian Elastic Net |
ebGenotyping | Genotyping and SNP Detection using Next Generation Sequencing Data |
EBglmnet | Empirical Bayesian Lasso and Elastic Net Methods for Generalized Linear Models |
ebimetagenomics | EBI Metagenomics Portal |
EBMAforecast | Ensemble BMA Forecasting |
ebmc | Ensemble-Based Methods for Class Imbalance Problem |
EBrank | Empirical Bayes Ranking |
EBS | Exact Bayesian Segmentation |
ebSNP | Genotyping and SNP calling using single-sample next generation sequencing data |
ecb | Programmatic Access to the European Central Bank's Statistical Data Warehouse (SDW) |
ECctmc | Simulation from Endpoint-Conditioned Continuous Time Markov Chains |
ecd | Elliptic Lambda Distribution and Option Pricing Model |
Ecdat | Data Sets for Econometrics |
ecdfHT | Empirical CDF for Heavy Tailed Data |
ecespa | Functions for Spatial Point Pattern Analysis |
ECFsup | Equal Covariance Functions Testing by L2-Norm and Sup-Norm |
Ecfun | Functions for Ecdat |
ECharts2Shiny | Embedding Interactive Charts Generated with ECharts Library into Shiny Applications |
echogram | Echogram Visualisation and Analysis |
ecipex | Efficient calculation of fine structure isotope patterns via Fourier transforms of simplex-based elemental models |
eclust | Environment Based Clustering for Interpretable Predictive Models in High Dimensional Data |
ecm | Build Error Correction Models |
eco | Ecological Inference in 2x2 Tables |
ecodist | Dissimilarity-Based Functions for Ecological Analysis |
ecoengine | Programmatic Interface to the Web Service Methods Provided by UC Berkeley's Natural History Data |
EcoGenetics | Management and Exploratory Analysis of Spatial Data in Landscape Genetics |
Ecohydmod | Ecohydrological Modelling |
EcoHydRology | A community modeling foundation for Eco-Hydrology |
EcoIndR | Ecological Indicators |
ECoL | Complexity Measures for Classification Problems |
ecolMod | "A practical guide to ecological modelling - using R as a simulation platform" |
ecolottery | Coalescent-Based Simulation of Ecological Communities |
EconDemand | General Analysis of Various Economics Demand Systems |
econullnetr | Null Model Analysis for Ecological Networks |
ecoreg | Ecological Regression using Aggregate and Individual Data |
ecoseries | An R Interface to Brazilian Central Bank and Sidra APIs and the IPEA Data |
ecosim | Toolbox for Aquatic Ecosystem Modeling |
EcoSimR | Null Model Analysis for Ecological Data |
ECOSolveR | Embedded Conic Solver in R |
ecospace | Simulating Community Assembly and Ecological Diversification Using Ecospace Frameworks |
ecospat | Spatial Ecology Miscellaneous Methods |
ecotox | Analysis of Ecotoxicology |
ecotoxicology | Methods for Ecotoxicology |
EcoTroph | EcoTroph R package |
ecoval | Procedures for Ecological Assessment of Surface Waters |
EcoVirtual | Simulation of Ecological Models |
ecp | Non-Parametric Multiple Change-Point Analysis of Multivariate Data |
ecr | Evolutionary Computation in R |
EDA | Energy Decomposition Analysis |
eda4treeR | Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement |
edarf | Exploratory Data Analysis using Random Forests |
edcc | Economic Design of Control Charts |
edci | Edge Detection and Clustering in Images |
edeaR | Exploratory and Descriptive Event-Based Data Analysis |
edeR | Email Data Extraction Using R |
edesign | Maximum Entropy Sampling |
edf | Read Data from European Data Format (EDF and EDF+) Files |
EDFIR | Estimating Discrimination Factors |
edfReader | Reading EDF(+) and BDF(+) Files |
edfun | Creating Empirical Distribution Functions |
edgar | Platform for EDGAR Filing Management |
edgarWebR | SEC Filings Access |
edgebundleR | Circle Plot with Bundled Edges |
edgeCorr | Spatial Edge Correction |
edgeRun | More Powerful Unconditional Testing of Negative Binomial Means for Digital Gene Expression Data |
EDISON | Network Reconstruction and Changepoint Detection |
editData | 'RStudio' Addin for Editing a 'data.frame' |
EditImputeCont | Simultaneous Edit-Imputation for Continuous Microdata |
editrules | Parsing, Applying, and Manipulating Data Cleaning Rules |
eDMA | Dynamic Model Averaging with Grid Search |
EDMeasure | Dependence Measures via Energy Statistics |
edpclient | Empirical Data Platform Client |
EDR | Estimation of the Effective Dimension Reduction ('EDR') Space |
edrGraphicalTools | Provides Tools for Dimension Reduction Methods |
edstan | Stan Models for Item Response Theory |
EdSurvey | Education Survey |
educineq | Compute and Decompose Inequality in Education |
eechidna | Exploring Election and Census Highly Informative Data Nationally for Australia |
eefAnalytics | Analysing Education Trials |
eegkit | Toolkit for Electroencephalography Data |
eegkitdata | Data for package eegkit |
eel | Extended Empirical Likelihood |
EEM | Read and Preprocess Fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrix (EEM) Data |
eemR | Tools for Pre-Processing Emission-Excitation-Matrix (EEM) Fluorescence Data |
eeptools | Convenience Functions for Education Data |
eesim | Simulate and Evaluate Time Series for Environmental Epidemiology |
EFAutilities | Utility Functions for Exploratory Factor Analysis |
EFDR | Wavelet-Based Enhanced FDR for Signal Detection in Noisy Images |
effectFusion | Bayesian Effect Fusion for Categorical Predictors |
EffectLiteR | Average and Conditional Effects |
effectR | Predicts Oomycete Effectors |
effects | Effect Displays for Linear, Generalized Linear, and Other Models |
EffectsRelBaseline | Test changes of a grouped response relative to baseline |
EffectStars | Visualization of Categorical Response Models |
EffectStars2 | Effect Stars |
EffectTreat | Prediction of Therapeutic Success |
EfficientMaxEigenpair | Efficient Initials for Computing the Maximal Eigenpair |
efflog | The Causal Effects for a Causal Loglinear Model |
effsize | Efficient Effect Size Computation |
efreadr | Read European Eddy Fluxes CSV Files |
EFS | Tool for Ensemble Feature Selection |
ega | Error Grid Analysis |
egcm | Engle-Granger Cointegration Models |
egg | Extensions for 'ggplot2', to Align Plots, and Set Panel Sizes |
eggCounts | Hierarchical Modelling of Faecal Egg Counts |
egonet | Tool for ego-centric measures in Social Network Analysis |
EGRET | Exploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends (EGRET) |
EGRETci | Exploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends (EGRET) Confidence Intervals |
eha | Event History Analysis |
eHOF | Extended HOF (Huisman-Olff-Fresco) Models |
EHR | Electronic Health Record (EHR) Data Processing and Analysis Tool |
ei | Ecological Inference |
EIAdata | R Wrapper for the Energy Information Administration (EIA) API |
eiCompare | Compares EI, Goodman, RxC Estimates |
eigeninv | Generates (dense) matrices that have a given set of eigenvalues |
eigenmodel | Semiparametric factor and regression models for symmetric relational data |
eigenprcomp | Computes confidence intervals for principal components |
EILA | Efficient Inference of Local Ancestry |
eiPack | eiPack: Ecological Inference and Higher-Dimension Data Management |
eive | An algorithm for reducing errors-in-variable bias in simple linear regression |
eiwild | Ecological Inference with individual and aggregate data |
EKMCMC | MCMC Procedures for Estimating Enzyme Kinetics Constants |
EL | Two-sample Empirical Likelihood |
EL2Surv | Empirical Likelihood (EL) for Comparing Two Survival Functions |
elasso | Enhanced Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator Regression Model |
ElastH | Replicar metodologia de SPE/MF para calculo de elasticidade de receita |
elastic | General Purpose Interface to 'Elasticsearch' |
elasticIsing | Ising Network Estimation using Elastic Net and k-Fold Cross-Validation |
elasticnet | Elastic-Net for Sparse Estimation and Sparse PCA |
elasticsearchr | A Lightweight Interface for Interacting with Elasticsearch from R |
elec | Collection of functions for statistical election audits |
elec.strat | Functions for election audits using stratified random samples |
elect | Estimation of Life Expectancies Using Multi-State Models |
electionsBR | R Functions to Download and Clean Brazilian Electoral Data |
electoral | Allocating Seats Methods and Party System Scores |
elementR | An Framework for Reducing Elemental LAICPMS Data from Solid Structures |
ElemStatLearn | Data Sets, Functions and Examples from the Book: "The Elements of Statistical Learning, Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction" by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman |
elevatr | Access Elevation Data from Various APIs |
elexr | Load Associated Press Election Results with Elex |
elhmc | Sampling from a Empirical Likelihood Bayesian Posterior of Parameters Using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo |
elliplot | Ellipse Summary Plot of Quantiles |
ellipse | Functions for Drawing Ellipses and Ellipse-Like Confidence Regions |
elliptic | Elliptic Functions |
elmNN | Implementation of ELM (Extreme Learning Machine ) algorithm for SLFN ( Single Hidden Layer Feedforward Neural Networks ) |
ELMR | Extreme Machine Learning (ELM) |
ELMSurv | Extreme Learning Machine for Survival Analysis |
eLNNpaired | Model-Based Gene Clustering for Genomics Data from Paired/Matched Designs |
elo | Elo Ratings |
EloChoice | Preference Rating for Visual Stimuli Based on Elo Ratings |
EloRating | Animal Dominance Hierarchies by Elo Rating |
elrm | Exact Logistic Regression via MCMC |
ElstonStewart | Elston-Stewart Algorithm |
ELT | Experience Life Tables |
ELYP | Empirical Likelihood Analysis for the Cox Model and Yang-Prentice (2005) Model |
EMA | Easy Microarray Data Analysis |
EMAtools | Data Management Tools for Real-Time Monitoring/Ecological Momentary Assessment Data |
EMbC | Expectation-Maximization Binary Clustering |
embryogrowth | Tools to Analyze the Thermal Reaction Norm of Embryo Growth |
EMC | Evolutionary Monte Carlo (EMC) algorithm |
Emcdf | Computation and Visualization of Empirical Joint Distribution (Empirical Joint CDF) |
EMCluster | EM Algorithm for Model-Based Clustering of Finite Mixture Gaussian Distribution |
EMD | Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert Spectral Analysis |
emdbook | Support Functions and Data for "Ecological Models and Data" |
emdi | Estimating and Mapping Disaggregated Indicators |
emdist | Earth Mover's Distance |
emg | Exponentially Modified Gaussian (EMG) Distribution |
emil | Evaluation of Modeling without Information Leakage |
emIRT | EM Algorithms for Estimating Item Response Theory Models |
EmiStatR | Emissions and Statistics in R for Wastewater and Pollutants in Combined Sewer Systems |
EML | Read and Write Ecological Metadata Language Files |
eMLEloglin | Fitting log-Linear Models in Sparse Contingency Tables |
emma | Evolutionary model-based multiresponse approach |
EMMAgeo | End-Member Modelling of Grain-Size Data |
emme2 | Read and Write to an EMME/2 databank |
emmeans | Estimated Marginal Means, aka Least-Squares Means |
EMMIXcskew | Fitting Mixtures of CFUST Distributions |
EMMIXskew | The EM Algorithm and Skew Mixture Distribution |
EMMIXuskew | Fitting Unrestricted Multivariate Skew t Mixture Models |
EMMLi | A Maximum Likelihood Approach to the Analysis of Modularity |
EMMREML | Fitting Mixed Models with Known Covariance Structures |
emoa | Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Algorithms |
emojifont | Emoji and Font Awesome in Graphics |
emon | Tools for Environmental and Ecological Survey Design |
emov | Eye Movement Analysis Package for Fixation and Saccade Detection |
EMP | Expected Maximum Profit Classification Performance Measure |
EmpiricalCalibration | Routines for Performing Empirical Calibration of Observational Study Estimates |
empiricalFDR.DESeq2 | Simulation-Based False Discovery Rate in RNA-Seq |
emplik | Empirical Likelihood Ratio for Censored/Truncated Data |
emplik2 | Empirical Likelihood Ratio Test for Two Samples with Censored Data |
ems | Epimed Solutions Collection for Data Editing, Analysis, and Benchmarking of Health Units |
EMSaov | The Analysis of Variance with EMS |
EMSC | Extended Multiplicative Signal Correction |
EMT | Exact Multinomial Test: Goodness-of-Fit Test for Discrete Multivariate data |
emulator | Bayesian emulation of computer programs |
emuR | Main Package of the EMU Speech Database Management System |
EMVC | Entropy Minimization over Variable Clusters |
enaR | Tools for Ecological Network Analysis |
enc | Portable Tools for 'UTF-8' Character Data |
encode | Represent Ordered Lists and Pairs as Strings |
endogenous | Classical Simultaneous Equation Models |
endogMNP | R Package for Fitting Multinomial Probit Models with Endogenous Selection |
endorse | Bayesian Measurement Models for Analyzing Endorsement Experiments |
endtoend | Transmissions and Receptions in an End to End Network |
energy | E-Statistics: Multivariate Inference via the Energy of Data |
EnergyOnlineCPM | Distribution Free Multivariate Control Chart Based on Energy Test |
energyr | Data Published by the United States Federal Energy Regulatory Commission |
enetLTS | Robust and Sparse Methods for High Dimensional Linear and Logistic Regression |
english | Translate Integers into English |
EngrExpt | Data sets from "Introductory Statistics for Engineering Experimentation" |
engsoccerdata | English and European Soccer Results 1871-2016 |
ENiRG | Ecological Niche in R and GRASS |
ENMeval | Automated Runs and Evaluations of Ecological Niche Models |
ENmisc | Neuwirth miscellaneous |
enpls | Ensemble Partial Least Squares Regression |
EnQuireR | A package dedicated to questionnaires |
enrichR | Provides an R Interface to 'Enrichr' |
enrichvs | Enrichment assessment of virtual screening approaches |
enrichwith | Methods to Enrich R Objects with Extra Components |
EnsCat | Clustering of Categorical Data |
EnsembleBase | Extensible Package for Parallel, Batch Training of Base Learners for Ensemble Modeling |
ensembleBMA | Probabilistic Forecasting using Ensembles and Bayesian Model Averaging |
EnsembleCV | Extensible Package for Cross-Validation-Based Integration of Base Learners |
ensembleEN | Ensembling Regularized Linear Models |
ensembleMOS | Ensemble Model Output Statistics |
EnsemblePCReg | Extensible Package for Principal-Component-Regression-Based Heterogeneous Ensemble Meta-Learning |
EnsemblePenReg | Extensible Classes and Methods for Penalized-Regression-Based Integration of Base Learners |
ensemblepp | Ensemble Postprocessing Data Sets |
ensembleR | Ensemble Models in R |
ensurer | Ensure Values at Runtime |
entropart | Entropy Partitioning to Measure Diversity |
entropy | Estimation of Entropy, Mutual Information and Related Quantities |
EntropyEstimation | Estimation of Entropy and Related Quantities |
EntropyExplorer | Tools for Exploring Differential Shannon Entropy, Differential Coefficient of Variation and Differential Expression |
EnvCpt | Detection of Structural Changes in Climate and Environment Time Series |
envDocument | Document the R Working Environment |
enveomics.R | Various Utilities for Microbial Genomics and Metagenomics |
enviGCMS | GC/LC-MS Data Analysis for Environmental Science |
enviPat | Isotope Pattern, Profile and Centroid Calculation for Mass Spectrometry |
enviPick | Peak Picking for High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data |
envirem | Generation of ENVIREM Variables |
EnviroPRA | Environmental Probabilistic Risk Assessment Tools |
EnviroStat | Statistical Analysis of Environmental Space-Time Processes |
envlpaster | Enveloping the Aster Model |
EnvNicheR | Niche Estimation |
EnvStats | Package for Environmental Statistics, Including US EPA Guidance |
epade | Easy Plots |
epandist | Statistical Functions for the Censored and Uncensored Epanechnikov Distribution |
epanet2toolkit | Call 'EPANET' Functions to Simulate Pipe Networks |
epanetReader | Read Epanet Files into R |
ePCR | Ensemble Penalized Cox Regression for Survival Prediction |
Epi | A Package for Statistical Analysis in Epidemiology |
epibasix | Elementary Epidemiological Functions for Epidemiology and Biostatistics |
EpiBayes | Implements Hierarchical Bayesian Models for Epidemiological Applications |
epicontacts | Handling, Visualisation and Analysis of Epidemiological Contacts |
EpiContactTrace | Epidemiological Tool for Contact Tracing |
EpiCurve | Plot an Epidemic Curve |
epidata | Tools to Retrieve Economic Policy Institute Data Library Extracts |
epiDisplay | Epidemiological Data Display Package |
EpiDynamics | Dynamic Models in Epidemiology |
EpiEstim | EpiEstim: a package to estimate time varying reproduction numbers from epidemic curves |
epifit | Flexible Modelling Functions for Epidemiological Data Analysis |
EpiILM | Spatial and Network Based Individual Level Models for Epidemics |
EpiILMCT | Continuous Time Distance-Based and Network-Based Individual Level Models for Epidemics |
EpiModel | Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Disease Dynamics |
epinet | Epidemic/Network-Related Tools |
epiR | Tools for the Analysis of Epidemiological Data |
episensr | Basic Sensitivity Analysis of Epidemiological Results |
episheet | Rothman's Episheet |
episode | Estimation with Penalisation in Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations |
episplineDensity | Density Estimation with Soft Information by Exponential Epi-splines |
epistasis | Detecting Epistatic Selection with Partially Observed Genotype Data |
EpiStats | Tools for Epidemiologists |
EpistemicGameTheory | Constructing an Epistemic Model for the Games with Two Players |
epitab | Flexible Contingency Tables for Epidemiology |
epitable | Create HTML Tables in the Style Used in Epidemiological Papers |
epitools | Epidemiology Tools |
epitrix | Small Helpers and Tricks for Epidemics Analysis |
EpiWeek | Conversion Between Epidemiological Weeks and Calendar Dates |
Eplot | Plotting longitudinal series |
eply | Apply a Function Over Expressions |
epoc | EPoC (Endogenous Perturbation analysis of Cancer) |
epr | Easy Polynomial Regression |
epxToR | Import 'Epidata' XML Files '.epx' |
EQL | Extended-Quasi-Likelihood-Function (EQL) |
eqs2lavaan | EQS Output Conversion to lavaan Functions |
eqtl | Tools for analyzing eQTL experiments: A complementary to Karl Broman's 'qtl' package for genome-wide analysis |
equaltestMI | Examine Measurement Invariance via Equivalence Testing and Projection Method |
equate | Observed-Score Linking and Equating |
equateIRT | IRT Equating Methods |
equateMultiple | Equating of Multiple Forms |
equivalence | Provides Tests and Graphics for Assessing Tests of Equivalence |
EQUIVNONINF | Testing for Equivalence and Noninferiority |
equSA | Estimate Directed and Undirected Graphical Models and Construct Networks |
erah | Automated Spectral Deconvolution, Alignment, and Metabolite Identification in GC/MS-Based Untargeted Metabolomics |
erboost | Nonparametric Multiple Expectile Regression via ER-Boost |
ercv | Fitting Tails by the Empirical Residual Coefficient of Variation |
erer | Empirical Research in Economics with R |
ergm | Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Networks |
ergm.count | Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Networks with Count Edges |
ergm.ego | Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Random Graph Models to Egocentrically Sampled Network Data |
ergm.graphlets | ERG Modeling Based on Graphlet Properties |
ergm.rank | Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Rank-Order Relational Data |
ergm.userterms | User-specified terms for the statnet suite of packages |
ergmharris | Local Health Department network data set |
eRm | Extended Rasch Modeling |
ERP | Significance Analysis of Event-Related Potentials Data |
erp.easy | Event-Related Potential (ERP) Data Exploration Made Easy |
erpR | Event-related potentials (ERP) analysis, graphics and utility functions |
errint | Builds Error Intervals |
errorist | Automatically Search Errors or Warnings |
errorizer | Function Errorizer |
errorlocate | Locate Errors with Validation Rules |
errors | Error Propagation for R Vectors |
ES | Edge Selection |
esaBcv | Estimate Number of Latent Factors and Factor Matrix for Factor Analysis |
esaddle | Extended Empirical Saddlepoint Density Approximation |
esc | Effect Size Computation for Meta Analysis |
ESEA | ESEA: Discovering the Dysregulated Pathways based on Edge Set Enrichment Analysis |
ESG | ESG - A package for asset projection |
ESGtoolkit | Toolkit for the simulation of financial assets and interest rates models |
eshrink | Shrinkage for Effect Estimation |
ESKNN | Ensemble of Subset of K-Nearest Neighbours Classifiers for Classification and Class Membership Probability Estimation |
esmisc | Misc Functions of Eduard Szöcs |
esmprep | Data Preparation During and After the Use of the Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM) |
esreg | Joint Quantile and Expected Shortfall Regression |
ess | Download Data from the European Social Survey on the Fly |
essHist | The Essential Histogram |
estatapi | R Interface to e-Stat API |
EstCRM | Calibrating Parameters for the Samejima's Continuous IRT Model |
ESTER | Efficient Sequential Testing with Evidence Ratios |
EstHer | Estimation of Heritability in High Dimensional Sparse Linear Mixed Models using Variable Selection |
estimability | Tools for Assessing Estimability of Linear Predictions |
EstimateGroupNetwork | Perform the Joint Graphical Lasso and Selects Tuning Parameters |
estimatr | Fast Estimators for Design-Based Inference |
estout | Estimates Output |
estprod | Estimation of Production Functions |
EstSimPDMP | Estimation and Simulation for PDMPs |
estudy2 | An Implementation of Parametric and Nonparametric Event Study |
esvis | Visualization and Estimation of Effect Sizes |
etable | Easy Table |
ETAS | Modeling Earthquake Data Using ETAS Model |
etasFLP | Mixed FLP and ML Estimation of ETAS Space-Time Point Processes |
ETC | Equivalence to control |
ether | Interaction with the 'Ethereum' Blockchain |
EthSEQ | Ethnicity Annotation from Whole Exome Sequencing Data |
etl | Extract-Transform-Load Framework for Medium Data |
ETLUtils | Utility Functions to Execute Standard Extract/Transform/Load Operations (using Package 'ff') on Large Data |
etm | Empirical Transition Matrix |
etma | Epistasis Test in Meta-Analysis |
etrunct | Computes Moments of Univariate Truncated t Distribution |
etseed | Client for 'etcd', a 'Key-value' Database |
eulerian | eulerian: A package to find eulerian paths from graphs |
eulerr | Area-Proportional Euler and Venn Diagrams with Circles or Ellipses |
europepmc | R Interface to the Europe PubMed Central RESTful Web Service |
europop | Historical Populations of European Cities, 1500-1800 |
EurosarcBayes | Bayesian Single Arm Sample Size Calculation Software |
eurostat | Tools for Eurostat Open Data |
eva | Extreme Value Analysis with Goodness-of-Fit Testing |
EvalEst | Dynamic Systems Estimation - Extensions |
evaluate | Parsing and Evaluation Tools that Provide More Details than the Default |
EvaluationMeasures | Collection of Model Evaluation Measure Functions |
evaluator | Information Security Quantified Risk Assessment Toolkit |
EValue | Sensitivity Analyses for Unmeasured Confounding in Observational Studies and Meta-Analyses |
Evapotranspiration | Modelling Actual, Potential and Reference Crop Evapotranspiration |
evclass | Evidential Distance-Based Classification |
evclust | Evidential Clustering |
EvCombR | Evidence Combination in R |
evd | Functions for Extreme Value Distributions |
evdbayes | Bayesian Analysis in Extreme Value Theory |
eVenn | A Powerful Tool to Quickly Compare Huge Lists and Draw Venn Diagrams |
event | Event History Procedures and Models |
eventdataR | Event Data Repository |
eventInterval | Sequential Event Interval Analysis |
events | Store and manipulate event data |
eventstudies | Event Study Analysis |
EventStudy | Event Study Analysis |
evidenceFactors | Reporting Tools for Sensitivity Analysis of Evidence Factors in Observational Studies |
evir | Extreme Values in R |
evmix | Extreme Value Mixture Modelling, Threshold Estimation and Boundary Corrected Kernel Density Estimation |
evobiR | Comparative and Population Genetic Analyses |
evolqg | Tools for Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics |
EvolutionaryGames | Important Concepts of Evolutionary Game Theory |
evolvability | Calculation of Evolvability Parameters |
Evomorph | Evolutionary Morphometric Simulation |
evoper | Evolutionary Parameter Estimation for 'Repast Simphony' Models |
EvoRAG | Evolutionary Rates Across Gradients |
evt0 | Mean of order p, peaks over random threshold Hill and high quantile estimates |
evtree | Evolutionary Learning of Globally Optimal Trees |
EW | Edgeworth Expansion |
EWGoF | Goodness-of-Fit Tests for the Exponential and Two-Parameter Weibull Distributions |
ewoc | Escalation with Overdose Control |
Exact | Unconditional Exact Test |
exact2x2 | Exact Tests and Confidence Intervals for 2x2 Tables |
exactci | Exact P-Values and Matching Confidence Intervals for Simple Discrete Parametric Cases |
ExactCIdiff | Inductive Confidence Intervals for the difference between two proportions |
exactLoglinTest | Monte Carlo Exact Tests for Log-linear models |
exactmeta | Exact fixed effect meta analysis |
ExactPath | Exact solution paths for regularized LASSO regressions with L_1 penalty |
exactRankTests | Exact Distributions for Rank and Permutation Tests |
exampletestr | Help for Writing Unit Tests Based on Function Examples |
exams | Automatic Generation of Exams in R |
ExceedanceTools | Confidence regions for exceedance sets and contour lines |
excel.link | Convenient Data Exchange with Microsoft Excel |
excerptr | Excerpt Structuring Comments from Your Code File and Set a Table of Contents |
ExcessMass | Excess Mass Calculation and Plots |
exCon | Interactive Exploration of Contour Data |
excursions | Excursion Sets and Contour Credibility Regions for Random Fields |
exif | Read EXIF Metadata from JPEGs |
exifr | EXIF Image Data in R |
ExomeDepth | Calls Copy Number Variants from Targeted Sequence Data |
exp2flux | Convert Gene EXPression Data to FBA FLUXes |
expandFunctions | Feature Matrix Builder |
expands | Expanding Ploidy and Allele-Frequency on Nested Subpopulations |
ExpDE | Modular Differential Evolution for Experimenting with Operators |
ExpDes | Experimental Designs package |
ExpDes.pt | Pacote Experimental Designs (Portuguese) |
experiment | R Package for Designing and Analyzing Randomized Experiments |
expert | Modeling without data using expert opinion |
expint | Exponential Integral and Incomplete Gamma Function |
ExplainPrediction | Explanation of Predictions for Classification and Regression Models |
explor | Interactive Interfaces for Results Exploration |
exploreR | Tools for Quickly Exploring Data |
expm | Matrix Exponential, Log, 'etc' |
expoRkit | Expokit in R |
ExPosition | Exploratory analysis with the singular value decomposition |
expoTree | Calculate density dependent likelihood of a phylogenetic tree |
expp | Spatial analysis of extra-pair paternity |
ExpRep | Experiment Repetitions |
exprso | Rapid Deployment of Machine Learning Algorithms |
expsmooth | Data Sets from "Forecasting with Exponential Smoothing" |
expss | Tables with Labels and Some Useful Functions from Spreadsheets and 'SPSS' Statistics |
exptest | Tests for Exponentiality |
exreport | Fast, Reliable and Elegant Reproducible Research |
EXRQ | Extreme Regression of Quantiles |
exsic | Convenience Functions for Botanists to Create Specimens Indices |
extdplyr | Data Manipulation Extensions of 'Dplyr' and 'Tidyr' |
exteriorMatch | Constructs the Exterior Match from Two Matched Control Groups |
extfunnel | Additional Funnel Plot Augmentations |
extlasso | Maximum penalized likelihood estimation with extended lasso penalty |
extraBinomial | Extra-binomial approach for pooled sequencing data |
extracat | Categorical Data Analysis and Visualization |
extraDistr | Additional Univariate and Multivariate Distributions |
extrafont | Tools for using fonts |
extrafontdb | Package for holding the database for the extrafont package |
extraTrees | Extremely Randomized Trees (ExtraTrees) Method for Classification and Regression |
ExtremeBounds | Extreme Bounds Analysis (EBA) |
extremefit | Estimation of Extreme Conditional Quantiles and Probabilities |
extRemes | Extreme Value Analysis |
extremeStat | Extreme Value Statistics and Quantile Estimation |
extremevalues | Univariate Outlier Detection |
extremogram | Estimation of Extreme Value Dependence for Time Series Data |
extWeibQuant | Estimate Lower Extreme Quantile with the Censored Weibull MLE and Censored Weibull Mixture |
eyelinker | Load Raw Data from Eyelink Eye Trackers |
eyetracking | Eyetracking Helper Functions |
eyetrackingR | Eye-Tracking Data Analysis |
ez | Easy Analysis and Visualization of Factorial Experiments |
ezec | Easy Interface to Effective Concentration Calculations |
ezglm | selects significant non-additive interaction between two variables using fast GLM implementation |
ezknitr | Avoid the Typical Working Directory Pain When Using 'knitr' |
ezsim | provide an easy to use framework to conduct simulation |
ezsummary | Generate Data Summary in a Tidy Format |
fabCI | FAB Confidence Intervals |
fabricatr | Imagine Your Data Before You Collect It |
face | Fast Covariance Estimation for Sparse Functional Data |
facebook.S4 | Access to Facebook API V2 via a Set of S4 Classes |
facilitation | A C++ Framework for Plant-Plant Interaction IBMs |
FacPad | Bayesian Sparse Factor Analysis model for the inference of pathways responsive to drug treatment |
FactMixtAnalysis | Factor Mixture Analysis with covariates |
FACTMLE | Maximum Likelihood Factor Analysis |
FactoClass | Combination of Factorial Methods and Cluster Analysis |
factoextra | Extract and Visualize the Results of Multivariate Data Analyses |
FactoInvestigate | Automatic Description of Factorial Analysis |
FactoMineR | Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining |
factoptd | Factorial Optimal Designs for Two-Colour cDNA Microarray Experiments |
factorcpt | Simultaneous Change-Point and Factor Analysis |
factorMerger | The Merging Path Plot |
factorplot | Graphical Presentation of Simple Contrasts |
factorQR | Bayesian quantile regression factor models |
FactorsR | Identification of the Factors Affecting Species Richness |
factorstochvol | Bayesian Estimation of (Sparse) Latent Factor Stochastic Volatility Models |
Factoshiny | Perform Factorial Analysis from 'FactoMineR' with a Shiny Application |
FACTscorer | Scores the FACT and FACIT Family of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures |
factualR | thin wrapper for the Factual.com server API |
FADA | Variable Selection for Supervised Classification in High Dimension |
FAdist | Distributions that are Sometimes Used in Hydrology |
Fahrmeir | Data from the Book "Multivariate Statistical Modelling Based on Generalized Linear Models", First Edition, by Ludwig Fahrmeir and Gerhard Tutz |
fail | File Abstraction Interface Layer (FAIL) |
faisalconjoint | Faisal Conjoint Model: A New Approach to Conjoint Analysis |
fakemake | Mock the Unix Make Utility |
fakeR | Simulates Data from a Data Frame of Different Variable Types |
falcon | Finding Allele-Specific Copy Number in Next-Generation Sequencing Data |
falconx | Finding Allele-Specific Copy Number in Whole-Exome Sequencing Data |
fam2r | From 'Familias' to R |
fame | Interface for FAME Time Series Database |
FamEvent | Family Age-at-Onset Data Simulation and Penetrance Estimation |
Familias | Probabilities for Pedigrees Given DNA Data |
FAMILY | A Convex Formulation for Modeling Interactions with Strong Heredity |
FAmle | Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Estimation of Univariate Probability Distributions |
famSKATRC | Family Sequence Kernel Association Test for Rare and Common Variants |
FAMT | Factor Analysis for Multiple Testing (FAMT) : simultaneous tests under dependence in high-dimensional data |
fanc | Penalized Likelihood Factor Analysis via Nonconvex Penalty |
fANCOVA | Nonparametric Analysis of Covariance |
fancycut | A Fancy Version of 'base::cut' |
fanovaGraph | Building Kriging Models from FANOVA Graphs |
fanplot | Visualisation of Sequential Probability Distributions Using Fan Charts |
FAOSTAT | Download Data from the FAOSTAT Database of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations |
faoutlier | Influential Case Detection Methods for Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Models |
far | Modelization for Functional AutoRegressive Processes |
faraway | Functions and Datasets for Books by Julian Faraway |
farff | A Faster 'ARFF' File Reader and Writer |
fArma | Rmetrics - Modelling ARMA Time Series Processes |
FarmSelect | Factor Adjusted Robust Model Selection |
FarmTest | Factor Adjusted Robust Multiple Testing |
farsi | Translate integers into persian |
fAsianOptions | Rmetrics - EBM and Asian Option Valuation |
fasjem | A Fast and Scalable Joint Estimator for Learning Multiple Related Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models |
fAssets | Rmetrics - Analysing and Modelling Financial Assets |
fast | Implementation of the Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test (FAST) |
fastAdaboost | a Fast Implementation of Adaboost |
FastBandChol | Fast Estimation of a Covariance Matrix by Banding the Cholesky Factor |
fastclime | A Fast Solver for Parameterized LP Problems, Constrained L1 Minimization Approach to Sparse Precision Matrix Estimation and Dantzig Selector |
fastcluster | Fast Hierarchical Clustering Routines for R and Python |
fastcmh | Significant Interval Discovery with Categorical Covariates |
fastcox | Lasso and Elastic-Net Penalized Cox's Regression in High Dimensions Models using the Cocktail Algorithm |
fastdigest | Fast, Low Memory-Footprint Digests of R Objects |
fastDummies | Fast Creation of Dummy (Binary) Columns and Rows from Categorical Variables |
fasteraster | Raster Image Processing and Vector Recognition |
fastGHQuad | Fast Rcpp implementation of Gauss-Hermite quadrature |
FastGP | Efficiently Using Gaussian Processes with Rcpp and RcppEigen |
fastGraph | Fast Drawing and Shading of Graphs of Statistical Distributions |
FastHCS | Robust Algorithm for Principal Component Analysis |
fastHICA | Hierarchical Independent Component Analysis: a Multi-Scale Sparse Non-Orthogonal Data-Driven Basis |
fastICA | FastICA Algorithms to Perform ICA and Projection Pursuit |
FastImputation | Learn from Training Data then Quickly Fill in Missing Data |
fastJT | Efficient Jonckheere-Terpstra Test Statistics for Robust Machine Learning and Genome-Wide Association Studies |
FastKM | A Fast Multiple-Kernel Method Based on a Low-Rank Approximation |
FastKNN | Fast k-Nearest Neighbors |
fastLink | Fast Probabilistic Record Linkage with Missing Data |
fastM | Fast Computation of Multivariate M-estimators |
fastmaRching | Fast Marching Method for Modelling Evolving Boundaries |
fastmatch | Fast match() function |
fastnet | Large-Scale Social Network Analysis |
FastPCS | FastPCS Robust Fit of Multivariate Location and Scatter |
fastpseudo | Fast Pseudo Observations |
fastqcr | Quality Control of Sequencing Data |
fastR | Foundations and Applications of Statistics Using R |
fastR2 | Foundations and Applications of Statistics Using R (2nd Edition) |
FastRCS | Fits the FastRCS Robust Multivariable Linear Regression Model |
fastrtext | 'fastText' Wrapper for Text Classification and Word Representation |
FastRWeb | Fast Interactive Framework for Web Scripting Using R |
FastSF | Fast Structural Filtering |
fastSOM | Fast Calculation of Spillover Measures |
fastTextR | An Interface to the 'fastText' Library |
fasttime | Fast Utility Function for Time Parsing and Conversion |
fat2Lpoly | Two-Locus Family-Based Association Test with Polytomic Outcome |
FateID | Quantification of Fate Bias in Multipotent Progenitors |
FatTailsR | Kiener Distributions and Fat Tails in Finance |
fauxpas | HTTP Error Helpers |
favnums | A Dataset of Favourite Numbers |
FAwR | Functions and Datasets for "Forest Analytics with R" |
fbar | An Extensible Approach to Flux Balance Analysis |
fBasics | Rmetrics - Markets and Basic Statistics |
fbati | Gene by Environment Interaction and Conditional Gene Tests for Nuclear Families |
FBFsearch | Algorithm for Searching the Space of Gaussian Directed Acyclic Graph Models Through Moment Fractional Bayes Factors |
FBN | FISH Based Normalization and Copy Number inference of SNP microarray data |
fBonds | Rmetrics - Pricing and Evaluating Bonds |
fbRads | Analyzing and Managing Facebook Ads from R |
fbRanks | Association Football (Soccer) Ranking via Poisson Regression |
fbroc | Fast Algorithms to Bootstrap Receiver Operating Characteristics Curves |
fcd | Fused Community Detection |
fCertificates | Basics of Certificates and Structured Products Valuation |
FCGR | Fatigue Crack Growth in Reliability |
fChange | Change Point Analysis in Functional Data |
fclust | Fuzzy Clustering |
fcm | Inference of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) |
FCMapper | Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping |
FCNN4R | Fast Compressed Neural Networks for R |
fCopulae | Rmetrics - Bivariate Dependence Structures with Copulae |
fcros | A Method to Search for Differentially Expressed Genes and to Detect Recurrent Chromosomal Copy Number Aberrations |
fcuk | The Ultimate Helper for Clumsy Fingers |
FD | Measuring functional diversity (FD) from multiple traits, and other tools for functional ecology |
fda | Functional Data Analysis |
fda.usc | Functional Data Analysis and Utilities for Statistical Computing |
fdadensity | Functional Data Analysis for Density Functions by Transformation to a Hilbert Space |
fdakma | Functional Data Analysis: K-Mean Alignment |
fdaMixed | Functional Data Analysis in a Mixed Model Framework |
fdANOVA | Analysis of Variance for Univariate and Multivariate Functional Data |
fdapace | Functional Data Analysis and Empirical Dynamics |
fdaPDE | Functional Data Analysis and Partial Differential Equations; Statistical Analysis of Functional and Spatial Data, Based on Regression with Partial Differential Regularizations |
fdasrvf | Elastic Functional Data Analysis |
fdatest | Interval Testing Procedure for Functional Data |
FDboost | Boosting Functional Regression Models |
fdcov | Analysis of Covariance Operators |
FDGcopulas | Multivariate Dependence with FDG Copulas |
fDMA | Dynamic Model Averaging and Dynamic Model Selection for Continuous Outcomes |
fdq | Forest Data Quality |
fdrci | Permutation-Based FDR Point and Confidence Interval Estimation |
fdrDiscreteNull | False Discovery Rate Procedures Under Discrete and Heterogeneous Null Distributions |
FDRreg | False discovery rate regression |
FDRsampsize | Compute Sample Size that Meets Requirements for Average Power and FDR |
FDRSeg | FDR-Control in Multiscale Change-Point Segmentation |
fdrtool | Estimation of (Local) False Discovery Rates and Higher Criticism |
fds | Functional data sets |
fdth | Frequency Distribution Tables, Histograms and Polygons |
FeaLect | Scores Features for Feature Selection |
feather | R Bindings to the Feather 'API' |
feature | Local Inferential Feature Significance for Multivariate Kernel Density Estimation |
FeatureHashing | Creates a Model Matrix via Feature Hashing with a Formula Interface |
features | Feature Extraction for Discretely-Sampled Functional Data |
featurizer | Some Helper Functions that Help Create Features from Data |
fechner | Fechnerian Scaling of Discrete Object Sets |
fecR | Fishing Effort Calculator in R |
FedData | Functions to Automate Downloading Geospatial Data Available from Several Federated Data Sources |
federalregister | Client Package for the U.S. Federal Register API |
fedreporter | Interface to Federal 'RePORTER' API |
FeedbackTS | Analysis of Feedback in Time Series |
feedeR | Read RSS/Atom Feeds from R |
fence | Using Fence Methods for Model Selection |
FENmlm | Fixed Effects Nonlinear Maximum Likelihood Models |
fergm | Estimation and Fit Assessment of Frailty Exponential Random Graph Models |
fermicatsR | Fermi Large Area Telescope Catalogs |
fetchR | Calculate Wind Fetch |
fExoticOptions | Rmetrics - Pricing and Evaluating Exotic Option |
fExpressCertificates | fExpressCertificates - Structured Products Valuation for ExpressCertificates/Autocallables |
fExtremes | Rmetrics - Modelling Extreme Events in Finance |
ff | memory-efficient storage of large data on disk and fast access functions |
ffbase | Basic Statistical Functions for Package 'ff' |
FFD | Freedom from Disease |
FField | Force field simulation for a set of points |
ffmanova | Fifty-fifty MANOVA |
ffstream | Forgetting Factor Methods for Change Detection in Streaming Data |
FFTrees | Generate, Visualise, and Evaluate Fast-and-Frugal Decision Trees |
fftw | Fast FFT and DCT Based on the FFTW Library |
fftwtools | Wrapper for 'FFTW3' Includes: One-Dimensional Univariate, One-Dimensional Multivariate, and Two-Dimensional Transform |
fgac | Generalized Archimedean Copula |
FGalgorithm | Flury and Gautschi algorithms |
fGarch | Rmetrics - Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedastic Modelling |
Fgmutils | Forest Growth Model Utilities |
FGN | Fractional Gaussian Noise and power law decay time series model fitting |
fgof | Fast Goodness-of-fit Test |
fgpt | Floating Grid Permutation Technique |
FGSG | Feature Grouping and Selection Over an Undirected Graph |
fgui | Function GUI |
FHDI | Fractional Hot Deck and Fully Efficient Fractional Imputation |
FHtest | Tests for Right and Interval-Censored Survival Data Based on the Fleming-Harrington Class |
FI | Provide functions for forest inventory calculations |
FIACH | Retrospective Noise Control for fMRI |
fICA | Classical, Reloaded and Adaptive FastICA Algorithms |
fields | Tools for Spatial Data |
FieldSim | Random Fields (and Bridges) Simulations |
fiery | A Lightweight and Flexible Web Framework |
fifer | A Biostatisticians Toolbox for Various Activities, Including Plotting, Data Cleanup, and Data Analysis |
fiftystater | Map Data to Visualize the Fifty U.S. States with Alaska and Hawaii Insets |
filehash | Simple Key-Value Database |
filehashSQLite | Simple key-value database using SQLite |
filelock | Portable File Locking |
filenamer | Easy Management of File Names |
fileplyr | Chunk Processing or Split-Apply-Combine on Delimited Files and Distributed Dataframes |
files | Effective File Navigation from the R Console |
filesstrings | Handy File and String Manipulation |
filling | Matrix Completion, Imputation, and Inpainting Methods |
fImport | Rmetrics - Importing Economic and Financial Data |
FinAna | Financial Analysis and Regression Diagnostic Analysis |
financial | Solving financial problems in R |
FinancialInstrument | Financial Instrument Model Infrastructure and Meta-Data |
FinancialMath | Financial Mathematics for Actuaries |
FinAsym | Classifies implicit trading activity from market quotes and computes the probability of informed trading |
FinCal | Time Value of Money, Time Series Analysis and Computational Finance |
finch | Parse Darwin Core Files |
FinCovRegularization | Covariance Matrix Estimation and Regularization for Finance |
FindAllRoots | Find all root(s) of the equation and Find root(s) of the equation by dichotomy |
FindIt | Finding Heterogeneous Treatment Effects |
FindMinIC | Find Models with Minimum IC |
findpython | Functions to Find an Acceptable Python Binary |
findR | Find Code Snippets, R Scripts, R Markdown, PDF and Text Files with Pattern Matching |
findviews | A View Generator for Multidimensional Data |
FinePop | Fine-Scale Population Analysis |
fingerprint | Functions to Operate on Binary Fingerprint Data |
fingerPro | Sediment Source Fingerprinting |
fingertipsR | Fingertips Data for Public Health |
finiteruinprob | Computation of the Probability of Ruin Within a Finite Time Horizon |
finreportr | Financial Data from U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission |
fishdata | A Small Collection of Fish Population Datasets |
FisherEM | The Fisher-EM algorithm |
fisheyeR | Fisheye and Hyperbolic-space-alike Interactive Visualization Tools in R |
FisHiCal | Iterative FISH-based Calibration of Hi-C Data |
fishkirkko2015 | Dataset of Measurements of Fish Species at Kirkkojarvi Lake, Finland |
fishmethods | Fishery Science Methods and Models in R |
fishMod | Fits Poisson-Sum-of-Gammas GLMs, Tweedie GLMs, and Delta Log-Normal Models |
fishmove | Prediction of Fish Movement Parameters |
FishResp | An Analytical Tool for Aquatic Respirometry |
fit.models | Compare Fitted Models |
fit4NM | NONMEM platform |
FitAR | Subset AR Model Fitting |
FitARMA | FitARMA: Fit ARMA or ARIMA using fast MLE algorithm |
fitbitScraper | Scrapes Data from Fitbit |
fitdc | Garmin FIT File Decoder |
fitdistrplus | Help to Fit of a Parametric Distribution to Non-Censored or Censored Data |
fitDRC | Fitting Density Ratio Classes |
fitplc | Fit Hydraulic Vulnerability Curves |
FITSio | FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) Utilities |
fitteR | Fit Hundreds of Theoretical Distributions to Empirical Data |
fitTetra | fitTetra is an R package for assigning tetraploid genotype scores |
fitur | Fit Univariate Distributions |
fivethirtyeight | Data and Code Behind the Stories and Interactives at 'FiveThirtyEight' |
FixedPoint | Algorithms for Finding Fixed Point Vectors of Functions |
fixedTimeEvents | The Distribution of Distances Between Discrete Events in Fixed Time |
FixSeqMTP | Fixed Sequence Multiple Testing Procedures |
fizzbuzzR | Fizz Buzz Implementation |
FKF | Fast Kalman Filter |
flacco | Feature-Based Landscape Analysis of Continuous and Constrained Optimization Problems |
flam | Fits Piecewise Constant Models with Data-Adaptive Knots |
flan | FLuctuation ANalysis on Mutation Models |
flare | Family of Lasso Regression |
flars | Functional LARS |
flashClust | Implementation of optimal hierarchical clustering |
flatr | Transforms Contingency Tables to Data Frames, and Analyses Them |
flexclust | Flexible Cluster Algorithms |
flexCWM | Flexible Cluster-Weighted Modeling |
flexdashboard | R Markdown Format for Flexible Dashboards |
FlexDir | Tools to Work with the Flexible Dirichlet Distribution |
FlexGAM | Generalized Additive Models with Flexible Response Functions |
flexmix | Flexible Mixture Modeling |
FlexParamCurve | Tools to Fit Flexible Parametric Curves |
flexPM | Flexible Parametric Models for Censored and Truncated Data |
flexrsurv | Flexible Relative Survival Analysis |
flexsurv | Flexible Parametric Survival and Multi-State Models |
flexsurvcure | Flexible Parametric Cure Models |
flextable | Functions for Tabular Reporting |
flifo | Don't Get Stuck with Stacks in R |
FLightR | Hidden Markov Model for Solar Geolocation Archival Tags |
FLIM | Farewell’s Linear Increments Model |
flip | Multivariate Permutation Tests |
flippant | Dithionite Scramblase Assay Analysis |
flipscores | Robust Testing in GLMs |
FLLat | Fused Lasso Latent Feature Model |
float | 32-Bit Floats |
flock | Process Synchronization Using File Locks |
flood | Statistical Methods for the (Regional) Analysis of Flood Frequency |
flora | Tools for Interacting with the Brazilian Flora 2020 |
flowDiv | Cytometric Diversity Indices from Gated Data |
flower | Tools for characterizing flowering traits |
flowfield | Forecasts future values of a univariate time series |
flowr | Streamlining Design and Deployment of Complex Workflows |
FlowRegEnvCost | The Environmental Costs of Flow Regulation |
flows | Flow Selection and Analysis |
FlowScreen | Daily Streamflow Trend and Change Point Screening |
FLR | Fuzzy Logic Rule Classifier |
flsa | Path algorithm for the general Fused Lasso Signal Approximator |
FLSSS | Multi-Threaded Multidimensional Fixed Size Subset Sum Solver and Extension to General-Purpose Knapsack Problem |
Flury | Data Sets from Flury, 1997 |
flux | Flux rate calculation from dynamic closed chamber measurements |
fma | Data Sets from "Forecasting: Methods and Applications" by Makridakis, Wheelwright & Hyndman (1998) |
fmbasics | Financial Market Building Blocks |
FMC | Factorial Experiments with Minimum Level Changes |
fmdates | Financial Market Date Calculations |
FME | A Flexible Modelling Environment for Inverse Modelling, Sensitivity, Identifiability and Monte Carlo Analysis |
FMP | Filtered Monotonic Polynomial IRT Models |
fmri | Analysis of fMRI Experiments |
fmriqa | Functional MRI Quality Assurance Routines |
fmrs | Variable Selection in Finite Mixture of AFT Regression and FMR |
fmsb | Functions for Medical Statistics Book with some Demographic Data |
FMsmsnReg | Regression Models with Finite Mixtures of Skew Heavy-Tailed Errors |
FMStable | Finite Moment Stable Distributions |
fmt | Variance estimation of FMT method (Fully Moderated t-statistic) |
fMultivar | Rmetrics - Analysing and Modeling Multivariate Financial Return Distributions |
FNN | Fast Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithms and Applications |
fNonlinear | Rmetrics - Nonlinear and Chaotic Time Series Modelling |
foba | greedy variable selection |
focusedMDS | Focused, Interactive Multidimensional Scaling |
foghorn | Summarize CRAN Check Results in the Terminal |
fold | A Self-Describing Dataset Format and Interface |
fontBitstreamVera | Fonts with 'Bitstream Vera Fonts' License |
fontcm | Computer Modern font for use with extrafont package |
fontHind | Additional 'ggplot2' Themes Using 'Hind' Fonts |
fontLiberation | Liberation Fonts |
fontMPlus | Additional 'ggplot2' Themes Using 'M+' Fonts |
fontquiver | Set of Installed Fonts |
foodweb | visualisation and analysis of food web networks |
fOptions | Rmetrics - Pricing and Evaluating Basic Options |
forams | Foraminifera and Community Ecology Analyses |
forcats | Tools for Working with Categorical Variables (Factors) |
foreach | Provides Foreach Looping Construct for R |
ForeCA | Forecastable Component Analysis |
forecast | Forecasting Functions for Time Series and Linear Models |
ForecastComb | Forecast Combination Methods |
ForecastCombinations | Forecast Combinations |
ForecastFramework | A Basis for Modular Model Creation |
forecastHybrid | Convenient Functions for Ensemble Time Series Forecasts |
forecastSNSTS | Forecasting for Stationary and Non-Stationary Time Series |
forecTheta | Forecasting Time Series by Theta Models |
forega | Floating-Point Genetic Algorithms with Statistical Forecast Based Inheritance Operator |
foreign | Read Data Stored by 'Minitab', 'S', 'SAS', 'SPSS', 'Stata', 'Systat', 'Weka', 'dBase', ... |
forensic | Statistical Methods in Forensic Genetics |
forensim | Statistical tools for the interpretation of forensic DNA mixtures |
forestControl | Approximate False Positive Rate Control in Selection Frequency for Random Forest |
forestFloor | Visualizes Random Forests with Feature Contributions |
forestinventory | Design-Based Global and Small-Area Estimations for Multiphase Forest Inventories |
forestmodel | Forest Plots from Regression Models |
forestplot | Advanced Forest Plot Using 'grid' Graphics |
ForestTools | Analyzing Remotely Sensed Forest Data |
ForImp | Imputation of Missing Values Through a Forward Imputation Algorithm |
ForIT | Functions from the 2nd Italian Forest Inventory (INFC) |
FormalSeries | Elementary arithemtic in formal series rings |
formatR | Format R Code Automatically |
formattable | Create 'Formattable' Data Structures |
Formula | Extended Model Formulas |
formula.tools | Programmatic Utilities for Manipulating Formulas, Expressions, Calls, Assignments and Other R Objects |
formulize | Add Formula Interfaces to Modelling Functions |
fortunes | R Fortunes |
forward | Forward search |
forwards | Data from Surveys Conducted by Forwards |
ForwardSearch | Forward Search using asymptotic theory |
fossil | Palaeoecological and Palaeogeographical Analysis Tools |
fourierin | Computes Numeric Fourier Integrals |
fourPNO | Bayesian 4 Parameter Item Response Model |
FourScores | FourScores - A game for two players |
fpa | Spatio-Temporal Fixation Pattern Analysis |
fpc | Flexible Procedures for Clustering |
fpca | Restricted MLE for Functional Principal Components Analysis |
FPCA2D | Two Dimensional Functional Principal Component Analysis |
fpCompare | Reliable Comparison of Floating Point Numbers |
FPDclustering | PD-Clustering and Factor PD-Clustering |
fpest | Estimating Finite Population Total |
fpmoutliers | Frequent Pattern Mining Outliers |
fPortfolio | Rmetrics - Portfolio Selection and Optimization |
fpow | Computing the noncentrality parameter of the noncentral F distribution |
fpp | Data for "Forecasting: principles and practice" |
fpp2 | Data for "Forecasting: Principles and Practice" (2nd Edition) |
fptdApprox | Approximation of First-Passage-Time Densities for Diffusion Processes |
FPV | Testing Hypotheses via Fuzzy P-Value in Fuzzy Environment |
fracdiff | Fractionally differenced ARIMA aka ARFIMA(p,d,q) models |
fracprolif | Fraction Proliferation via a Quiescent Growth Model |
fractal | A Fractal Time Series Modeling and Analysis Package |
fractaldim | Estimation of fractal dimensions |
FractalParameterEstimation | Simulation and Parameter Estimation of Randomized Sierpinski Carpets using the p-p-p-q-Model |
fractalrock | Generate fractal time series with non-normal returns distribution |
FRACTION | Numeric number into fraction |
fractional | Vulgar Fractions in R |
fragilityindex | Fragility Index |
Fragman | Fragment Analysis in R |
frailtyEM | Fitting Frailty Models with the EM Algorithm |
frailtyHL | Frailty Models via Hierarchical Likelihood |
frailtypack | General Frailty Models: Shared, Joint and Nested Frailty Models with Prediction |
frailtySurv | General Semiparametric Shared Frailty Model |
frair | Tools for Functional Response Analysis |
Frames2 | Estimation in Dual Frame Surveys |
franc | Detect the Language of Text |
FRAPO | Financial Risk Modelling and Portfolio Optimisation with R |
FRB | Fast and Robust Bootstrap |
frbs | Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems for Classification and Regression Tasks |
FRCC | Fast Regularized Canonical Correlation Analysis |
FREddyPro | Post-Processing EddyPro Full Output File |
freeknotsplines | Free-Knot Splines |
FreeSortR | Free Sorting Data Analysis |
freestats | Statistical algorithms used in common data mining course |
freesurfer | Wrapper Functions for 'Freesurfer' |
FREGAT | Family REGional Association Tests |
fRegression | Rmetrics - Regression Based Decision and Prediction |
FRegSigCom | Functional Regression using Signal Compression Approach |
FREQ | FREQ: Estimate population size from capture frequencies |
freqdist | Frequency Distribution |
freqdom | Frequency Domain Based Analysis: Dynamic PCA |
freqdom.fda | Functional Time Series: Dynamic Functional Principal Components |
freqMAP | Frequency Moving Average Plots (MAP) of Multinomial Data by a Continuous Covariate |
freqparcoord | Novel Methods for Parallel Coordinates |
FreqProf | Frequency Profiles Computing and Plotting |
frequencies | Create Frequency Tables with Counts and Rates |
frequencyConnectedness | Spectral Decomposition of Connectedness Measures |
freqweights | Working with Frequency Tables |
FRESA.CAD | Feature Selection Algorithms for Computer Aided Diagnosis |
FrF2 | Fractional Factorial Designs with 2-Level Factors |
FrF2.catlg128 | Catalogues of resolution IV 128 run 2-level fractional factorials up to 33 factors that do have 5-letter words |
FRK | Fixed Rank Kriging |
frm | Regression Analysis of Fractional Responses |
frmhet | Regression Analysis of Fractional Responses Under Unobserved Heterogeneity |
frmpd | Regression Analysis of Panel Fractional Responses |
frmqa | The Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution, Related Distributions and Their Applications in Finance |
fromo | Fast Robust Moments |
frontier | Stochastic Frontier Analysis |
frontiles | Partial Frontier Efficiency Analysis |
frt | Full Randomization Test |
fs | Cross-Platform File System Operations Based on 'libuv' |
FSA | Simple Fisheries Stock Assessment Methods |
FSAdata | Data to Support Fish Stock Assessment ('FSA') Package |
fscaret | Automated Feature Selection from 'caret' |
fsdaR | Robust Data Analysis Through Monitoring and Dynamic Visualization |
FSelector | Selecting Attributes |
FSelectorRcpp | 'Rcpp' Implementation of 'FSelector' Entropy-Based Feature Selection Algorithms with a Sparse Matrix Support |
fsia | Import and Analysis of OMR Data from FormScanner |
FSInteract | Fast Searches for Interactions |
fslr | Wrapper Functions for FSL ('FMRIB' Software Library) from Functional MRI of the Brain ('FMRIB') |
fso | Fuzzy Set Ordination |
fSRM | Social Relations Analyses with Roles ("Family SRM") |
fst | Lightning Fast Serialization of Data Frames for R |
fsthet | Fst-Heterozygosity Smoothed Quantiles |
FSTpackage | Unified Sequence-Based Association Tests Allowing for Multiple Functional Annotation Scores |
ftDK | A Wrapper for the API of the Danish Parliament |
FTICRMS | Programs for Analyzing Fourier Transform-Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry Data |
ftnonpar | Features and Strings for Nonparametric Regression |
fTrading | Rmetrics - Trading and Rebalancing Financial Instruments |
FTRLProximal | FTRL Proximal Implementation for Elastic Net Regression |
fts | R interface to tslib (a time series library in c++) |
ftsa | Functional Time Series Analysis |
ftsspec | Spectral Density Estimation and Comparison for Functional Time Series |
fueleconomy | EPA fuel economy data |
fugeR | FUzzy GEnetic, a machine learning algorithm to construct prediction model based on fuzzy logic |
fullfact | Full Factorial Breeding Analysis |
fulltext | Full Text of 'Scholarly' Articles Across Many Data Sources |
fun | Use R for Fun |
funbarRF | Fungal Species Identification using DNA Barcode with Random Forest |
funchir | Convenience Functions by Michael Chirico |
FunChisq | Chi-Square and Exact Tests for Model-Free Functional Dependency |
FunCluster | Functional Profiling of Microarray Expression Data |
Funclustering | A package for functional data clustering |
FuncMap | Hive Plots of R Package Function Calls |
functional | Curry, Compose, and other higher-order functions |
FunctionalNetworks | An algorithm for gene and gene set network inference |
functools | Functional Programming in R |
funcy | Functional Clustering Algorithms |
funData | An S4 Class for Functional Data |
funFEM | Clustering in the Discriminative Functional Subspace |
fungible | Fungible Coefficients and Monte Carlo Functions |
funHDDC | Model-based clustering in group-specific functional subspaces |
fUnitRoots | Rmetrics - Modelling Trends and Unit Roots |
FUNLDA | Genomic Latent Dirichlet Allocation |
funModeling | Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Preparation Tool-Box Book |
funr | Simple Utility Providing Terminal Access to all R Functions |
funrar | Functional Rarity Indices Computation |
funreg | Functional Regression for Irregularly Timed Data |
FUNTA | Functional Tangential Angle Pseudo-Depth |
funtimes | Functions for Time Series Analysis |
furniture | Furniture for Quantitative Scientists |
FusedPCA | Community Detection via Fused Principal Component Analysis |
fuser | Fused Lasso for High-Dimensional Regression over Groups |
fusionclust | Clustering and Feature Screening using L1 Fusion Penalty |
futile.any | A Tiny Utility Providing Polymorphic Operations |
futile.logger | A Logging Utility for R |
futile.matrix | Random Matrix Generation and Manipulation |
futile.options | Futile options management |
futile.paradigm | A framework for working in a functional programming paradigm in R |
futility | Interim Analysis of Operational Futility in Randomized Trials with Time-to-Event Endpoints and Fixed Follow-Up |
future | Unified Parallel and Distributed Processing in R for Everyone |
future.apply | Apply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures |
future.BatchJobs | A Future API for Parallel and Distributed Processing using BatchJobs |
future.batchtools | A Future API for Parallel and Distributed Processing using 'batchtools' |
future.callr | A Future API for Parallel Processing using 'callr' |
futureheatwaves | Find, Characterize, and Explore Extreme Events in Climate Projections |
fuzzr | Fuzz-Test R Functions |
Fuzzy.p.value | Computing Fuzzy p-Value |
FuzzyAHP | (Fuzzy) AHP Calculation |
fuzzyFDR | Exact calculation of fuzzy decision rules for multiple testing |
fuzzyforest | Fuzzy Forests |
FuzzyLP | Fuzzy Linear Programming |
FuzzyMCDM | Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods for Fuzzy Data |
FuzzyNumbers | Tools to Deal with Fuzzy Numbers |
FuzzyNumbers.Ext.2 | Apply Two Fuzzy Numbers on a Monotone Function |
FuzzyR | Fuzzy Logic Toolkit for R |
fuzzyRankTests | Fuzzy Rank Tests and Confidence Intervals |
FuzzyStatProb | Fuzzy Stationary Probabilities from a Sequence of Observations of an Unknown Markov Chain |
FuzzyStatTra | Statistical Methods for Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers |
FuzzyToolkitUoN | Type 1 Fuzzy Logic Toolkit |
fuzzywuzzyR | Fuzzy String Matching |
fwdmsa | Forward search for Mokken scale analysis |
FWDselect | Selecting Variables in Regression Models |
fwi.fbp | Fire Weather Index System and Fire Behaviour Prediction System Calculations |
fwsim | Fisher-Wright Population Simulation |
fxregime | Exchange Rate Regime Analysis |
g.data | Delayed-Data Packages |
G1DBN | A package performing Dynamic Bayesian Network inference |
g2f | Find and Fill Gaps in Metabolic Networks |
G2Sd | Grain-Size Statistics and Description of Sediment |
GA | Genetic Algorithms |
GAabbreviate | Abbreviating Items Measures using Genetic Algorithms |
GABi | Framework for Generalized Subspace Pattern Mining |
GAD | GAD: Analysis of variance from general principles |
GADAG | A Genetic Algorithm for Learning Directed Acyclic Graphs |
GaDiFPT | First Passage Time Simulation for Gaussian Diffusion Processes |
GADMTools | Easy Use of 'GADM' Shapefiles |
gafit | Genetic Algorithm for Curve Fitting |
gaiah | Genetic and Isotopic Assignment Accounting for Habitat Suitability |
gains | Lift (Gains) Tables and Charts |
GAIPE | Graphical Extension with Accuracy in Parameter Estimation (GAIPE) |
galts | Genetic Algorithms and C-Steps Based LTS (Least Trimmed Squares) Estimation |
gam | Generalized Additive Models |
gamair | Data for "GAMs: An Introduction with R" |
gambin | Fit the Gambin Model to Species Abundance Distributions |
GAMBoost | Generalized linear and additive models by likelihood based boosting |
gamboostLSS | Boosting Methods for 'GAMLSS' |
gamboostMSM | Estimating multistate models using gamboost() |
gamclass | Functions and Data for a Course on Modern Regression and Classification |
gamCopula | Generalized Additive Models for Bivariate Conditional Dependence Structures and Vine Copulas |
GAMens | Applies GAMbag, GAMrsm and GAMens Ensemble Classifiers for Binary Classification |
games | Statistical Estimation of Game-Theoretic Models |
gamesGA | Genetic Algorithm for Sequential Symmetric Games |
GameTheory | Cooperative Game Theory |
GameTheoryAllocation | Tools for Calculating Allocations in Game Theory |
gamlr | Gamma Lasso Regression |
gamlss | Generalised Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape |
gamlss.add | Extra Additive Terms for GAMLSS Models |
gamlss.cens | Fitting an Interval Response Variable Using ‘gamlss.family’ Distributions |
gamlss.data | GAMLSS Data |
gamlss.demo | Demos for GAMLSS |
gamlss.dist | Distributions for Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape |
gamlss.mx | Fitting Mixture Distributions with GAMLSS |
gamlss.nl | Fitting non linear parametric GAMLSS models |
gamlss.spatial | Spatial Terms in Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape Models |
gamlss.tr | Generating and Fitting Truncated ‘gamlss.family’ Distributions |
gamlss.util | GAMLSS Utilities |
gamlssbssn | Bimodal Skew Symmetric Normal Distribution |
gamm4 | Generalized Additive Mixed Models using 'mgcv' and 'lme4' |
gamm4.test | Comparing Nonlinear Curves and Surface Estimations by Semiparametric Methods |
Gammareg | classic gamma regression: joint modeling of mean and shape parameters |
gamreg | Robust and Sparse Regression via Gamma-Divergence |
gamRR | Calculate the RR for the GAM |
gamsel | Fit Regularization Path for Generalized Additive Models |
GANPA | Gene Association Network-based Pathway Analysis |
GANPAdata | The GANPA Datasets Package |
gaoptim | Genetic Algorithm optimization for real-based and permutation-based problems |
gap | Genetic Analysis Package |
gap.datasets | Datasets for 'gap' |
GAparsimony | Searching Parsimony Models with Genetic Algorithms |
gapfill | Fill Missing Values in Satellite Data |
gapmap | Functions for Drawing Gapped Cluster Heatmap with ggplot2 |
gapminder | Data from Gapminder |
GAR | Authorize and Request Google Analytics Data |
GAS | Generalized Autoregressive Score Models |
gaselect | Genetic Algorithm (GA) for Variable Selection from High-Dimensional Data |
gasfluxes | Greenhouse Gas Flux Calculation from Chamber Measurements |
gastempt | Analyzing Gastric Emptying from MRI or Scintigraphy |
gaston | Genetic Data Handling (QC, GRM, LD, PCA) & Linear Mixed Models |
gatepoints | Easily Gate or Select Points on a Scatter Plot |
GauPro | Gaussian Process Fitting |
gaussDiff | Difference measures for multivariate Gaussian probability density functions |
gaussfacts | The Greatest Mathematician Since Antiquity |
gaussquad | Collection of functions for Gaussian quadrature |
gazepath | Parse Eye-Tracking Data into Fixations |
gb | Generalize Lambda Distribution and Generalized Bootstrapping |
GB2 | Generalized Beta Distribution of the Second Kind: Properties, Likelihood, Estimation |
GBJ | Generalized Berk-Jones Test for Set-Based Inference in Genetic Association Studies |
gbm | Generalized Boosted Regression Models |
gbm2sas | Convert GBM Object Trees to SAS Code |
gbp | A Bin Packing Problem Solver |
gbRd | Utilities for processing Rd objects and files |
gbs2ploidy | Inference of Ploidy from (Genotyping-by-Sequencing) GBS Data |
gbts | Hyperparameter Search for Gradient Boosted Trees |
gbutils | Simulation of Real and Complex Numbers and Small Programming Utilities |
GCAI.bias | Guided Correction Approach for Inherited bias (GCAI.bias) |
GCalignR | Simple Peak Alignment for Gas-Chromatography Data |
gCat | Graph-based two-sample tests for categorical data |
gcbd | 'GPU'/CPU Benchmarking in Debian-Based Systems |
GCD | Global Charcoal Database |
gcdnet | LASSO and Elastic Net (Adaptive) Penalized Least Squares, Logistic Regression, HHSVM, Squared Hinge SVM and Expectile Regression using a Fast GCD Algorithm |
gcerisk | Generalized Competing Event Model |
gcite | Google Citation Parser |
gcKrig | Analysis of Geostatistical Count Data using Gaussian Copulas |
gclus | Clustering Graphics |
gcmr | Gaussian Copula Marginal Regression |
gconcord | Concord method for Graphical Model Selection |
gcookbook | Data for "R Graphics Cookbook" |
GCPM | Generalized Credit Portfolio Model |
GD | Geographical Detectors |
GDAdata | Datasets for the Book Graphical Data Analysis with R |
gdalUtils | Wrappers for the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) Utilities |
gdata | Various R Programming Tools for Data Manipulation |
GDAtools | A Toolbox for the Analysis of Categorical Data in Social Sciences, and Especially Geometric Data Analysis |
GDELTtools | Download, slice, and normalize GDELT data |
gdimap | Generalized Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
GDINA | The Generalized DINA Model Framework |
gdistance | Distances and Routes on Geographical Grids |
gdm | Generalized Dissimilarity Modeling |
gdmp | Genomic Data Management |
gdns | Tools to Work with Google DNS Over HTTPS API |
gdpc | Generalized Dynamic Principal Components |
gds | Descriptive Statistics of Grouped Data |
gdtools | Utilities for Graphical Rendering |
gear | Geostatistical Analysis in R |
GeDS | Geometrically Designed Spline Regression |
gee | Generalized Estimation Equation Solver |
gee4 | Generalised Estimating Equations (GEE/WGEE) using 'Armadillo' and S4 |
GEEaSPU | Adaptive Association Tests for Multiple Phenotypes using Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) |
geecure | Marginal Proportional Hazards Mixture Cure Models with Generalized Estimating Equations |
geeM | Solve Generalized Estimating Equations |
GEEmediate | Mediation Analysis for Generalized Linear Models Using the Difference Method |
geepack | Generalized Estimating Equation Package |
geesmv | Modified Variance Estimators for Generalized Estimating Equations |
geex | An API for M-Estimation |
geigen | Calculate Generalized Eigenvalues, the Generalized Schur Decomposition and the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition of a Matrix Pair with Lapack |
geiger | Analysis of Evolutionary Diversification |
GEint | Misspecified Models for Gene-Environment Interaction |
gelnet | Generalized Elastic Nets |
gem | File Conversion for 'Gem Infrasound Logger' |
gemlog | File Conversion for 'Gem Infrasound Logger' |
gems | Generalized Multistate Simulation Model |
gemtc | Network Meta-Analysis Using Bayesian Methods |
GenABEL | genome-wide SNP association analysis |
GenABEL.data | Package contains data which is used by GenABEL example and test functions |
genalg | R Based Genetic Algorithm |
GenAlgo | Classes and Methods to Use Genetic Algorithms for Feature Selection |
genasis | Global ENvironmental ASsessment Information System (GENASIS) computational tools |
genBaRcode | Analysis and Visualization Tools for Genetic Barcode Data |
genBart | Generate 'BART' File |
GenBinomApps | Clopper-Pearson Confidence Interval and Generalized Binomial Distribution |
gencve | General Cross Validation Engine |
gendata | Generate and Modify Synthetic Datasets |
gender | Predict Gender from Names Using Historical Data |
genderBR | Predict Gender from Brazilian First Names |
genderizeR | Gender Prediction Based on First Names |
gendist | Generated Probability Distribution Models |
GENEAclassify | Segmentation and Classification of Accelerometer Data |
GENEAread | Package For Reading Binary files |
GENEAsphere | Visualisation of Raw or Segmented Accelerometer Data |
GeneClusterNet | Gene Expression Clustering and Gene Network |
GeneCycle | Identification of Periodically Expressed Genes |
GeneF | Package for Generalized F-statistics |
GeneFeST | Bayesian calculation of gene-specific FST from genomic SNP data |
geneListPie | Profiling a gene list into GOslim or KEGG function pie |
genemodel | Gene Model Plotting in R |
GeneNet | Modeling and Inferring Gene Networks |
geneNetBP | Belief Propagation in Genotype-Phenotype Networks |
genepi | Genetic Epidemiology Design and Inference |
genepop | Population Genetic Data Analysis Using Genepop |
generalCorr | Generalized Correlations and Initial Causal Path |
generalhoslem | Goodness of Fit Tests for Logistic Regression Models |
GeneralizedHyperbolic | The Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution |
GeneralizedUmatrix | Credible Visualization for Two-Dimensional Projections of Data |
GeneralOaxaca | Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition for Generalized Linear Model |
generator | Generate Data Containing Fake Personally Identifiable Information |
GeneReg | Construct time delay gene regulatory network |
geneSignatureFinder | A Gene-signatures finder tools |
geneSLOPE | Genome-Wide Association Study with SLOPE |
genetics | Population Genetics |
GeneticSubsetter | Identify Favorable Subsets of Germplasm Collections |
GeNetIt | Spatial Graph-Theoretic Genetic Gravity Modelling |
GenForImp | The Forward Imputation: A Sequential Distance-Based Approach for Imputing Missing Data |
genie | A New, Fast, and Outlier Resistant Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm |
geniusr | Tools for Working with the 'Genius' API |
GenKern | Functions for generating and manipulating binned kernel density estimates |
genlasso | Path algorithm for generalized lasso problems |
GENLIB | Genealogical Data Analysis |
genlogis | Generalized Logistic Distribution |
genMOSS | Functions for the Bayesian Analysis of GWAS Data |
genMOSSplus | Application of MOSS algorithm to genome-wide association study (GWAS) |
geno2proteo | Finding the DNA and Protein Sequences of Any Genomic or Proteomic Loci |
genomeplot | 'Plot genome wide values for all chromosomes' |
genomic.autocorr | Models Dealing with Spatial Dependency in Genomic Data |
GenomicMating | Efficient Breeding by Genomic Mating |
genomicper | Circular Genomic Permutation using Gwas p-Values of Association |
GenomicTools | Collection of Tools for Genomic Data Analysis |
genoPlotR | Plot Publication-Grade Gene and Genome Maps |
GenOrd | Simulation of Discrete Random Variables with Given Correlation Matrix and Marginal Distributions |
genotypeR | SNP Genotype Marker Design and Analysis |
genpathmox | Generalized Pathmox Approach Segmentation Tree Analysis |
genridge | Generalized Ridge Trace Plots for Ridge Regression |
GenSA | Generalized Simulated Annealing |
gensemble | generalized ensemble methods |
gensphere | Generalized Spherical Distributions |
genSurv | Generating Multi-State Survival Data |
GenWin | Spline Based Window Boundaries for Genomic Analyses |
geo | Draw and Annotate Maps, Especially Charts of the North Atlantic |
geoaxe | Split 'Geospatial' Objects into Pieces |
geoBayes | Analysis of Geostatistical Data using Bayes and Empirical Bayes Methods |
GeoBoxplot | Geographic Box Plot |
geoCount | Analysis and Modeling for Geostatistical Count Data |
GeoDE | A geometrical Approach to Differential expression and gene-set enrichment |
geoelectrics | 3D-Visualization of Geoelectric Resistivity Measurement Profiles |
geofacet | 'ggplot2' Faceting Utilities for Geographical Data |
geofd | Spatial Prediction for Function Value Data |
geoGAM | Select Sparse Geoadditive Models for Spatial Prediction |
GeoGenetix | Quantification of the effect of geographic versus environmental isolation on genetic differentiation |
geogrid | Turn Geospatial Polygons into Regular or Hexagonal Grids |
geohash | Tools for Geohash Creation and Manipulation |
geojson | Classes for 'GeoJSON' |
geojsonio | Convert Data from and to 'GeoJSON' or 'TopoJSON' |
geojsonlint | Tools for Validating 'GeoJSON' |
geojsonR | A GeoJson Processing Toolkit |
geoknife | Web-Processing of Large Gridded Datasets |
GeoLight | Analysis of Light Based Geolocator Data |
GEOmap | Topographic and Geologic Mapping |
geomapdata | Data for topographic and Geologic Mapping |
GeomComb | (Geometric) Forecast Combination Methods |
geomedb | Fetch 'GeOMe-db' FIMS Data |
geomerge | Geospatial Data Integration |
geometa | Tools for Reading and Writing ISO/OGC Geographic Metadata |
geometry | Mesh Generation and Surface Tesselation |
geomnet | Network Visualization in the 'ggplot2' Framework |
GeoMongo | Geospatial Queries Using 'PyMongo' |
geomorph | Geometric Morphometric Analyses of 2D/3D Landmark Data |
geonames | Interface to www.geonames.org web service |
geoops | 'GeoJSON' Topology Calculations and Operations |
geoparser | Interface to the Geoparser.io API for Identifying and Disambiguating Places Mentioned in Text |
geophys | Geophysics, Continuum Mechanics, Gravity Modeling |
geoR | Analysis of Geostatistical Data |
GeoRange | Calculating Geographic Range from Occurrence Data |
geoRglm | A Package for Generalised Linear Spatial Models |
georob | Robust Geostatistical Analysis of Spatial Data |
geosapi | GeoServer REST API R Interface |
geoscale | Geological Time Scale Plotting |
geospacom | Facilitate Generating of Distance Matrices Used in Package 'spacom' and Plotting Data on Maps |
geoSpectral | Classes and Methods for Working with Spectral Data with Space-Time Attributes |
geosphere | Spherical Trigonometry |
geospt | Geostatistical Analysis and Design of Optimal Spatial Sampling Networks |
geosptdb | Spatio-Temporal; Inverse Distance Weighting and Radial Basis Functions with Distance-Based Regression |
geostatsp | Geostatistical Modelling with Likelihood and Bayes |
geotech | Geotechnical Engineering |
geotools | Geo tools |
geotoolsR | Tools to Improve the Use of Geostatistic |
geotopbricks | An R Plug-in for the Distributed Hydrological Model GEOtop |
geozoning | Zoning Methods for Spatial Data |
geozoo | Zoo of Geometric Objects |
gepaf | Google Encoded Polyline Algorithm Format |
GERGM | Estimation and Fit Diagnostics for Generalized Exponential Random Graph Models |
GerminaR | Germination Indexes for Seed Germination Variables for Ecophysiological Studies |
gesca | Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA) |
GESE | Gene-Based Segregation Test |
gesis | R Client for GESIS Data Catalogue (DBK) |
GESTr | Gene Expression State Transformation |
getCRUCLdata | Use and Explore CRU CL v. 2.0 Climatology Elements in R |
GetDFPData | Reading Annual Financial Reports from Bovespa's DFP, FRE and FCA System |
GetHFData | Download and Aggregate High Frequency Trading Data from Bovespa |
GetITRData | Reading Financial Reports from Bovespa's ITR System |
getlandsat | Get Landsat 8 Data from Amazon Public Data Sets |
GetLattesData | Reading Bibliometric Data from Lattes Platform |
getMet | Get Meteorological Data for Hydrologic Models |
getmstatistic | Quantifying Systematic Heterogeneity in Meta-Analysis |
getopt | C-Like 'getopt' Behavior |
GetoptLong | Parsing Command-Line Arguments and Variable Interpolation |
getPass | Masked User Input |
GetR | GetR: Calculate Guttman error trees in R |
gets | General-to-Specific (GETS) Modelling and Indicator Saturation Methods |
getTBinR | Get WHO Tuberculosis Data |
GetTDData | Get Data for Brazilian Bonds (Tesouro Direto) |
gettingtothebottom | Learning Optimization and Machine Learning for Statistics |
gettz | Get the Timezone Information |
GEVcdn | GEV Conditional Density Estimation Network |
GEVStableGarch | ARMA-GARCH/APARCH Models with GEV and Stable Distributions |
GExMap | A visual, intuitive, easy to use software giving access to a new type of information buried into your microarray data |
GFA | Group Factor Analysis |
gfcanalysis | Tools for Working with Hansen et al. Global Forest Change Dataset |
GFD | Tests for General Factorial Designs |
gfer | Green Finance and Environmental Risk |
GFGM.copula | Generalized Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern Copula |
gfmR | Implements Group Fused Multinomial Regression |
ggallin | Grab Bag of 'ggplot2' Functions |
ggalluvial | Alluvial Diagrams in 'ggplot2' |
GGally | Extension to 'ggplot2' |
ggalt | Extra Coordinate Systems, 'Geoms', Statistical Transformations, Scales and Fonts for 'ggplot2' |
ggbeeswarm | Categorical Scatter (Violin Point) Plots |
ggbuildr | Save Incremental Builds of Plots |
ggChernoff | Chernoff Faces for 'ggplot2' |
ggconf | Simpler Appearance Modification of 'ggplot2' |
ggcorrplot | Visualization of a Correlation Matrix using 'ggplot2' |
ggdendro | Create Dendrograms and Tree Diagrams Using 'ggplot2' |
ggdmc | Dynamic Model of Choice with Parallel Computation, and C++ Capabilities |
gge | Genotype Plus Genotype-by-Environment Biplots |
GGEBiplotGUI | Interactive GGE Biplots in R |
GGEBiplots | GGE Biplots with 'ggplot2' |
ggedit | Interactive 'ggplot2' Layer and Theme Aesthetic Editor |
ggeffects | Create Tidy Data Frames of Marginal Effects for 'ggplot' from Model Outputs |
ggenealogy | Visualization Tools for Genealogical Data |
ggExtra | Add Marginal Histograms to 'ggplot2', and More 'ggplot2' Enhancements |
ggFacetSample | Show Large Facet Dimensions by Sampling |
ggfan | Summarise a Distribution Through Coloured Intervals |
ggfittext | Fit Text Inside a Box in 'ggplot2' |
ggforce | Accelerating 'ggplot2' |
ggformula | Formula Interface to the Grammar of Graphics |
ggfortify | Data Visualization Tools for Statistical Analysis Results |
gggenes | Draw Gene Arrow Maps in 'ggplot2' |
ggghost | Capture the Spirit of Your 'ggplot2' Calls |
ggguitar | Utilities for Creating Guitar Tablature |
gghalfnorm | Create a Half Normal Plot Using 'ggplot2' |
gghighlight | Highlight Lines and Points in 'ggplot2' |
ggimage | Use Image in 'ggplot2' |
GGIR | Raw Accelerometer Data Analysis |
ggiraph | Make 'ggplot2' Graphics Interactive |
ggiraphExtra | Make Interactive 'ggplot2'. Extension to 'ggplot2' and 'ggiraph' |
ggjoy | Joyplots in 'ggplot2' |
gglasso | Group Lasso Penalized Learning Using a Unified BMD Algorithm |
gglogo | Geom for Logo Sequence Plots |
ggloop | Create 'ggplot2' Plots in a Loop |
gglorenz | Plotting Lorenz Curve with the Blessing of 'ggplot2' |
ggm | Functions for graphical Markov models |
ggmap | Spatial Visualization with ggplot2 |
ggmcmc | Tools for Analyzing MCMC Simulations from Bayesian Inference |
ggmosaic | Mosaic Plots in the 'ggplot2' Framework |
GGMridge | Gaussian Graphical Models Using Ridge Penalty Followed by Thresholding and Reestimation |
GGMselect | Gaussian Graphs Models Selection |
ggmuller | Create Muller Plots of Evolutionary Dynamics |
ggnetwork | Geometries to Plot Networks with 'ggplot2' |
ggparallel | Variations of Parallel Coordinate Plots for Categorical Data |
ggplot2 | Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics |
ggplot2movies | Movies Data |
ggplotAssist | 'RStudio' Addin for Teaching and Learning 'ggplot2' |
ggplotgui | Create Ggplots via a Graphical User Interface |
ggpmisc | Miscellaneous Extensions to 'ggplot2' |
ggpolypath | Polygons with Holes for the Grammar of Graphics |
ggpubr | 'ggplot2' Based Publication Ready Plots |
ggpval | Annotate Statistical Tests for 'ggplot2' |
ggQC | Quality Control Charts for 'ggplot' |
ggquiver | Quiver Plots for 'ggplot2' |
ggRandomForests | Visually Exploring Random Forests |
ggraph | An Implementation of Grammar of Graphics for Graphs and Networks |
ggraptR | Allows Interactive Visualization of Data Through a Web Browser GUI |
ggrepel | Repulsive Text and Label Geoms for 'ggplot2' |
ggridges | Ridgeline Plots in 'ggplot2' |
ggROC | package for roc curve plot with ggplot2 |
ggsci | Scientific Journal and Sci-Fi Themed Color Palettes for 'ggplot2' |
ggseas | 'stats' for Seasonal Adjustment on the Fly with 'ggplot2' |
ggseqlogo | A 'ggplot2' Extension for Drawing Publication-Ready Sequence Logos |
ggsignif | Significance Brackets for 'ggplot2' |
ggsn | North Symbols and Scale Bars for Maps Created with 'ggplot2' or 'ggmap' |
ggspatial | Spatial Data Framework for ggplot2 |
ggspectra | Extensions to 'ggplot2' for Radiation Spectra |
ggstance | Horizontal 'ggplot2' Components |
ggswissmaps | Offers Various Swiss Maps as Data Frames and 'ggplot2' Objects |
ggtern | An Extension to 'ggplot2', for the Creation of Ternary Diagrams |
ggThemeAssist | Add-in to Customize 'ggplot2' Themes |
ggthemes | Extra Themes, Scales and Geoms for 'ggplot2' |
GGUM | Generalized Graded Unfolding Model |
ggversa | Graficas Versatiles Con 'ggplot2' |
ggvis | Interactive Grammar of Graphics |
gh | 'GitHub' 'API' |
GHap | Genome-Wide Haplotyping |
ghibli | Studio Ghibli Palette Generator |
ghit | Lightweight GitHub Package Installer |
GHQp | Gauss Hermite Quadrature with pruning |
ghyp | A Package on Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution and Its Special Cases |
gibble | Geometry Decomposition |
gibbs.met | Naive Gibbs Sampling with Metropolis Steps |
GibbsACOV | Gibbs Sampler for One-Way Mixed-Effects ANOVA and ANCOVA Models |
gifti | Reads in 'Neuroimaging' 'GIFTI' Files with Geometry Information |
GIGrvg | Random Variate Generator for the GIG Distribution |
GillespieSSA | Gillespie's Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (SSA) |
gimme | Group Iterative Multiple Model Estimation |
gimms | Download and Process GIMMS NDVI3g Data |
GiNA | High Throughput Phenotyping |
GiniWegNeg | Computing the Gini-Based Coefficients for Weighted and Negative Attributes |
gIPFrm | Generalized Iterative Proportional Fitting for Relational Models |
giphyr | R Interface to the Giphy API |
GiRaF | Gibbs Random Fields Analysis |
giRaph | The giRaph package for graph representation in R |
GISTools | Some further GIS capabilities for R |
gistr | Work with 'GitHub' 'Gists' |
git2r | Provides Access to Git Repositories |
gitgadget | Rstudio Addin for Version Control and Assignment Management using Git |
githubinstall | A Helpful Way to Install R Packages Hosted on GitHub |
gitlabr | Access to the Gitlab API |
gitter | Quantification of Pinned Microbial Cultures |
givitiR | The GiViTI Calibration Test and Belt |
Giza | Constructing panels of population pyramid plots based on lattice |
gjam | Generalized Joint Attribute Modeling |
GJRM | Generalised Joint Regression Modelling |
gk | g-and-k and g-and-h Distribution Functions |
GK2011 | Gaines and Kuklinski (2011) Estimators for Hybrid Experiments |
gkmSVM | Gapped-Kmer Support Vector Machine |
glacierSMBM | Glacier Surface Mass Balance Model |
glamlasso | Penalization in Large Scale Generalized Linear Array Models |
glarma | Generalized Linear Autoregressive Moving Average Models |
glassdoor | Interface to 'Glassdoor' API |
glasso | Graphical lasso- estimation of Gaussian graphical models |
glba | General Linear Ballistic Accumulator Models |
glcm | Calculate Textures from Grey-Level Co-Occurrence Matrices (GLCMs) |
gld | Estimation and Use of the Generalised (Tukey) Lambda Distribution |
GLDEX | Fitting Single and Mixture of Generalised Lambda Distributions (RS and FMKL) using Various Methods |
GLDreg | Fit GLD Regression Model and GLD Quantile Regression Model to Empirical Data |
gldrm | Generalized Linear Density Ratio Models |
GLIDE | Global and Individual Tests for Direct Effects |
glinternet | Learning Interactions via Hierarchical Group-Lasso Regularization |
gllm | Generalised log-linear model |
gllvm | Generalized Linear Latent Variable Models |
glm.ddR | Distributed 'glm' for Big Data using 'ddR' API |
glm.predict | Predicted Values and Discrete Changes for GLM |
glm2 | Fitting Generalized Linear Models |
GLMaSPU | An Adaptive Test on High Dimensional Parameters in Generalized Linear Models |
glmbb | All Hierarchical or Graphical Models for Generalized Linear Model |
glmBfp | Bayesian Fractional Polynomials for GLMs |
glmc | Fitting Generalized Linear Models Subject to Constraints |
glmdm | R Code for Simulation of GLMDM |
glmertree | Generalized Linear Mixed Model Trees |
glmgraph | Graph-Constrained Regularization for Sparse Generalized Linear Models |
glmlep | Fit GLM with LEP-based penalized maximum likelihood |
glmm | Generalized Linear Mixed Models via Monte Carlo Likelihood Approximation |
glmmBUGS | Generalised Linear Mixed Models with BUGS and JAGS |
glmmLasso | Variable Selection for Generalized Linear Mixed Models by L1-Penalized Estimation |
glmmML | Generalized Linear Models with Clustering |
GLMMRR | Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) for Binary Randomized Response Data |
glmmsr | Fit a Generalized Linear Mixed Model |
glmmTMB | Generalized Linear Mixed Models using Template Model Builder |
glmnet | Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models |
glmnetcr | Fit a Penalized Constrained Continuation Ratio Model for Predicting an Ordinal Response |
glmnetUtils | Utilities for 'Glmnet' |
glmpath | L1 Regularization Path for Generalized Linear Models and Cox Proportional Hazards Model |
glmpathcr | Fit a Penalized Continuation Ratio Model for Predicting an Ordinal Response |
glmtlp | Truncated Lasso Regularized Generalized Linear Models |
glmulti | Model selection and multimodel inference made easy |
glmvsd | Variable Selection Deviation Measures and Instability Tests for High-Dimensional Generalized Linear Models |
glmx | Generalized Linear Models Extended |
globalboosttest | Testing the additional predictive value of high-dimensional data |
GlobalDeviance | Global Deviance Permutation Tests |
GlobalFit | Bi-Level Optimization of Metabolic Network Models |
globalGSA | Global Gene-Set Analysis for Association Studies |
GlobalOptions | Generate Functions to Get or Set Global Options |
globalOptTests | Objective functions for benchmarking the performance of global optimization algorithms |
globals | Identify Global Objects in R Expressions |
globe | Plot 2D and 3D Views of the Earth, Including Major Coastline |
glogis | Fitting and Testing Generalized Logistic Distributions |
glpkAPI | R Interface to C API of GLPK |
glrt | Generalized Logrank Tests for Interval-censored Failure Time Data |
gLRTH | Genome-Wide Association and Linkage Analysis under Heterogeneity |
GLSME | Generalized Least Squares with Measurement Error |
glue | Interpreted String Literals |
gma | Granger Mediation Analysis |
GMAC | Genomic Mediation Analysis with Adaptive Confounding Adjustment |
gmailr | Access the Gmail RESTful API |
gmapsdistance | Distance and Travel Time Between Two Points from Google Maps |
GMCM | Fast Estimation of Gaussian Mixture Copula Models |
gMCP | Graph Based Multiple Comparison Procedures |
GMD | Generalized Minimum Distance of distributions |
gmDatabase | Accessing a Geometallurgical Database with R |
GMDH | Short Term Forecasting via GMDH-Type Neural Network Algorithms |
Gmedian | Geometric Median, k-Median Clustering and Robust Median PCA |
gmediation | Mediation Analysis for Multiple and Multi-Stage Mediators |
gmeta | Meta-Analysis via a Unified Framework of Confidence Distribution |
gmfd | Inference and Clustering of Functional Data |
Gmisc | Descriptive Statistics, Transition Plots, and More |
gmm | Generalized Method of Moments and Generalized Empirical Likelihood |
GMMBoost | Likelihood-based Boosting for Generalized mixed models |
gmnl | Multinomial Logit Models with Random Parameters |
gmodels | Various R Programming Tools for Model Fitting |
gMOIP | '2D plots of linear or integer programming models' |
gmp | Multiple Precision Arithmetic |
GMSE | Generalised Management Strategy Evaluation Simulator |
gmt | Interface Between GMT Map-Making Software and R |
gMWT | Generalized Mann-Whitney Type Tests |
GNE | Computation of Generalized Nash Equilibria |
gnFit | Goodness of Fit Test for Continuous Distribution Functions |
gnlm | Generalized Nonlinear Regression Models |
gnm | Generalized Nonlinear Models |
gnmf | Generalized Non-negative Matrix Factorization Based on Renyi Divergence |
gnorm | Generalized Normal/Exponential Power Distribution |
gnumeric | Read Data from Files Readable by 'gnumeric' |
goalprog | Weighted and lexicographical goal programming and optimization |
goeveg | Functions for Community Data and Ordinations |
gof | Model-diagnostics based on cumulative residuals |
gofastr | Fast DocumentTermMatrix and TermDocumentMatrix Creation |
gofCopula | Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Copulae |
GoFKernel | Testing Goodness-of-Fit with the Kernel Density Estimator |
GofKmt | Khmaladze Martingale Transformation Goodness-of-Fit Test |
gofMC | Goodness of Fit Noise Analysis Using Monte Carlo Techniques |
goft | Tests of Fit for some Probability Distributions |
goftest | Classical Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Univariate Distributions |
goftte | Goodness-of-Fit for Time-to-Event Data |
gogamer | Go Game Data Parser |
GOGANPA | GO-Functional-Network-based Gene-Set-Analysis |
gogarch | Generalized Orthogonal GARCH (GO-GARCH) models |
goldi | Gene Ontology Label Discernment and Identification |
gomms | GLM-Based Ordination Method |
GoodmanKruskal | Association Analysis for Categorical Variables |
googleAnalyticsR | Google Analytics API into R |
googleAuthR | Authenticate and Create Google APIs |
googleCloudStorageR | Interface with Google Cloud Storage API |
googleComputeEngineR | R Interface with Google Compute Engine |
googledrive | An Interface to Google Drive |
googleformr | Collect Data Programmatically by POST Methods to Google Forms |
GoogleKnowledgeGraphR | Retrieve Information from 'Google Knowledge Graph' API |
googleLanguageR | Call Google's 'Natural Language' API, 'Cloud Translation' API and 'Cloud Speech' API |
googlePolylines | Encoding Coordinates into 'Google' Polylines |
googlePrintr | Connect to 'Google Cloud Print' API |
googlePublicData | Working with Google's 'Public Data Explorer' DSPL Metadata Files |
googlesheets | Manage Google Spreadsheets from R |
googleVis | R Interface to Google Charts |
googleway | Accesses Google Maps APIs to Retrieve Data and Plot Maps |
GOplot | Visualization of Functional Analysis Data |
GORCure | Fit Generalized Odds Rate Mixture Cure Model with Interval Censored Data |
goric | Generalized Order-Restricted Information Criterion for Selecting Order-Restricted (Multivariate) Linear Models |
govStatJPN | functions to get public survey data in Japan |
gower | Gower's Distance |
gpairs | gpairs: The Generalized Pairs Plot |
GPareto | Gaussian Processes for Pareto Front Estimation and Optimization |
GPArotation | GPA Factor Rotation |
GPB | Generalized Poisson Binomial Distribution |
GPC | Generalized Polynomial Chaos |
gPCA | Batch Effect Detection via Guided Principal Components Analysis |
gpclib | General Polygon Clipping Library for R |
GPCMlasso | Differential Item Functioning in Generalized Partial Credit Models |
GPCSIV | GPCSIV, Generalized Principal Component of Symbolic Interval variables |
gpDDE | General Profiling Method for Delay Differential Equation |
gPdtest | Bootstrap goodness-of-fit test for the generalized Pareto distribution |
GPFDA | Apply Gaussian Process in Functional data analysis |
GPfit | Gaussian Processes Modeling |
gpg | GNU Privacy Guard for R |
GPGame | Solving Complex Game Problems using Gaussian Processes |
GpGp | Fast Gaussian Process Computation Using Vecchia's Approximation |
gphmm | Generalized Pair Hidden Markov Chain Model for Sequence Alignment |
gpk | 100 Data Sets for Statistics Education |
gplm | Generalized Partial Linear Models (GPLM) |
gplots | Various R Programming Tools for Plotting Data |
GPLTR | Generalized Partially Linear Tree-Based Regression Model |
GPM | Gaussian Process Modeling of Multi-Response Datasets |
gpmap | Analysing and plotting genotype-phenotype maps |
GPoM | Generalized Polynomial Modelling |
GPPFourier | Calculate Gross Primary Production (GPP) from O2 Time Series |
gpr | A Minimalistic package to apply Gaussian Process in R |
GPrank | Gaussian Process Ranking of Multiple Time Series |
gProfileR | Interface to the 'g:Profiler' Toolkit |
GPseq | gpseq: Using the generalized Poisson distribution to model sequence read counts from high throughput sequencing experiments |
gptk | Gaussian Processes Tool-Kit |
gpuR | GPU Functions for R Objects |
GPvam | Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Multiple Membership Mixed Models Used in Value-Added Modeling |
gqlr | 'GraphQL' Server in R |
gquad | Prediction of G Quadruplexes and Other Non-B DNA Motifs |
Grace | Graph-Constrained Estimation and Hypothesis Tests |
gradDescent | Gradient Descent for Regression Tasks |
grade | Binary Grading functions for R |
gradientPickerD3 | Interactive Color Gradient Picker Using 'htmlwidgets' and the Modified JS Script 'jquery-gradient-picker' |
GRaF | Species distribution modelling using latent Gaussian random fields |
gRain | Graphical Independence Networks |
gramEvol | Grammatical Evolution for R |
GrammR | Graphical Representation and Modeling of Metagenomic Reads |
granova | Graphical Analysis of Variance |
granovaGG | Graphical Analysis of Variance Using ggplot2 |
GRAPE | Gene-Ranking Analysis of Pathway Expression |
grapes | Make Binary Operators |
gRapfa | Acyclic Probabilistic Finite Automata |
GrapheR | A Multi-Platform GUI for Drawing Customizable Graphs in R |
grapherator | A Modular Multi-Step Graph Generator |
GraphFactor | Network Topology of Intravariable Clusters with Intervariable Links |
graphicalVAR | Graphical VAR for Experience Sampling Data |
graphicsQC | Quality Control for Graphics in R |
graphkernels | Graph Kernels |
GraphKit | Estimating Structural Invariants of Graphical Models |
graphon | A Collection of Graphon Estimation Methods |
graphql | A GraphQL Query Parser |
graphscan | Cluster Detection with Hypothesis Free Scan Statistic |
graphTweets | Visualise Twitter Interactions |
GrassmannOptim | Grassmann Manifold Optimization |
graticule | Meridional and Parallel Lines for Maps |
grattan | Australian Tax Policy Analysis |
gravity | Estimation Methods for Gravity Models |
gRbase | A Package for Graphical Modelling in R |
gRc | Inference in Graphical Gaussian Models with Edge and Vertex Symmetries |
GRCdata | Parameter Inference and Optimal Designs for Grouped and/or Right-Censored Count Data |
grec | GRadient-Based RECognition of Spatial Patterns in Environmental Data |
GreedyEPL | Greedy Expected Posterior Loss |
GreedyExperimentalDesign | Greedy Experimental Design Construction |
GreedySBTM | Greedy Stochastic Block Transition Models |
Greg | Regression Helper Functions |
greport | Graphical Reporting for Clinical Trials |
greta | Simple and Scalable Statistical Modelling in R |
grex | Gene ID Mapping for Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) Data |
greyzoneSurv | Fit a Grey-Zone Model with Survival Data |
grf | Generalized Random Forests (Beta) |
Grid2Polygons | Convert Spatial Grids to Polygons |
gridBase | Integration of base and grid graphics |
gridDebug | Debugging 'grid' Graphics |
gridExtra | Miscellaneous Functions for "Grid" Graphics |
gridGraphics | Redraw Base Graphics Using 'grid' Graphics |
gridGraphviz | Drawing Graphs with 'grid' |
gridsample | Tools for Grid-Based Survey Sampling Design |
gridsampler | A Simulation Tool to Determine the Required Sample Size for Repertory Grid Studies |
gridSVG | Export 'grid' Graphics as SVG |
GriegSmith | Uses Grieg-Smith method on 2 dimentional spatial data |
gRim | Graphical Interaction Models |
grImport | Importing Vector Graphics |
grnn | General regression neural network |
GROAN | Genomic Regression Workbench |
groc | Generalized Regression on Orthogonal Components |
grofit | The package was developed to fit fit many growth curves obtained under different conditions |
gromovlab | Gromov-Hausdorff Type Distances for Labeled Metric Spaces |
groupdata2 | Creating Groups from Data |
grouped | Regression Analysis of Grouped and Coarse Data |
groupRemMap | Regularized Multivariate Regression for Identifying Master Predictors Using the GroupRemMap Penalty |
GroupSeq | A GUI-Based Program to Compute Probabilities Regarding Group Sequential Designs |
groupsubsetselection | Group Subset Selection |
GroupTest | Multiple Testing Procedure for Grouped Hypotheses |
grove | Wavelet Functional ANOVA Through Markov Groves |
growcurves | Bayesian Semi and Nonparametric Growth Curve Models that Additionally Include Multiple Membership Random Effects |
growfunctions | Bayesian Non-Parametric Dependent Models for Time-Indexed Functional Data |
growth | Multivariate Normal and Elliptically-Contoured Repeated Measurements Models |
growthcurver | Simple Metrics to Summarize Growth Curves |
growthmodels | Nonlinear Growth Models |
growthrate | Bayesian reconstruction of growth velocity |
growthrates | Estimate Growth Rates from Experimental Data |
grplasso | Fitting user specified models with Group Lasso penalty |
grpreg | Regularization Paths for Regression Models with Grouped Covariates |
grpregOverlap | Penalized Regression Models with Overlapping Grouped Covariates |
grpSLOPE | Group Sorted L1 Penalized Estimation |
grpss | Group Screening and Selection |
GrpString | Patterns and Statistical Differences Between Two Groups of Strings |
grr | Alternative Implementations of Base R Functions |
GRS.test | GRS Test for Portfolio Efficiency, Its Statistical Power Analysis, and Optimal Significance Level Calculation |
grt | General Recognition Theory |
GRTo | Tools for the Analysis of Gutenberg-Richter Distributions of Earthquake Magnitudes |
GSA | Gene set analysis |
GSAgm | Gene Set Analysis using the Gamma Method |
gsalib | Utility Functions For GATK |
GSAQ | Gene Set Analysis with QTL |
gsarima | Two functions for Generalized SARIMA time series simulation |
gsbDesign | Group Sequential Bayes Design |
GSCAD | Implementing GSCAD Method for Image Denoising and Inpainting |
gsDesign | Group Sequential Design |
GSE | Robust Estimation in the Presence of Cellwise and Casewise Contamination and Missing Data |
gsEasy | Gene Set Enrichment Analysis in R |
GSED | Group Sequential Enrichment Design |
gSeg | Graph-Based Change-Point Detection (g-Segmentation) |
gSEM | Semi-Supervised Generalized Structural Equation Modeling |
gset | Group Sequential Design in Equivalence Studies |
gsg | Calculation of selection coefficients |
gsheet | Download Google Sheets Using Just the URL |
GSIF | Global Soil Information Facilities |
gskat | GEE_KM |
gsl | Wrapper for the Gnu Scientific Library |
gsloid | Global Sea Level and Oxygen Isotope Data |
GSM | Gamma Shape Mixture |
gsmoothr | Smoothing tools |
GSMX | Multivariate Genomic Selection |
GSODR | Global Surface Summary of the Day (GSOD) Weather Data from R |
GSparO | Group Sparse Optimization |
gsrsb | Group Sequential Refined Secondary Boundary |
gss | General Smoothing Splines |
gsscopu | Copula Density and 2-D Hazard Estimation using Smoothing Splines |
GSSE | Genotype-Specific Survival Estimation |
gstat | Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Geostatistical Modelling, Prediction and Simulation |
gsubfn | Utilities for strings and function arguments |
gsw | Gibbs Sea Water Functions |
GsymPoint | Estimation of the Generalized Symmetry Point, an Optimal Cutpoint in Continuous Diagnostic Tests |
gsynth | Generalized Synthetic Control Method |
gt4ireval | Generalizability Theory for Information Retrieval Evaluation |
gtable | Arrange 'Grobs' in Tables |
gtcorr | Calculate efficiencies of group testing algorithms with correlated responses |
gte | Generalized Turnbull's Estimator |
gTests | Graph-Based Two-Sample Tests |
gtheory | Apply Generalizability Theory with R |
gtools | Various R Programming Tools |
gtop | Game-Theoretically OPtimal (GTOP) Reconciliation Method |
gtrendsR | Perform and Display Google Trends Queries |
gtWAS | Genome and Transcriptome Wide Association Study |
gtx | Genetics ToolboX |
GuardianR | The Guardian API Wrapper |
Guerry | Maps, data and methods related to Guerry (1833) "Moral Statistics of France" |
guess | Adjust Estimates of Learning for Guessing |
GUIDE | GUI for DErivatives in R |
GUIgems | Graphical User Interface for Generalized Multistate Simulation Model |
GUILDS | Implementation of Sampling Formulas for the Unified Neutral Model of Biodiversity and Biogeography, with or without Guild Structure |
GUIProfiler | Graphical User Interface for Rprof() |
gumbel | The Gumbel-Hougaard Copula |
GUniFrac | Generalized UniFrac Distances |
gunsales | Statistical Analysis of Monthly Background Checks of Gun Purchases |
gutenbergr | Download and Process Public Domain Works from Project Gutenberg |
GUTS | Fast Calculation of the Likelihood of a Stochastic Survival Model |
gvc | Global Value Chains Tools |
gvcm.cat | Regularized Categorical Effects/Categorical Effect Modifiers/Continuous/Smooth Effects in GLMs |
gvcR | Genotypic Variance Components |
gvlma | Global Validation of Linear Models Assumptions |
GWAF | Genome-Wide Association/Interaction Analysis and Rare Variant Analysis with Family Data |
GWASExactHW | Exact Hardy-Weinburg testing for Genome Wide Association Studies |
GWASinlps | Nonlocal Prior Based Iterative SNP Selection Tool for Genome-Wide Association Studies |
gwdegree | A Shiny App to Aid Interpretation of Geometrically-Weighted Degree Estimates in Exponential Random Graph Models |
gwerAM | Controlling the genome-wide type I error rate in association mapping experiments |
gwfa | Geographically Weighted Fractal Analysis |
GWG | Calculation of probabilities for inadequate and excessive gestational weight gain |
gWidgets | gWidgets API for building toolkit-independent, interactive GUIs |
gWidgets2 | Rewrite of gWidgets API for Simplified GUI Construction |
gWidgets2RGtk2 | Implementation of gWidgets2 for the RGtk2 Package |
gWidgets2tcltk | Toolkit Implementation of gWidgets2 for tcltk |
gWidgetsRGtk2 | Toolkit Implementation of gWidgets for RGtk2 |
gWidgetstcltk | Toolkit implementation of gWidgets for tcltk package |
GWLelast | Geographically Weighted Logistic Elastic Net Regression |
GWmodel | Geographically-Weighted Models |
gWQS | Generalized Weighted Quantile Sum Regression |
GWRM | Generalized Waring Regression Model for Count Data |
gwrpvr | Genome-Wide Regression P-Value (Gwrpv) |
gwrr | Fits geographically weighted regression models with diagnostic tools |
GWSDAT | GroundWater Spatiotemporal Data Analysis Tool (GWSDAT) |
GWsignif | Estimating Genome-Wide Significance for Whole Genome Sequencing Studies, Either Single SNP Tests or Region-Based Tests |
GxM | Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Gene-by-Measured Environment Interaction Models |
gym | Provides Access to the OpenAI Gym API |
gyriq | Kinship-Adjusted Survival SNP-Set Analysis |
h2o | R Interface for H2O |
h5 | Interface to the 'HDF5' Library |
haarfisz | Software to perform Haar Fisz transforms |
HAC | Estimation, Simulation and Visualization of Hierarchical Archimedean Copulae (HAC) |
HadoopStreaming | Utilities for using R scripts in Hadoop streaming |
hail | Read HYDRA Rainfall Data |
hamlet | Hierarchical Optimal Matching and Machine Learning Toolbox |
HandTill2001 | Multiple Class Area under ROC Curve |
Hankel | Univariate non-parametric two-sample test based on empirical Hankel transforms |
hansard | Provides Easy Downloading Capabilities for the UK Parliament API |
HAP.ROR | Recursive Organizer (ROR) |
hapassoc | Inference of Trait Associations with SNP Haplotypes and Other Attributes using the EM Algorithm |
HapEstXXR | Multi-Locus Stepwise Regression |
HAPim | HapIM |
Haplin | Analyzing Case-Parent Triad and/or Case-Control Data with SNP Haplotypes |
haplo.ccs | Estimate Haplotype Relative Risks in Case-Control Data |
haplo.stats | Statistical Analysis of Haplotypes with Traits and Covariates when Linkage Phase is Ambiguous |
haploR | Query 'HaploReg' and 'RegulomeDB' |
haploReconstruct | Reconstruction of Haplotype-Blocks from Time Series Data |
HaploSim | Functions to simulate haplotypes |
haplotyper | Tool for Clustering Genotypes in Haplotypes |
haplotypes | Haplotype Inference and Statistical Analysis of Genetic Variation |
happybiRthday | Calculate Upcoming Birthday Dates of Github Repos |
hapsim | Haplotype Data Simulation |
HardyWeinberg | Statistical Tests and Graphics for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium |
harmonicmeanp | Harmonic Mean p-Values and Model Averaging by Mean Maximum Likelihood |
HarmonicRegression | Harmonic Regression to One or more Time Series |
harrietr | Wrangle Phylogenetic Distance Matrices and Other Utilities |
HARtools | Read HTTP Archive ('HAR') Data |
Harvest.Tree | Harvest the Classification Tree |
harvestr | A Parallel Simulation Framework |
hash | Full feature implementation of hash/associated arrays/dictionaries |
hashFunction | A collection of non-cryptographic hash functions |
hashids | Generate Short Unique YouTube-Like IDs (Hashes) from Integers |
hashmap | The Faster Hash Map |
hashr | Hash R Objects to Integers Fast |
hasseDiagram | Drawing Hasse Diagram |
haven | Import and Export 'SPSS', 'Stata' and 'SAS' Files |
hawkes | Hawkes process simulation and calibration toolkit |
hazus | Damage functions from FEMA's HAZUS software for use in modeling financial losses from natural disasters |
hBayesDM | Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling of Decision-Making Tasks |
hbdct | Hierarchical Bayesian Design for Clinical Trials |
HBglm | Hierarchical Bayesian Regression for GLMs |
hbim | Hill/Bliss Independence Model for Combination Vaccines |
hbm | Hierarchical Block Matrix Analysis |
hbmem | Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis of Recognition Memory |
HBP | Hi-C BED File Analysis Pipeline |
hbsae | Hierarchical Bayesian Small Area Estimation |
HBSTM | Hierarchical Bayesian Space-Time models for Gaussian space-time data |
hcc | Hidden correlation check |
hcci | Interval estimation for the parameters of linear models with heteroskedasticity (Wild Bootstrap) |
hcp | Change Point Estimation for Regression with Heteroscedastic Data |
hda | Heteroscedastic Discriminant Analysis |
HDCI | High Dimensional Confidence Interval Based on Lasso and Bootstrap |
HDclassif | High Dimensional Supervised Classification and Clustering |
HDDesign | Sample Size Calculation for High Dimensional Classification Study |
hddplot | Use Known Groups in High-Dimensional Data to Derive Scores for Plots |
hdeco | Hierarchical DECOmposition of Entropy for Categorical Map Comparisons |
hdf5r | Interface to the 'HDF5' Binary Data Format |
HDGLM | Tests for High Dimensional Generalized Linear Models |
hdi | High-Dimensional Inference |
HDInterval | Highest (Posterior) Density Intervals |
hdlm | Fitting High Dimensional Linear Models |
hdm | High-Dimensional Metrics |
HDMD | Statistical Analysis Tools for High Dimension Molecular Data (HDMD) |
hdnom | Benchmarking and Visualization Toolkit for Penalized Cox Models |
HDoutliers | Leland Wilkinson's Algorithm for Detecting Multidimensional Outliers |
hdpca | Principal Component Analysis in High-Dimensional Data |
HDPenReg | High-Dimensional Penalized Regression |
hdrcde | Highest Density Regions and Conditional Density Estimation |
hds | Hazard Discrimination Summary |
HDtest | High Dimensional Hypothesis Testing for Mean Vectors, Covariance Matrices, and White Noise of Vector Time Series |
HDtweedie | The Lasso for the Tweedie's Compound Poisson Model Using an IRLS-BMD Algorithm |
healthcareai | Tools for Healthcare Machine Learning |
HEAT | Health Effects of Air Pollution and Temperature (HEAT) |
heatex | Heat exchange calculations during physical activity |
heatmap.plus | Heatmap with more sensible behavior |
heatmap3 | An Improved Heatmap Package |
heatmapFit | Fit Statistic for Binary Dependent Variable Models |
heatmaply | Interactive Cluster Heat Maps Using 'plotly' |
heavy | Robust Estimation Using Heavy-Tailed Distributions |
heemod | Markov Models for Health Economic Evaluations |
hei | Calculate Healthy Eating Index (HEI) Scores |
heims | Decode and Validate HEIMS Data from Department of Education, Australia |
helixvis | Visualize Alpha-Helical Peptide Sequences |
hellno | Providing 'stringsAsFactors=FALSE' Variants of 'data.frame()' and 'as.data.frame()' |
helloJavaWorld | Hello Java World |
HelpersMG | Tools for Earth Meteorological Analysis |
helsinki | R Tools for Helsinki Open Data |
HEMDAG | Hierarchical Ensemble Methods for Directed Acyclic Graphs |
heplots | Visualizing Hypothesis Tests in Multivariate Linear Models |
here | A Simpler Way to Find Your Files |
hergm | Hierarchical Exponential-Family Random Graph Models |
heritability | Marker-Based Estimation of Heritability Using Individual Plant or Plot Data |
HeritSeq | Heritability of Gene Expression for Next-Generation Sequencing |
hermite | Generalized Hermite Distribution |
hesim | Health-Economic Simulation Modeling and Decision Analysis |
het.test | White's Test for Heteroskedasticity |
hetGP | Heteroskedastic Gaussian Process Modeling and Design under Replication |
hetmeta | Heterogeneity Measures in Meta-Analysis |
hett | Heteroscedastic t-regression |
heuristica | Heuristics Including Take the Best and Unit-Weight Linear |
hexbin | Hexagonal Binning Routines |
hexSticker | Create Hexagon Sticker in R |
hextri | Hexbin Plots with Triangles |
hexView | Viewing Binary Files |
hflights | Flights that departed Houston in 2011 |
hgam | High-dimensional Additive Modelling |
hglasso | Learning graphical models with hubs |
hglm | Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models |
hglm.data | Data for The hglm Package |
hgm | Holonomic Gradient Method and Gradient Descent |
HGNChelper | Handy Functions for Working with HGNC Gene Symbols and Affymetrix Probeset Identifiers |
HH | Statistical Analysis and Data Display: Heiberger and Holland |
HHG | Heller-Heller-Gorfine Tests of Independence and Equality of Distributions |
hhh4contacts | Age-Structured Spatio-Temporal Models for Infectious Disease Counts |
hht | The Hilbert-Huang Transform: Tools and Methods |
HI | Simulation from distributions supported by nested hyperplanes |
HIBPwned | Bindings for the 'HaveIBeenPwned.com' Data Breach API |
HiCblock | Systematic Analysis of Architectural Proteins and Functional Elements in Blocking Long-Range Contacts Between Loci |
HiCfeat | Multiple Logistic Regression for 3D Chromatin Domain Border Analysis |
HiCglmi | Probing Factor-Dependent Long-Range Contacts using Regression with Higher-Order Interaction Terms |
HiClimR | Hierarchical Climate Regionalization |
HiCseg | Detection of domains in HiC data |
hiddenf | The All-Configurations, Maximum-Interaction F-Test for Hidden Additivity |
HiddenMarkov | Hidden Markov Models |
HiDimDA | High Dimensional Discriminant Analysis |
HiDimMaxStable | Inference on High Dimensional Max-Stable Distributions |
hier.part | Hierarchical Partitioning |
hierarchicalDS | Functions For Performing Hierarchical Analysis of Distance Sampling Data |
hierarchicalSets | Set Data Visualization Using Hierarchies |
hierband | Convex Banding of the Covariance Matrix |
hierDiversity | Hierarchical Multiplicative Partitioning of Complex Phenotypes |
hierfstat | Estimation and Tests of Hierarchical F-Statistics |
hierNet | A Lasso for Hierarchical Interactions |
HierO | A graphical user interface for calculating power and sample size for hierarchical data |
hiertest | Convex Hierarchical Testing of Interactions |
HIest | Hybrid index estimation |
highcharter | A Wrapper for the 'Highcharts' Library |
highD2pop | Two-Sample Tests for Equality of Means in High Dimension |
HighDimOut | Outlier Detection Algorithms for High-Dimensional Data |
highfrequency | Tools for Highfrequency Data Analysis |
highlight | Syntax Highlighter |
highlightHTML | Highlight HTML Text and Tables |
highmean | Two-Sample Tests for High-Dimensional Mean Vectors |
highr | Syntax Highlighting for R Source Code |
highriskzone | Determining and Evaluating High-Risk Zones |
highSCREEN | High-Throughput Screening for Plate Based Essays |
highTtest | Simultaneous Critical Values for t-Tests in Very High Dimensions |
hillmakeR | Perform occupancy analysis |
HiLMM | Estimation of Heritability in Linear Mixed Models |
HIMA | High-Dimensional Mediation Analysis |
hindexcalculator | H-Index Calculator using Data from a Web of Science (WoS) Citation Report |
hint | Tools for hypothesis testing based on Hypergeometric Intersection distributions |
hiPOD | hierarchical Pooled Optimal Design |
hIRT | Hierarchical Item Response Theory Models |
hisse | Hidden State Speciation and Extinction |
HistData | Data Sets from the History of Statistics and Data Visualization |
HistDAWass | Histogram-Valued Data Analysis |
histmdl | A Most Informative Histogram-Like Model |
histogram | Construction of Regular and Irregular Histograms with Different Options for Automatic Choice of Bins |
HistogramTools | Utility Functions for R Histograms |
historydata | Data Sets for Historians |
histry | Enhanced Command History Tracking for R Sessions and Dynamic Documents |
hit | Hierarchical Inference Testing |
hitandrun | "Hit and Run" and "Shake and Bake" for Sampling Uniformly from Convex Shapes |
HIV.LifeTables | HIV calibrated model life tables for countries with generalized HIV epidemics |
hive | Hadoop InteractiVE |
HiveR | 2D and 3D Hive Plots for R |
HK80 | Conversion Tools for HK80 Geographical Coordinate System |
hkclustering | Ensemble Clustering using K Means and Hierarchical Clustering |
hkevp | Spatial Extreme Value Analysis with the Hierarchical Model of Reich and Shaby (2012) |
hkex.api | API to Retrieve Data from Hong Kong Stock Exchange |
HKprocess | Hurst-Kolmogorov Process |
HLMdiag | Diagnostic Tools for Hierarchical (Multilevel) Linear Models |
HLSM | Hierarchical Latent Space Network Model |
HMDHFDplus | Read HMD and HFD Data from the Web |
hmeasure | The H-measure and other scalar classification performance metrics |
hmi | Hierarchical Multiple Imputation |
Hmisc | Harrell Miscellaneous |
HMM | HMM - Hidden Markov Models |
hmm.discnp | Hidden Markov Models with Discrete Non-Parametric Observation Distributions |
HMMCont | Hidden Markov Model for Continuous Observations Processes |
HMMEsolver | A Fast Solver for Henderson Mixed Model Equation via Row Operations |
hmmm | hierarchical multinomial marginal models |
HMMoce | Improved Analysis of Marine Animal Movement Data Using Hidden Markov Models |
HMMpa | Analysing accelerometer data using hidden Markov models |
HMP | Hypothesis Testing and Power Calculations for Comparing Metagenomic Samples from HMP |
HMPTrees | Statistical Object Oriented Data Analysis of RDP-Based Taxonomic Trees from Human Microbiome Data |
HMR | Flux Estimation with Static Chamber Data |
hms | Pretty Time of Day |
HMVD | Group Association Test using a Hidden Markov Model |
hNMF | Hierarchical Non-Negative Matrix Factorization |
hnp | Half-Normal Plots with Simulation Envelopes |
hoa | Higher Order Likelihood Inference |
hoardeR | Collect and Retrieve Annotation Data for Various Genomic Data Using Different Webservices |
hoardr | Manage Cached Files |
hogsvdR | Higher-Order Generalized Singular Value Decomposition |
holdem | Texas Holdem Simulator |
Holidays | Holiday and Half-Day Data, for Use with the 'TimeWarp' Package |
homals | Gifi Methods for Optimal Scaling |
homeR | Useful Functions for Building Physics |
Homeric | Doughnut Plots |
hommel | Methods for Closed Testing with Simes Inequality, in Particular Hommel's Method |
homologene | Quick Access to Homology Information |
homomorpheR | Homomorphic Computations in R |
HomoPolymer | Theoretical Model to Simulate Radical Polymerization |
homtest | Homogeneity tests for Regional Frequency Analysis |
hopbyhop | Transmissions and Receptions in a Hop by Hop Network |
horizon | Horizon Search Algorithm |
HoRM | Supplemental Functions and Datasets for "Handbook of Regression Methods" |
hornpa | Horn's (1965) Test to Determine the Number of Components/Factors |
horseshoe | Implementation of the Horseshoe Prior |
hot.deck | Multiple Hot-Deck Imputation |
HotDeckImputation | Hot Deck Imputation Methods for Missing Data |
Hotelling | Hotelling's T^2 Test and Variants |
hotspot | Software Hotspot Analysis |
hotspots | Hot spots |
housingData | U.S. Housing Data from 2008 to 2016 |
howmany | A lower bound for the number of correct rejections |
HPbayes | Heligman Pollard mortality model parameter estimation using Bayesian Melding with Incremental Mixture Importance Sampling |
hpcwld | High Performance Cluster Models Based on Kiefer-Wolfowitz Recursion |
hpoPlot | Functions for Plotting HPO Terms |
hqmisc | Miscellaneous convenience functions and dataset |
hqreg | Regularization Paths for Lasso or Elastic-Net Penalized Huber Loss Regression and Quantile Regression |
hR | An HR Analytics Toolkit |
hrbrthemes | Additional Themes, Theme Components and Utilities for 'ggplot2' |
HRM | High-Dimensional Repeated Measures |
HRQoL | Health Related Quality of Life Analysis |
HSAR | Hierarchical Spatial Autoregressive Model |
HSAUR | A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (1st Edition) |
HSAUR2 | A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (2nd Edition) |
HSAUR3 | A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (3rd Edition) |
hsdar | Manage, Analyse and Simulate Hyperspectral Data |
hSDM | hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models |
hsicCCA | Canonical Correlation Analysis based on Kernel Independence Measures |
hsm | A Path-Based BCD for Proximal Function of Latent Group Lasso |
hsmm | Hidden Semi Markov Models |
hsphase | Phasing, Pedigree Reconstruction, Sire Imputation and Recombination Events Identification of Half-sib Families Using SNP Data |
HSSVD | Biclustering with Heterogeneous Variance |
htdp | Horizontal Time Dependent Positioning |
htm2txt | Convert Html into Text |
htmltab | Assemble Data Frames from HTML Tables |
htmlTable | Advanced Tables for Markdown/HTML |
htmltidy | Tidy Up and Test XPath Queries on HTML and XML Content |
htmltools | Tools for HTML |
HTMLUtils | Facilitates Automated HTML Report Creation |
htmlwidgets | HTML Widgets for R |
htree | Historical Tree Ensembles for Longitudinal Data |
hts | Hierarchical and Grouped Time Series |
HTSCluster | Clustering High-Throughput Transcriptome Sequencing (HTS) Data |
HTSSIP | High Throughput Sequencing of Stable Isotope Probing Data Analysis |
httk | High-Throughput Toxicokinetics |
httpcache | Query Cache for HTTP Clients |
httpcode | 'HTTP' Status Code Helper |
httping | 'Ping' 'URLs' to Time 'Requests' |
httpRequest | Basic HTTP Request |
httptest | A Test Environment for HTTP Requests |
httpuv | HTTP and WebSocket Server Library |
httr | Tools for Working with URLs and HTTP |
hues | Distinct Colours Palettes Based on 'iwanthue' |
huge | High-Dimensional Undirected Graph Estimation |
HUM | compute HUM value and visualize ROC curves |
humanFormat | Human-friendly formatting functions |
humaniformat | A Parser for Human Names |
humanleague | Synthetic Population Generator |
humidity | An R Package for Calculating Water Vapor Measures from Temperature and Relative Humidity |
hunspell | High-Performance Stemmer, Tokenizer, and Spell Checker |
HURDAT | Hurricane Re-Analysis Project |
hurdlr | Zero-Inflated and Hurdle Modelling Using Bayesian Inference |
hurricaneexposure | Explore and Map County-Level Hurricane Exposure in the United States |
hutils | Miscellaneous R Functions and Aliases |
huxtable | Easily Create and Style Tables for LaTeX, HTML and Other Formats |
HW.pval | Testing Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium for Multiallelic Genes |
hwde | Models and Tests for Departure from Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium and Independence Between Loci |
HWEBayes | Bayesian investigation of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium via estimation and testing |
HWEintrinsic | Objective Bayesian Testing for the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Problem |
hwriter | HTML Writer - Outputs R objects in HTML format |
hwwntest | Tests of White Noise using Wavelets |
HWxtest | Exact Tests for Hardy-Weinberg Proportions |
hybridEnsemble | Build, Deploy and Evaluate Hybrid Ensembles |
HybridFS | A Hybrid Filter-Wrapper Feature Selection Method |
hybridHclust | Hybrid Hierarchical Clustering |
HybridMC | Implementation of the Hybrid Monte Carlo and Multipoint Hybrid Monte Carlo sampling techniques |
hybridModels | Stochastic Hybrid Models in Dynamic Networks |
HydeNet | Hybrid Bayesian Networks Using R and JAGS |
hydroApps | Tools and models for hydrological applications |
hydrogeo | Groundwater Data Presentation and Interpretation |
hydroGOF | Goodness-of-Fit Functions for Comparison of Simulated and Observed Hydrological Time Series |
hydrolinks | Hydrologic Network Linking Data and Tools |
HydroMe | R codes for estimating water retention and infiltration model parameters using experimental data |
hydroPSO | Particle Swarm Optimisation, with focus on Environmental Models |
hydroscoper | Interface to Hydroscope |
hydrostats | Hydrologic Indices for Daily Time Series Data |
hydroTSM | Time Series Management, Analysis and Interpolation for Hydrological Modelling |
hyfo | Hydrology and Climate Forecasting |
hyper.fit | Generic N-Dimensional Hyperplane Fitting with Heteroscedastic Covariant Errors and Intrinsic Scatter |
hyper2 | The Hyperdirichlet Distribution, Mark 2 |
HyperbolicDist | The hyperbolic distribution |
hypercube | Organizing Data in a Hypercube |
hypergea | Hypergeometric Tests |
hypergeo | The Gauss Hypergeometric Function |
hypersampleplan | Attribute Sampling Plan with Exact Hypergeometric Probabilities using Chebyshev Polynomials |
hyperSMURF | Hyper-Ensemble Smote Undersampled Random Forests |
hyperSpec | Work with Hyperspectral Data, i.e. Spectra + Meta Information (Spatial, Time, Concentration, ...) |
hypervolume | High Dimensional Geometry and Set Operations Using Kernel Density Estimation, Support Vector Machines, and Convex Hulls |
hyphenatr | Tools to Hyphenate Strings Using the 'Hunspell' Hyphenation Library |
HyPhy | Macroevolutionary phylogentic analysis of species trees and gene trees |
hypoparsr | Multi-Hypothesis CSV Parser |
hypothesestest | Confidence Intervals and Tests of Statistical Hypotheses |
hypothesisr | Wrapper for the 'Hypothes.is' Web Annotation Service |
HYRISK | Hybrid Methods for Addressing Uncertainty in RISK Assessments |
hysteresis | Tools for Modeling Rate-Dependent Hysteretic Processes and Ellipses |
hzar | Hybrid Zone Analysis using R |
IAbin | Plotting N-T Plane for Decision on Performing an Interim Analysis |
iadf | Analysis of Intra Annual Density Fluctuations |
IalsaSynthesis | Synthesizing Information Across Collaborating Research |
IAPWS95 | Thermophysical Properties of Water and Steam |
IASD | Model Selection for Index of Asymmetry Distribution |
IAT | Cleaning and Visualizing Implicit Association Test (IAT) Data |
IATScore | Scoring Algorithm for the Implicit Association Test (IAT) |
IATscores | Implicit Association Test Scores Using Robust Statistics |
iBATCGH | Integrative Bayesian Analysis of Transcriptomic and CGH Data |
IBCF.MTME | Item Based Collaborative Filtering for Multi-Trait and Multi-Environment Data |
IBDhaploRtools | Functions for the Analysis of IBD Haplo Output |
IBDLabels | Convert Between Different IBD-State Labelling Schemes |
ibdreg | Regression Methods for IBD Linkage With Covariates |
IBDsim | Simulation of Chromosomal Regions Shared by Family Members |
ibeemd | Irregular-lattice based ensemble empirical mode decomposition |
ibelief | Belief Function Implementation |
IBHM | Approximation using the IBHM method |
ibm | Individual Based Models in R |
ibmcraftr | Toolkits to Develop Individual-Based Models in Infectious Disease |
ibmdbR | IBM in-Database Analytics for R |
Iboot | Iboot: iterated bootstrap tests and confidence sets |
ibr | Iterative Bias Reduction |
IBrokers | R API to Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation |
iBST | Improper Bagging Survival Tree |
ic.infer | Inequality Constrained Inference in Linear Normal Situations |
iC10 | A Copy Number and Expression-Based Classifier for Breast Tumours |
iC10TrainingData | Training datasets for iC10 package |
IC2 | Inequality and Concentration Indices and Curves |
ic50 | Standardized high-throughput evaluation of cell-based compound screens |
ica | Independent Component Analysis |
ICAFF | Imperialist Competitive Algorithm |
icamix | Estimation of ICA Mixture Models |
icaOcularCorrection | Independent Components Analysis (ICA) based artifact correction |
ICAOD | Optimal Designs for Nonlinear Models |
icapca | Mixed ICA/PCA |
icarus | Calibrates and Reweights Units in Samples |
ICBayes | Bayesian Semiparametric Models for Interval-Censored Data |
ICC | Facilitating Estimation of the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient |
ICC.Sample.Size | Calculation of Sample Size and Power for ICC |
ICcalib | Cox Model with Interval-Censored Starting Time of a Covariate |
iccbeta | Multilevel Model Intraclass Correlation for Slope Heterogeneity |
ICCbin | Facilitates Clustered Binary Data Generation, and Estimation of Intracluster Correlation Coefficient (ICC) for Binary Data |
icd | Tools for Working with ICD-9 and ICD-10 Codes, and Finding Comorbidities |
icdGLM | EM by the Method of Weights for Incomplete Categorical Data in Generlized Linear Models |
ICE | Iterated Conditional Expectation |
ICEbox | Individual Conditional Expectation Plot Toolbox |
IceCast | Apply Statistical Post-Processing to Improve Sea Ice Predictions |
ICEinfer | Incremental Cost-Effectiveness (ICE) Statistical Inference from Two Unbiased Samples |
icenReg | Regression Models for Interval Censored Data |
icensBKL | Accompanion to the Book on Interval Censoring by Bogaerts, Komarek, and Lesaffre |
icensmis | Study Design and Data Analysis in the Presence of Error-Prone Diagnostic Tests and Self-Reported Outcomes |
icesAdvice | Functions Related to ICES Advice |
icesDatras | DATRAS Trawl Database Web Services |
icesSAG | Stock Assessment Graphs Database Web Services |
icesTAF | Functions to Support the ICES Transparent Assessment Framework |
icesVocab | ICES Vocabularies Database Web Services |
ICGE | Estimation of number of clusters and identification of atypical units |
ICGOR | Fit Generalized Odds Rate Hazards Model with Interval Censored Data |
iClick | A Button-Based GUI for Financial and Economic Data Analysis |
iCluster | Integrative clustering of multiple genomic data types |
icmm | Empirical Bayes Variable Selection via ICM/M Algorithm |
icosa | Global Triangular and Penta-Hexagonal Grids Based on Tessellated Icosahedra |
icpsrdata | Reproducible Data Retrieval from the ICPSR Archive |
icr | Compute Krippendorff's Alpha |
ICRanks | Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for Ranks |
icRSF | A Modified Random Survival Forest Algorithm |
ICS | Tools for Exploring Multivariate Data via ICS/ICA |
ICSNP | Tools for Multivariate Nonparametrics |
ICSOutlier | Outlier Detection Using Invariant Coordinate Selection |
ICSShiny | ICS via a Shiny Application |
ICsurv | A package for semiparametric regression analysis of interval-censored data |
icsw | Inverse Compliance Score Weighting |
ICtest | Estimating and Testing the Number of Interesting Components in Linear Dimension Reduction |
ICV | Indirect Cross-Validation (ICV) for Kernel Density Estimation |
idar | Individual Diversity-Area Relationships |
idbg | R debugger |
idbr | R Interface to the US Census Bureau International Data Base API |
IDCard | Update Chinese ID Card Number to Eighteen Digits |
idealstan | Bayesian IRT Ideal Point Models with 'Stan' |
idefix | Efficient Designs for Discrete Choice Experiments |
idem | Inference in Randomized Controlled Trials with Death and Missingness |
idendr0 | Interactive Dendrograms |
identity | Jacquard Condensed Coefficients of Identity |
ider | Various Methods for Estimating Intrinsic Dimension |
IDF | Estimation and Plotting of IDF Curves |
iDINGO | Integrative Differential Network Analysis in Genomics |
idm | Incremental Decomposition Methods |
IDmining | Intrinsic Dimension for Data Mining |
idmTPreg | Regression Model for Progressive Illness Death Data |
iDOS | Integrated Discovery of Oncogenic Signatures |
IDPmisc | Utilities of Institute of Data Analyses and Process Design (www.idp.zhaw.ch) |
IDPSurvival | Imprecise Dirichlet Process for Survival Analysis |
idr | Irreproducible discovery rate |
ids | Generate Random Identifiers |
IDSpatialStats | Estimate Global Clustering in Infectious Disease |
IDTurtle | Identify Turtles by their Plastral Biometries |
idx2r | Convert Files to and from IDX Format to Vectors, Matrices and Arrays |
iDynoR | R Analysis package for iDynoMiCS Simulation Results |
ie2misc | Irucka Embry's Miscellaneous USGS Functions |
iECAT | Integrating External Controls into Association Test |
ieeeround | Functions to set and get the IEEE rounding mode |
iemisc | Irucka Embry's Miscellaneous Functions |
iemiscdata | Irucka Embry's Miscellaneous Data Collection |
iemisctext | Irucka Embry's Miscellaneous Text Collection |
ifa | Independent Factor Analysis |
iFad | An integrative factor analysis model for drug-pathway association inference |
ifaTools | Toolkit for Item Factor Analysis with 'OpenMx' |
ifctools | Italian Fiscal Code ('Codice Fiscale') Utilities |
IFP | Identifying Functional Polymorphisms |
ifs | Iterated Function Systems |
ifultools | Insightful Research Tools |
ig.vancouver.2014.topcolour | Instagram 2014 Vancouver Top Colour Dataset |
iGasso | Statistical Tests and Utilities for Genetic Association |
IGM.MEA | IGM MEA Analysis |
IgorR | Read Binary Files Saved by 'Igor Pro' (Including 'Neuromatic' Data) |
IGP | Interchangeable Gaussian Process Models |
igraph | Network Analysis and Visualization |
igraphdata | A Collection of Network Data Sets for the 'igraph' Package |
igraphinshiny | Use 'shiny' to Demo 'igraph' |
igraphtosonia | Convert iGraph graps to SoNIA .son files |
iGSEA | Integrative Gene Set Enrichment Analysis Approaches |
iheatmapr | Interactive, Complex Heatmaps |
ihs | Inverse Hyperbolic Sine Distribution |
IHSEP | Inhomogeneous Self-Exciting Process |
IIS | Datasets to Accompany Wolfe and Schneider - Intuitive Introductory Statistics |
iJRF | Integrative Joint Random Forest |
ijtiff | TIFF I/O for 'ImageJ' Users |
iki.dataclim | Consistency, Homogeneity and Summary Statistics of Climatological Data |
ilc | Lee-Carter Mortality Models using Iterative Fitting Algorithms |
ILS | Interlaboratory Study |
IM | Orthogonal Moment Analysis |
imageData | Aids in Processing and Plotting Data from a Lemna-Tec Scananalyzer |
imager | Image Processing Library Based on 'CImg' |
imaginator | Simulate General Insurance Policies and Losses |
imagine | IMAGing engINE, Tools for Application of Image Filters to Data Matrices |
ImaginR | Delimit and Characterize Color Phenotype of the Pearl Oyster |
IMak | Item Maker |
Imap | Interactive Mapping |
imbalance | Preprocessing Algorithms for Imbalanced Datasets |
iMediate | Likelihood Methods for Mediation Analysis |
IMFData | R Interface for International Monetary Fund(IMF) Data API |
imfr | Download Data from the International Monetary Fund's Data API |
imguR | An Imgur.com API Client Package |
IMIFA | Fitting, Diagnostics, and Plotting Functions for Infinite Mixtures of Infinite Factor Analysers and Related Models |
IMIS | Increamental Mixture Importance Sampling |
immer | Item Response Models for Multiple Ratings |
IMP | Interactive Model Performance Evaluation |
imp4p | Imputation for Proteomics |
IMPACT | The Impact of Items |
ImpactIV | Identifying Causal Effect for Multi-Component Intervention Using Instrumental Variable Method |
implyr | R Interface for Apache Impala |
imPois | Imprecise Inference for Poisson Sampling Models |
import | An Import Mechanism for R |
importar | Enables Importing/Loading of Packages or Functions While Creating an Alias for Them |
ImportExport | Import and Export Data |
imprProbEst | Minimum distance estimation in an imprecise probability model |
imputeLCMD | A collection of methods for left-censored missing data imputation |
imputeMDR | The Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction (MDR) Analysis for Incomplete Data |
imputeMissings | Impute Missing Values in a Predictive Context |
imputeMulti | Imputation Methods for Multivariate Multinomial Data |
imputePSF | Impute Missing Data in Time Series Data with PSF Based Method |
imputeR | A General Imputation Framework in R |
ImputeRobust | Robust Multiple Imputation with Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape |
imputeTestbench | Test Bench for the Comparison of Imputation Methods |
imputeTS | Time Series Missing Value Imputation |
imputeYn | Imputing the Last Largest Censored Observation(s) Under Weighted Least Squares |
iMRMC | Multi-Reader, Multi-Case Analysis Methods (ROC, Agreement, and Other Metrics) |
IMTest | Information Matrix Test for Generalized Partial Credit Models |
in2extRemes | Into the extRemes Package |
inaparc | Initialization Algorithms for Partitioning Cluster Analysis |
inarmix | Mixture models for longitudinal count data |
inbreedR | Analysing Inbreeding Based on Genetic Markers |
inca | Integer Calibration |
incadata | Recognize and Handle Data in Formats Used by Swedish Cancer Centers |
INCATome | Internal Control Analysis of Translatome Studies by Microarrays |
IncDTW | Incremental Calculation of Dynamic Time Warping |
incgraph | Incremental Graphlet Counting for Network Optimisation |
incidence | Compute, Handle, Plot and Model Incidence of Dated Events |
incR | Analysis of Incubation Data |
inctools | Incidence Estimation Tools |
IncucyteDRC | Dose Response Curves from Incucyte Proliferation Assays |
indelmiss | Insertion Deletion Analysis While Accounting for Possible Missing Data |
IndependenceTests | Nonparametric tests of independence between random vectors |
IndepTest | Nonparametric Independence Tests Based on Entropy Estimation |
IndexNumR | Index Number Calculation |
IndianTaxCalc | Indian Income Tax Calculator |
indicspecies | Relationship Between Species and Groups of Sites |
IndTestPP | Tests of Independence Between Point Processes in Time |
inegiR | Integrate INEGI’s (Mexican Stats Office) API with R |
ineq | Measuring Inequality, Concentration, and Poverty |
iNEXT | Interpolation and Extrapolation for Species Diversity |
iNextPD | Interpolation and Extrapolation for Phylogenetic Diversity |
InfDim | Infine-dimensional model (IDM) to analyse phenotypic variation in growth trajectories |
infer | Tidy Statistical Inference |
inference | Functions to extract inferential values of a fitted model object |
InferenceSMR | Inference about the standardized mortality ratio when evaluating the effect of a screening program on survival |
inferference | Methods for Causal Inference with Interference |
inferr | Inferential Statistics |
InfiniumPurify | Estimate and Account for Tumor Purity in Cancer Methylation Data Analysis |
Inflation | Core Inflation |
inflection | Finds the Inflection Point of a Curve |
influence.ME | Tools for Detecting Influential Data in Mixed Effects Models |
influence.SEM | Case Influence in Structural Equation Models |
influenceR | Software Tools to Quantify Structural Importance of Nodes in a Network |
influxdbr | R Interface to InfluxDB |
infoDecompuTE | Information Decomposition of Two-Phase Experiments |
Information | Data Exploration with Information Theory (Weight-of-Evidence and Information Value) |
InformationValue | Performance Analysis and Companion Functions for Binary Classification Models |
InformativeCensoring | Multiple Imputation for Informative Censoring |
informR | Sequence Statistics for Relational Event Models |
infotheo | Information-Theoretic Measures |
InfoTrad | Calculates the Probability of Informed Trading (PIN) |
infra | An Infrastructure Proxy Function |
infraFDTD.assist | IO Help for infraFDTD Model |
infuser | A Very Basic Templating Engine |
Infusion | Inference Using Simulation |
infutil | Information Utility |
ini | Read and Write '.ini' Files |
injectoR | R Dependency Injection |
INLABMA | Bayesian Model Averaging with INLA |
inlabru | Spatial Inference using Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation |
inline | Functions to Inline C, C++, Fortran Function Calls from R |
inlinedocs | Convert inline comments to documentation |
inlmisc | Miscellaneous Functions for the USGS INL Project Office |
iNOTE | Integrative Network Omnibus Total Effect Test |
inpdfr | Analyse Text Documents Using Ecological Tools |
InPosition | Inference Tests for ExPosition |
insideRODE | insideRODE includes buildin functions with deSolve solver and C/FORTRAN interfaces to nlme, together with compiled codes |
InSilicoVA | Probabilistic Verbal Autopsy Coding with 'InSilicoVA' Algorithm |
insol | Solar Radiation |
InspectChangepoint | High-Dimensional Changepoint Estimation via Sparse Projection |
inspectr | Perform Basic Checks of Dataframes |
INSPIRE | Inferring Shared Modules from Multiple Gene Expression Datasets with Partially Overlapping Gene Sets |
install.load | Check, Install and Load CRAN & USGS GRAN Packages |
installr | Using R to Install Stuff (Such As: R, 'Rtools', 'RStudio', 'Git', and More!) |
instaR | Access to Instagram API via R |
insuranceData | A Collection of Insurance Datasets Useful in Risk Classification in Non-life Insurance |
intamap | Procedures for Automated Interpolation |
intamapInteractive | Interactive Add-on Functionality for 'intamap' |
intccr | Semiparametric Competing Risks Regression under Interval Censoring |
IntClust | Integrated Data Analysis via Clustering |
integIRTy | Integrating Multiple Modalities of High Throughput Assays Using Item Response Theory |
IntegrateBs | Integration for B-Spline |
IntegratedJM | Joint Modeling of the Gene-Expression and Bioassay Data, Taking Care of the Effect Due to a Fingerprint Feature |
IntegratedMRF | Integrated Prediction using Uni-Variate and Multivariate Random Forests |
Interact | Tests for marginal interactions in a 2 class response model |
interactionTest | Calculates Critical Test Statistics to Control False Discovery and Familywise Error Rates in Marginal Effects Plots |
InteractiveIGraph | interactive network analysis and visualization |
interAdapt | interAdapt |
Interatrix | Compute Chi-Square Measures with Corrections |
intercure | Cure Rate Estimators for Interval Censored Data |
InterfaceqPCR | GUI to Analyse qPCR Results after PMA Treatment or not |
interferenceCI | Exact Confidence Intervals in the Presence of Interference |
interflex | Multiplicative Interaction Models Diagnostics and Visualization |
interfr | Interference Color Charts for Polarized Light Microscopy |
intergraph | Coercion Routines for Network Data Objects |
interim | Scheduling Interim Analyses in Clinical Trials |
internetarchive | An API Client for the Internet Archive |
interp | Interpolation Methods |
interplot | Plot the Effects of Variables in Interaction Terms |
Interpol | Interpolation of amino acid sequences |
Interpol.T | Hourly interpolation of multiple temperature daily series |
InterpretMSSpectrum | Interpreting High Resolution Mass Spectra |
interpretR | Binary Classifier and Regression Model Interpretation Functions |
InterSIM | Simulation of Inter-Related Genomic Datasets |
InterVA4 | Replicate and Analyse 'InterVA4' |
interval | Weighted Logrank Tests and NPMLE for interval censored data |
intervals | Tools for Working with Points and Intervals |
interventionalDBN | Interventional Inference for Dynamic Bayesian Networks |
IntLik | Numerical Integration for Integrated Likelihood |
IntNMF | Integrative Clustering of Multiple Genomic Dataset |
intpoint | linear programming solver by the interior point method and graphically (two dimensions) |
inTrees | Interpret Tree Ensembles |
intReg | Interval Regression |
intRegGOF | Integrated Regression Goodness of Fit |
intrinsicDimension | Intrinsic Dimension Estimation |
introgress | methods for analyzing introgression between divergent lineages |
intrval | Relational Operators for Intervals |
intRvals | Analysis of Time-Ordered Event Data with Missed Observations |
intsvy | International Assessment Data Manager |
intubate | Interface to Popular R Functions for Data Science Pipelines |
inum | Interval and Enum-Type Representation of Vectors |
InvariantCausalPrediction | Invariant Causal Prediction |
InvasionCorrection | Invasion Correction |
Inventorymodel | Inventory Models |
investr | Inverse Estimation/Calibration Functions |
invgamma | The Inverse Gamma Distribution |
invGauss | Threshold regression that fits the (randomized drift) inverse Gaussian distribution to survival data |
invLT | Inversion of Laplace-Transformed Functions |
io | A Unified Framework for Input-Output Operations in R |
ioncopy | Calling Copy Number Alterations in Amplicon Sequencing Data |
ionflows | Calculate the Number of Required Flows for Semiconductor Sequencing |
ionicons | 'Ionicons' Icon Pack |
ionr | Test for Indifference of Indicator |
iopsych | Methods for Industrial/Organizational Psychology |
iosmooth | Functions for Smoothing with Infinite Order Flat-Top Kernels |
iotables | Importing and Manipulating Symmetric Input-Output Tables |
iotools | I/O Tools for Streaming |
ipdmeta | Tools for subgroup analyses with multiple trial data using aggregate statistics |
ipdw | Spatial Interpolation by Inverse Path Distance Weighting |
IPEC | Root Mean Square Curvature Calculation |
ipflasso | Integrative Lasso with Penalty Factors |
ipfp | Fast Implementation of the Iterative Proportional Fitting Procedure in C |
ipft | Indoor Positioning Fingerprinting Toolset |
iplots | iPlots - interactive graphics for R |
IPMpack | Builds and analyses Integral Projection Models (IPMs) |
IPMRF | Intervention in Prediction Measure (IPM) for Random Forests |
ipred | Improved Predictors |
iprior | Regression Modelling using I-Priors |
ips | Interfaces to Phylogenetic Software in R |
IPtoCountry | Convert IP Addresses to Country Names or Full Location with Geoplotting |
iptools | Manipulate, Validate and Resolve 'IP' Addresses |
ipumsr | Read 'IPUMS' Extract Files |
ipw | Estimate Inverse Probability Weights |
IPWsurvival | Propensity Score Based Adjusted Survival Curves and Corresponding Log-Rank Statistic |
IQCC | Improved Quality Control Charts |
iqLearn | Interactive Q-Learning |
iqspr | Inverse Molecular Design |
irace | Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm Configuration |
iRafNet | Integrative Random Forest for Gene Regulatory Network Inference |
IRATER | A R Interface for the Instantaneous RATEs (IRATE) Model |
ircor | Correlation Coefficients for Information Retrieval |
IRdisplay | 'Jupyter' Display Machinery |
iRefR | iRefIndex Manager |
iRegression | Regression Methods for Interval-Valued Variables |
iRepro | Reproducibility for Interval-Censored Data |
iRF | iterative Random Forests |
IrishDirectorates | Irish Companies' Boards from 2003 to 2013 |
IRISMustangMetrics | Statistics and Metrics for Seismic Data |
IRISSeismic | Classes and Methods for Seismic Data Analysis |
irlba | Fast Truncated Singular Value Decomposition and Principal Components Analysis for Large Dense and Sparse Matrices |
IROmiss | Imputation Regularized Optimization Algorithm |
irr | Various Coefficients of Interrater Reliability and Agreement |
irtDemo | Item Response Theory Demo Collection |
irtoys | A Collection of Functions Related to Item Response Theory (IRT) |
IRTpp | Estimating IRT Parameters using the IRT Methodology |
irtProb | Utilities and Probability Distributions Related to Multidimensional Person Item Response Models |
irtrees | Estimation of Tree-Based Item Response Models |
irtreliability | Item Response Theory Reliability |
IRTShiny | Item Response Theory via Shiny |
isa2 | The Iterative Signature Algorithm |
ISBF | Iterative Selection of Blocks of Features - ISBF |
ISDA.R | interval symbolic data analysis for R |
isdals | Provides datasets for Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis for the Life Sciences |
iSDM | Invasive Species Distribution Modelling |
isdparser | Parse 'NOAA' Integrated Surface Data Files |
IsingFit | Fitting Ising Models Using the ELasso Method |
isingLenzMC | Monte Carlo for Classical Ising Model |
IsingSampler | Sampling Methods and Distribution Functions for the Ising Model |
island | Stochastic Island Biogeography Theory Made Easy |
ISLR | Data for an Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R |
ISM | Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) |
ismev | An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values |
isni | Index of Sensitivity to Nonignorability |
isnullptr | Check if an 'externalptr' is a Null Pointer |
Iso | Functions to Perform Isotonic Regression |
IsoCI | Confidence intervals for current status data based on transformations and bootstrap |
isocir | Isotonic Inference for Circular Data |
ISOcodes | Selected ISO Codes |
IsoGene | Order-Restricted Inference for Microarray Experiments |
isopam | Isopam (Clustering) |
isopat | Calculation of isotopic pattern for a given molecular formula |
isoph | Isotonic Proportional Hazards Model |
IsoplotR | Statistical Toolbox for Radiometric Geochronology |
ISOpureR | Deconvolution of Tumour Profiles |
IsoriX | Isoscape Computation and Inference of Spatial Origins using Mixed Models |
IsoSpecR | The IsoSpec Algorithm |
isotone | Active Set and Generalized PAVA for Isotone Optimization |
isotonic.pen | Penalized Isotonic Regression in one and two dimensions |
IsotopeR | Stable Isotope Mixing Model |
ISOweek | Week of the year and weekday according to ISO 8601 |
ISR3 | Iterative Sequential Regression |
issueReporter | Create Reports from GitHub Issues |
isva | Independent Surrogate Variable Analysis |
ISwR | Introductory Statistics with R |
italy | The Italian Survey on Household and Wealth, 2008 and 2010 |
itan | Item Analysis for Multiple Choice Tests |
itcSegment | Individual Tree Crowns Segmentation |
iteRates | Parametric rate comparison |
iterators | Provides Iterator Construct for R |
iterLap | Approximate Probability Densities by Iterated Laplace Approximations |
iterpc | Efficient Iterator for Permutations and Combinations |
itertools | Iterator Tools |
itertools2 | itertools2: Functions creating iterators for efficient looping |
ITGM | Individual Tree Growth Modeling |
ITNr | Analysis of the International Trade Network |
itree | Tools for classification and regression trees, with an emphasis on interpretability |
itsadug | Interpreting Time Series and Autocorrelated Data Using GAMMs |
itsmr | Time Series Analysis Using the Innovations Algorithm |
itunesr | To Access iTunes App Store Ratings and Reviews using R |
IUPS | Incorporating Uncertainties in Propensity Scores |
ivbma | Bayesian Instrumental Variable Estimation and Model Determination via Conditional Bayes Factors |
ivfixed | Instrumental fixed effect panel data model |
ivlewbel | Uses heteroscedasticity to estimate mismeasured and endogenous regressor models |
ivmodel | Statistical Inference and Sensitivity Analysis for Instrumental Variables Model |
ivpack | Instrumental Variable Estimation |
ivpanel | Instrumental Panel Data Models |
ivprobit | Instrumental Variables Probit Model |
ivregEX | Create Independent Evidence in IV Analyses and Do Sensitivity Analysis in Regression and IV Analysis |
iWeigReg | Improved methods for causal inference and missing data problems |
iWISA | Wavelet-Based Index of Storm Activity |
jaatha | Simulation-Based Maximum Likelihood Parameter Estimation |
jackknifeKME | Jackknife Estimates of Kaplan-Meier Estimators or Integrals |
jackstraw | Statistical Inference of Variables Driving Systematic Variation |
jacpop | Jaccard Index for Population Structure Identification |
JADE | Blind Source Separation Methods Based on Joint Diagonalization and Some BSS Performance Criteria |
jagsUI | A Wrapper Around 'rjags' to Streamline 'JAGS' Analyses |
JAGUAR | Joint Analysis of Genotype and Group-Specific Variability Using a Novel Score Test Approach to Map Expression Quantitative Trait Loci (eQTL) |
james.analysis | Analysis Tools for the 'JAMES' Framework |
janeaustenr | Jane Austen's Complete Novels |
janitor | Simple Tools for Examining and Cleaning Dirty Data |
jaod | Directory of Open Access Journals Client |
JASPAR | R modules for JASPAR databases: a collection of transcription factor DNA-binding preferences, modeled as matrices |
JavaGD | Java Graphics Device |
JBTools | Misc Small Tools and Helper Functions for Other Code of J. Buttlar |
jcext | Extended Classification of Weather Types |
jcolors | Colors Palettes for R and 'ggplot2', Additional Themes for 'ggplot2' |
Jdmbs | Monte Carlo Option Pricing Algorithm for Jump Diffusion Models with Correlational Companies |
jdx | 'Java' Data Exchange for 'R' and 'rJava' |
jetset | One-to-One Gene-Probeset Mapping for Affymetrix Human Microarrays |
JFE | A Menu-Driven GUI for Analyzing and Modelling Data of Just Finance and Econometrics |
JGEE | Joint Generalized Estimating Equation Solver |
JGL | Performs the Joint Graphical Lasso for sparse inverse covariance estimation on multiple classes |
JGR | Java GUI for R |
jiebaR | Chinese Text Segmentation |
jiebaRD | Chinese Text Segmentation Data for jiebaR Package |
JM | Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Data |
JMbayes | Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data under a Bayesian Approach |
jmcm | Joint Mean-Covariance Models using 'Armadillo' and S4 |
JMcmprsk | Joint Models for Longitudinal Measurements and Competing Risks Failure Time Data |
JMdesign | Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Data - Power Calculation |
jmetrik | Tools for Interacting with 'jMetrik' |
Jmisc | Julian Miscellaneous Function |
jmotif | Time Series Analysis Toolkit Based on Symbolic Aggregate Dicretization, i.e. SAX |
jmuOutlier | Permutation Tests for Nonparametric Statistics |
jmv | The 'jamovi' Analyses |
jmvcore | Dependencies for the 'jamovi' Framework |
jocre | Joint Confidence Regions |
Johnson | Johnson Transformation |
joineR | Joint Modelling of Repeated Measurements and Time-to-Event Data |
joineRML | Joint Modelling of Multivariate Longitudinal Data and Time-to-Event Outcomes |
joint.Cox | Penalized Likelihood Estimation and Dynamic Prediction under the Joint Frailty-Copula Models Between Tumour Progression and Death for Meta-Analysis |
jointDiag | Joint Approximate Diagonalization of a Set of Square Matrices |
JointModel | Semiparametric Joint Models for Longitudinal and Counting Processes |
jointNmix | Joint N-Mixture Models for Site-Associated Species |
jointPm | Risk estimation using the joint probability method |
JointRegBC | Joint Modelling of Mixed Correlated Binary and Continuous Responses : A Latent Variable Approach |
jointseg | Joint Segmentation of Multivariate (Copy Number) Signals |
joinXL | Perform Joins or Minus Queries on 'Excel' Files |
jomo | Multilevel Joint Modelling Multiple Imputation |
JOP | Joint Optimization Plot |
JoSAE | Functions for some Unit-Level Small Area Estimators and their Variances |
jose | Javascript Object Signing and Encryption |
JOUSBoost | Implements Under/Oversampling for Probability Estimation |
jpeg | Read and write JPEG images |
JPEN | Covariance and Inverse Covariance Matrix Estimation Using Joint Penalty |
jpmesh | Utilities for Japanese Mesh Code |
jpndistrict | Create Japanese Administration Area and Office Maps |
JPSurv | Methods for population-based cancer survival analysis |
jqr | Client for 'jq', a 'JSON' Processor |
JRF | Joint Random Forest (JRF) for the Simultaneous Estimation of Multiple Related Networks |
jrich | Jack-Knife Support for Evolutionary Distinctiveness Indices I and W |
jrvFinance | Basic Finance; NPV/IRR/Annuities/Bond-Pricing; Black Scholes |
js | Tools for Working with JavaScript in R |
JSM | Semiparametric Joint Modeling of Survival and Longitudinal Data |
jSonarR | jSonar Analytics Platform API for R |
jsonld | JSON for Linking Data |
jsonlite | A Robust, High Performance JSON Parser and Generator for R |
jsonvalidate | Validate 'JSON' |
jsTree | Create Interactive Trees with the 'jQuery' 'jsTree' Plugin |
jtGWAS | Efficient Jonckheere-Terpstra Test Statistics |
jtools | Analysis and Presentation of Social Scientific Data |
jtrans | Johnson Transformation for Normality |
jug | A Simple Web Framework for R |
Julia | Fractal Image Data Generator |
JuliaCall | Seamless Integration Between R and 'Julia' |
JumpTest | Financial Jump Detection |
junctions | The Breakdown of Genomic Ancestry Blocks in Hybrid Lineages |
JuniperKernel | Kernel for 'Jupyter' |
junr | Access Open Data Through the 'Junar' API |
jvnVaR | Value at Risk |
JWileymisc | Miscellaneous Utilities and Functions |
jwutil | Tools for Data Manipulation and Testing |
kableExtra | Construct Complex Table with 'kable' and Pipe Syntax |
kader | Kernel Adaptive Density Estimation and Regression |
kamila | Methods for Clustering Mixed-Type Data |
kangar00 | Kernel Approaches for Nonlinear Genetic Association Regression |
KANT | Package to identify and sort genes overexpressed |
kantorovich | Kantorovich Distance Between Probability Measures |
kaphom | Test the Homogeneity of Kappa Statistics |
KappaGUI | GUI for Cohen's and Fleiss' Kappa |
kappalab | Non-Additive Measure and Integral Manipulation Functions |
kappaSize | Sample Size Estimation Functions for Studies of Interobserver Agreement |
KappaV | Calculates "vectorial Kappa", an index of congruence between patchy mosaics |
kaps | K-Adaptive Partitioning for Survival data |
karaoke | Remove Vocals from a Song |
KarsTS | An Interface for Karstic Time Series |
kazaam | Tools for Tall Distributed Matrices |
kcirt | k-Cube Thurstonian IRT Models |
kdecopula | Kernel Smoothing for Bivariate Copula Densities |
kdetrees | Nonparametric method for identifying discordant phylogenetic trees |
kdevine | Multivariate Kernel Density Estimation with Vine Copulas |
kedd | Kernel Estimator and Bandwidth Selection for Density and Its Derivatives |
keep | Arrays with Better Control over Dimension Dropping |
kehra | Collect, Assemble and Model Air Pollution, Weather and Health Data |
kelvin | Calculate Solutions to the Kelvin Differential Equation using Bessel Functions |
Kendall | Kendall rank correlation and Mann-Kendall trend test |
KENDL | Kernel-Smoothed Nonparametric Methods for Environmental Exposure Data Subject to Detection Limits |
KenSyn | Knowledge Synthesis in Agriculture - From Experimental Network to Meta-Analysis |
kequate | The Kernel Method of Test Equating |
keras | R Interface to 'Keras' |
kerasformula | A High-Level R Interface for Neural Nets |
kerasR | R Interface to the Keras Deep Learning Library |
kerdiest | Nonparametric kernel estimation of the distribution function. Bandwidth selection and estimation of related functions |
KERE | Expectile Regression in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space |
kergp | Gaussian Process Laboratory |
kernDeepStackNet | Kernel Deep Stacking Networks |
kerndwd | Distance Weighted Discrimination (DWD) and Kernel Methods |
kernelboot | Smoothed Bootstrap and Random Generation from Kernel Densities |
kernelFactory | Kernel Factory: An Ensemble of Kernel Machines |
Kernelheaping | Kernel Density Estimation for Heaped and Rounded Data |
KernelKnn | Kernel k Nearest Neighbors |
kernlab | Kernel-Based Machine Learning Lab |
kernplus | A Kernel Regression-Based Multidimensional Wind Turbine Power Curve |
kernscr | Kernel Machine Score Test for Semi-Competing Risks |
KernSmooth | Functions for Kernel Smoothing Supporting Wand & Jones (1995) |
KernSmoothIRT | Nonparametric Item Response Theory |
kexpmv | Matrix Exponential using Krylov Subspace Routines |
keyholder | Store Data About Rows |
keyplayer | Locating Key Players in Social Networks |
keypress | Wait for a Key Press in a Terminal |
keyring | Access the System Credential Store from R |
keyringr | Decrypt Passwords from Gnome Keyring, Windows Data Protection API and macOS Keychain |
KFAS | Kalman Filter and Smoother for Exponential Family State Space Models |
kfda | Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis |
kfigr | Integrated Code Chunk Anchoring and Referencing for R Markdown Documents |
KFKSDS | Kalman Filter, Smoother and Disturbance Smoother |
kgc | Koeppen-Geiger Climatic Zones |
KGode | Kernel Based Gradient Matching for Parameter Inference in Ordinary Differential Equations |
kgschart | KGS Rank Graph Parser |
kimisc | Kirill's Miscellaneous Functions |
kin.cohort | Analysis of Kin-Cohort Studies |
kineticF | Framework for the Analysis of Kinetic Visual Field Data |
kinfit | Routines for Fitting Kinetic Models to Chemical Degradation Data |
kinship2 | Pedigree Functions |
kirby21.base | Example Data from the Multi-Modal MRI 'Reproducibility' Resource |
kirby21.fmri | Example Functional Imaging Data from the Multi-Modal MRI 'Reproducibility' Resource |
kirby21.t1 | Example T1 Structural Data from the Multi-Modal MRI 'Reproducibility' Resource |
kissmig | a Keep It Simple Species Migration Model |
kitagawa | Spectral response of water wells to harmonic strain and pressure |
kknn | Weighted k-Nearest Neighbors |
klaR | Classification and visualization |
klausuR | Multiple Choice Test Evaluation |
klin | Linear equations with Kronecker structure |
km.ci | Confidence intervals for the Kaplan-Meier estimator |
kmc | Kaplan-Meier Estimator with Constraints for Right Censored Data – a Recursive Computational Algorithm |
kmconfband | Kaplan-Meier Simultaneous Confidence Band for the Survivor Function |
kmcudaR | 'Yinyang' K-Means and K-NN using NVIDIA CUDA |
KMDA | Kernel-Based Metabolite Differential Analysis |
kmeans.ddR | Distributed k-Means for Big Data using 'ddR' API |
kmed | Distance-Based k-Medoids |
KMgene | Gene-Based Association Analysis for Complex Traits |
kmi | Kaplan-Meier Multiple Imputation for the Analysis of Cumulative Incidence Functions in the Competing Risks Setting |
kml | K-Means for Longitudinal Data |
kml3d | K-Means for Joint Longitudinal Data |
kmlcov | Clustering longitudinal data using the likelihood as a metric of distance |
kmlShape | K-Means for Longitudinal Data using Shape-Respecting Distance |
kmodR | K-Means with Simultaneous Outlier Detection |
KMsurv | Data sets from Klein and Moeschberger (1997), Survival Analysis |
KnapsackSampling | Generate Feasible Samples of a Knapsack Problem |
knitcitations | Citations for 'Knitr' Markdown Files |
knitLatex | 'Knitr' Helpers - Mostly Tables |
knitr | A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R |
knitrBootstrap | 'knitr' Bootstrap Framework |
knitrProgressBar | Provides Progress Bars in 'knitr' |
knncat | Nearest-neighbor Classification with Categorical Variables |
knnGarden | Multi-distance based k-Nearest Neighbors |
knnIndep | Independence tests and benchmarks |
knockoff | The Knockoff Filter for Controlled Variable Selection |
Knoema | Interface to the Knoema API |
knotR | Knot Diagrams using Bezier Curves |
KnowBR | Discriminating Well Surveyed Spatial Units from Exhaustive Biodiversity Databases |
kntnr | R Client for 'kintone' API |
KODAMA | Knowledge Discovery by Accuracy Maximization |
kofdata | Get Data from the 'KOF Datenservice' API |
kofnGA | A Genetic Algorithm for Fixed-Size Subset Selection |
KOGMWU | Functional Summary and Meta-Analysis of Gene Expression Data |
kohonen | Supervised and Unsupervised Self-Organising Maps |
kokudosuuchi | R Interface to 'Kokudo Suuchi' API |
kolmim | An Improved Evaluation of Kolmogorov's Distribution |
komadown | R Markdown Templates for the 'KOMA-Script' Classes |
KoNLP | Korean NLP Package |
koRpus | An R Package for Text Analysis |
KoulMde | Koul's Minimum Distance Estimation in Linear Regression and Autoregression Model by Coordinate Descent Algorithm |
Kpart | Cubic Spline Fitting with Knot Selection |
kpcalg | Kernel PC Algorithm for Causal Structure Detection |
kpeaks | Determination of K Using Peak Counts of Features for Clustering |
kpmt | Known Population Median Test |
kpodclustr | Method for Clustering Partially Observed Data |
KraljicMatrix | A Quantified Implementation of the Kraljic Matrix |
kriens | Continuation Passing Style Development |
KRIG | Spatial Statistic with Kriging |
kriging | Ordinary Kriging |
KrigInv | Kriging-based Inversion for Deterministic and Noisy Computer Experiments |
KRLS | Kernel-Based Regularized Least Squares |
krm | Kernel Based Regression Models |
KRMM | Kernel Ridge Mixed Model |
ks | Kernel Smoothing |
kSamples | K-Sample Rank Tests and their Combinations |
kscons | A Bayesian Approach for Protein Residue Contact Prediction using the Knob-Socket Model of Protein Tertiary Structure |
KScorrect | Lilliefors-Corrected Kolmogorov-Smirnoff Goodness-of-Fit Tests |
KSD | Goodness-of-Fit Tests using Kernelized Stein Discrepancy |
KSEAapp | Kinase-Substrate Enrichment Analysis |
kselection | Selection of K in K-Means Clustering |
KSgeneral | Computing P-Values of the K-S Test for (Dis)Continuous Null Distribution |
ksrlive | Identify Kinase Substrate Relationships Using Dynamic Data |
kst | Knowledge Space Theory |
kstIO | Knowledge Space Theory Input/Output |
KTensorGraphs | Co-Tucker3 Analysis of Two Sequences of Matrices |
ktsolve | Configurable function for solving families of nonlinear equations |
ktspair | k-Top Scoring Pairs for Microarray Classification |
kulife | Datasets and functions from the (now non-existing) Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen |
kutils | Project Management Tools |
kvh | Read/Write Files in Key-Value-Hierarchy Format |
kwb.hantush | Calculation of Groundwater Mounding Beneath an Infiltration Basin |
kyotil | Utility Functions for Statistical Analysis Report Generation and Monte Carlo Studies |
kza | Kolmogorov-Zurbenko Adaptive Filters |
kzfs | Multi-Scale Motions Separation with Kolmogorov-Zurbenko Periodogram Signals |
kzft | Kolmogorov-Zurbenko Fourier Transform and Applications |
kzs | Kolmogorov-Zurbenko Spatial Smoothing and Applications |
l0ara | Sparse Generalized Linear Model with L0 Approximation for Feature Selection |
l1kdeconv | Deconvolution for LINCS L1000 Data |
L1pack | Routines for L1 Estimation |
l2boost | Friedman's Boosting Algorithm for Regularized Linear Regression |
labdsv | Ordination and Multivariate Analysis for Ecology |
label.switching | Relabelling MCMC Outputs of Mixture Models |
labeledLoop | Labeled Loop |
labeling | Axis Labeling |
labelled | Manipulating Labelled Data |
labelrank | Predicting Rankings of Labels |
labelVector | Label Attributes for Atomic Vectors |
LabourMarketAreas | Identification, Tuning, Visualisation and Analysis of Labour Market Areas |
labstatR | Libreria Del Laboratorio Di Statistica Con R |
labstats | Data Sets for the Book "Experimental Design for Laboratory Biologists" |
laeken | Estimation of indicators on social exclusion and poverty |
laercio | Duncan test, Tukey test and Scott-Knott test |
LaF | Fast Access to Large ASCII Files |
lagged | Classes and Methods for Lagged Objects |
LAGOSNE | Interface to the Lake Multi-Scaled Geospatial and Temporal Database |
laGP | Local Approximate Gaussian Process Regression |
lagsarlmtree | Spatial Lag Model Trees |
Lahman | Sean 'Lahman' Baseball Database |
LakeMetabolizer | Tools for the Analysis of Ecosystem Metabolism |
lakemorpho | Lake Morphometry Metrics |
laketemps | Lake Temperatures Collected by Situ and Satellite Methods from 1985-2009 |
LAM | Some Latent Variable Models |
lambda.r | Modeling Data with Functional Programming |
lambda.tools | Tools for Modeling Data with Functional Programming |
Lambda4 | Collection of Internal Consistency Reliability Coefficients |
LambertW | Probabilistic Models to Analyze and Gaussianize Heavy-Tailed, Skewed Data |
lamW | Lambert-W Function |
LANDD | Liquid Association for Network Dynamics Detection |
landest | Landmark Estimation of Survival and Treatment Effect |
landpred | Landmark Prediction of a Survival Outcome |
landsat | Radiometric and topographic correction of satellite imagery |
landsat8 | Landsat 8 Imagery Rescaled to Reflectance, Radiance and/or Temperature |
landscapeR | Categorical Landscape Simulation Facility |
Langevin | Langevin Analysis in One and Two Dimensions |
languagelayeR | Access the 'languagelayer' API |
languageR | Data sets and functions with "Analyzing Linguistic Data: A practical introduction to statistics" |
lans2r | Work with Look at NanoSIMS Data in R |
LaplaceDeconv | Laplace Deconvolution with Noisy Discrete Non-Equally Spaced Observations on a Finite Time Interval |
LaplacesDemon | Complete Environment for Bayesian Inference |
lar | History of labour relations package |
LARF | Local Average Response Functions for Instrumental Variable Estimation of Treatment Effects |
largeList | Serialization Interface for Large List Objects |
largeVis | High-Quality Visualizations of Large, High-Dimensional Datasets |
lars | Least Angle Regression, Lasso and Forward Stagewise |
lasso2 | L1 constrained estimation aka ‘lasso’ |
LassoBacktracking | Modelling Interactions in High-Dimensional Data with Backtracking |
lassopv | Nonparametric P-Value Estimation for Predictors in Lasso |
lassoscore | High-Dimensional Inference with the Penalized Score Test |
lassoshooting | L1 regularized regression (Lasso) solver using the Cyclic Coordinate Descent algorithm aka Lasso Shooting |
LassoSIR | Sparsed Sliced Inverse Regression via Lasso |
lasvmR | A Simple Wrapper for the LASVM Solver |
latdiag | Draws Diagrams Useful for Checking Latent Scales |
latentnet | Latent Position and Cluster Models for Statistical Networks |
later | Utilities for Delaying Function Execution |
Laterality | Functions to Calculate Common Laterality Statistics in Primatology |
latex2exp | Use LaTeX Expressions in Plots |
latexpdf | Convert Tables to PDF or PNG |
lattice | Trellis Graphics for R |
latticeDensity | Density estimation and nonparametric regression on irregular regions |
latticeExtra | Extra Graphical Utilities Based on Lattice |
LatticeKrig | Multiresolution Kriging Based on Markov Random Fields |
lava | Latent Variable Models |
lava.tobit | Latent Variable Models with Censored and Binary Outcomes |
lavaan | Latent Variable Analysis |
lavaan.shiny | Latent Variable Analysis with Shiny |
lavaan.survey | Complex Survey Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) |
lavaanPlot | Path Diagrams for Lavaan Models via DiagrammeR |
lavaSearch2 | Tools for Model Specification in the Latent Variable Framework |
Lavash | Lava Estimation for the Sum of Sparse and Dense Signals |
lawn | Client for 'Turfjs' for 'Geospatial' Analysis |
lawstat | Tools for Biostatistics, Public Policy, and Law |
lazy | Lazy Learning for Local Regression |
lazyData | A LazyData Facility |
lazyeval | Lazy (Non-Standard) Evaluation |
lazyrmd | Render R Markdown Outputs Lazily |
lazysql | Lazy SQL Programming |
lazyWeave | LaTeX Wrappers for R Users |
lba | Latent Budget Analysis for Compositional Data |
lbfgs | Limited-memory BFGS Optimization |
lbfgsb3 | Limited Memory BFGS Minimizer with Bounds on Parameters |
lbiassurv | Length-biased correction to survival curve estimation |
lbreg | Log-Binomial Regression with Constrained Optimization |
LBSPR | Length-Based Spawning Potential Ratio |
LCA | Localised Co-Dependency Analysis |
LCAextend | Latent Class Analysis (LCA) with familial dependence in extended pedigrees |
LCAvarsel | Variable Selection for Latent Class Analysis |
lcda | Latent Class Discriminant Analysis |
LCF | Linear Combination Fitting |
LCFdata | Data sets for package “LMERConvenienceFunctions” |
lclGWAS | Efficient Estimation of Discrete-Time Multivariate Frailty Model Using Exact Likelihood Function for Grouped Survival Data |
LCMCR | Bayesian Non-Parametric Latent-Class Capture-Recapture |
lcmm | Extended Mixed Models Using Latent Classes and Latent Processes |
lcopula | Liouville Copulas |
LCox | A Tool for Selecting Genes Related to Survival Outcomes using Longitudinal Gene Expression Data |
lctools | Local Correlation, Spatial Inequalities, Geographically Weighted Regression and Other Tools |
lcyanalysis | Stock Data Analysis Functions |
lda | Collapsed Gibbs Sampling Methods for Topic Models |
ldamatch | Selection of Statistically Similar Research Groups |
ldat | Large Data Sets |
ldatuning | Tuning of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation Models Parameters |
LDAvis | Interactive Visualization of Topic Models |
ldbod | Local Density-Based Outlier Detection |
ldbounds | Lan-DeMets Method for Group Sequential Boundaries |
LDcorSV | Linkage Disequilibrium Corrected by the Structure and the Relatedness |
LDheatmap | Graphical Display of Pairwise Linkage Disequilibria Between SNPs |
ldhmm | Hidden Markov Model for Financial Time-Series Based on Lambda Distribution |
ldlasso | LD LASSO Regression for SNP Association Study |
LDOD | Finding Locally D-optimal optimal designs for some nonlinear and generalized linear models |
LDPD | Probability of Default Calibration |
ldr | Methods for likelihood-based dimension reduction in regression |
LDRTools | Tools for Linear Dimension Reduction |
ldstatsHD | Linear Dependence Statistics for High-Dimensional Data |
LDtests | Exact tests for Linkage Disequilibrium and Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium |
leabRa | The Artificial Neural Networks Algorithm Leabra |
leaderCluster | Leader Clustering Algorithm |
LeafAngle | Analysis and Visualization of Plant Leaf Angle Distributions |
LeafArea | Rapid Digital Image Analysis of Leaf Area |
leaflet | Create Interactive Web Maps with the JavaScript 'Leaflet' Library |
leaflet.esri | 'ESRI' Bindings for the 'leaflet' Package |
leaflet.extras | Extra Functionality for 'leaflet' Package |
leaflet.minicharts | Mini Charts for Interactive Maps |
leafletCN | An R Gallery for China and Other Geojson Choropleth Map in Leaflet |
leafletR | Interactive Web-Maps Based on the Leaflet JavaScript Library |
leafSTAR | Silhouette to Area Ratio of Tilted Surfaces |
LEANR | Finds "Local Subnetworks" Within an Interaction Network which Show Enrichment for Differentially Expressed Genes |
LEAP | Constructing Gene Co-Expression Networks for Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Data Using Pseudotime Ordering |
LEAPFrOG | Likelihood Estimation of Admixture in Parents From Offspring Genotypes |
leapp | latent effect adjustment after primary projection |
leaps | Regression Subset Selection |
LeArEst | Border and Area Estimation of Data Measured with Additive Error |
LearnBayes | Functions for Learning Bayesian Inference |
LearnGeom | Learning Plane Geometry |
learningCurve | An Implementation of Crawford's and Wright's Learning Curve Production Functions |
learningr | Data and functions to accompany the book "Learning R" |
learNN | Examples of Neural Networks |
learnr | Interactive Tutorials for R |
learnrbook | Datasets for Aphalo's "Learn R" Book |
learnstats | An Interactive Environment for Learning Statistics |
lefse | Phylogenetic and Functional Analyses for Ecology |
LEGIT | Latent Environmental & Genetic InTeraction (LEGIT) Model |
leiv | Bivariate Linear Errors-In-Variables Estimation |
LeLogicielR | Functions and datasets to accompany the book "Le logiciel R: Maitriser le langage, Effectuer des analyses statistiques" (french) |
lemon | Freshing Up your 'ggplot2' Plots |
LendingClub | A Lending Club API Wrapper |
lero.lero | Generate 'Lero Lero' Quotes |
lessR | Less Code, More Results |
lestat | A package for LEarning STATistics |
letsR | Tools for Data Handling and Analysis in Macroecology |
lettercase | Utilities for Formatting Strings with Consistent Capitalization, Word Breaks and White Space |
lexicon | Lexicons for Text Analysis |
lexiconPT | Lexicons for Portuguese Text Analysis |
LexisPlotR | Plot Lexis Diagrams for Demographic Purposes |
lexRankr | Extractive Summarization of Text with the LexRank Algorithm |
lfactors | Factors with Levels |
lfda | Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis |
LFDR.MLE | Estimation of the Local False Discovery Rates by Type II Maximum Likelihood Estimation |
LFDREmpiricalBayes | Estimating Local False Discovery Rates Using Empirical Bayes Methods |
lfe | Linear Group Fixed Effects |
lfl | Linguistic Fuzzy Logic |
lfstat | Calculation of Low Flow Statistics for Daily Stream Flow Data |
lg | Locally Gaussian Distributions: Estimation and Methods |
lga | Tools for linear grouping analysis (LGA) |
lgarch | Simulation and Estimation of Log-GARCH Models |
lgcp | Log-Gaussian Cox Process |
LGEWIS | Tests for Genetic Association/Gene-Environment Interaction in Longitudinal Studies |
LGRF | Set-Based Tests for Genetic Association in Longitudinal Studies |
lgtdl | A Set of Methods for Longitudinal Data Objects |
lhmixr | Fit Sex-Specific Life History Models with Missing Classifications |
lhs | Latin Hypercube Samples |
libamtrack | Computational Routines for Proton and Ion Radiotherapy |
libcoin | Linear Test Statistics for Permutation Inference |
LiblineaR | Linear Predictive Models Based on the 'LIBLINEAR' C/C++ Library |
LiblineaR.ACF | Linear Classification with Online Adaptation of Coordinate Frequencies |
Libra | Linearized Bregman Algorithms for Generalized Linear Models |
librarysnapshot | Library Snapshot for Packages and Dependencies in Use by Current Session |
libsoc | Read, Create and Write 'PharmML' Standard Output (so) XML Files |
libstableR | Fast and Accurate Evaluation, Random Number Generation and Parameter Estimation of Skew Stable Distributions |
LICORS | Light Cone Reconstruction of States - Predictive State Estimation From Spatio-Temporal Data |
LICurvature | Sensitivity Analysis for Case Weight in Normal Linear Regression |
lidR | Airborne LiDAR Data Manipulation and Visualization for Forestry Applications |
lifecontingencies | Financial and Actuarial Mathematics for Life Contingencies |
lifecourse | Quantification of Lifecourse Fluidity |
LifeHist | Life History Models of Individuals |
lifelogr | Life Logging |
LifeTables | Two-Parameter HMD Model Life Table System |
lift | Compute the Top Decile Lift and Plot the Lift Curve |
liftLRD | Wavelet Lifting Estimators of the Hurst Exponent for Regularly and Irregularly Sampled Time Series |
liftr | Containerize R Markdown Documents |
LightningR | Tools for Communication with Lightning-Viz Server |
lightsout | Implementation of the 'Lights Out' Puzzle Game |
LIHNPSD | Poisson Subordinated Distribution |
likelihood | Methods for Maximum Likelihood Estimation |
likelihoodAsy | Functions for Likelihood Asymptotics |
likelihoodExplore | Likelihood Exploration |
likeLTD | Tools to Evaluate DNA Profile Evidence |
likert | Analysis and Visualization Likert Items |
LIM | Linear Inverse Model examples and solution methods |
lime | Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations |
limitplot | Jitter/CI Plot with Ordered Points Below the Limit of Detection |
limSolve | Solving Linear Inverse Models |
linbin | Binning and Plotting of Linearly Referenced Data |
LinCal | Static Univariate Frequentist and Bayesian Linear Calibration |
LindenmayeR | Functions to Explore L-Systems (Lindenmayer Systems) |
lindia | Automated Linear Regression Diagnostic |
LindleyR | The Lindley Distribution and Its Modifications |
linear.tools | Manipulate Formulas and Evaluate Marginal Effects |
LinearRegressionMDE | Minimum Distance Estimation in Linear Regression Model |
linemap | Line Maps |
linERR | Linear Excess Relative Risk Model |
lineup | Lining Up Two Sets of Measurements |
lingtypology | Linguistic Typology and Mapping |
link2GI | Linking Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing and Other Command Line Tools |
LinkageMapView | Plot Linkage Group Maps with Quantitative Trait Loci |
linkcomm | Tools for Generating, Visualizing, and Analysing Link Communities in Networks |
LinkedMatrix | Column-Linked and Row-Linked Matrices |
linkim | Linkage information based genotype imputation method |
linkR | 3D Lever and Linkage Mechanism Modeling |
linl | 'linl' is not 'Letter' |
linLIR | linear Likelihood-based Imprecise Regression |
linprog | Linear Programming / Optimization |
LinRegInteractive | Interactive Interpretation of Linear Regression Models |
LINselect | Selection of Linear Estimators |
lintools | Manipulation of Linear Systems of (in)Equalities |
lintr | A 'Linter' for R Code |
liqueueR | Implements Queue, PriorityQueue and Stack Classes |
liquidSVM | A Fast and Versatile SVM Package |
lira | LInear Regression in Astronomy |
liso | Fitting lasso penalised additive isotone models |
lisp | List-processing à la SRFI-1 |
lisrelToR | Import output from LISREL into R |
list | Statistical Methods for the Item Count Technique and List Experiment |
listdtr | List-Based Rules for Dynamic Treatment Regimes |
listenv | Environments Behaving (Almost) as Lists |
LIStest | Tests of independence based on the Longest Increasing Subsequence |
listless | Convert Lists to Tidy Data Frames |
listviewer | 'htmlwidget' for Interactive Views of R Lists |
listWithDefaults | List with Defaults |
liteq | Lightweight Portable Message Queue Using 'SQLite' |
littler | R at the Command-Line via 'r' |
liureg | Liu Regression with Liu Biasing Parameters and Statistics |
livechatR | R Wrapper for LiveChat REST API |
ljr | Logistic Joinpoint Regression |
llama | Leveraging Learning to Automatically Manage Algorithms |
lle | Locally linear embedding |
lllcrc | Local Log-linear Models for Capture-Recapture |
LLM | Logit Leaf Model Classifier for Binary Classification |
llogistic | The L-Logistic Distribution |
LLSR | Data Analysis of Liquid-Liquid Systems |
lm.beta | Add Standardized Regression Coefficients to lm-Objects |
lm.br | Linear Model with Breakpoint |
lme4 | Linear Mixed-Effects Models using 'Eigen' and S4 |
lmec | Linear Mixed-Effects Models with Censored Responses |
lmem.gwaser | Linear Mixed Effects Models for Genome-Wide Association Studies |
lmem.qtler | Linear Mixed Effects Models for QTL Mapping for Multienvironment and Multitrait Analysis |
lmeNB | Compute the Personalized Activity Index Based on a Negative Binomial Model |
lmeNBBayes | Compute the Personalized Activity Index Based on a Flexible Bayesian Negative Binomial Model |
lmenssp | Linear Mixed Effects Models with Non-Stationary Stochastic Processes |
LMERConvenienceFunctions | Model Selection and Post-hoc Analysis for (G)LMER Models |
lmeresampler | Bootstrap Methods for Nested Linear Mixed-Effects Models |
lmerTest | Tests in Linear Mixed Effects Models |
lmeSplines | Add smoothing spline modelling capability to nlme |
LMest | Latent Markov Models with and without Covariates |
lmf | Functions for estimation and inference of selection in age-structured populations |
LMfilteR | Filter Methods for Parameter Estimation in Linear Regression Models |
lmfor | Functions for Forest Biometrics |
lmm | Linear Mixed Models |
lmmen | Linear Mixed Model Elastic Net |
lmmlasso | Linear mixed-effects models with Lasso |
lmmot | Multiple Ordinal Tobit (MOT) Model |
lmmpar | Parallel Linear Mixed Model |
lmms | Linear Mixed Effect Model Splines for Modelling and Analysis of Time Course Data |
lmodel2 | Model II Regression |
lmom | L-Moments |
lmomco | L-Moments, Censored L-Moments, Trimmed L-Moments, L-Comoments, and Many Distributions |
Lmoments | L-Moments and Quantile Mixtures |
lmomPi | (Precipitation) Frequency Analysis and Variability with L-Moments from 'lmom' |
lmomRFA | Regional Frequency Analysis using L-Moments |
lmPerm | Permutation Tests for Linear Models |
lmridge | Linear Ridge Regression with Ridge Penalty and Ridge Statistics |
lmSupport | Support for Linear Models |
lmtest | Testing Linear Regression Models |
lmvar | Linear Regression with Non-Constant Variances |
LN0SCIs | Simultaneous CIs for Ratios of Means of Log-Normal Populations with Zeros |
LncFinder | Long Non-Coding RNA Identification Based on Features of Sequence, EIIP and Secondary Structure |
LncMod | Predicting Modulator and Functional/Survival Analysis |
LncPath | Identifying the Pathways Regulated by LncRNA Sets of Interest |
LncPriCNet | Prioritizing Candidate LncRNAs Based on a Composite Multi-Level Network |
LNIRT | LogNormal Response Time Item Response Theory Models |
loa | Lattice Options and Add-Ins |
LocalControl | Nonparametric Methods for Generating High Quality Comparative Effectiveness Evidence |
localdepth | Local Depth |
localgauss | Estimating Local Gaussian Parameters |
localsolver | R API to LocalSolver |
locfdr | Computes Local False Discovery Rates |
LocFDRPois | Functions for Performing Local FDR Estimation when Null and Alternative are Poisson |
locfit | Local Regression, Likelihood and Density Estimation |
locits | Test of Stationarity and Localized Autocovariance |
Lock5Data | Datasets for "Statistics: UnLocking the Power of Data" |
Lock5withR | Datasets for 'Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data' |
locpol | Kernel local polynomial regression |
loder | Dependency-Free Access to PNG Image Files |
lodGWAS | Genome-Wide Association Analysis of a Biomarker Accounting for Limit of Detection |
loe | Local Ordinal Embedding |
log4r | A simple logging system for R, based on log4j |
logbin | Relative Risk Regression Using the Log-Binomial Model |
LogConcDEAD | Log-concave Density Estimation in Arbitrary Dimensions |
logconcens | Maximum likelihood estimation of a log-concave density based on censored data |
logcondens | Estimate a Log-Concave Probability Density from Iid Observations |
logcondens.mode | Compute MLE of Log-Concave Density on R with Fixed Mode, and Perform Inference for the Mode |
logcondiscr | Estimate a Log-Concave Probability Mass Function from Discrete i.i.d. Observations |
logging | R logging package |
loggit | Effortless Exception Logging |
logiBin | Binning Variables to Use in Logistic Regression |
LogicForest | Logic Forest |
LOGICOIL | LOGICOIL: multi-state prediction of coiled-coil oligomeric state |
LogicOpt | Truth Table Logic Optimizer |
LogicReg | Logic Regression |
logihist | Combined Graphs for Logistic Regression |
logistf | Firth's Bias-Reduced Logistic Regression |
logistic4p | Logistic Regression with Misclassification in Dependent Variables |
LogisticDx | Diagnostic Tests for Models with a Binomial Response |
logisticPCA | Binary Dimensionality Reduction |
LOGIT | Functions, Data and Code for Binary and Binomial Data |
logitchoice | Fitting l2-regularized logit choice models via generalized gradient descent |
LogitNet | Infer network based on binary arrays using regularized logistic regression |
logitnorm | Functions for the Logitnormal Distribution |
loglognorm | Double log normal distribution functions |
logmult | Log-Multiplicative Models, Including Association Models |
logOfGamma | Natural Logarithms of the Gamma Function for Large Values |
LogrankA | Logrank Test for Aggregated Survival Data |
logspline | Logspline Density Estimation Routines |
lokern | Kernel Regression Smoothing with Local or Global Plug-in Bandwidth |
lolR | Linear Optimal Low-Rank Projection (LOL) |
lomb | Lomb-Scargle Periodogram |
longCatEDA | Package for Plotting Categorical Longitudinal and Time-Series Data |
longclust | Model-Based Clustering and Classification for Longitudinal Data |
longitudinal | Analysis of Multiple Time Course Data |
longitudinalData | Longitudinal Data |
longmemo | Statistics for Long-Memory Processes (Jan Beran) – Data and Functions |
longpower | Sample Size Calculations for Longitudinal Data |
longROC | Time-Dependent Prognostic Accuracy with Multiply Evaluated Bio Markers or Scores |
longRPart2 | Recursive Partitioning of Longitudinal Data |
longurl | Expand Short URLs |
loo | Efficient Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation and WAIC for Bayesian Models |
lookupTable | Look-Up Tables using S4 |
loop | loop decomposition of weighted directed graphs for life cycle analysis, providing flexbile network plotting methods, and analyzing food chain properties in ecology |
LoopAnalyst | A Collection of Tools to Conduct Levins' Loop Analysis |
loopr | Uses an Archive to Amend Previous Stages of a Pipe using Current Output |
lordif | Logistic Ordinal Regression Differential Item Functioning using IRT |
lorec | LOw Rand and sparsE Covariance matrix estimation |
LOST | Missing Morphometric Data Simulation and Estimation |
LotkasLaw | Runs Lotka's Law which is One of the Special Applications of Zipf's Law |
lowmemtkmeans | Low Memory Use Trimmed K-Means |
LowRankQP | Low Rank Quadratic Programming |
LowWAFOMNX | Low WAFOM Niederreiter-Xing Sequence |
LowWAFOMSobol | Low WAFOM Sobol Sequence |
lpbrim | LP-BRIM Bipartite Modularity |
lpc | Lassoed principal components for testing significance of features |
LPCM | Local Principal Curve Methods |
lpdensity | Local Polynomial Density Estimation and Inference |
lpint | Local polynomial estimators of intensity function or its derivatives |
LPKsample | LP Nonparametric High Dimension K-Sample Comparison |
lplyr | 'dplyr' Verbs for Lists and Other Verbs for Data Frames |
LPM | Linear Parametric Models Applied to Hydrological Series |
lpme | Nonparametric Estimation of Measurement Error Models |
LPmerge | Merging linkage maps by linear programming |
lpmodeler | Modeler for linear programs (LP) and mixed integer linear programs (MILP) |
LPR | Lasso and Partial Ridge |
lpridge | Local Polynomial (Ridge) Regression |
LPS | Linear Predictor Score, for Binary Inference from Multiple Continuous Variables |
lpSolve | Interface to 'Lp_solve' v. 5.5 to Solve Linear/Integer Programs |
lpSolveAPI | R Interface to 'lp_solve' Version |
LPStimeSeries | Learned Pattern Similarity and Representation for Time Series |
LPTime | LP Nonparametric Approach to Non-Gaussian Non-Linear Time Series Modelling |
lqa | Penalized Likelihood Inference for GLMs |
lqmm | Linear Quantile Mixed Models |
lqr | Robust Linear Quantile Regression |
LRcontrast | Dose Response Signal Detection under Model Uncertainty |
lrequire | Sources an R "Module" with Caching & Encapsulation, Returning Exported Vars |
lrgs | Linear Regression by Gibbs Sampling |
lrmest | Different Types of Estimators to Deal with Multicollinearity |
LRTH | A Likelihood Ratio Test Accounting for Genetic Heterogeneity |
LS2W | Locally stationary two-dimensional wavelet process estimation scheme |
LS2Wstat | A Multiscale Test of Spatial Stationarity for LS2W processes |
lsa | Latent Semantic Analysis |
LSAfun | Applied Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) Functions |
LSAmitR | Daten, Beispiele und Funktionen zu 'Large-Scale Assessment mit R' |
lsasim | Functions to Facilitate the Simulation of Large Scale Assessment Data |
lsbclust | Least-Squares Bilinear Clustering for Three-Way Data |
LSC | Local Statistical Complexity - Automatic Pattern Discovery in Spatio-Temporal Data |
LSD | Lots of Superior Depictions |
LSDinterface | Reading LSD Results (.res) Files |
LSDsensitivity | Sensitivity Analysis Tools for LSD |
lsdv | Least square dummy variable regression |
lsei | Solving Least Squares or Quadratic Programming Problems under Equality/Inequality Constraints |
lsgl | Linear Multiple Output Sparse Group Lasso |
lshorth | The Length of the Shorth |
lsl | Latent Structure Learning |
lslx | Semi-Confirmatory Structural Equation Modeling via Penalized Likelihood |
lsmeans | Least-Squares Means |
LSMonteCarlo | American options pricing with Least Squares Monte Carlo method |
LSPFP | Lysate and Secretome Peptide Feature Plotter |
lspline | Linear Splines with Convenient Parametrisations |
lspls | LS-PLS Models |
lsplsGlm | Classification using LS-PLS for Logistic Regression |
lsr | Companion to "Learning Statistics with R" |
LSRS | Land Surface Remote Sensing |
lss | the accelerated failure time model to right censored data based on least-squares principle |
LSTS | Locally Stationary Time Series |
ltbayes | Simulation-Based Bayesian Inference for Latent Traits of Item Response Models |
ltm | Latent Trait Models under IRT |
ltmle | Longitudinal Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation |
LTPDvar | LTPD and AOQL Plans for Acceptance Sampling Inspection by Variables |
LTR | Perform LTR analysis on microarray data |
LTRCtrees | Survival Trees to Fit Left-Truncated and Right-Censored and Interval-Censored Survival Data |
ltsa | Linear Time Series Analysis |
ltsbase | Ridge and Liu Estimates based on LTS (Least Trimmed Squares) Method |
ltsk | Local Time Space Kriging |
ltxsparklines | Lightweight Sparklines for a LaTeX Document |
lubridate | Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier |
luca | Likelihood inference from case-control data Under Covariate Assumptions (LUCA) |
lucid | Printing Floating Point Numbers in a Human-Friendly Format |
lucr | Currency Formatting and Conversion |
ludic | Linkage Using Diagnosis Codes |
lulcc | Land Use Change Modelling in R |
lumberjack | Track Changes in Data |
Luminescence | Comprehensive Luminescence Dating Data Analysis |
LumReader | TL/OSL Reader Simulator |
lunar | Lunar Phase & Distance, Seasons and Other Environmental Factors |
lutz | Look Up Time Zones of Point Coordinates |
luzlogr | Lightweight Logging for R Scripts |
lvec | Out of Memory Vectors |
lvm4net | Latent Variable Models for Networks |
LVMMCOR | A Latent Variable Model for Mixed Continuous and Ordinal Responses |
lvnet | Latent Variable Network Modeling |
lvplot | Letter Value 'Boxplots' |
LW1949 | An Automated Approach to Evaluating Dose-Effect Experiments Following Litchfield and Wilcoxon (1949) |
lwgeom | Bindings to Selected 'liblwgeom' Functions for Simple Features |
lxb | Fast LXB File Reader |
lymphclon | Accurate Estimation of Clonal Coincidences and Abundances from Biological Replicates |
LZeroSpikeInference | Exact Spike Train Inference via L0 Optimization |
m2b | Movement to Behaviour Inference using Random Forest |
m2r | Macaulay2 in R |
M3 | Reading M3 files |
m4fe | Models for Financial Economics |
maboost | Binary and Multiclass Boosting Algorithms |
MAc | Meta-Analysis with Correlations |
macc | Mediation Analysis of Causality under Confounding |
machina | Machina Time Series Generation and Backtesting |
machQA | QA Machina Indicators |
macleish | Retrieve Data from MacLeish Field Station |
MAclinical | Class prediction based on microarray data and clinical parameters |
MAd | Meta-Analysis with Mean Differences |
mada | Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy |
maddison | Maddison Project Database |
madness | Automatic Differentiation of Multivariate Operations |
MADPop | MHC Allele-Based Differencing Between Populations |
madr | Model Averaged Double Robust Estimation |
madrat | May All Data be Reproducible and Transparent (MADRaT) * |
mads | Multi-Analysis Distance Sampling |
madsim | A Flexible Microarray Data Simulation Model |
Maeswrap | Wrapper Functions for MAESTRA/MAESPA |
mafs | Multiple Automatic Forecast Selection |
magclass | Data Class and Tools for Handling Spatial-Temporal Data |
magic | Create and Investigate Magic Squares |
magicaxis | Pretty Scientific Plotting with Minor-Tick and Log Minor-Tick Support |
magicfor | Magic Functions to Obtain Results from for Loops |
magick | Advanced Graphics and Image-Processing in R |
magicLamp | 'WeMo Switch' Smart Plug Utilities |
MAGNAMWAR | A Pipeline for Meta-Genome Wide Association |
MagneticMap | Magnetic Laplacian Matrix and Magnetic Eigenmap Visualization |
magree | Implements the O'Connell-Dobson-Schouten Estimators of Agreement for Multiple Observers |
magrittr | A Forward-Pipe Operator for R |
maGUI | A Graphical User Interface for Microarray Data Analysis and Annotation |
Sending Email Notifications from R | |
mailR | A Utility to Send Emails from R |
MAINT.Data | Model and Analyse Interval Data |
makedummies | Create Dummy Variables from Categorical Data |
MakefileR | Create 'Makefiles' Using R |
makeFlow | Visualizing Sequential Classifications |
makeProject | Creates an empty package framework for the LCFD format |
malani | Machine Learning Assisted Network Inference |
MALDIquant | Quantitative Analysis of Mass Spectrometry Data |
MALDIquantForeign | Import/Export Routines for 'MALDIquant' |
MALDIrppa | MALDI Mass Spectrometry Data Robust Pre-Processing and Analysis |
mallet | A wrapper around the Java machine learning tool MALLET |
MAMS | Designing Multi-Arm Multi-Stage Studies |
MAMSE | Calculation of Minimum Averaged Mean Squared Error (MAMSE) Weights |
managelocalrepo | Manage a CRAN-Style Local Repository |
MANCIE | Matrix Analysis and Normalization by Concordant Information Enhancement |
mandelbrot | Generates Views on the Mandelbrot Set |
manet | Multiple Allocation Model for Actor-Event Networks |
mangoTraining | Mango Solutions Training Datasets |
Mangrove | Risk Prediction on Trees |
manhattanly | Interactive Q-Q and Manhattan Plots Using 'plotly.js' |
manifestoR | Access and Process Data and Documents of the Manifesto Project |
ManifoldOptim | An R Interface to the 'ROPTLIB' Library for Riemannian Manifold Optimization |
manipulate | Interactive Plots for RStudio |
manipulateWidget | Add Even More Interactivity to Interactive Charts |
ManlyMix | Manly Mixture Modeling and Model-Based Clustering |
MANOVA.RM | Analysis of Multivariate Data and Repeated Measures Designs |
ManyTests | Multiple Testing Procedures of Cox (2011) and Wong and Cox (2007) |
Map2NCBI | Mapping Markers to the Nearest Genomic Feature |
MAPA | Multiple Aggregation Prediction Algorithm |
mapdata | Extra Map Databases |
mapedit | Interactive Editing of Spatial Data in R |
mapfit | A Tool for PH/MAP Parameter Estimation |
mapfuser | Construct Consensus Genetic Maps and Estimate Recombination Rates |
MapGAM | Mapping Smoothed Effect Estimates from Individual-Level Data |
MAPLES | Smoothed age profile estimation |
mapmisc | Utilities for Producing Maps |
mapplots | Data Visualisation on Maps |
mapproj | Map Projections |
mapr | Visualize Species Occurrence Data |
mapReasy | Producing Administrative Boundary Map with Additional Features Embedded |
maps | Draw Geographical Maps |
mapsapi | 'sf'-Compatible Interface to 'Google Maps' APIs |
mapStats | Geographic Display of Survey Data Statistics |
maptools | Tools for Reading and Handling Spatial Objects |
maptpx | MAP Estimation of Topic Models |
maptree | Mapping, pruning, and graphing tree models |
mapview | Interactive Viewing of Spatial Data in R |
mAr | Multivariate AutoRegressive analysis |
MAR1 | Multivariate Autoregressive Modeling for Analysis of Community Time-Series Data |
mar1s | Multiplicative AR(1) with Seasonal Processes |
march | Markov Chains |
marcher | Migration and Range Change Estimation in R |
marelac | Tools for Aquatic Sciences |
MareyMap | Estimation of Meiotic Recombination Rates Using Marey Maps |
marg | Approximate marginal inference for regression-scale models |
margins | Marginal Effects for Model Objects |
marima | Multivariate ARIMA and ARIMA-X Analysis |
marinespeed | Benchmark Data Sets and Functions for Marine Species Distribution Modelling |
markdown | 'Markdown' Rendering for R |
marked | Mark-Recapture Analysis for Survival and Abundance Estimation |
maRketSim | Market simulator for R |
markmyassignment | Automatic Marking of R Assignments |
markophylo | Markov Chain Models for Phylogenetic Trees |
markovchain | Easy Handling Discrete Time Markov Chains |
MarkowitzR | Statistical Significance of the Markowitz Portfolio |
marl | Multivariate Analysis Based on Relative Likelihoods |
marmap | Import, Plot and Analyze Bathymetric and Topographic Data |
marqLevAlg | An algorithm for least-squares curve fitting |
MARSS | Multivariate Autoregressive State-Space Modeling |
MARX | Simulation, Estimation and Selection of MARX Models |
maSAE | Mandallaz' Model-Assisted Small Area Estimators |
mason | Build Data Structures for Common Statistical Analysis |
MASS | Support Functions and Datasets for Venables and Ripley's MASS |
Massign | Simple Matrix Construction |
MASSTIMATE | Body Mass Estimation Equations for Vertebrates |
MasterBayes | ML and MCMC Methods for Pedigree Reconstruction and Analysis |
MAT | Multidimensional Adaptive Testing |
MATA | Model-Averaged Tail Area Wald (MATA-Wald) Confidence Interval |
matchbook | Wrapper for the 'Matchbook' API |
Matching | Multivariate and Propensity Score Matching with Balance Optimization |
MatchingFrontier | Computation of the Balance - Sample Size Frontier in Matching Methods for Causal Inference |
matchingMarkets | Analysis of Stable Matchings |
matchingR | Matching Algorithms in R and C++ |
MatchIt | Nonparametric Preprocessing for Parametric Causal Inference |
MatchItSE | Calculates SE for Matched Samples from 'MatchIt' |
MatchLinReg | Combining Matching and Linear Regression for Causal Inference |
matchMulti | Optimal Multilevel Matching using a Network Algorithm |
matconv | A Code Converter from the Matlab/Octave Language to R |
mateable | Tools to Assess Mating Potential in Space and Time |
mathgraph | Directed and undirected graphs |
mathpix | Support for the 'Mathpix' API (Image to 'LaTeX') |
matie | Measuring Association and Testing Independence Efficiently |
matlab | MATLAB emulation package |
matlabr | An Interface for MATLAB using System Calls |
matlib | Matrix Functions for Teaching and Learning Linear Algebra and Multivariate Statistics |
MatManlyMix | Matrix Clustering with Gaussian and Manly Mixture Models |
matpow | matrix powers |
matR | Metagenomics Analysis Tools for R |
Matrix | Sparse and Dense Matrix Classes and Methods |
Matrix.utils | Data.frame-Like Operations on Sparse and Dense Matrix Objects |
matrixcalc | Collection of functions for matrix calculations |
MatrixCorrelation | Matrix Correlation Coefficients |
MatrixEQTL | Matrix eQTL: Ultra Fast eQTL Analysis via Large Matrix Operations |
matrixLaplacian | Normalized Laplacian Matrix and Laplacian Map |
MatrixLDA | Penalized Matrix-Normal Linear Discriminant Analysis |
MatrixModels | Modelling with Sparse And Dense Matrices |
matrixpls | Matrix-Based Partial Least Squares Estimation |
matrixsampling | Simulations of Matrix Variate Distributions |
matrixStats | Functions that Apply to Rows and Columns of Matrices (and to Vectors) |
MATTOOLS | Modern Calibration Functions for the Modern Analog Technique (MAT) |
mau | Decision Models with Multi Attribute Utility Theory |
MAVE | Methods for Dimension Reduction |
MAVIS | Meta Analysis via Shiny |
MAVTgsa | Three methods to identify differentially expressed gene sets, ordinary least square test, Multivariate Analysis Of Variance test with n contrasts and Random forest |
MaXact | Exact max-type Cochran-Armitage trend test(CATT) |
maxent | Low-memory Multinomial Logistic Regression with Support for Text Classification |
MaxentVariableSelection | Selecting the Best Set of Relevant Environmental Variables along with the Optimal Regularization Multiplier for Maxent Niche Modeling |
maxLik | Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Related Tools |
maxlike | Model Species Distributions by Estimating the Probability of Occurrence Using Presence-Only Data |
maxmatching | Maximum Matching for General Weighted Graph |
maxnet | Fitting 'Maxent' Species Distribution Models with 'glmnet' |
MaxPro | Maximum Projection Designs |
MaxSkew | Orthogonal Data Projections with Maximal Skewness |
maxstat | Maximally Selected Rank Statistics |
maxTPR | Maximizing the TPR for a Specified FPR |
MazamaSpatialUtils | Spatial Data Download and Utility Functions |
MazamaWebUtils | Utility Functions for Building Web Databrowsers |
mazealls | Generate Recursive Mazes |
mazeGen | Elithorn Maze Generator |
mazeinda | Monotonic Association on Zero-Inflated Data |
MBA | Multilevel B-Spline Approximation |
mbbefd | Maxwell Boltzmann Bose Einstein Fermi Dirac Distribution and Destruction Rate Modelling |
MBC | Multivariate Bias Correction of Climate Model Outputs |
MBCluster.Seq | Model-Based Clustering for RNA-seq Data |
mbclusterwise | Clusterwise Multiblock Analyses |
MBESS | The MBESS R Package |
mbest | Moment-Based Estimation for Hierarchical Models |
mbgraphic | Measure Based Graphic Selection |
MBHdesign | Spatial Designs for Ecological and Environmental Surveys |
MBI | (M)ultiple-site (B)iodiversity (I)ndices Calculator |
mbir | Magnitude-Based Inferences |
mblm | Median-Based Linear Models |
MBmca | Nucleic Acid Melting Curve Analysis on Microbead Surfaces with R |
mbmdr | Model Based Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction |
mboost | Model-Based Boosting |
mbrglm | Median Bias Reduction in Binomial-Response GLMs |
MBSGS | Multivariate Bayesian Sparse Group Selection with Spike and Slab |
MBTAr | Access Data from the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA) Web API |
mBvs | Bayesian Variable Selection Methods for Multivariate Data |
mc2d | Tools for Two-Dimensional Monte-Carlo Simulations |
MC2toPath | Translates information from netcdf files with MC2 output into inter-PVT transitions |
MCAvariants | Multiple Correspondence Analysis Variants |
mcbiopi | Matrix Computation Based Identification Of Prime Implicants |
mcc | Moment Corrected Correlation |
mcca | Multi-Category Classification Accuracy |
mcclust | Process an MCMC Sample of Clusterings |
mccr | The Matthews Correlation Coefficient |
MCDA | Functions to Support the Multicriteria Decision Aiding Process |
MCDM | Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods for Crisp Data |
mcemGLM | Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Generalized Linear Mixed Models |
mcga | Machine Coded Genetic Algorithms for Real-Valued Optimization Problems |
mcgibbsit | Warnes and Raftery's MCGibbsit MCMC diagnostic |
mcglm | Multivariate Covariance Generalized Linear Models |
mcGlobaloptim | Global optimization using Monte Carlo and Quasi Monte Carlo simulation |
mcheatmaps | Multiple matrices heatmap visualization |
MChtest | Monte Carlo hypothesis tests with Sequential Stopping |
MCI | Multiplicative Competitive Interaction (MCI) Model |
mcIRT | IRT models for multiple choice items (mcIRT) |
MCL | Markov Cluster Algorithm |
mclcar | Estimating Conditional Auto-Regressive (CAR) Models using Monte Carlo Likelihood Methods |
mcll | Monte Carlo Local Likelihood Estimation |
mclogit | Mixed Conditional Logit Models |
mclust | Gaussian Mixture Modelling for Model-Based Clustering, Classification, and Density Estimation |
mclustcomp | Measures for Comparing Clusters |
mcmc | Markov Chain Monte Carlo |
MCMC.OTU | Bayesian Analysis of Multivariate Counts Data in DNA Metabarcoding and Ecology |
MCMC.qpcr | Bayesian Analysis of qRT-PCR Data |
MCMC4Extremes | Posterior Distribution of Extreme Value Models in R |
MCMCglmm | MCMC Generalised Linear Mixed Models |
MCMCpack | Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Package |
mcmcplots | Create Plots from MCMC Output |
MCMCprecision | Precision of Discrete Parameters in Transdimensional MCMC |
mcmcse | Monte Carlo Standard Errors for MCMC |
MCMCvis | Tools to Visualize, Manipulate, and Summarize MCMC Output |
mcMST | A Toolbox for the Multi-Criteria Minimum Spanning Tree Problem |
mco | Multiple Criteria Optimization Algorithms and Related Functions |
Mcomp | Data from the M-Competitions |
mcompanion | Objects and Methods for Multi-Companion Matrices |
MConjoint | Conjoint Analysis through Averaging of Multiple Analyses |
mcPAFit | Estimating Preferential Attachment from a Single Network Snapshot by Markov Chain Monte Carlo |
MCPAN | Multiple Comparisons Using Normal Approximation |
mcparallelDo | A Simplified Interface for Running Commands on Parallel Processes |
MCPerm | A Monte Carlo permutation method for multiple test correlation |
MCPMod | Design and Analysis of Dose-Finding Studies |
mcprofile | Testing Generalized Linear Hypotheses for Generalized Linear Model Parameters by Profile Deviance |
mcr | Method Comparison Regression |
MCS | Model Confidence Set Procedure |
mcsm | Functions for Monte Carlo Methods with R |
McSpatial | Nonparametric spatial data analysis |
mctest | Multicollinearity Diagnostic Measures |
MCTM | Markov Chains Transition Matrices |
md | Selecting Bandwidth for Kernel Density Estimator with Minimum Distance Method |
md.log | Produces Markdown Log File with a Built-in Function Call |
mda | Mixture and Flexible Discriminant Analysis |
mdatools | Multivariate Data Analysis for Chemometrics |
mded | Measuring the Difference Between Two Empirical Distributions |
mdftracks | Read and Write 'MTrackJ Data Files' |
mdhglm | Multivariate Double Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models |
MDimNormn | Multi-Dimensional MA Normalization for Plate Effect |
MDM | Multinomial Diversity Model |
mdmb | Model Based Treatment of Missing Data |
MDMR | Multivariate Distance Matrix Regression |
mdpeer | Graph-Constrained Regression with Enhanced Regularization Parameters Selection |
MDplot | Visualising Molecular Dynamics Analyses |
MDPtoolbox | Markov Decision Processes Toolbox |
MDR | Detect gene-gene interactions using multifactor dimensionality reduction |
mdscore | Improved Score Tests for Generalized Linear Models |
mdsdt | Functions for Analysis of Data with General Recognition Theory |
MDSGUI | A GUI for interactive MDS in R |
MDSMap | High Density Genetic Linkage Mapping using Multidimensional Scaling |
mdsOpt | Searching for Optimal MDS Procedure for Metric and Interval-Valued Symbolic Data |
mdsr | Complement to 'Modern Data Science with R' |
mdw | Maximum Diversity Weighting |
meanr | Sentiment Analysis Scorer |
MeanShift | Clustering via the Mean Shift Algorithm |
meanShiftR | A Computationally Efficient Mean Shift Implementation |
meaRtools | Micro-Electro Array (MEA) Analysis |
measurements | Tools for Units of Measurement |
measuRing | Detection and Control of Tree-Ring Widths on Scanned Image Sections |
meboot | Maximum Entropy Bootstrap for Time Series |
MEclustnet | Fits the Mixture of Experts Latent Position Cluster Model to Network Data |
MedDietCalc | Multi Calculator to Compute Scores of Adherence to Mediterranean Diet |
mederrRank | Bayesian Methods for Identifying the Most Harmful Medication Errors |
medfate | Mediterranean Forest Simulation |
medflex | Flexible Mediation Analysis Using Natural Effect Models |
MediaK | Calculate MeDiA_K Distance |
Mediana | Clinical Trial Simulations |
mediation | Causal Mediation Analysis |
medicalrisk | Medical Risk and Comorbidity Tools for ICD-9-CM Data |
medicare | Tools for Obtaining and Cleaning Medicare Public Use Files |
medmod | Simple Mediation and Moderation Analysis |
MedOr | Median Ordering Statistical R package |
MEET | MEET: Motif Elements Estimation Toolkit |
meetupapi | Access 'Meetup' API |
mefa | Multivariate Data Handling in Ecology and Biogeography |
mefa4 | Multivariate Data Handling with S4 Classes and Sparse Matrices |
Mega2R | Accessing and Processing a 'Mega2' Genetic Database |
MEGENA | Multiscale Clustering of Geometrical Network |
meifly | Interactive model exploration using GGobi |
mekko | Variable Width Bar Charts: Bar Mekko |
meltt | Matching Event Data by Location, Time and Type |
melviewr | View and Classify MELODIC Output for ICA+FIX |
mem | The Moving Epidemic Method |
memapp | The Moving Epidemic Method Web Application |
meme | Create Meme |
memery | Internet Memes for Data Analysts |
memgene | Spatial pattern detection in genetic distance data using Moran's Eigenvector Maps |
memisc | Management of Survey Data and Presentation of Analysis Results |
memo | In-Memory Caching for Repeated Computations |
memoise | Memoisation of Functions |
MEMSS | Data sets from Mixed-effects Models in S |
memuse | Memory Estimation Utilities |
MendelianRandomization | Mendelian Randomization Package |
MenuCollection | Collection of Configurable GTK+ Menus |
MEPDF | Multivariate Empirical Density Function |
merDeriv | Case-Wise and Cluster-Wise Derivatives for Mixed Effects Models |
MergeGUI | A GUI for Merging Datasets in R |
merror | Accuracy and Precision of Measurements |
merTools | Tools for Analyzing Mixed Effect Regression Models |
meshsimp | Simplification of Surface Triangular Meshes with Associated Distributed Data |
MESS | Miscellaneous Esoteric Statistical Scripts |
meta | General Package for Meta-Analysis |
meta4diag | Meta-Analysis for Diagnostic Test Studies |
MetaAnalyser | An Interactive Visualisation of Meta-Analysis as a Physical Weighing Machine |
MetABEL | Meta-analysis of genome-wide SNP association results |
metaBMA | Bayesian Model Averaging for Random and Fixed Effects Meta-Analysis |
MetabolAnalyze | Probabilistic latent variable models for metabolomic data |
MetaboList | Annotation of Metabolites from Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Data |
metabolomics | Analysis of Metabolomics Data |
MetaboQC | Normalize Metabolomic Data using QC Signal |
metacart | Meta-CART: A Flexible Approach to Identify Moderators in Meta-Analysis |
metacoder | Tools for Parsing, Manipulating, and Graphing Taxonomic Abundance Data |
metacom | Analysis of the 'Elements of Metacommunity Structure' |
MetaComp | EDGE Taxonomy Assignments Visualization |
metacor | Meta-analysis of correlation coefficients |
MetaCycle | Evaluate Periodicity in Large Scale Data |
metafolio | Metapopulation simulations for conserving salmon through portfolio optimization |
metafor | Meta-Analysis Package for R |
metaforest | Exploring Heterogeneity in Meta-Analysis using Random Forests |
metafuse | Fused Lasso Approach in Regression Coefficient Clustering |
metagear | Comprehensive Research Synthesis Tools for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis |
metagen | Inference in Meta Analysis and Meta Regression |
metaheur | Metaheuristic Optimization Framework for Preprocessing Combinations |
MetaheuristicFPA | An Implementation of Flower Pollination Algorithm in R |
metaheuristicOpt | Metaheuristic for Optimization |
MetaIntegrator | Meta-Analysis of Gene Expression Data |
MetaLandSim | Landscape and Range Expansion Simulation |
metaLik | Likelihood Inference in Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression Models |
MetaLonDA | Metagenomics Longitudinal Differential Abundance Method |
metaMA | Meta-analysis for MicroArrays |
MetamapsDB | Network Analysis of Metabolic Pathways and Gene Based Assemblies in Metagenomics |
metamisc | Diagnostic and Prognostic Meta-Analysis |
metaMix | Bayesian Mixture Analysis for Metagenomic Community Profiling |
metansue | Meta-Analysis of Studies with Non Statistically-Significant Unreported Effects |
metap | Meta-Analysis of Significance Values |
MetaPath | Perform the Meta-Analysis for Pathway Enrichment Analysis (MAPE) |
MetaPCA | MetaPCA: Meta-analysis in the Dimension Reduction of Genomic data |
metaplot | Data-Driven Diagnostic Plots |
metaplotr | Creates CrossHairs Plots for Meta-Analyses |
metaplus | Robust Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression |
MetaQC | MetaQC: Objective Quality Control and Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria for Genomic Meta-Analysis |
metaRNASeq | Meta-analysis of RNA-seq data |
metaSEM | Meta-Analysis using Structural Equation Modeling |
metasens | Advanced Statistical Methods to Model and Adjust for Bias in Meta-Analysis |
MetaSKAT | Meta Analysis for SNP-Set (Sequence) Kernel Association Test |
MetaSubtract | Subtracting Summary Statistics of One or more Cohorts from Meta-GWAS Results |
metatest | Fit and test metaregression models |
Metatron | Meta-analysis for Classification Data and Correction to Imperfect Reference |
metavcov | Variance-Covariance Matrix for Multivariate Meta-Analysis |
metaviz | Rainforest Plots and Visual Funnel Plot Inference for Meta-Analysis |
meteo | Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Mapping of Meteorological Observations |
meteoForecast | Numerical Weather Predictions |
meteogRam | Tools for plotting meteograms |
meteoland | Landscape Meteorology Tools |
meteR | Fitting and Plotting Tools for the Maximum Entropy Theory of Ecology (METE) |
MetFns | Analysis of Visual Meteor Data |
Meth27QC | Meth27QC: sample quality analysis, and sample control analysis |
MethComp | Functions for Analysis of Agreement in Method Comparison Studies |
MethodCompare | Bias and Precision Plots to Compare Two Measurements with Possibly Heteroscedastic Measurement Errors |
Methplot | Visualize the methylation patterns |
MethylCapSig | Detection of Differentially Methylated Regions using MethylCap-Seq Data |
MetNorm | Statistical Methods for Normalizing Metabolomics Data |
MetProc | Separate Metabolites into Likely Measurement Artifacts and True Metabolites |
Metrics | Evaluation Metrics for Machine Learning |
metricsgraphics | Create Interactive Charts with the JavaScript 'MetricsGraphics' Library |
metricTester | Test Metric and Null Model Statistical Performance |
metRology | Support for Metrological Applications |
mets | Analysis of Multivariate Event Times |
metScanR | Find, Map, and Gather Environmental Data and Metadata |
MetSizeR | GUI Tool for Estimating Sample Sizes for Metabolomic Experiments |
MetStaT | Statistical metabolomics tools |
mev | Multivariate Extreme Value Distributions |
mewAvg | A Fixed Memeory Moving Expanding Window Average |
mexhaz | Mixed Effect Excess Hazard Models |
mExplorer | Identifying Master Gene Regulators from Gene Expression and DNA-Binding Data |
MExPosition | Multi-table ExPosition |
MF | Mitigated Fraction |
MFAg | Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) |
mfe | Meta-Feature Extractor |
mfGARCH | Mixed-Frequency GARCH Models |
MFHD | Multivariate Functional Halfspace Depth |
mFilter | Miscellaneous time series filters |
MFKnockoffs | Model-Free Knockoff Filter for Controlled Variable Selection |
mfp | Multivariable Fractional Polynomials |
MFPCA | Multivariate Functional Principal Component Analysis for Data Observed on Different Dimensional Domains |
MFT | The Multiple Filter Test for Change Point Detection |
MfUSampler | Multivariate-from-Univariate (MfU) MCMC Sampler |
mfx | Marginal Effects, Odds Ratios and Incidence Rate Ratios for GLMs |
mgarchBEKK | Simulating, Estimating and Diagnosing MGARCH (BEKK and mGJR) Processes |
mgcv | Mixed GAM Computation Vehicle with Automatic Smoothness Estimation |
MGL | Module Graphical Lasso |
MGLM | Multivariate Response Generalized Linear Models |
mglmn | Model Averaging for Multivariate GLM with Null Models |
mglR | Master Gene List |
mgm | Estimating Time-Varying k-Order Mixed Graphical Models |
mgpd | mgpd: Functions for multivariate generalized Pareto distribution (MGPD of Type II) |
mgraph | Graphing map attributes and non-map variables in R |
MGRASTer | API Client for the MG-RAST Server of the US DOE KBase |
MGSDA | Multi-Group Sparse Discriminant Analysis |
mgsub | Safe, Multiple, Simultaneous String Substitution |
mGSZ | Gene set analysis based on GSZ-scoring function and asymptotic p-value |
MHadaptive | General Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Bayesian Inference using adaptive Metropolis-Hastings sampling |
MHCtools | Analysis of MHC Data in Non-Model Species |
mhde | Minimum Hellinger Distance Test for Normality |
mHG | Minimum-Hypergeometric Test |
mhsmm | Inference for Hidden Markov and Semi-Markov Models |
mht | Multiple Hypothesis Testing for Variable Selection in High-Dimensional Linear Models |
mhtboot | Multiple Hypothesis Test Based on Distribution of p Values |
MHTdiscrete | Multiple Hypotheses Testing for Discrete Data |
MHTmult | Multiple Hypotheses Testing for Multiple Families/Groups Structure |
MHTrajectoryR | Bayesian Model Selection in Logistic Regression for the Detection of Adverse Drug Reactions |
mhurdle | Multiple Hurdle Tobit Models |
mi | Missing Data Imputation and Model Checking |
MIAmaxent | Maxent Distribution Model Selection |
mice | Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations |
miceadds | Some Additional Multiple Imputation Functions, Especially for 'mice' |
micEcon | Microeconomic Analysis and Modelling |
micEconAids | Demand Analysis with the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) |
micEconCES | Analysis with the Constant Elasticity of Substitution (CES) function |
micEconIndex | Price and Quantity Indices |
micEconSNQP | Symmetric Normalized Quadratic Profit Function |
miceExt | Extension Package to 'mice' |
micemd | Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations with Multilevel Data |
micompr | Multivariate Independent Comparison of Observations |
miCoPTCM | Promotion Time Cure Model with Mis-Measured Covariates |
microbats | An Implementation of Bat Algorithm in R |
microbenchmark | Accurate Timing Functions |
microclass | Methods for Taxonomic Classification of Prokaryotes |
microcontax | The ConTax Data Package |
MicroDatosEs | Utilities for Official Spanish Microdata |
microdemic | 'Microsoft Academic' API Client |
MicroMacroMultilevel | Micro-Macro Multilevel Modeling |
micromap | Linked Micromap Plots |
micromapST | Linked Micromap Plots for General U. S. and Other Geographic Areas |
micropan | Microbial Pan-Genome Analysis |
microplot | Microplots (Sparklines) in 'LaTeX', 'Word', 'HTML', 'Excel' |
microPop | Modelling Microbial Populations |
microseq | Basic Biological Sequence Handling |
MicroStrategyR | MicroStrategyR Package |
MicSim | Performing Continuous-Time Microsimulation |
midas | Turn HTML 'Shiny' |
midasr | Mixed Data Sampling Regression |
midastouch | Multiple Imputation by Distance Aided Donor Selection |
MIDN | Nearly Exact Sample Size Calculation for Exact Powerful Nonrandomized Tests for Differences Between Binomial Proportions |
midrangeMCP | Multiple Comparisons Procedures Based on Studentized Midrange and Range Distributions |
MigClim | Implementing dispersal into species distribution models |
migest | Methods for the Indirect Estimation of Bilateral Migration |
migration.indices | Migration indices |
migui | Graphical User Interface to the 'mi' Package |
miic | Learning Causal or Non-Causal Graphical Models Using Information Theory |
MIICD | Multiple Imputation for Interval Censored Data |
MIIVsem | Model Implied Instrumental Variable (MIIV) Estimation of Structural Equation Models |
MILC | MIcrosimulation Lung Cancer (MILC) model |
miLineage | Association Tests for Microbial Lineages on a Taxonomic Tree |
milr | Multiple-Instance Logistic Regression with LASSO Penalty |
mime | Map Filenames to MIME Types |
MImix | Mixture summary method for multiple imputation |
MindOnStats | Data sets included in Utts and Heckard's Mind on Statistics |
mindr | Convert Files Between Markdown or Rmarkdown Files and Mindmaps |
minerva | Maximal Information-Based Nonparametric Exploration for Variable Analysis |
Miney | Implementation of the Well-Known Game to Clear Bombs from a Given Field (Matrix) |
miniCRAN | Create a Mini Version of CRAN Containing Only Selected Packages |
miniGUI | tktcl quick and simple function GUI |
minimalRSD | Minimally Changed CCD and BBD |
minimap | Create Tile Grid Maps |
minimax | Minimax distribution family |
minimaxdesign | Minimax and Minimax Projection Designs |
minimist | Parse Argument Options |
miniUI | Shiny UI Widgets for Small Screens |
minpack.lm | R Interface to the Levenberg-Marquardt Nonlinear Least-Squares Algorithm Found in MINPACK, Plus Support for Bounds |
minPtest | Gene region-level testing procedure for SNP data, using the min P test resampling approach |
minqa | Derivative-free optimization algorithms by quadratic approximation |
minque | An R Package for Linear Mixed Model Analyses |
MInt | Learn Direct Interaction Networks |
minval | MINimal VALidation for Stoichiometric Reactions |
minxent | Entropy Optimization Distributions |
mipfp | Multidimensional Iterative Proportional Fitting and Alternative Models |
MIPHENO | Mutant Identification through Probabilistic High throughput Enabled NOrmalization |
miRada | MicroRNA Microarray Data Analysis |
MiRAnorm | Adaptive Normalization for miRNA Data |
MiRKAT | Microbiome Regression-Based Kernel Association Test |
miRNAss | Genome-Wide Discovery of Pre-miRNAs with few Labeled Examples |
MiRSEA | 'MicroRNA' Set Enrichment Analysis |
mirt | Multidimensional Item Response Theory |
mirtCAT | Computerized Adaptive Testing with Multidimensional Item Response Theory |
miRtest | combined miRNA- and mRNA-testing |
misc3d | Miscellaneous 3D Plots |
miscF | Miscellaneous Functions |
miscFuncs | Miscellaneous Useful Functions Including LaTeX Tables, Kalman Filtering and Development Tools |
misclassGLM | Computation of Generalized Linear Models with Misclassified Covariates Using Side Information |
miscor | Miscellaneous Functions for the Correlation Coefficient |
miscset | Miscellaneous Tools Set |
miscTools | Miscellaneous Tools and Utilities |
mise | Clears the Workspace (Mise en Place) |
Miso | Multi-Isotope Labeling for Metabolomics Analysis |
MiSPU | Microbiome Based Sum of Powered Score (MiSPU) Tests |
misreport | Statistical Analysis of Misreporting on Sensitive Survey Questions |
missDeaths | Simulating and Analyzing Time to Event Data in the Presence of Population Mortality |
missForest | Nonparametric Missing Value Imputation using Random Forest |
MissingDataGUI | A GUI for Missing Data Exploration |
missMDA | Handling Missing Values with Multivariate Data Analysis |
MissMech | Testing Homoscedasticity, Multivariate Normality, and Missing Completely at Random |
missRanger | Fast Imputation of Missing Values |
MiST | Mixed effects Score Test for continuous outcomes |
mistat | Data Sets, Functions and Examples from the Book: "Modern Industrial Statistics" by Kenett, Zacks and Amberti |
mistral | Methods in Structural Reliability Analysis |
MitISEM | Mixture of Student t Distributions using Importance Sampling and Expectation Maximization |
mitml | Tools for Multiple Imputation in Multilevel Modeling |
mitools | Tools for multiple imputation of missing data |
MittagLeffleR | The Mittag-Leffler Distribution |
mix | Estimation/Multiple Imputation for Mixed Categorical and Continuous Data |
mixAK | Multivariate Normal Mixture Models and Mixtures of Generalized Linear Mixed Models Including Model Based Clustering |
mixcat | Mixed effects cumulative link and logistic regression models |
mixdist | Finite Mixture Distribution Models |
MixedDataImpute | Missing Data Imputation for Continuous and Categorical Data using Nonparametric Bayesian Joint Models |
mixedMem | Tools for Discrete Multivariate Mixed Membership Models |
MixedPoisson | Mixed Poisson Models |
MixedPsy | Statistical Tools for the Analysis of Psychophysical Data |
mixedsde | Estimation Methods for Stochastic Differential Mixed Effects Models |
MixedTS | Mixed Tempered Stable Distribution |
mixEMM | A Mixed-Effects Model for Analyzing Cluster-Level Non-Ignorable Missing Data |
mixexp | Design and Analysis of Mixture Experiments |
MIXFIM | Evaluation of the FIM in NLMEMs using MCMC |
MixGHD | Model Based Clustering, Classification and Discriminant Analysis Using the Mixture of Generalized Hyperbolic Distributions |
mixKernel | Omics Data Integration Using Kernel Methods |
mixlink | Mixture Link Regression |
mixlm | Mixed Model ANOVA and Statistics for Education |
MixMAP | Implements the MixMAP Algorithm |
mixOmics | Omics Data Integration Project |
mixor | Mixed-Effects Ordinal Regression Analysis |
mixpack | Tools to Work with Mixture Components |
mixPHM | Mixtures of Proportional Hazard Models |
mixR | Finite Mixture Modeling for Raw and Binned Data |
mixRasch | Mixture Rasch Models with JMLE |
mixreg | Functions to fit mixtures of regressions |
MixRF | A Random-Forest-Based Approach for Imputing Clustered Incomplete Data |
mixsep | Forensic Genetics DNA Mixture Separation |
MixSIAR | Bayesian Mixing Models in R |
MixSim | Simulating Data to Study Performance of Clustering Algorithms |
mixsmsn | Fitting Finite Mixture of Scale Mixture of Skew-Normal Distributions |
mixtNB | DE Analysis of RNA-Seq Data by Mixtures of NB |
mixtools | Tools for Analyzing Finite Mixture Models |
mixtox | Curve Fitting and Mixture Toxicity Assessment |
mixture | Finite Gaussian Mixture Models for Clustering and Classification |
MixtureInf | Inference for Finite Mixture Models |
MixtureRegLTIC | Mixture Regression Models for Left-Truncated and Interval-Censored Data |
mize | Unconstrained Numerical Optimization Algorithms |
mizer | Multi-Species sIZE Spectrum Modelling in R |
mkde | 2D and 3D movement-based kernel density estimates (MKDEs) |
mkin | Kinetic Evaluation of Chemical Degradation Data |
MKLE | Maximum kernel likelihood estimation |
MKmisc | Miscellaneous Functions from M. Kohl |
mkssd | Efficient multi-level k-circulant supersaturated designs |
ML.MSBD | Maximum Likelihood Inference on Multi-State Trees |
mlapi | Abstract Classes for Building 'scikit-learn' Like API |
MlBayesOpt | Hyper Parameter Tuning for Machine Learning, Using Bayesian Optimization |
mlbench | Machine Learning Benchmark Problems |
mlbgameday | Tools to Gather Data from Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM) |
MLCIRTwithin | Latent Class Item Response Theory (LC-IRT) Models under Within-Item Multidimensionality |
MLCM | Maximum Likelihood Conjoint Measurement |
mlDNA | Machine Learning-based Differential Network Analysis of Transcriptome Data |
mldr | Exploratory Data Analysis and Manipulation of Multi-Label Data Sets |
mldr.datasets | R Ultimate Multilabel Dataset Repository |
MLDS | Maximum Likelihood Difference Scaling |
mle.tools | Expected/Observed Fisher Information and Bias-Corrected Maximum Likelihood Estimate(s) |
mlearning | Machine learning algorithms with unified interface and confusion matrices |
MLEcens | Computation of the MLE for bivariate (interval) censored data |
mlegp | Maximum Likelihood Estimates of Gaussian Processes |
mleur | Maximum likelihood unit root test |
mlgt | Multi-Locus Geno-Typing |
mlica2 | Independent Component Analysis using Maximum Likelihood |
MLID | Multilevel Index of Dissimilarity |
mljar | R API for MLJAR |
mlma | Multilevel Mediation Analysis |
mlmc | Multi-Level Monte Carlo |
MLmetrics | Machine Learning Evaluation Metrics |
MLML2R | Maximum Likelihood Estimation of DNA Methylation and Hydroxymethylation Proportions |
mlmmm | ML estimation under multivariate linear mixed models with missing values |
mlmRev | Examples from Multilevel Modelling Software Review |
mlogit | multinomial logit model |
mlogitBMA | Bayesian Model Averaging for Multinomial Logit Models |
mlPhaser | Multi-Locus Haplotype Phasing |
MLPUGS | Multi-Label Prediction Using Gibbs Sampling (and Classifier Chains) |
mlr | Machine Learning in R |
mlrMBO | A Toolbox for Model-Based Optimization of Expensive Black-Box Functions |
MLRMPA | A package for Multilinear Regression Model Population Analysis |
mlsjunkgen | Use the MLS Junk Generator Algorithm to Generate a Stream of Pseudo-Random Numbers |
mlt | Most Likely Transformations |
mlt.docreg | Most Likely Transformations: Documentation and Regression Tests |
mltools | Machine Learning Tools |
mlVAR | Multi-Level Vector Autoregression |
mlxR | Simulation of Longitudinal Data |
MM | The multiplicative multinomial distribution |
MM2S | Single-Sample Classifier of Medulloblastoma Subtypes for Medulloblastoma Patient Samples, Mouse Models, and Cell Lines |
MM2Sdata | Gene Expression Datasets for the 'MM2S' Package |
mma | Multiple Mediation Analysis |
mmand | Mathematical Morphology in Any Number of Dimensions |
mmap | Map Pages of Memory |
mmapcharr | Memory-Map Character Files |
mmc | Multivariate Measurement Error Correction |
mmcm | Modified Maximum Contrast Method |
MMDai | Multivariate Multinomial Distribution Approximation and Imputation for Incomplete Data |
mmds | Mixture Model Distance Sampling (mmds) |
mme | Multinomial Mixed Effects Models |
mmeln | Estimation of Multinormal Mixture Distribution |
mmeta | Multivariate Meta-Analysis |
mmm | an R package for analyzing multivariate longitudinal data with multivariate marginal models |
mmm2 | Multivariate marginal models with shared regression parameters |
mmmgee | Simultaneous Inference for Multiple Linear Contrasts in GEE Models |
MMMS | Multi-Marker Molecular Signature for Treatment-specific Subgroup Identification |
mmod | Modern Measures of Population Differentiation |
mMPA | Implementation of Marker-Assisted Mini-Pooling with Algorithm |
mmpf | Monte-Carlo Methods for Prediction Functions |
mmpp | Various Similarity and Distance Metrics for Marked Point Processes |
mmppr | Markov Modulated Poisson Process for Unsupervised Event Detection in Time Series of Counts |
MMS | Fixed effects Selection in Linear Mixed Models |
mmtfa | Model-Based Clustering and Classification with Mixtures of Modified t Factor Analyzers |
mmtsne | Multiple Maps t-SNE |
MMWRweek | Convert Dates to MMWR Day, Week, and Year |
mnis | Easy Downloading Capabilities for the Members' Name Information Service |
mnlogit | Multinomial Logit Model |
MNM | Multivariate Nonparametric Methods. An Approach Based on Spatial Signs and Ranks |
mnormpow | Multivariate Normal Distributions with Power Integrand |
mnormt | The Multivariate Normal and t Distributions |
MNP | R Package for Fitting the Multinomial Probit Model |
mnreadR | MNREAD Parameters Estimation and Curve Plotting |
MNS | Mixed Neighbourhood Selection |
mobForest | Model Based Random Forest Analysis |
Mobilize | Mobilize plots and functions |
mobsim | Spatial Simulation and Scale-Dependent Analysis of Biodiversity Changes |
MOCCA | Multi-objective optimization for collecting cluster alternatives |
mockery | Mocking Library for R |
mockr | Mocking in R |
mod09nrt | Extraction of Bands from MODIS Surface Reflectance Product MOD09 NRT |
Modalclust | Hierarchical Modal Clustering |
modcmfitr | Fit a Modified Connor-Mosimann Distribution to Elicited Quantiles in Multinomial Problems |
modeest | Mode Estimation |
modehunt | Multiscale Analysis for Density Functions |
model4you | Stratified and Personalised Models Based on Model-Based Trees and Forests |
Modeler | Classes and Methods for Training and Using Binary Prediction Models |
modelfree | Model-free estimation of a psychometric function |
ModelGood | Validation of risk prediction models |
ModelMap | Modeling and Map Production using Random Forest and Stochastic Gradient Boosting |
ModelMetrics | Rapid Calculation of Model Metrics |
modelObj | A Model Object Framework for Regression Analysis |
modelr | Modelling Functions that Work with the Pipe |
modeltools | Tools and Classes for Statistical Models |
modelwordcloud | Model Word Clouds |
moderndive | Accompaniment Package to ModernDive: An Introduction to Statistical and Data Sciences via R |
modes | Find the Modes and Assess the Modality of Complex and Mixture Distributions, Especially with Big Datasets |
modest | Model-Based Dose-Escalation Trials |
modEvA | Model Evaluation and Analysis |
modifiedmk | Modified Mann Kendall Trend Tests |
MODIS | Acquisition and Processing of MODIS Products |
modiscloud | R tools for processing Level 2 Cloud Mask products from MODIS |
MODISSnow | Provides a Function to Download MODIS Snow Cover |
MODIStsp | A Tool for Automating Download and Preprocessing of MODIS Land Products Data |
modmarg | Calculating Marginal Effects and Levels with Errors |
modMax | Community Structure Detection via Modularity Maximization |
modQR | Multiple-Output Directional Quantile Regression |
modTempEff | Modelling temperature effects using time series data |
moduleColor | Basic Module Functions |
modules | Self Contained Units of Source Code |
modygliani | MOlecular DYnamics GLobal ANalysis |
MOEADr | Component-Wise MOEA/D Implementation |
MoEClust | Parsimonious Model-Based Clustering with Covariates |
moezipfR | Marshall-Olkin Extended Zipf |
mogavs | Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Variable Selection in Regression |
MOJOV | Mojo Variants: Rare Variants analysis |
mokken | Conducts Mokken Scale Analysis |
moko | Multi-Objective Kriging Optimization |
molaR | Dental Surface Complexity Measurement Tools |
MoLE | Modeling Language Evolution |
MOLHD | Multiple Objective Latin Hypercube Design |
mombf | Moment and Inverse Moment Bayes Factors |
momentchi2 | Moment-Matching Methods for Weighted Sums of Chi-Squared Random Variables |
moments | Moments, cumulants, skewness, kurtosis and related tests |
momentuHMM | Maximum Likelihood Analysis of Animal Movement Behavior Using Multivariate Hidden Markov Models |
Momocs | Morphometrics using R |
momr | Mining Metaomics Data (MetaOMineR) |
MomTrunc | Moments of Folded and Doubly Truncated Multivariate Distributions |
mondate | Keep track of dates in terms of months |
Mondrian | A Simple Graphical Representation of the Relative Occurrence and Co-Occurrence of Events |
MonetDB.R | Connect MonetDB to R |
MonetDBLite | In-Process Version of 'MonetDB' |
mongolite | Fast and Simple 'MongoDB' Client for R |
monitoR | Acoustic Template Detection in R |
monkeylearn | Accesses the Monkeylearn API for Text Classifiers and Extractors |
monmlp | Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network with Optional Monotonicity Constraints |
monographaR | Taxonomic Monographs Tools |
MonoInc | Monotonic Increasing |
monomvn | Estimation for Multivariate Normal and Student-t Data with Monotone Missingness |
MonoPhy | Allows to Explore Monophyly (or Lack of it) of Taxonomic Groups in a Phylogeny |
MonoPoly | Functions to Fit Monotone Polynomials |
monoreg | Bayesian Monotonic Regression Using a Marked Point Process Construction |
monreg | Nonparametric Monotone Regression |
MonteCarlo | Automatic Parallelized Monte Carlo Simulations |
moonBook | Functions and Datasets for the Book by Keon-Woong Moon |
moonsun | Basic astronomical calculations with R |
mopa | Species Distribution MOdeling with Pseudo-Absences |
mopsocd | MOPSOCD: Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization with Crowding Distance |
MOQA | Basic Quality Data Assurance for Epidemiological Research |
MOrder | Check Time Homogeneity and Markov Chain Order |
morgenstemning | Color schemes compatible with red-green color perception difficulties |
Morpho | Calculations and Visualisations Related to Geometric Morphometrics |
morse | Modelling Tools for Reproduction and Survival Data in Ecotoxicology |
MorseGen | Simple raw data generator based on user-specified summary statistics |
mortAAR | Analysis of Archaeological Mortality Data |
MortalityLaws | Parametric Mortality Models, Life Tables and HMD |
MortalitySmooth | Smoothing and Forecasting Poisson Counts with P-Splines |
MortCast | Estimation and Projection of Age-Specific Mortality Rates |
MortHump | Measure the Young Adult Mortality Hump |
mosaic | Project MOSAIC Statistics and Mathematics Teaching Utilities |
mosaicCalc | Function-Based Numerical and Symbolic Differentiation and Antidifferentiation |
mosaicCore | Common Utilities for Other MOSAIC-Family Packages |
mosaicData | Project MOSAIC Data Sets |
mosaicModel | An Interface to Statistical Modeling Independent of Model Architecture |
MOST | Multiphase Optimization Strategy |
MoTBFs | Learning Hybrid Bayesian Networks using Mixtures of Truncated Basis Functions |
MotilityLab | Quantitative Analysis of Motion |
motmot.2.0 | Models of Trait Macroevolution on Trees |
moult | Models for Analysing Moult in Birds |
mountainplot | Mountain Plots, Folded Empirical Cumulative Distribution Plots |
mousetrack | Mouse-Tracking Measures from Trajectory Data |
mousetrap | Process and Analyze Mouse-Tracking Data |
move | Visualizing and Analyzing Animal Track Data |
moveHMM | Animal Movement Modelling using Hidden Markov Models |
moveVis | Movement Data Visualization |
moveWindSpeed | Estimate Wind Speeds from Bird Trajectories |
movMF | Mixtures of von Mises-Fisher Distributions |
mozzie | Weekly Notified Dengue Cases in Sri Lanka |
mp | Multidimensional Projection Techniques |
mpa | CoWords Method |
mpath | Regularized Linear Models |
mpbart | Multinomial Probit Bayesian Additive Regression Trees |
MPCI | Multivariate Process Capability Indices (MPCI) |
mpcv | Multivariate Process Capability Vector |
MPDiR | Data sets and scripts for Modeling Psychophysical Data in R |
mpe | Multiple Primary Endpoints |
MPINet | The package can implement the network-based metabolite pathway identification of pathways |
MPLikelihoodWB | Modified Profile Likelihood Estimation for Weibull Shape and Regression Parameters |
mplot | Graphical Model Stability and Variable Selection Procedures |
MplusAutomation | An R Package for Facilitating Large-Scale Latent Variable Analyses in Mplus |
mpm | Multivariate Projection Methods |
mpmcorrelogram | Multivariate Partial Mantel Correlogram |
mpmi | Mixed-Pair Mutual Information Estimators |
mpoly | Symbolic Computation and More with Multivariate Polynomials |
Mposterior | Mposterior: R package for Robust and Scalable Bayes via a Median of Subset Posterior Measures |
mppa | Statistics for analysing multiple simultaneous point processes on the real line |
mpr | Multi-Parameter Regression (MPR) |
MPR.genotyping | Maximum Parsimony of Recombination to Infer Parental Genotypes |
MPSEM | Modeling Phylogenetic Signals using Eigenvector Maps |
mpt | Multinomial Processing Tree Models |
MPTinR | Analyze Multinomial Processing Tree Models |
mptools | RAMAS Metapop Tools |
MPV | Data Sets from Montgomery, Peck and Vining's Book |
mQTL | Metabolomic Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping |
mr.raps | Two Sample Mendelian Randomization using Robust Adjusted Profile Score |
mra | Mark-Recapture Analysis |
mratios | Inferences for ratios of coefficients in the general linear model |
mrbsizeR | Scale Space Multiresolution Analysis of Random Signals |
MRCE | Multivariate Regression with Covariance Estimation |
mRchmadness | Numerical Tools for Filling Out an NCAA Basketball Tournament Bracket |
MRCV | Methods for Analyzing Multiple Response Categorical Variables (MRCVs) |
mrds | Mark-Recapture Distance Sampling |
mreg | Fits regression models when the outcome is partially missing |
mregions | Marine Regions Data from 'Marineregions.org' |
MRFA | Fitting and Predicting Large-Scale Nonlinear Regression Problems using Multi-Resolution Functional ANOVA (MRFA) Approach |
mrfDepth | Depth Measures in Multivariate, Regression and Functional Settings |
mrgsolve | Simulate from ODE-Based Population PK/PD and Systems Pharmacology Models |
MRH | Multi-Resolution Estimation of the Hazard Rate |
mri | Modified Rand Index (1 and 2.1 and 2.2) and Modified Adjusted Rand Index (1 and 2.1 and 2.2) |
mritc | MRI Tissue Classification |
mRm | An R Package for Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Mixed Rasch Models |
mrMLM | Multi-Locus Random-SNP-Effect Mixed Linear Model for Genome-Wide Association Studies and Linkage Analyses |
MRMR | Multivariate Regression Models for Reserving |
mRMRe | Parallelized Minimum Redundancy, Maximum Relevance (mRMR) Ensemble Feature Selection |
mro | Multiple Correlation |
MRQoL | Minimal Clinically Important Difference and Response Shift Effect for Health-Related Quality of Life |
MRS | Multi-Resolution Scanning for Cross-Sample Differences |
MRSP | Multinomial Response Models with Structured Penalties |
MRsurv | A multiplicative-regression model for relative survival |
MRTSampleSize | A Sample Size Calculator for Micro-Randomized Trials |
MRwarping | Multiresolution time warping for functional data |
ms.sev | Package for Calculation of ARMSS, Local MSSS and Global MSSS |
msaenet | Multi-Step Adaptive Estimation Methods for Sparse Regressions |
msaFACE | Moving Subset Analysis FACE |
msap | Statistical analysis for Methylation-sensitive Amplification Polymorphism data |
msaR | Multiple Sequence Alignment for R Shiny |
MSbox | Mass Spectrometry Tools |
msBP | Multiscale Bernstein Polynomials for Densities |
MSBVAR | Markov-Switching, Bayesian, Vector Autoregression Models |
mschart | Chart Generation for 'Microsoft Word' and 'Microsoft PowerPoint' Documents |
MSCMT | Multivariate Synthetic Control Method Using Time Series |
MScombine | Combine Data from Positive and Negative Ionization Mode Finding Common Entities |
mscstexta4r | R Client for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Text Analytics REST API |
mscsweblm4r | R Client for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Web Language Model REST API |
msda | Multi-Class Sparse Discriminant Analysis |
msde | Bayesian Inference for Multivariate Stochastic Differential Equations |
MsdeParEst | Parametric Estimation in Mixed-Effects Stochastic Differential Equations |
mseapca | Metabolite set enrichment analysis for factor loading in principal component analysis |
MSeasy | Preprocessing of Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) data |
MSeasyTkGUI | MSeasy Tcl/Tk Graphical User Interface |
MSG | Data and Functions for the Book Modern Statistical Graphics |
MSGARCH | Markov-Switching GARCH Models |
msgl | High Dimensional Multiclass Classification Using Sparse Group Lasso |
MSGLasso | Multivariate Sparse Group Lasso for the Multivariate Multiple Linear Regression with an Arbitrary Group Structure |
msgpack | A Compact, High Speed Data Format |
msgpackR | A library to serialize or unserialize data in MessagePack format |
msgps | Degrees of freedom of elastic net, adaptive lasso and generalized elastic net |
msgtools | Tools for Developing Diagnostic Messages |
msir | Model-Based Sliced Inverse Regression |
MSIseq | Assess Tumor Microsatellite Instability with a Decision Tree Classifier from Exome Somatic Mutations |
msltrend | Improved Techniques to Estimate Trend, Velocity and Acceleration from Sea Level Records |
msm | Multi-State Markov and Hidden Markov Models in Continuous Time |
msma | Multiblock Sparse Multivariable Analysis |
msme | Functions and Datasets for "Methods of Statistical Model Estimation" |
msmtools | Building Augmented Data to Run Multi-State Models with 'msm' Package |
msos | Data Sets and Functions Used in Multivariate Statistics: Old School by John Marden |
MSQC | Multivariate Statistical Quality Control |
msr | Morse-Smale Approximation, Regression and Visualization |
mssqlR | MSSQL Querying using R |
msSurv | Nonparametric Estimation for Multistate Models |
MST | Multivariate Survival Trees |
mstate | Data Preparation, Estimation and Prediction in Multi-State Models |
mstherm | Analyze MS/MS Protein Melting Data |
mstR | Procedures to Generate Patterns under Multistage Testing |
msu | Multivariate Symmetric Uncertainty and Other Measurements |
MSwM | Fitting Markov Switching Models |
MTA | Multiscalar Territorial Analysis |
mtconnectR | Read Data from Delimited 'MTConnect' Data Files and Perform some Analysis |
MTDrh | Mass Transportation Distance Rank Histogram |
MTE | Maximum Tangent Likelihood and Other Robust Estimation for High-Dimensional Regression |
mthapower | Sample Size and Post-Hoc Power of Association Studies Involving Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups |
mtk | Mexico ToolKit library (MTK) |
MTS | All-Purpose Toolkit for Analyzing Multivariate Time Series (MTS) and Estimating Multivariate Volatility Models |
mtsdi | Multivariate Time Series Data Imputation |
MTSYS | Methods in Mahalanobis-Taguchi (MT) System |
MTurkR | R Client for the MTurk Requester API |
MTurkRGUI | A Graphical User Interface for MTurkR |
MUCflights | Munich Franz-Josef-Strauss Airport Pattern Analysis |
muckrock | Data on Freedom of Information Act Requests |
mudata2 | Interchange Tools for Multi-Parameter Spatiotemporal Data |
mudfold | Multiple UniDimensional unFOLDing |
MuFiCokriging | Multi-Fidelity Cokriging models |
muhaz | Hazard Function Estimation in Survival Analysis |
muir | Exploring Data with Tree Data Structures |
MullerPlot | Generates Muller Plot from Population/Abundance/Frequency Dynamics Data |
MultAlloc | Optimal Allocation in Stratified Sampling |
multcomp | Simultaneous Inference in General Parametric Models |
multcompView | Visualizations of Paired Comparisons |
multdyn | Multiregression Dynamic Models |
MultEq | Multiple Equivalence Tests and Simultaneous Confidence Intervals |
multfisher | Optimal Exact Tests for Multiple Binary Endpoints |
multgee | GEE Solver for Correlated Nominal or Ordinal Multinomial Responses |
MultiABEL | Multi-Trait Genome-Wide Association Analysis |
multiApply | Apply Functions to Multiple Multidimensional Arguments |
multiAssetOptions | Finite Difference Method for Multi-Asset Option Valuation |
multiband | Period Estimation for Multiple Bands |
MultiBD | Multivariate Birth-Death Processes |
multibiplotGUI | Multibiplot Analysis in R |
multiCA | Multinomial Cochran-Armitage Trend Test |
multichull | A Generic Convex-Hull-Based Model Selection Method |
multicmp | Flexible Modeling of Multivariate Count Data via the Multivariate Conway-Maxwell-Poisson Distribution |
MultiCNVDetect | Multiple Copy Number Variation Detection |
multicon | Multivariate Constructs |
multicool | Permutations of Multisets in Cool-Lex Order |
multiDimBio | Multivariate Analysis and Visualization for Biological Data |
multifluo | Dealing with Several Images of a Same Object Constituted of Different Zones |
multifwf | Read Fixed Width Format Files Containing Lines of Different Type |
MultiGHQuad | Multidimensional Gauss-Hermite Quadrature |
multigraph | Plot and Manipulate Multigraphs |
multigroup | Multigroup Data Analysis |
multilaterals | Transitive Index Numbers for Cross-Sections and Panel Data |
MultiLCIRT | Multidimensional Latent Class Item Response Theory Models |
multilevel | Multilevel Functions |
multilevelPSA | Multilevel Propensity Score Analysis |
multimark | Capture-Mark-Recapture Analysis using Multiple Non-Invasive Marks |
MultiMeta | Meta-analysis of Multivariate Genome Wide Association Studies |
multimode | Mode Testing and Exploring |
multinbmod | Regression analysis of overdispersed correlated count data |
multinet | Analysis and Mining of Multilayer Social Networks |
multinets | Multilevel Networks Analysis |
MultinomialCI | Simultaneous confidence intervals for multinomial proportions according to the method by Sison and Glaz |
multinomRob | Robust Estimation of Overdispersed Multinomial Regression Models |
MultiOrd | Generation of Multivariate Ordinal Variates |
multipanelfigure | Infrastructure to Assemble Multi-Panel Figures (from Grobs) |
MultiPhen | A Package to Test for Pleiotropic Effects |
multiPIM | Variable Importance Analysis with Population Intervention Models |
MultipleBubbles | Test and Detection of Explosive Behaviors for Time Series |
multipleNCC | Weighted Cox-Regression for Nested Case-Control Data |
multiplex | Algebraic Tools for the Analysis of Multiple Social Networks |
MultiplierDEA | Multiplier Data Envelopment Analysis and Cross Efficiency |
multiplyr | Data Manipulation with Parallelism and Shared Memory Matrices |
multipol | multivariate polynomials |
multirich | Calculate Multivariate Richness via UTC and sUTC |
MultiRNG | Multivariate Pseudo-Random Number Generation |
multiROC | Calculating and Visualizing ROC Curves Across Multi-Class Classifications |
MultiRR | Bias, Precision, and Power for Multi-Level Random Regressions |
multiselect | Selecting Combinations of Predictors by Leveraging Multiple AUCs for an Ordered Multilevel Outcome |
multisensi | Multivariate Sensitivity Analysis |
MultisiteMediation | Causal Mediation Analysis in Multisite Trials |
MultiSkew | Measures, Tests and Removes Multivariate Skewness |
multisom | Clustering a Data Set using Multi-SOM Algorithm |
multispatialCCM | Multispatial Convergent Cross Mapping |
multistate | Fitting Multistate Models |
MultiSV | MultiSV: an R package for identification of structural variations in multiple populations based on whole genome resequencing |
multitaper | Spectral Analysis Tools using the Multitaper Method |
multivariance | Measuring Multivariate Dependence Using Distance Multivariance |
MultivariateRandomForest | Models Multivariate Cases Using Random Forests |
MultiVarSel | Variable Selection in the Multivariate Linear Model |
multivator | A Multivariate Emulator |
multiwave | Estimation of Multivariate Long-Memory Models Parameters |
multiway | Component Models for Multi-Way Data |
multiwayvcov | Multi-Way Standard Error Clustering |
MultNonParam | Multivariate Nonparametric Methods |
multxpert | Common Multiple Testing Procedures and Gatekeeping Procedures |
muma | Metabolomics Univariate and Multivariate Analysis |
MuMIn | Multi-Model Inference |
munfold | Metric Unfolding |
munsell | Utilities for Using Munsell Colours |
munsellinterpol | Interpolate Munsell Renotation Data from Hue/Chroma to CIE/sRGB |
muRL | Mailmerge using R, LaTeX, and the Web |
murphydiagram | Murphy Diagrams for Forecast Comparisons |
MUS | Monetary Unit Sampling and Estimation Methods, Widely Used in Auditing |
musica | Multiscale Climate Model Assessment |
musicNMR | Conversion of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectrum in audio file |
muStat | Prentice Rank Sum Test and McNemar Test |
mut | Pairwise Likelihood Ratios |
mutoss | Unified Multiple Testing Procedures |
mutossGUI | A Graphical User Interface for the MuToss Project |
mutSignatures | Decipher Mutational Signatures from Somatic Mutational Catalogs |
MuViCP | MultiClass Visualizable Classification using Combination of Projections |
MVA | An Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis with R |
mvabund | Statistical Methods for Analysing Multivariate Abundance Data |
MVar.pt | Analise multivariada (brazilian portuguese) |
MVB | Mutivariate Bernoulli log-linear model |
MvBinary | Modelling Multivariate Binary Data with Blocks of Specific One-Factor Distribution |
mvbutils | Workspace organization, code and documentation editing, package prep and editing, etc |
mvc | Multi-View Clustering |
mvcluster | Multi-View Clustering |
mvctm | Multivariate Variance Components Tests for Multilevel Data |
mvcwt | Wavelet analysis of multiple time series |
mvdalab | Multivariate Data Analysis Laboratory |
mvglmmRank | Multivariate Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Ranking Sports Teams |
mvinfluence | Influence Measures and Diagnostic Plots for Multivariate Linear Models |
MVisAGe | Compute and Visualize Bivariate Associations |
MVLM | Multivariate Linear Model with Analytic p-Values |
mvLSW | Multivariate, Locally Stationary Wavelet Process Estimation |
mvmesh | Multivariate Meshes and Histograms in Arbitrary Dimensions |
mvmeta | Multivariate and Univariate Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression |
mvMonitoring | Multi-State Adaptive Dynamic Principal Component Analysis for Multivariate Process Monitoring |
mvMORPH | Multivariate Comparative Tools for Fitting Evolutionary Models to Morphometric Data |
MVN | Multivariate Normality Tests |
mvna | Nelson-Aalen Estimator of the Cumulative Hazard in Multistate Models |
mvnfast | Fast Multivariate Normal and Student's t Methods |
mvngGrAd | Moving Grid Adjustment in Plant Breeding Field Trials |
mvnmle | ML estimation for multivariate normal data with missing values |
mvnormtest | Normality test for multivariate variables |
mvnpermute | Generate New Multivariate Normal Samples from Permutations |
mvnTest | Goodness of Fit Tests for Multivariate Normality |
mvord | Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models |
mvoutlier | Multivariate Outlier Detection Based on Robust Methods |
mvPot | Multivariate Peaks-over-Threshold Modelling for Spatial Extreme Events |
mvProbit | Multivariate Probit Models |
mvprpb | Orthant Probability of the Multivariate Normal Distribution |
mvQuad | Methods for Multivariate Quadrature |
MVR | Mean-Variance Regularization |
mvrtn | Mean and Variance of Truncated Normal Distribution |
mvsf | Shapiro-Francia Multivariate Normality Test |
mvShapiroTest | Generalized Shapiro-Wilk test for multivariate normality |
mvSLOUCH | Multivariate Stochastic Linear Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Models for Phylogenetic Comparative Hypotheses |
mvst | Bayesian Inference for the Multivariate Skew-t Model |
MVT | Estimation and Testing for the Multivariate t-Distribution |
mvtboost | Tree Boosting for Multivariate Outcomes |
mvtmeta | Multivariate meta-analysis |
mvtnorm | Multivariate Normal and t Distributions |
mvtsplot | Multivariate Time Series Plot |
mwa | Causal Inference in Spatiotemporal Event Data |
mwaved | Multichannel Wavelet Deconvolution with Additive Long Memory Noise |
MWLasso | Penalized Moving-Window Lasso Method for Genome-Wide Association Studies |
MWRidge | Two Stage Moving-Window Ridge Method for Prediction and Estimation |
mxkssd | Efficient mixed-level k-circulant supersaturated designs |
MXM | Feature Selection (Including Multiple Solutions) and Bayesian Networks |
My.stepwise | Stepwise Variable Selection Procedures for Regression Analysis |
mycobacrvR | Integrative immunoinformatics for Mycobacterial diseases in R platform |
mycor | Automatic Correlation and Regression Test in a Data Frame |
myepisodes | MyEpisodes RSS/API functions |
Myrrix | Interface to Myrrix. Myrrix is a Complete, Real-Time, Scalable Clustering and Recommender System, Evolved from Apache Mahout |
Myrrixjars | R/Myrrix Interface Jars |
myTAI | Evolutionary Transcriptomics Analyses |
mztwinreg | Regression Models for Monozygotic Twin Data |
n1qn1 | Port of the 'Scilab' 'n1qn1' Module for Unconstrained BFGS Optimization |
na.tools | Comprehensive Library for Working with Missing (NA) Values in Vectors |
nabor | Wraps 'libnabo', a Fast K Nearest Neighbour Library for Low Dimensions |
NADA | Nondetects and Data Analysis for Environmental Data |
nadiv | (Non)Additive Genetic Relatedness Matrices |
NAEPprimer | The NAEP Primer |
naivebayes | High Performance Implementation of the Naive Bayes Algorithm |
naivereg | Nonparametric Additive Instrumental Variable Estimator: A Group Shrinkage Estimation Perspective |
NAM | Nested Association Mapping |
namedCapture | Named Capture Regular Expressions |
NameNeedle | Using Needleman-Wunsch to Match Sample Names |
namespace | Provide namespace managment functions not (yet) present in base R |
naniar | Data Structures, Summaries, and Visualisations for Missing Data |
nanop | Tools for Nanoparticle Simulation and Calculation of PDF and Total Scattering Structure Function |
NanoStringNorm | Normalize NanoString miRNA and mRNA Data |
nanotime | Nanosecond-Resolution Time for R |
NAPPA | Performs the Processing and Normalisation of Nanostring miRNA and mRNA Data |
naptime | A Flexible and Robust Sys.sleep() Replacement |
nardl | Nonlinear Cointegrating Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model |
narray | Subset- And Name-Aware Array Utility Functions |
nasadata | Interface to Various NASA API's |
nasaweather | Collection of datasets from the ASA 2006 data expo |
nat | NeuroAnatomy Toolbox for Analysis of 3D Image Data |
nat.nblast | NeuroAnatomy Toolbox ('nat') Extension for Assessing Neuron Similarity and Clustering |
nat.templatebrains | NeuroAnatomy Toolbox ('nat') Extension for Handling Template Brains |
nat.utils | File System Utility Functions for 'NeuroAnatomy Toolbox' |
natserv | 'NatureServe' Interface |
natural | Estimating the Error Variance in a High-Dimensional Linear Model |
naturalsort | Natural Ordering |
NatureSounds | Animal Sounds for Bioacustic Analysis |
nauf | Regression with NA Values in Unordered Factors |
NB | Maximum Likelihood method in estimating effective population size from genetic data |
NB.MClust | Negative Binomial Model-Based Clustering |
nbc4va | Bayes Classifier for Verbal Autopsy Data |
NbClust | Determining the Best Number of Clusters in a Data Set |
nbconvertR | Vignette Engine Wrapping IPython Notebooks |
NBDdirichlet | NBD-Dirichlet Model of Consumer Buying Behavior for Marketing Research |
nbpMatching | Functions for Optimal Non-Bipartite Matching |
NBPSeq | Negative Binomial Models for RNA-Sequencing Data |
NCA | Necessary Condition Analysis |
nCal | Nonlinear Calibration |
ncappc | NCA Calculation and Population PK Model Diagnosis |
ncar | Noncompartmental Analysis for Pharmacokinetic Report |
ncbit | retrieve and build NBCI taxonomic data |
ncdf.tools | Easier 'NetCDF' File Handling |
ncdf4 | Interface to Unidata netCDF (Version 4 or Earlier) Format Data Files |
ncdf4.helpers | Helper functions for use with the ncdf4 package |
ncdump | Extract Metadata from 'NetCDF' Files as Data Frames |
nCDunnett | Noncentral Dunnett's Test Distribution |
ncf | Spatial Nonparametric Covariance Functions |
ncg | Computes the noncentral gamma function |
ncmeta | Straightforward 'NetCDF' Metadata |
NCmisc | Miscellaneous Functions for Creating Adaptive Functions and Scripts |
ncpen | Nonconvex Penalized Estimation for Generalized Linear Models |
NCSampling | Nearest Centroid (NC) Sampling |
NCutYX | Clustering of Omics Data of Multiple Types with a Multilayer Network Representation |
ncvreg | Regularization Paths for SCAD and MCP Penalized Regression Models |
ndjson | Wicked-Fast Streaming 'JSON' ('ndjson') Reader |
ndl | Naive Discriminative Learning |
ndtv | Network Dynamic Temporal Visualizations |
NEArender | Network Enrichment Analysis |
nearfar | Near-Far Matching |
neariso | Near-Isotonic Regression |
neat | Efficient Network Enrichment Analysis Test |
NeatMap | Non-clustered heatmap alternatives |
neatmaps | Heatmaps for Multiple Network Data |
needs | Attaches and Installs Packages |
needy | needy |
NEff | Calculating Effective Sizes Based on Known Demographic Parameters of a Population |
NegBinBetaBinreg | Negative Binomial and Beta Binomial Bayesian Regression Models |
negenes | Estimating the Number of Essential Genes in a Genome |
neighbr | Classification, Regression, Clustering with K Nearest Neighbors |
neldermead | R Port of the 'Scilab' Neldermead Module |
neotoma | Access to the Neotoma Paleoecological Database Through R |
nephro | Utilities for Nephrology |
NEpiC | Network Assisted Algorithm for Epigenetic Studies Using Mean and Variance Combined Signals |
nesRdata | National Eutrophication Survey Data |
NestedCategBayesImpute | Modeling and Generating Synthetic Versions of Nested Categorical Data in the Presence of Impossible Combinations |
NestedCohort | Survival Analysis for Cohorts with Missing Covariate Information |
nestedRanksTest | Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon Test for Nested Ranks |
net.security | Security Standards Data Sets |
netassoc | Inference of Species Associations from Co-Occurrence Data |
NetCluster | Clustering for networks |
netcoh | Statistical Modeling with Network Cohesion |
netCoin | Interactive Networks with R |
netcom | Dynamic Network Alignment |
NetComp | Network Generation and Comparison |
NetData | Network Data for McFarland's SNA R labs |
netdiffuseR | Analysis of Diffusion and Contagion Processes on Networks |
netgen | Network Generator for Combinatorial Graph Problems |
netgsa | Network-Based Gene Set Analysis |
netgwas | Network-Based Genome Wide Association Studies |
NetIndices | Estimating network indices, including trophic structure of foodwebs in R |
NetLogoR | A Port of 'NetLogo' Functions and Language to R |
netmeta | Network Meta-Analysis using Frequentist Methods |
NetOrigin | Origin Estimation for Propagation Processes on Complex Networks |
NetPreProc | Network Pre-Processing and Normalization |
netrankr | Analyzing Partial Rankings in Networks |
NetRep | Permutation Testing Network Module Preservation Across Datasets |
nets | Network Estimation for Time Series |
NetSim | A Social Networks Simulation Tool in R |
NetSwan | Network Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis |
nettools | A Network Comparison Framework |
NetWeaver | Graphic Presentation of Complex Genomic and Network Data Analysis |
network | Classes for Relational Data |
NetworkChange | Bayesian Package for Network Changepoint Analysis |
NetworkComparisonTest | Statistical Comparison of Two Networks Based on Three Invariance Measures |
networkD3 | D3 JavaScript Network Graphs from R |
NetworkDistance | Distance Measures for Networks |
networkDynamic | Dynamic Extensions for Network Objects |
networkDynamicData | Dynamic (Longitudinal) Network Datasets |
networkGen | Network Maze Generator |
NetworkInference | Inferring Latent Diffusion Networks |
networkR | Network Analysis and Visualization |
networkreporting | Tools for using Network Reporting Estimators |
NetworkRiskMeasures | Risk Measures for (Financial) Networks |
networksis | Simulate Bipartite Graphs with Fixed Marginals Through Sequential Importance Sampling |
networkTomography | Tools for network tomography |
NetworkToolbox | Methods and Measures for Brain, Cognitive, and Psychometric Network Analysis |
networktools | Tools for Identifying Important Nodes in Networks |
neural | Neural Networks |
neuralnet | Training of Neural Networks |
NeuralNetTools | Visualization and Analysis Tools for Neural Networks |
neurobase | 'Neuroconductor' Base Package with Helper Functions for 'nifti' Objects |
neuroblastoma | Neuroblastoma copy number profiles |
neurohcp | Human 'Connectome' Project Interface |
neuroim | Data Structures and Handling for Neuroimaging Data |
neuropsychology | Toolbox for Psychologists, Neuropsychologists and Neuroscientists |
neuRosim | Functions to Generate fMRI Data Including Activated Data, Noise Data and Resting State Data |
neverhpfilter | A Better Alternative to the Hodrick-Prescott Filter |
Newdistns | Computes Pdf, Cdf, Quantile and Random Numbers, Measures of Inference for 19 General Families of Distributions |
nFactors | Parallel Analysis and Non Graphical Solutions to the Cattell Scree Test |
nFCA | Numerical Formal Concept Analysis for Systematic Clustering |
NFP | Network Fingerprint Framework in R |
ngram | Fast n-Gram 'Tokenization' |
ngramrr | A Simple General Purpose N-Gram Tokenizer |
ngspatial | Fitting the Centered Autologistic and Sparse Spatial Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Areal Data |
ngstk | Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) Data Analysis Toolkit |
NHANES | Data from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Study |
nhanesA | NHANES Data Retrieval |
NHEMOtree | Non-hierarchical evolutionary multi-objective tree learner to perform cost-sensitive classification |
NHLData | Scores for Every Season Since the Founding of the NHL in 1917 |
nhlscrapr | Compiling the NHL Real Time Scoring System Database for easy use in R |
NHMSAR | Non-Homogeneous Markov Switching Autoregressive Models |
NHPoisson | Modelling and Validation of Non Homogeneous Poisson Processes |
nhstplot | Plot Null Hypothesis Significance Tests |
nice | Get or Set UNIX Niceness |
nicheROVER | (Niche) (R)egion and Niche (Over)lap Metrics for Multidimensional Ecological Niches |
NightDay | Night and Day Boundary Plot Funtion |
nima | Nima Hejazi's R Toolbox |
nimble | MCMC, Particle Filtering, and Programmable Hierarchical Modeling |
nipals | Principal Components Analysis using NIPALS with Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization |
Nippon | Japanese Utility Functions and Data |
NipponMap | Japanese Map Data and Functions |
NIPTeR | Fast and Accurate Trisomy Prediction in Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing |
NIRStat | Novel Statistical Methods for Studying Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) Time Series Data |
NISTnls | Nonlinear least squares examples from NIST |
NISTunits | Fundamental Physical Constants and Unit Conversions from NIST |
nivm | Noninferiority Tests with Variable Margins |
NlcOptim | Solve Nonlinear Optimization with Nonlinear Constraints |
nlcv | Nested Loop Cross Validation |
nleqslv | Solve Systems of Nonlinear Equations |
NlinTS | Non Linear Time Series Analysis |
nlme | Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models |
nlmeODE | Non-linear mixed-effects modelling in nlme using differential equations |
nlmeU | Datasets and utility functions enhancing functionality of nlme package |
nlmixr | Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Population Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics |
NLMR | Simulating Neutral Landscape Models |
nlmrt | Functions for Nonlinear Least Squares Solutions |
nlnet | Nonlinear Network Reconstruction and Clustering Based on DCOL (Distance Based on Conditional Ordered List) |
nloptr | R interface to NLopt |
NLP | Natural Language Processing Infrastructure |
NLPutils | Natural Language Processing Utilities |
nlreg | Higher Order Inference for Nonlinear Heteroscedastic Models |
NLRoot | searching for the root of equation |
nlrr | Non-Linear Relative Risk Estimation and Plotting |
nls2 | Non-linear regression with brute force |
nlsem | Fitting Structural Equation Mixture Models |
nlshelper | Convenient Functions for Non-Linear Regression |
nlshrink | Non-Linear Shrinkage Estimation of Population Eigenvalues and Covariance Matrices |
nlsMicrobio | Nonlinear regression in predictive microbiology |
nlsmsn | Fitting nonlinear models with scale mixture of skew-normal distributions |
nlsr | Functions for Nonlinear Least Squares Solutions |
nlsrk | Runge-Kutta Solver for Function nls() |
nlstimedist | Non-Linear Model Fitting of Time Distribution of Biological Phenomena |
nlstools | Tools for Nonlinear Regression Analysis |
NlsyLinks | Utilities and Kinship Information for Research with the NLSY |
nlt | A nondecimated lifting transform for signal denoising |
nlts | (Non)Linear Time Series Analysis |
nLTT | Calculate the NLTT Statistic |
nlWaldTest | Wald Test of Nonlinear Restrictions and Nonlinear CI |
nmaINLA | Network Meta-Analysis using Integrated Nested Laplace Approximations |
nmathresh | Thresholds and Invariant Intervals for Network Meta-Analysis |
NMF | Algorithms and Framework for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) |
nmfem | NMF-EM Algorithm |
nmfgpu4R | Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) using CUDA |
NMFN | Non-negative Matrix Factorization |
NMI | Normalized Mutual Information of Community Structure in Network |
NMOF | Numerical Methods and Optimization in Finance |
nmw | Understanding Nonlinear Mixed Effects Modeling for Population Pharmacokinetics |
nneo | 'NEON' 'API' Client |
nnet | Feed-Forward Neural Networks and Multinomial Log-Linear Models |
nnetpredint | Prediction Intervals of Multi-Layer Neural Networks |
nnfor | Time Series Forecasting with Neural Networks |
nngeo | k-Nearest Neighbor Join for Spatial Data |
nnlasso | Non-Negative Lasso and Elastic Net Penalized Generalized Linear Models |
NNLM | Fast and Versatile Non-Negative Matrix Factorization |
nnls | The Lawson-Hanson algorithm for non-negative least squares (NNLS) |
NNMIS | Nearest Neighbor Based Multiple Imputation for Survival Data with Missing Covariates |
NNS | Nonlinear Nonparametric Statistics |
NNTbiomarker | Calculate Design Parameters for Biomarker Validation Studies |
noaastormevents | Explore NOAA Storm Events Database |
nodeHarvest | Node Harvest for Regression and Classification |
nodiv | Compares the Distribution of Sister Clades Through a Phylogeny |
nofrills | Low-Cost Anonymous Functions |
noia | Implementation of the Natural and Orthogonal InterAction (NOIA) model |
noise | Estimation of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Noise from Single-Cell Data |
NoiseFiltersR | Label Noise Filters for Data Preprocessing in Classification |
nomclust | Hierarchical Nominal Clustering Package |
NominalLogisticBiplot | Biplot representations of categorical data |
nomine | Classify Names by Gender, U.S. Ethnicity, and Leaf Nationality |
nomogramEx | Extract Equations from a Nomogram |
noncensus | U.S. Census Regional and Demographic Data |
NonCompart | Noncompartmental Analysis for Pharmacokinetic Data |
noncompliance | Causal Inference in the Presence of Treatment Noncompliance Under the Binary Instrumental Variable Model |
noncomplyR | Bayesian Analysis of Randomized Experiments with Non-Compliance |
nonlinearICP | Invariant Causal Prediction for Nonlinear Models |
nonlinearTseries | Nonlinear Time Series Analysis |
nonmem2R | Loading NONMEM Output Files and Simulate with Parameter Uncertainty |
nonmemica | Create and Evaluate NONMEM Models in a Project Context |
nonnest2 | Tests of Non-Nested Models |
nonpar | A Collection of Nonparametric Hypothesis Tests |
nonparaeff | Nonparametric Methods for Measuring Efficiency and Productivity |
Nonpareil | Metagenome Coverage Estimation and Projections for 'Nonpareil' |
NonpModelCheck | Model Checking and Variable Selection in Nonparametric Regression |
nonrandom | Stratification and matching by the propensity score |
nontarget | Detecting Isotope, Adduct and Homologue Relations in LC-MS Data |
nontargetData | Quantized simulation data of isotope pattern centroids |
nopaco | Non-Parametric Concordance Coefficient |
nopp | Nash Optimal Party Positions |
nor1mix | Normal (1-d) Mixture Models (S3 Classes and Methods) |
nord | Arctic Ice Studio's Nord and Group of Seven Inspired Colour Palettes |
nordklimdata1 | Dataset for Climate Analysis with Data from the Nordic Region |
norm | Analysis of multivariate normal datasets with missing values |
NORMA | Builds General Noise SVRs |
NormalGamma | Normal-gamma convolution model |
NormalizeMets | Analysis of Metabolomics Data |
NormalLaplace | The Normal Laplace Distribution |
normalp | Routines for Exponential Power Distribution |
normalr | Normalisation of Multiple Variables in Large-Scale Datasets |
NORMT3 | Evaluates complex erf, erfc, Faddeeva, and density of sum of Gaussian and Student's t |
normtest | Tests for Normality |
normwhn.test | Normality and White Noise Testing |
NORRRM | Geochemical Toolkit for R |
NORTARA | Generation of Multivariate Data with Arbitrary Marginals |
nortest | Tests for Normality |
nortestARMA | Neyman Smooth Tests of Normality for the Errors of ARMA Models |
nos | Compute Node Overlap and Segregation in Ecological Networks |
nose | nose Package for R |
NostalgiR | Advanced Text-Based Plots |
not | Narrowest-Over-Threshold Change-Point Detection |
notifyme | Send Alerts to your Cellphone and Phillips Hue Lights |
notifyR | Send push notifications to your smartphone via pushover.net (ACCOUNT REQUIRED!) |
novelist | NOVEL Integration of the Sample and Thresholded (NOVELIST) Correlation and Covariance Estimators |
nowcasting | Nowcast Analysis and Create Real-Time Data Basis |
noweb | Noweb system for R |
Nozzle.R1 | Nozzle Reports |
np | Nonparametric Kernel Smoothing Methods for Mixed Data Types |
nparACT | Non-Parametric Measures of Actigraphy Data |
nparcomp | Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous Confidence Intervals |
nparLD | Nonparametric Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Factorial Experiments |
nparsurv | Nonparametric Tests for Main Effects, Simple Effects and Interaction Effect in a Factorial Design with Censored Data |
NPBayesImpute | Non-Parametric Bayesian Multiple Imputation for Categorical Data |
npbr | Nonparametric Boundary Regression |
NPC | Nonparametric Combination of Hypothesis Tests |
NPCD | Nonparametric Methods for Cognitive Diagnosis |
NPCirc | Nonparametric Circular Methods |
npcopTest | Non Parametric Test for Detecting Changes in the Copula |
npcp | Some Nonparametric CUSUM Tests for Change-Point Detection in Possibly Multivariate Observations |
npde | Normalised prediction distribution errors for nonlinear mixed-effect models |
NPflow | Bayesian Nonparametrics for Automatic Gating of Flow-Cytometry Data |
NPHMC | Sample Size Calculation for the Proportional Hazards Mixture Cure Model |
npIntFactRep | Nonparametric Interaction Tests for Factorial Designs with Repeated Measures |
nplplot | Plotting linkage and association results |
nplr | N-Parameter Logistic Regression |
npmlda | Nonparametric Models for Longitudinal Data |
NPMLEcmprsk | Type-Specific Failure Rate and Hazard Rate on Competing Risks Data |
npmlreg | Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation for random effect models |
NPMOD | Non Parametric Module |
NPMPM | tertiary probabilistic model in predictive microbiology for use in food manufacture |
npmr | Nuclear Penalized Multinomial Regression |
npmv | Nonparametric Comparison of Multivariate Samples |
NPMVCP | Nonparametric Multivariate Change Point Model |
nppbib | Nonparametric Partially-Balanced Incomplete Block Design Analysis |
npphen | Vegetation Phenological Cycle and Anomaly Detection using Remote Sensing Data |
npregfast | Nonparametric Estimation of Regression Models with Factor-by-Curve Interactions |
nprobust | Nonparametric Robust Estimation and Inference Methods using Local Polynomial Regression and Kernel Density Estimation |
nproc | Neyman-Pearson (NP) Classification Algorithms and NP Receiver Operating Characteristic (NP-ROC) Curves |
npROCRegression | Kernel-Based Nonparametric ROC Regression Modelling |
NPS | Convenience Functions and Tests for Working With the Net Promoter Score (NPS) |
npsf | Nonparametric and Stochastic Efficiency and Productivity Analysis |
NPsimex | Nonparametric Smoothing for contaminated data using Simulation-Extrapolation |
npsm | Package for Nonparametric Statistical Methods using R |
npsp | Nonparametric Spatial Statistics |
npst | Generalization of Hewitt's Seasonality Test |
npsurv | Nonparametric Survival Analysis |
nricens | NRI for Risk Prediction Models with Time to Event and Binary Response Data |
NSA | Post-normalization of total copy numbers |
nscancor | Non-Negative and Sparse CCA |
NScluster | Simulation and Estimation of the Neyman-Scott Type Spatial Cluster Models |
nscprepr | Prepares and Writes Files to Submit to the National Student Clearinghouse |
nse | Numerical Standard Errors Computation in R |
nsga2R | Elitist Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm based on R |
nsgp | Non-Stationary Gaussian Process Regression |
NSM3 | Functions and Datasets to Accompany Hollander, Wolfe, and Chicken - Nonparametric Statistical Methods, Third Edition |
nspmix | Nonparametric and Semiparametric Mixture Estimation |
nsprcomp | Non-Negative and Sparse PCA |
nsRFA | Non-supervised Regional Frequency Analysis |
nsROC | Non-Standard ROC Curve Analysis |
NSUM | Network Scale Up Method |
nucim | Nucleome Imaging Toolbox |
NUCOMBog | NUtrient Cycling and COMpetition Model Undisturbed Open Bog Ecosystems in a Temperate to Sub-Boreal Climate |
nullabor | Tools for Graphical Inference |
numbers | Number-Theoretic Functions |
numDeriv | Accurate Numerical Derivatives |
Numero | Statistical Framework to Define Subgroups in Complex Datasets |
numform | Tools to Format Numbers for Publication |
numGen | Number Series Generator |
numKM | Create a Kaplan-Meier Plot with Numbers at Risk |
numOSL | Numeric Routines for Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating |
nutshell | Data for "R in a Nutshell" |
nutshell.audioscrobbler | Audioscrobbler data for "R in a Nutshell" |
nutshell.bbdb | Baseball Database for "R in a Nutshell" |
nws | R functions for NetWorkSpaces and Sleigh |
nycflights13 | Flights that Departed NYC in 2013 |
nyctaxi | Accessing New York City Taxi Data |
nzelect | New Zealand Election Data |
nzpullover | Driving Offences in New Zealand Between 2009 and 2016 |
oaColors | OpenAnalytics Colors Package |
oai | General Purpose 'Oai-PMH' Services Client |
OAIHarvester | Harvest Metadata Using OAI-PMH Version 2.0 |
oaPlots | OpenAnalytics Plots Package |
oaqc | Computation of the Orbit-Aware Quad Census |
Oarray | Arrays with arbitrary offsets |
oasis | Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) |
OasisR | Outright Tool for the Analysis of Spatial Inequalities and Segregation |
oaxaca | Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition |
obAnalytics | Limit Order Book Analytics |
objectProperties | A factory of self-describing properties |
objectSignals | objectSignals |
obliclus | Cluster-based factor rotation |
obliqueRF | Oblique Random Forests from Recursive Linear Model Splits |
OBMbpkg | Estimate the Population Size for the Mb Capture-Recapture Model |
OBRE | Optimal B-Robust Estimator Tools |
obs.agree | An R package to assess agreement between observers |
observer | Observe and Check your Data |
OBsMD | Objective Bayesian Model Discrimination in Follow-Up Designs |
obsSens | Sensitivity analysis for Observational studies |
oc | Optimal Classification Roll Call Analysis Software |
OCA | Optimal Capital Allocations |
occ | Estimates PET neuroreceptor occupancies |
oce | Analysis of Oceanographic Data |
OceanView | Visualisation of Oceanographic Data and Model Output |
ocedata | Oceanographic Datasets for Oce |
ockc | Order Constrained Solutions in k-Means Clustering |
ocomposition | Regression for Rank-Indexed Compositional Data |
OData | R Helper for OData Web Services |
ODB | Open Document Databases (.odb) management |
odbc | Connect to ODBC Compatible Databases (using the DBI Interface) |
odds.converter | Betting Odds Conversion |
oddsratio | Odds Ratio Calculation for GAM(M)s & GLM(M)s |
odeintr | C++ ODE Solvers Compiled on-Demand |
odfWeave | Sweave processing of Open Document Format (ODF) files |
odfWeave.survey | Support for odfWeave on the survey package |
odk | Convert 'ODK' or 'XLSForm' to 'SPSS' Data Frame |
odkr | 'Open Data Kit' ('ODK') R API |
odpc | One-Sided Dynamic Principal Components |
odr | Optimal Design and Statistical Power of Multilevel Randomized Trials |
oec | Observatory of Economic Complexity API Wrapper and Utility Program |
OECD | Search and Extract Data from the OECD |
oem | Orthogonalizing EM |
officer | Manipulation of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Documents |
OGI | Objective General Index |
oglmx | Estimation of Ordered Generalized Linear Models |
Ohit | OGA+HDIC+Trim and High-Dimensional Linear Regression Models |
Ohmage | R Client for Ohmage 2 server |
OHPL | Ordered Homogeneity Pursuit Lasso for Group Variable Selection |
OIdata | Data sets and supplements (OpenIntro) |
oii | Crosstab and Statistical Tests for OII MSc Stats Course |
OIsurv | Survival analysis supplement to OpenIntro guide |
OjaNP | Multivariate Methods Based on the Oja Median and Related Concepts |
okcupiddata | OkCupid Profile Data for Introductory Statistics and Data Science Courses |
okmesonet | Retrieve Oklahoma Mesonet climatological data |
olctools | Open Location Code Handling in R |
OligoSpecificitySystem | Oligo Specificity System |
OLScurve | OLS growth curve trajectories |
olsrr | Tools for Building OLS Regression Models |
omd | filter the molecular descriptors for QSAR |
OmicKriging | Poly-Omic Prediction of Complex TRaits |
omics | '–omics' Data Analysis Toolbox |
OmicsPLS | Perform Two-Way Orthogonal Partial Least Squares |
ompr | Model and Solve Mixed Integer Linear Programs |
ompr.roi | A Solver for 'ompr' that Uses the R Optimization Infrastructure ('ROI') |
OnAge | Test of Between-Group Differences in the Onset of Senescence |
oncomodel | Maximum likelihood tree models for oncogenesis |
Oncotree | Estimating oncogenetic trees |
OneArmPhaseTwoStudy | Planning, Conducting, and Analysing Single-Arm Phase II Studies |
onehot | Fast Onehot Encoding for Data.frames |
onemap | Construction of Genetic Maps in Experimental Crosses: Full-Sib, RILs, F2 and Backcrosses |
OneR | One Rule Machine Learning Classification Algorithm with Enhancements |
ONETr | Efficient Authenticated Interaction with the O*NET API |
OneTwoSamples | Deal with one and two (normal) samples |
onewaytests | One-Way Tests in Independent Groups Designs |
onion | Octonions and Quaternions |
onlinePCA | Online Principal Component Analysis |
onls | Orthogonal Nonlinear Least-Squares Regression |
ontologyIndex | Functions for Reading Ontologies into R |
ontologyPlot | Functions for Visualising Sets of Ontological Terms |
ontologySimilarity | Functions for Calculating Ontological Similarities |
OOBCurve | Out of Bag Learning Curve |
OOmisc | Ozgur-Ozlem Miscellaneous |
oompaBase | Class Unions, Matrix Operations, and Color Schemes for OOMPA |
oompaData | Data to Illustrate OOMPA Algorithms |
OOR | Optimistic Optimization in R |
OpasnetUtils | Opasnet Modelling Environment Utility Functions |
OPDOE | OPtimal Design Of Experiments |
openadds | Client to Access 'Openaddresses' Data |
openair | Tools for the Analysis of Air Pollution Data |
opencage | Interface to the OpenCage API |
OpenCL | Interface allowing R to use OpenCL |
opencpu | Producing and Reproducing Results |
opendotaR | Interface for OpenDota API |
openEBGM | EBGM Scores for Mining Large Contingency Tables |
OpenImageR | An Image Processing Toolkit |
openintro | Data Sets and Supplemental Functions from 'OpenIntro' Textbooks |
OpenML | Open Machine Learning and Open Data Platform |
OpenMPController | Control Number of OpenMP Threads Dynamically |
OpenMx | Extended Structural Equation Modelling |
openNLP | Apache OpenNLP Tools Interface |
openNLPdata | Apache OpenNLP Jars and Basic English Language Models |
OpenRepGrid | Tools to Analyse Repertory Grid Data |
openssl | Toolkit for Encryption, Signatures and Certificates Based on OpenSSL |
openSTARS | An Open Source Implementation of the 'ArcGIS' Toolbox 'STARS' |
OpenStreetMap | Access to Open Street Map Raster Images |
opentraj | Tools for Creating and Analysing Air Trajectory Data |
openVA | Automated Method for Verbal Autopsy |
openxlsx | Read, Write and Edit XLSX Files |
opera | Online Prediction by Expert Aggregation |
operator.tools | Utilities for Working with R's Operators |
operators | Additional Binary Operators |
OPI | Open Perimetry Interface |
Opportunistic | Routing Distribution, Broadcasts, Transmissions and Receptions in an Opportunistic Network |
ops | Optimal Power Space Transformation |
optAUC | Optimal Combinations of Diagnostic Tests Based on AUC |
optband | 'surv' Object Confidence Bands Optimized by Area |
optbdmaeAT | Optimal Block Designs for Two-Colour cDNA Microarray Experiments |
optBiomarker | Estimation of optimal number of biomarkers for two-group microarray based classifications at a given error tolerance level for various classification rules |
optCluster | Determine Optimal Clustering Algorithm and Number of Clusters |
optDesignSlopeInt | Optimal Designs for Estimating the Slope Divided by the Intercept |
optextras | Tools to Support Optimization Possibly with Bounds and Masks |
OptGS | Near-Optimal and Balanced Group-Sequential Designs for Clinical Trials with Continuous Outcomes |
OptHedging | Estimation of value and hedging strategy of call and put options |
opticut | Likelihood Based Optimal Partitioning and Indicator Species Analysis |
optifunset | Set Options if Unset |
optigrab | Command-Line Parsing for an R World |
optim.functions | Standard Benchmark Optimization Functions |
OptimalCutpoints | Computing optimal cutpoints in diagnostic tests |
OptimalDesign | Algorithms for D-, A-, and IV-Optimal Designs |
OptimalTiming | Optimal Timing Identification |
OptimaRegion | Confidence Regions for Optima |
optimbase | R port of the Scilab optimbase module |
optimization | Flexible Optimization of Complex Loss Functions with State and Parameter Space Constraints |
optimr | A Replacement and Extension of the 'optim' Function |
optimsimplex | R Port of the 'Scilab' Optimsimplex Module |
optimus | Model Based Diagnostics for Multivariate Cluster Analysis |
optimx | A Replacement and Extension of the optim() Function |
OptInterim | Optimal Two and Three Stage Designs for Single-Arm and Two-Arm Randomized Controlled Trials with a Long-Term Binary Endpoint |
optional | Optional Types and Pattern Matching |
OptionPricing | Option Pricing with Efficient Simulation Algorithms |
optiRum | Financial Functions & More |
optiscale | Optimal scaling |
optiSel | Optimum Contribution Selection and Population Genetics |
optismixture | Optimal Mixture Weights in Multiple Importance Sampling |
optiSolve | Linear, Quadratic, and Rational Optimization |
optmatch | Functions for Optimal Matching |
optparse | Command Line Option Parser |
optpart | Optimal Partitioning of Similarity Relations |
optR | Optimization Toolbox for Solving Linear Systems |
optrcdmaeAT | Optimal Row-Column Designs for Two-Colour cDNA Microarray Experiments |
optrdd | Optimized Regression Discontinuity Designs |
optrees | Optimal Trees in Weighted Graphs |
OptSig | Optimal Level of Significance for Regression and Other Statistical Tests |
opusminer | OPUS Miner Algorithm for Filtered Top-k Association Discovery |
OpVaR | Statistical Methods for Modeling Operational Risk |
ora | Convenient Tools for Working with Oracle Databases |
orca | Computation of Graphlet Orbit Counts in Sparse Graphs |
ORCI | Several confidence intervals for the odds ratio |
orclus | ORCLUS subspace clustering |
ORCME | Order Restricted Clustering for Microarray Experiments |
orcutt | Estimate Procedure in Case of First Order Autocorrelation |
ordBTL | Modelling comparison data with ordinal response |
ordcrm | Likelihood-Based Continual Reassessment Method (CRM) Dose Finding Designs |
ordDisp | Separating Location and Dispersion in Ordinal Regression Models |
orddom | Ordinal Dominance Statistics |
ORDER2PARENT | Estimate parent distributions with data of several order statistics |
orderbook | Orderbook visualization/Charting software |
orderedLasso | Ordered Lasso and Time-lag Sparse Regression |
orderstats | Efficiently Generates Random Order Statistic Variables |
OrdFacReg | Least Squares, Logistic, and Cox-Regression with Ordered Predictors |
ordiBreadth | Ordinated Diet Breadth |
ordinal | Regression Models for Ordinal Data |
ordinalClust | Ordinal Data Clustering, Co-Clustering and Classification |
ordinalCont | Ordinal Regression Analysis for Continuous Scales |
ordinalForest | Ordinal Forests: Prediction and Variable Ranking with Ordinal Target Variables |
OrdinalLogisticBiplot | Biplot representations of ordinal variables |
ordinalNet | Penalized Ordinal Regression |
OrdLogReg | Ordinal Logic Regression |
OrdMonReg | Compute least squares estimates of one bounded or two ordered isotonic regression curves |
OrdNor | Concurrent Generation of Ordinal and Normal Data with Given Correlation Matrix and Marginal Distributions |
ordPens | Selection and/or Smoothing of Ordinal Predictors |
ore | An R Interface to the Onigmo Regular Expression Library |
ores | Connector to the Objective Revision Evaluation Service (ORES) |
OrgMassSpecR | Organic Mass Spectrometry |
orgR | Analyse Text Files Created by Emacs' Org mode |
orgutils | Helper Functions for Org Files |
ORIClust | Order-restricted Information Criterion-based Clustering Algorithm |
orientlib | Support for orientation data |
origami | Generalized Framework for Cross-Validation |
OriGen | Fast Spatial Ancestry via Flexible Allele Frequency Surfaces |
originr | Fetch Species Origin Data from the Web |
orloca | Operations Research LOCational Analysis Models |
orloca.es | Spanish version of orloca package |
oro.dicom | Rigorous - DICOM Input / Output |
oro.nifti | Rigorous - NIfTI + ANALYZE + AFNI : Input / Output |
oro.pet | Rigorous - Positron Emission Tomography |
orQA | Order Restricted Assessment Of Microarray Titration Experiments |
orsifronts | Southern Ocean Frontal Distributions (Orsi) |
orsk | Converting Odds Ratio to Relative Risk in Cohort Studies with Partial Data Information |
orthoDr | An Orthogonality Constrained Optimization Approach for Semi-Parametric Dimension Reduction Problems |
orthogonalsplinebasis | Orthogonal B-Spline Basis Functions |
OrthoPanels | Dynamic Panel Models with Orthogonal Reparameterization of Fixed Effects |
orthopolynom | Collection of functions for orthogonal and orthonormal polynomials |
osc | Orthodromic Spatial Clustering |
OSCV | One-Sided Cross-Validation |
osd | Orthogonal Signal Deconvolution for Spectra Deconvolution in GC-MS and GCxGC-MS Data |
osDesign | Design and analysis of observational studies |
oshka | Recursive Quoted Language Expansion |
osi | Open Source Initiative API Connector |
osmar | OpenStreetMap and R |
osmdata | Import 'OpenStreetMap' Data as Simple Features or Spatial Objects |
osmose | Object Oriented Simulator of Marine Ecosystems |
osmplotr | Bespoke Images of 'OpenStreetMap' Data |
OSMscale | Add a Scale Bar to 'OpenStreetMap' Plots |
osrm | Interface Between R and the OpenStreetMap-Based Routing Service OSRM |
OSTSC | Over Sampling for Time Series Classification |
OTE | Optimal Trees Ensembles for Regression, Classification and Class Membership Probability Estimation |
otinference | Inference for Optimal Transport |
otrimle | Robust Model-Based Clustering |
OTRselect | Variable Selection for Optimal Treatment Decision |
OTUtable | North Temperate Lakes - Microbial Observatory 16S Time Series Data and Functions |
otvPlots | Over Time Variable Plots |
ouch | Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Models for Phylogenetic Comparative Hypotheses |
outbreaker | Bayesian Reconstruction of Disease Outbreaks by Combining Epidemiologic and Genomic Data |
outbreaker2 | Bayesian Reconstruction of Disease Outbreaks by Combining Epidemiologic and Genomic Data |
outbreaks | A Collection of Disease Outbreak Data |
OutbreakTools | Basic Tools for the Analysis of Disease Outbreaks |
OutlierDC | Outlier Detection using quantile regression for Censored Data |
OutlierDM | Outlier Detection for Multi-replicated High-throughput Data |
outliers | Tests for outliers |
OutliersO3 | Draws Overview of Outliers (O3) Plots |
OutrankingTools | Functions for Solving Multiple-criteria Decision-making Problems |
outreg | Regression Table for Publication |
OUwie | Analysis of Evolutionary Rates in an OU Framework |
overlap | Estimates of Coefficient of Overlapping for Animal Activity Patterns |
overlapping | Estimation of Overlapping in Empirical Distributions |
owmr | OpenWeatherMap API Wrapper |
oxcAAR | Interface to 'OxCal' Radiocarbon Calibration |
oXim | Oxycline Index from Matrix Echograms |
OxyBS | Processing of Oxy-Bisulfite Microarray Data |
oz | Plot the Australian Coastline and States |
P2C2M | Posterior Predictive Checks of Coalescent Models |
p2distance | Welfare's Synthetic Indicator |
p3state.msm | Analyzing survival data |
pa | Performance Attribution for Equity Portfolios |
PAactivPAL | Summarize Daily Physical Activity from 'activPAL' Accelerometer Data |
PabonLasso | Pabon Lasso Graphs and Comparing Situations of a Unit in Two Different Times |
PAC | Partition-Assisted Clustering and Multiple Alignments of Networks |
PACBO | Clustering Online Datasets |
pacbpred | PAC-Bayesian Estimation and Prediction in Sparse Additive Models |
pack | Convert values to/from raw vectors |
packagedocs | Build Website of Package Documentation |
packagetrackr | Track R Package Downloads from RStudio's CRAN Mirror |
packcircles | Circle Packing |
packClassic | Toy example of Pack Classic |
packHV | A few Useful Functions for Statisticians |
packrat | A Dependency Management System for Projects and their R Package Dependencies |
packS4 | Toy Example of S4 Package |
pacman | Package Management Tool |
paco | Procrustes Application to Cophylogenetic Analysis |
pacotest | Testing for Partial Copulas and the Simplifying Assumption in Vine Copulas |
pact | Predictive Analysis of Clinical Trials |
Pade | Padé Approximant Coefficients |
padr | Quickly Get Datetime Data Ready for Analysis |
paf | Attributable Fraction Function for Censored Survival Data |
pafdR | Book Companion for Processing and Analyzing Financial Data with R |
PAFit | Generative Mechanism Estimation in Temporal Complex Networks |
pagenum | Put Page Numbers on Graphics |
pageviews | An API Client for Wikimedia Traffic Data |
PAGI | The package can identify the dysregulated KEGG pathways based on global influence from the internal effect of pathways and crosstalk between pathways |
PAGWAS | Pathway Analysis Methods for Genomewide Association Data |
paintmap | Plotting Paintmaps |
pairedCI | Confidence intervals for the ratio of locations and for the ratio of scales of two paired samples |
PairedData | Paired Data Analysis |
pairheatmap | A tool for comparing heatmaps |
pairsD3 | D3 Scatterplot Matrices |
PairViz | Visualization using Eulerian tours and Hamiltonian decompositions |
pairwise | Rasch Model Parameters by Pairwise Algorithm |
pairwiseCI | Confidence Intervals for Two Sample Comparisons |
PairwiseD | Pairing Up Units and Vectors in Panel Data Setting |
PakPC2017 | Pakistan Population Census 2017 |
PakPMICS2014Ch | Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Child Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan |
PakPMICS2014HH | Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Household Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan |
PakPMICS2014HL | Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Household Listing Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan |
PakPMICS2014Wm | Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Women Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan |
palaeoSig | Significance Tests for Palaeoenvironmental Reconstructions |
paleobioDB | Download and Process Data from the Paleobiology Database |
paleofire | Analysis of Charcoal Records from the Global Charcoal Database |
paleoMAS | Paleoecological Analysis |
paleomorph | Geometric Morphometric Tools for Paleobiology |
paleotree | Paleontological and Phylogenetic Analyses of Evolution |
paleoTS | Analyze Paleontological Time-Series |
palettetown | Use Pokemon Inspired Colour Palettes |
palinsol | Insolation for Palaeoclimate Studies |
palm | Fitting Point Process Models via the Palm Likelihood |
palmtree | Partially Additive (Generalized) Linear Model Trees |
palr | Colour Palettes for Data |
pals | Color Palettes, Colormaps, and Tools to Evaluate Them |
pamctdp | Principal Axes Methods for Contingency Tables with Partition Structures on Rows and Columns |
PAmeasures | Prediction and Accuracy Measures for Nonlinear Models and for Right-Censored Time-to-Event Data |
pamm | Power Analysis for Random Effects in Mixed Models |
pampe | Implementation of the Panel Data Approach Method for Program Evaluation |
pamr | Pam: prediction analysis for microarrays |
pan | Multiple Imputation for Multivariate Panel or Clustered Data |
pAnalysis | Benchmarking and Rescaling R2 using Noise Percentile Analysis |
PANDA | Preferential Attachment Based Common Neighbor Distribution Derived Functional Associations |
pander | An R 'Pandoc' Writer |
pandocfilters | Pandoc Filters for R |
panelaggregation | Aggregate Longitudinal Survey Data |
panelAR | Estimation of Linear AR(1) Panel Data Models with Cross-Sectional Heteroskedasticity and/or Correlation |
PanelCount | Random Effects and/or Sample Selection Models for Panel Count Data |
Paneldata | Linear models for panel data |
pangaear | Client for the 'Pangaea' Database |
PANICr | PANIC Tests of Nonstationarity |
PanJen | A Semi-Parametric Test for Specifying Functional Form |
papayar | View Medical Research Images using the Papaya JavaScript Library |
papeR | A Toolbox for Writing Pretty Papers and Reports |
paperplanes | Distance Recordings from a Paper Plane Folding/Flying Experiment |
parallelDist | Parallel Distance Matrix Computation using Multiple Threads |
ParallelForest | Random Forest Classification with Parallel Computing |
parallelize.dynamic | Automate parallelization of function calls by means of dynamic code analysis |
parallelMap | Unified Interface to Parallelization Back-Ends |
parallelMCMCcombine | Methods for combining independent subset Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) posterior samples to estimate a posterior density given the full data set |
parallelML | A Parallel-Voting Algorithm for many Classifiers |
ParallelPC | Paralellised Versions of Constraint Based Causal Discovery Algorithms |
parallelSVM | A Parallel-Voting Version of the Support-Vector-Machine Algorithm |
ParallelTree | Parallel Tree |
paramGUI | A Shiny GUI for some Parameter Estimation Examples |
ParamHelpers | Helpers for Parameters in Black-Box Optimization, Tuning and Machine Learning |
paramlink | Parametric Linkage and Other Pedigree Analysis in R |
params | Simplify Parameters |
paramtest | Run a Function Iteratively While Varying Parameters |
paran | Horn's Test of Principal Components/Factors |
parboost | Distributed Model-Based Boosting |
parcor | Regularized estimation of partial correlation matrices |
ParDNAcopy | Parallel implementation of the "segment" function of package "DNAcopy" |
ParentOffspring | Conduct the Parent-Offspring Test Using Monomorphic SNP Markers |
ParetoPosStable | Computing, Fitting and Validating the PPS Distribution |
parfm | Parametric Frailty Models |
parfossil | Parallelized functions for palaeoecological and palaeogeographical analysis |
parlitools | Tools for Analysing UK Politics |
parma | Portfolio Allocation and Risk Management Applications |
parmigene | Parallel Mutual Information estimation for Gene Network reconstruction |
PARSE | Model-Based Clustering with Regularization Methods for High-Dimensional Data |
parsec | Partial Orders in Socio-Economics |
parsedate | Recognize and Parse Dates in Various Formats, Including All ISO 8601 Formats |
parsemsf | Parse ThermoFisher MSF Files and Estimate Protein Abundances |
parSim | Parallel Simulation Studies |
PartCensReg | Partially Censored Regression Models Based on Heavy-Tailed Distributions |
partDSA | Partitioning Using Deletion, Substitution, and Addition Moves |
partialAR | Partial Autoregression |
partialCI | Partial Cointegration |
Partiallyoverlapping | Partially Overlapping Samples t-Tests |
partialOR | Partial Odds Ratio |
partitionComparison | Implements Measures for the Comparison of Two Partitions |
partitionMap | Partition Maps |
partitionMetric | Compute a distance metric between two partitions of a set |
partitions | Additive Partitions of Integers |
partools | Tools for the 'Parallel' Package |
partsm | Periodic Autoregressive Time Series Models |
party | A Laboratory for Recursive Partytioning |
partykit | A Toolkit for Recursive Partytioning |
parviol | Parviol |
PAS | Polygenic Analysis System (PAS) |
PASenseWear | Summarize Daily Physical Activity from 'SenseWear' Accelerometer Data |
pass | Prediction and Stability Selection of Tuning Parameters |
passport | Travel Smoothly Between Country Name and Code Formats |
password | Create Random Passwords |
pastecs | Package for Analysis of Space-Time Ecological Series |
pastis | Phylogenetic Assembly with Soft Taxonomic Inferences |
PASWR2 | Probability and Statistics with R, Second Edition |
patchDVI | Package to Patch .dvi or .synctex Files |
patchPlot | Scatterplots of image patches |
patchSynctex | Communication Between Editor and Viewer for Literate Programs |
patentsview | An R Client to the 'PatentsView' API |
PATHChange | A Tool for Identification of Differentially Expressed Pathways using Multi-Statistic Comparison |
pathClass | Classification using biological pathways as prior knowledge |
pathdiagram | Basic functions for drawing path diagrams |
pathmapping | Compute Deviation and Correspondence Between Spatial Paths |
pathmox | Pathmox Approach of Segmentation Trees in Partial Least Squares Path Modeling |
pathological | Path Manipulation Utilities |
PathSelectMP | Backwards Variable Selection for Paths using M Plus |
patPRO | Visualizing Temporal Microbiome Data |
patternator | Feature Extraction from Female Brown Anole Lizard Dorsal Patterns |
PatternClass | Class-Focused Pattern Metric Comparisons using Simulation |
patternize | Quantification of Color Pattern Variation |
patternplot | Versatile Pie Charts, Bar Charts and Box Plots using Patterns, Colors and Images |
pauwels2014 | Bayesian Experimental Design for Systems Biology |
pavo | Perceptual Analysis, Visualization and Organization of Spectral Color Data in R |
pawacc | Physical Activity with Accelerometers |
PAWL | Implementation of the PAWL algorithm |
pawls | Penalized Adaptive Weighted Least Squares Regression |
pbapply | Adding Progress Bar to '*apply' Functions |
pbatR | P2BAT |
PBD | Protracted Birth-Death Model of Diversification |
pbdBASE | Programming with Big Data – Base Wrappers for Distributed Matrices |
pbdDEMO | Programming with Big Data – Demonstrations and Examples Using 'pbdR' Packages |
pbdDMAT | 'pbdR' Distributed Matrix Methods |
pbdMPI | Programming with Big Data – Interface to MPI |
pbdNCDF4 | Programming with Big Data – Interface to Parallel Unidata NetCDF4 Format Data Files |
pbdPROF | Programming with Big Data — MPI Profiling Tools |
pbdRPC | Programming with Big Data – Remote Procedure Call |
pbdSLAP | Programming with Big Data – Scalable Linear Algebra Packages |
pbdZMQ | Programming with Big Data – Interface to 'ZeroMQ' |
PBIBD | Partially Balanced Incomplete Block Designs |
PBImisc | A Set of Datasets Used in My Classes or in the Book 'Modele Liniowe i Mieszane w R, Wraz z Przykladami w Analizie Danych' |
pbivnorm | Vectorized Bivariate Normal CDF |
pbkrtest | Parametric Bootstrap and Kenward Roger Based Methods for Mixed Model Comparison |
pbmcapply | Tracking the Progress of Mc*pply with Progress Bar |
PBNPA | Permutation Based Non-Parametric Analysis of CRISPR Screen Data |
pbo | Probability of Backtest Overfitting |
pBrackets | Plot Brackets |
pbs | Periodic B Splines |
PBSadmb | ADMB for R Using Scripts or GUI |
PBSddesolve | Solver for Delay Differential Equations |
PBSmapping | Mapping Fisheries Data and Spatial Analysis Tools |
PBSmodelling | GUI Tools Made Easy: Interact with Models and Explore Data |
pca3d | Three Dimensional PCA Plots |
PCA4TS | Segmenting Multiple Time Series by Contemporaneous Linear Transformation |
PCA4you | PCA Plotting in a User Friendly Way |
pcaBootPlot | Create 2D Principal Component Plots with Bootstrapping |
PCADSC | Tools for Principal Component Analysis-Based Data Structure Comparisons |
pcaL1 | L1-Norm PCA Methods |
pcalg | Methods for Graphical Models and Causal Inference |
pCalibrate | Bayesian Calibrations of P-Values |
PCAmixdata | Multivariate Analysis of Mixed Data |
pcaPA | Parallel Analysis for Ordinal and Numeric Data using Polychoric and Pearson Correlations with S3 Classes |
pcaPP | Robust PCA by Projection Pursuit |
pccc | Pediatric Complex Chronic Conditions |
PCDimension | Finding the Number of Significant Principal Components |
pcdpca | Dynamic Principal Components for Periodically Correlated Functional Time Series |
PCDSpline | Semiparametric regression analysis of panel count data using monotone splines |
pcensmix | Model Fitting to Progressively Censored Mixture Data |
pcev | Principal Component of Explained Variance |
PCFAM | Computation of Ancestry Scores with Mixed Families and Unrelated Individuals |
pcg | Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for solving Ax=b |
PCGSE | Principal Component Gene Set Enrichment |
pch | Piecewise Constant Hazards Models for Censored and Truncated Data |
PCICt | Implementation of POSIXct work-alike for 365 and 360 day calendars |