survey: Analysis of Complex Survey Samples

Summary statistics, two-sample tests, rank tests, generalised linear models, cumulative link models, Cox models, loglinear models, and general maximum pseudolikelihood estimation for multistage stratified, cluster-sampled, unequally weighted survey samples. Variances by Taylor series linearisation or replicate weights. Post-stratification, calibration, and raking. Two-phase subsampling designs. Graphics. PPS sampling without replacement. Principal components, factor analysis.

Version: 3.33
Depends: R (≥ 2.16.0), grid, methods, Matrix, survival
Imports: stats, graphics, splines, lattice
Suggests: foreign, MASS, KernSmooth, hexbin, mitools, RSQLite, RODBC, quantreg, parallel, CompQuadForm, DBI
Published: 2018-01-22
Author: Thomas Lumley
Maintainer: "Thomas Lumley" <t.lumley at>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3
NeedsCompilation: no
Citation: survey citation info
Materials: NEWS
In views: OfficialStatistics, SocialSciences, Survival
CRAN checks: survey results


Reference manual: survey.pdf
Vignettes: Estimates in subpopulations
Two-phase designs in epidemiology
Obsolete formulas for two-phase variances
Analysing PPS designs
A survey analysis example
Package source: survey_3.33.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
OS X El Capitan binaries: r-release: survey_3.33.tgz
OS X Mavericks binaries: r-oldrel: survey_3.32-1.tgz
Old sources: survey archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: CalibrateSSB, cjoint, lavaan.survey, mapStats, MOJOV, odfWeave.survey, pedgene, relaimpo, samplingbook, sptm, ssfit, StatMatch, svyPVpack, twang, VIMGUI, weightTAPSPACK
Reverse imports: BIFIEsurvey, capm, causaldrf, convey, dgo, EffectLiteR, effects, GB2, GJRM, httk, ICS, ICtest, Plasmode, PNADcIBGE, poliscidata, rareGE, RNHANES, sirt, srvyr, StroupGLMM, SUMMER, SvyNom, tab, tableone, Zelig
Reverse suggests: car, grattan, inca, inctools, ipw, jtools, logmult, MonetDBLite, PracTools, Qtools, RDS, SDaA, sjlabelled, sjPlot, sjstats
Reverse enhances: prediction, stargazer, texreg


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