Easily translate 'ggplot2' graphs to an interactive web-based version and/or create custom web-based visualizations directly from R. Once uploaded to a 'plotly' account, 'plotly' graphs (and the data behind them) can be viewed and modified in a web browser.
Version: | 4.7.1 |
Depends: | R (≥ 3.2.0), ggplot2 (≥ 2.2.1) |
Imports: | tools, scales, httr, jsonlite, magrittr, digest, viridisLite, base64enc, htmltools, htmlwidgets (≥ 0.9), tidyr, hexbin, RColorBrewer, dplyr, tibble, lazyeval (≥ 0.2.0), crosstalk, purrr, data.table |
Suggests: | MASS, maps, ggthemes, GGally, testthat, knitr, devtools, shiny (≥ 0.14), curl, rmarkdown, Rserve, RSclient, Cairo, broom, webshot, listviewer, dendextend, sf, RSelenium, png, IRdisplay |
Published: | 2017-07-29 |
Author: | Carson Sievert [aut, cre], Chris Parmer [aut], Toby Hocking [aut], Scott Chamberlain [aut], Karthik Ram [aut], Marianne Corvellec [aut], Pedro Despouy [aut], Plotly Technologies Inc. [cph] |
Maintainer: | Carson Sievert <cpsievert1 at gmail.com> |
BugReports: | https://github.com/ropensci/plotly/issues |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
URL: | https://plot.ly/r, https://cpsievert.github.io/plotly_book/, https://github.com/ropensci/plotly |
NeedsCompilation: | no |
Materials: | README NEWS |
CRAN checks: | plotly results |
Reference manual: | plotly.pdf |
Package source: | plotly_4.7.1.tar.gz |
Windows binaries: | r-devel: plotly_4.7.1.zip, r-release: plotly_4.7.1.zip, r-oldrel: plotly_4.7.1.zip |
OS X El Capitan binaries: | r-release: plotly_4.7.1.tgz |
OS X Mavericks binaries: | r-oldrel: plotly_4.7.1.tgz |
Old sources: | plotly archive |
Reverse depends: | cdparcoord, DynNom, heatmaply, multichull, personalized, vistime |
Reverse imports: | adapr, arulesViz, autoplotly, BAwiR, BayesianNetwork, BETS, bridger2, bulletr, ChocoLattes, colordistance, dartR, DEploid, eAnalytics, EcoGenetics, eechidna, enpls, gamm4.test, geomnet, geoSpectral, getTBinR, ggalt, ggenealogy, ggmosaic, ggplotgui, iMediate, LumReader, manhattanly, mapfuser, memapp, MendelianRandomization, NormalizeMets, PCRedux, Plasmidprofiler, processmapR, projector, RBMRB, refund.shiny, rENA, revtools, rPackedBar, rrr, rsurface, RtutoR, SensMap, Seurat, shinyHeatmaply, ShinyItemAnalysis, smoof, teachingApps, themetagenomics, TSstudio, WVPlots, yuimaGUI |
Reverse suggests: | colorpatch, DataVisualizations, flacco, frailtyEM, Hmisc, idbr, KRIG, lmvar, Luminescence, manipulateWidget, mlbgameday, propr, Rilostat, rms, Rnightlights, rwalkr, visdat, xpose |
Please use the canonical form https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=plotly to link to this page.