Contains various routines for drawing
ellipses and ellipse-like confidence regions, implementing the plots
described in Murdoch and Chow (1996), A graphical display of large
correlation matrices, The American Statistician 50, 178-180. There are
also routines implementing the profile plots described in Bates and
Watts (1988), Nonlinear Regression Analysis and its Applications.
Reverse depends: |
betaper, BivRegBLS, CrypticIBDcheck, DMRMark, FreeSortR, lvm4net, mada, mdsdt, MetabolAnalyze, RAMpath, sigloc, SMPracticals |
Reverse imports: |
adnuts, BayesianTools, Bchron, convoSPAT, corregp, ei, eiCompare, FactoMineR, IsotopeR, lessR, MANOVA.RM, mcmcse, MEclustnet, metamisc, metaSEM, mixOmics, MNM, MotilityLab, multifluo, NPflow, pca3d, qgraph, scatterD3, SciViews, smacof, |
Reverse suggests: |
anipaths, AppliedPredictiveModeling, BiodiversityR, caret, cellWise, emdbook, fanc, flexclust, flexmix, fscaret, geostatsp, lava, logmult, MetaPCA, nlmeU, plgp, rattle, robustfa, rrcov |