diffEq: Functions from the book Solving Differential Equations in R

Functions and examples from the book Solving Differential Equations in R by Karline Soetaert, Jeff R Cash and Francesca Mazzia. Springer, 2012.

Version: 1.0-1
Depends: R (≥ 2.01), deSolve, rootSolve, bvpSolve, ReacTran, deTestSet
Imports: shape
Suggests: scatterplot3d
Published: 2014-12-29
Author: Karline Soetaert
Maintainer: Karline Soetaert <karline.soetaert at nioz.nl>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL]
NeedsCompilation: no
CRAN checks: diffEq results


Reference manual: diffEq.pdf
Vignettes: BVP examples from the book Solving Differential Equations in R by Soetaert, Cash and Mazzia (2012)
DAE examples from the book Solving Differential Equations in R by Soetaert, Cash and Mazzia (2012)
DDE examples from the book Solving Differential Equations in R by Soetaert, Cash and Mazzia (2012)
ODE examples from the book Solving Differential Equations in R by Soetaert, Cash and Mazzia (2012)
PDE examples from the book Solving Differential Equations in R by Soetaert, Cash and Mazzia (2012)
Package source: diffEq_1.0-1.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: diffEq_1.0-1.zip, r-release: diffEq_1.0-1.zip, r-oldrel: diffEq_1.0-1.zip
OS X El Capitan binaries: r-release: diffEq_1.0-1.tgz
OS X Mavericks binaries: r-oldrel: diffEq_1.0-1.tgz
Old sources: diffEq archive


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