jsonlite: A Robust, High Performance JSON Parser and Generator for R

A fast JSON parser and generator optimized for statistical data and the web. Started out as a fork of 'RJSONIO', but has been completely rewritten in recent versions. The package offers flexible, robust, high performance tools for working with JSON in R and is particularly powerful for building pipelines and interacting with a web API. The implementation is based on the mapping described in the vignette (Ooms, 2014). In addition to converting JSON data from/to R objects, 'jsonlite' contains functions to stream, validate, and prettify JSON data. The unit tests included with the package verify that all edge cases are encoded and decoded consistently for use with dynamic data in systems and applications.

Version: 1.5
Depends: methods
Suggests: httr, curl, plyr, testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, R.rsp, sp
Published: 2017-06-01
Author: Jeroen Ooms, Duncan Temple Lang, Lloyd Hilaiel
Maintainer: Jeroen Ooms <jeroen at berkeley.edu>
BugReports: http://github.com/jeroen/jsonlite/issues
License: MIT + file LICENSE
URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/1403.2805, https://www.opencpu.org/posts/jsonlite-a-smarter-json-encoder
NeedsCompilation: yes
Citation: jsonlite citation info
Materials: NEWS
In views: WebTechnologies
CRAN checks: jsonlite results


Reference manual: jsonlite.pdf
Vignettes: Getting started with JSON and jsonlite
Fetching JSON data from REST APIs
Combining pages of JSON data with jsonlite
Simple JSON RPC with OpenCPU
A mapping between JSON data and R objects
Package source: jsonlite_1.5.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: jsonlite_1.5.zip, r-release: jsonlite_1.5.zip, r-oldrel: jsonlite_1.5.zip
OS X El Capitan binaries: r-release: jsonlite_1.5.tgz
OS X Mavericks binaries: r-oldrel: jsonlite_1.5.tgz
Old sources: jsonlite archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: condusco, GAR, GoogleKnowledgeGraphR, instaR, jSonarR, kofdata, rgdax, RGoogleAnalyticsPremium, RGoogleFit, rHealthDataGov, RSauceLabs, RWildbook, seleniumPipes, TMDb, webglobe
Reverse imports: ALA4R, alfred, alphavantager, alterryx, analogsea, archivist.github, argparse, aurelius, AutoDeskR, autovarCore, available, AWR.Kinesis, AWR.KMS, aws.cloudtrail, aws.ec2metadata, aws.iam, aws.lambda, aws.polly, aws.ses, aws.sns, aws.sqs, AzureML, backblazer, basictabler, bea.R, beginr, BEQI2, bigQueryR, bigrquery, billboarder, binman, binomen, BioCircos, biomartr, BIOMASS, blscrapeR, bold, bomrang, BoSSA, broman, BrownDog, cablecuttr, cancensus, captr, cbsodataR, ccafs, cdcfluview, censusapi, censys, civis, ckanr, clarifai, Cluster.OBeu, codemetar, coindeskr, coinmarketcapr, colourlovers, colourpicker, comtradr, concaveman, configr, covr, cranlogs, crminer, crosstalk, crossword.r, crunch, crypto, CytobankAPI, daff, dagitty, data360r, dataone, dataRetrieval, datarobot, dataverse, datoramar, ddeploy, DescriptiveStats.OBeu, devtools, diezeit, diffrprojectswidget, discgolf, distcomp, dlstats, docuSignr, dpmr, duckduckr, dwapi, ECharts2Shiny, ecoengine, EcoGenetics, edpclient, elastic, elasticsearchr, elevatr, emuR, epidata, ether, etseed, europepmc, eurostat, EventStudy, exCon, exifr, fbRads, federalregister, fedreporter, fingertipsR, fitbitScraper, flexdashboard, flora, foghorn, franc, fulltext, GADMTools, gdns, gender, genderBR, geoaxe, geojson, geojsonio, geojsonlint, geoparser, getMet, gfer, ggvis, gh, gistr, gitgadget, githubinstall, gmailr, googleAuthR, googleCloudStorageR, googleComputeEngineR, googledrive, googleLanguageR, googlePrintr, googlesheets, googleVis, googleway, gqlr, gradientPickerD3, graphql, gridSVG, gtrendsR, gym, h2o, hansard, HARtools, HIBPwned, highcharter, htmlwidgets, httping, httptest, httr, hypothesisr, idbr, iheatmapr, IMFData, imfr, inegiR, influxdbr, issueReporter, itunesr, jaod, jose, jsonld, jsTree, jug, JuniperKernel, junr, Knoema, kntnr, lawn, leafletCN, leafletR, learnr, LendingClub, lintr, livechatR, loggit, machina, manifestoR, mapedit, mapr, MBTAr, melviewr, microdemic, mljar, mnis, mongolite, monkeylearn, mregions, mscstexta4r, mscsweblm4r, mudata2, nasadata, ndtv, neotoma, net.security, nneo, oec, openadds, opencage, opencpu, opendotaR, OpenML, originr, osmdata, osrm, owmr, oxcAAR, pageviews, pandocfilters, pangaear, parlitools, patentsview, pdfetch, pinnacle.API, pivottabler, placement, pleiades, plotly, plumber, polidata, polmineR, PoloniexR, postGIStools, postlightmercury, promote, protolite, PWFSLSmoke, qiitr, qualtRics, Quandl, radiant.data, rAltmetric, randNames, rapiclient, rbcb, rbhl, rbison, rbokeh, rcongresso, rcoreoa, rcorpora, rcreds, rcrossref, RCrypto, RDataCanvas, rdatacite, RDota2, rdpla, rdrop2, readtext, rebird, rechonest, red, refimpact, RefManageR, rentrez, repijson, reqres, request, rerddap, reticulate, reutils, Rexperigen, rfml, RGA, Rga4gh, rgbif, rgho, rgl, rGoodData, rhandsontable, rhub, rhymer, ridigbio, riem, rif, rinat, RInno, rintrojs, ritis, rjsonapi, rjstat, rlist, rmapzen, rmarkdown, RMixpanel, rnoaa, rnpn, roadoi, robis, rodham, RonFHIR, ropenaq, ROpenDota, ROpenFIGI, ROpenWeatherMap, ROptimizely, rorcid, rosetteApi, rotl, rplos, RPresto, RPublica, RPushbullet, rredlist, rscorecard, RSiteCatalyst, rsnps, RSocrata, rstatscn, RStripe, rsunlight, rtimes, rtweet, rtypeform, rvertnet, rWBclimate, RYandexTranslate, RZabbix, SACCR, sbtools, seaaroundus, secret, seeclickfixr, SensusR, seoR, sergeant, servr, SGP, shiny, shinybootstrap2, shinyHeatmaply, shinyjqui, shinyjs, shinyWidgets, sigmaNet, SigOptR, slackr, SmarterPoland, SnakeCharmR, SocialMediaMineR, socialmixr, sofa, solrium, solvebio, sparklyr, spectrino, splashr, spocc, statsDK, stmCorrViz, stplanr, SympluR, taxa, taxize, TCIApathfinder, telegram, tensorflow, TexExamRandomizer, tfruns, ThankYouStars, tidycensus, tidyRSS, tidyverse, TimeSeries.OBeu, timevis, togglr, trackeR, traits, trelliscope, trelloR, tstools, tubern, twfy, twilio, ubeR, uptasticsearch, urlshorteneR, V8, vagalumeR, vegalite, vegdata, visNetwork, vkR, voteogram, wbstats, webchem, webdriver, webmockr, webshot, webTRISr, webutils, wellknown, whoami, WikidataQueryServiceR, WikidataR, wikipediatrend, WikipediR, wikitaxa, worrms, wosr, wtss, WufooR, wunderscraper, x.ent, XKCDdata, XR, yhatr, yummlyr, Zelig, ZeligChoice, ZeligEI
Reverse suggests: ChemoSpec, cowsay, crul, curl, CytobankAPIstats, d3r, data.tree, DataExplorer, descriptr, dismo, DT, finch, futile.logger, gphmm, inferr, io, jqr, kgschart, listviewer, matchbook, metricsgraphics, networkD3, olsrr, openssl, passport, pollstR, qtlcharts, quantmod, rAmCharts, repurrrsive, rio, showtext, soilDB, sunburstR, sysfonts


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