hyfo: Hydrology and Climate Forecasting

Focuses on data processing and visualization in hydrology and climate forecasting. Main function includes data extraction, data downscaling, data resampling, gap filler of precipitation, bias correction of forecasting data, flexible time series plot, and spatial map generation. It is a good pre- processing and post-processing tool for hydrological and hydraulic modellers.

Version: 1.3.9
Depends: R (≥ 3.1.0), stats (≥ 3.1.3), utils (≥ 3.1.3)
Imports: ggplot2 (≥ 1.0.1), reshape2 (≥ 1.4.1), zoo (≥ 1.7-12), rgdal (≥ 0.8-16), plyr (≥ 1.8.3), moments (≥ 0.14), lmom (≥ 2.5), maps (≥ 2.3-9), maptools (≥ 0.8-36), rgeos (≥ 0.3-8), ncdf4 (≥ 1.14.1), MASS (≥ 7.3-39), methods, data.table
Suggests: gridExtra, knitr, rmarkdown
Published: 2017-03-19
Author: Yuanchao Xu [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Yuanchao Xu <xuyuanchao37 at gmail.com>
BugReports: https://github.com/Yuanchao-Xu/hyfo/issues
License: GPL-2
URL: https://yuanchao-xu.github.io/hyfo/
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: README NEWS
CRAN checks: hyfo results


Reference manual: hyfo.pdf
Vignettes: hyfo easy start
Package source: hyfo_1.3.9.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: hyfo_1.3.9.zip, r-release: hyfo_1.3.9.zip, r-oldrel: hyfo_1.3.9.zip
OS X El Capitan binaries: r-release: hyfo_1.3.9.tgz
OS X Mavericks binaries: r-oldrel: hyfo_1.3.9.tgz
Old sources: hyfo archive


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