Changes in Version 0.9-54 o renamed showGrobsBB to grobBoundingBoxes; change autoplay to use hook "". Changes in Version 0.9-53 o updated to work with the new RGtk2 >= 2.20 (the return value of gtkWidgetGetAllocation() changed). Changes in Version 0.9-52 o modifier keys when clicking were not working under Linux, it seems. Reported with a suggested fix by Raghav Puranmalka. Changes in Version 0.9-51 o there were errors on startup with some types of plots (e.g. splom()), caused by trying to detect data types for time.mode = NA. Now uses try(). o playwith() failed when given a call with no arguments. o adding row names and covariate values as labels was using the wrong one. o adding labels to splom() now only adds one, rather than one for each panel. Changes in Version 0.9-50 o implemented session history: playwith windows load and save history. (based on a suggestion from Liviu Andronic). See ?playwith.history o row names and covariate values can now be added as labels (right-click). o added support for sp package: SpatialPoints and SpatialPointsDataFrame. o try on the first call argument to get covariates. o always turn off devAskNewPage, e.g. from demo(), because of redraws. o fixed demo("clusterApp"), the parallel() function had stopped working. o fixed showGrobsBB() and identifyGrob(), was not working for several types of grobs. Note: these will be moved to gridExtra package soon. Changes in Version 0.9-45 o fixed mouse click events under Linux - was interpreted as Alt click when NumLock was active (thanks to Liviu Andronic and Trey Greer). o 'autoplay' detects plots from Rcmdr (thanks to Liviu Andronic). o playwith.options("time.mode") now defaults to NA, i.e. automatic. Its previous default was FALSE. o "grob inspector" etc now pads bounding boxes, so it is possible to click on straight lines. o eliminated "ignoring non-pairlist attributes" warnings. o changed select.list() to the cross-platform menu() in autoplay. Changes in Version 0.9-44 o Added a "Stop" action to interrupt plotting. o Added 'preplot.actions' argument to playwith(). o A custom 'handler' function can be specified for 'parameters' widgets. o Improved demo("clusterApp"). o Brushing a single data point (line) in a parallel plot now works. o "Select from table" to identify points now works in more cases. o New function identifyGrob(), returns names of clicked grid-objects. Changes in Version 0.9-43 o Fixed bug that caused annotations outside the plot area to fail. Changes in Version 0.9-42 o Fixed "protection stack overflow" triggered by resizing grid plots. o "Full scale" tools now work with Lattice's "free" scales. o Page annotations are now inside Lattice's toplevel viewport. o Added a Theme menu for Lattice themes (moved out from Style menu). Changes in Version 0.9-40 o Split Latticist out into a new package 'latticist'. o Handles plots from the 'vcd' package without falling over. o Detects pages of a Lattice plot when 'layout' arg is missing. Changes in Version 0.9-32 o Select IDs from Table works correctly when columns are sorted. o Latticist reorders factor levels again (when reorder = TRUE), and variable expressions involving "dat" have been fixed. Changes in Version 0.9-31 o Latticist API abstracted into functions latticistParse() and latticistCompose(); the function latticist() is purely a GUI. o Support for more plots via plotCoords and case.names methods. o New tools "Pan" (scroll), "Line", "Rect". o "Undo" is now available in more cases, and is part of the API. o Changed some click actions and keyboard shortcuts. o "Point / line style" dialog box. o Labels menu: "Select from table" now implemented. o Fixed initial window size. o Editing text fields in "Plot Settings" is now detected even when is not pressed. o Fixed occasional freeze-up of latticist. o "Set axis labels..." button in Plot Settings (Lattice only). o Zoom out applies to x-axis only in "time mode". Changes in Version 0.9-21 o Fixed style shortcuts setting region$col palette. o Fixed element 'update.action' in tool specification lists. o Latticist: dodge bug in latticeExtra::marginal.plot(). Changes in Version 0.9-20 o Package overhaul! Menus, new tools, new infrastructure, etc. Note that playwith() arguments and playwith.options have changed. o Plot Settings overhaul, allows scales and axes to be customised. o latticeStyleGUI(), a stand-alone function to edit the lattice theme. o latticist supports a depth variable (3D) and a color covariate. Also produces better plots with multiple categoricals. Changes in Version 0.9-11 o latticist uses hexbinplot, and many other changes. o playwith() now returns the playState object, not the plot result. o revised and expanded all examples in help("playwith"). o common errors in playwith and latticist are caught and shown in a dialog box (unless playwith.options(catch.errors = FALSE)). On Linux this avoids killing R with "stack smashing detected". o call history (back/forward buttons) works correctly. o improved local cacheing of objects appearing in the plot call. now stores local functions as well as objects, and works better. o re-used playwith windows are resized to account for toolbars etc. o grob inspector tool allows removing grobs (but note bug in 'grid'). o fixed zooming with lattice categorical scales (again). Changes in Version 0.9-10 o grob inspector tool (currently only shows str() of grobs). o moved marginals() and c.trellis() into latticeExtra package. o plot settings dialog now does not fail for lattice plots where scales="free". o lattice theme selector now includes an option for custom.theme() from latticeExtra. Changes in Version 0.9-9 o fix bug when tooltips are turned on: this runs the GTK Main Loop, and sometimes when the window was closed it was not stopped, freezing the R terminal. o fix bug in parameter slider ("Invalid property value"). o make sliders and scrollbars update continuously (but constrained by plot redrawing), rather than only on mouse button release. Changes in Version 0.9-8 o compatability with older versions of RGtk2. o draw x scales in marginals(). Changes in Version 0.9-7 o click on plot makes a pop-up menu with labels for nearby points. Select one to add that label to the plot. o clicks on plot avoid looking up data points unless neccessary. o reorder factor levels only once in latticist(), which removes lots of ugly reorderByFreq() from the plot calls. o latticist preloads some useful variable expressions and subsets. o latticist converts integers with only 1 or 2 levels to factor. o use shingle levels for labels in strips and on axes. o latticist gives more error messages in dialog boxes. o latticist passes labels argument to playwith(), which stops it from trying to guess labels from the plot call each time. Changes in Version 0.9-6 o use of equal.count and cutEq in latticist. o use of useOuterStrips and layout in latticist. Changes in Version 0.9-5 o marginals() o reorderByFreq() o fix click-and-hold identify, to account for lattice subscripts. o playGetIDs() now returns subscripts into original data from multi-panel lattice plots (was indexing data in each panel). (And the internal representation is now as lattice subscripts). Changes in Version 0.9-4 o latticist! o callArg gains a logical 'eval' argument. o fix error when using a single argument that is a formula. o fix error when identifying points with univariate lattice plots (e.g. data$x is NULL). o remove effect of 'title' on choosing replacement device. Changes in Version 0.9-3 o recognise un-named "data" argument to formula methods such as plot.formula, boxplot.formula. Changes in Version 0.9-2 o tooltips show labels for points when click and hold mouse button. o improvements to basic device mode (options(device="playwith")): preview button in annotation tool now works; and there is an "undo annotation" tool, allowing last annotation to be removed. (still some problems with mixing base and grid graphics). o improved code for guessing xy coordinates and labels. o improved code for guessing main function (assume "plot" if found). Changes in Version 0.9-1 o cairoDevice package in Depends rather than Imports, since it sets options(device="Cairo"), which is bad if not attached! Changes in Version 0.9-0 o user settings: playwith.options / playwith.getOption. Changes in Version 0.8-57 o now works on Linux! (had problems related to event loop -- sizing widgets etc). o new function playGetIDs() gives currently identified points. o device size, rather than window size, can now be specifed. This matches other devices. Also pointsize can now be set. o option to show tooltips for toolbar buttons (uses gtkMain()). o mouse clicks better distinguished from drags: time <= 1/4 sec. o xlim/ylim and time mode now handles date-time classes better, including "yearmon" and "yearqtr" from the zoo package. o zooming now tries to account for axis padding. o plot call is now deparsed without showAttributes option (for clarity). Call objects are used to maintain date time classes. o "clear" button now shows a graphical dialog under linux. o warning about lattice subscripts now checks the panelArgs (it was warning spuriously before, eg xyplot.zoo). o more use of locks to try to avoid multi-thread conflicts. o attempt to set GTK tooltips is now a *silent* try(), again. o zoom and identify tools check par("mfrow") in case it is a multi-figure base graphics plot, and omit themselves if so. Changes in Version 0.8-56 o arguments to `parameters` can use I() to force a spinbutton rather than slider. Changes in Version 0.8-55 o argument `parameters`: automatically constructs widgets to control parameter values appearing in the call. o default action when dragging on the plot is zoom. default action on right-click is zoomout. o restrict zooming to x axis in time.mode only if a time.vector was not specified. o whether to start in time.mode is determined by looking at the data: TRUE if the x data has a 'ts' or 'zoo' class. o concept of the "main function" which accepts typical plot arguments (xlim, ylim, main, etc) -- not necessarily the top-level call. By default, a depth-first search is used to find a function that accepts `xlim` or `...`. o use of relevant lattice plots without subscripts=TRUE will give a warning that identified points may be wrong. o callArg() now uses standard evaluation by default, rather than quoting its argument. Old code will need to be changed! o use RGtk2 rather than gWidgets for and edit.annotations because gWidgets is very slow. o reasonable guess for data points and labels with ggplot::qplot() o enabled pretty ggplot2 plots (print.ggplot with pretty=TRUE) if using grid package version >= 2.7 (older versions had a problem with viewports being popped). o code reorganisation: split tools into separate files; ESS style.