Coerce data to LaTeX and HTML tables.
Reverse depends: |
A3, AmpliconDuo, compareGroups, DATforDCEMRI, etable, FactoClass, generalCorr, gsDesign, IndependenceTests, klausuR, LeLogicielR, likert, LinRegInteractive, multilevelPSA, nlcv, pamctdp, papeR, permPATH, PIGE, quipu, RcmdrPlugin.Export, RcmdrPlugin.NMBU, reporttools, rplotengine, rtable, seqDesign, surveillance, survSNP, TableMonster, TRSbook, twang |
Reverse imports: |
AICcmodavg, bea.R, BEACH, BEQI2, BioGeoBEARS, BrailleR, canprot, clickR, condir, confidence, Correlplot, Countr, CovSelHigh, Crossover, CUFF, DAMisc, descr, dtwSat, dynr, EasyHTMLReport, ecd, EMA, emmeans, fifer, ggraptR, gsrsb, hierarchicalDS, HRM, inTrees, IsoGene, JMbayes, kutils, lfe, lsmeans, midrangeMCP, miscset, MplusAutomation, MSBVAR, ncappc, NNTbiomarker, OpasnetUtils,, pkgmaker, Plasmode, poliscidata, PopGenReport, qmethod, RecordLinkage, relSim, reportRx, reproducer, RItools, robustlmm, RSDA, sdcMicro, seasonalview, SensMixed, shiny, shinyHeatmaply, ShinyItemAnalysis, shinystan, SIMMS, SixSigma, sparkTable, spduration, StableEstim, stacomiR, stacomirtools, StatDA, Stickbreaker, survMisc, tab, umx, userfriendlyscience, x.ent |
Reverse suggests: |
afex, aqp, arsenal, ascii, attribrisk, AutoModel, BayesFactor, bestglm, blockTools, boostr, CALIBERrfimpute, caper, caschrono, chipPCR, ClassDiscovery, codingMatrices, coin, dpcR, drLumi, e1071, EGRET, EloChoice, evtree, fbRanks, flextable, geex, GenAlgo, geoknife, gets, hamlet, hdm, HiveR, htmlTable, icarus, ifaTools, itsadug, JoSAE, knitrBootstrap, kyotil, LSAmitR, MARSS, matlib, mcmc, micEconCES, microplot, mixedMem, MPSEM, multcomp, nFactors, nimble, NlsyLinks, NMF, NPC, optmatch, ordinal, PCRedux, pedometrics, phangorn, PMCMR, PMCMRplus, prioritizr, protViz, quanteda, RankAggreg, rbamtools, rcdk, robustbase, rodeo, rscala, RSiena, rtf, rtimicropem, sadists, SBSA, SeleMix, SeqFeatR, SharpeR, SII, soiltexture, sos4R, sparseHessianFD, sparseMVN, spdep, sqlutils, StMoMo, TailRank, taRifx, Tcomp, texPreview, textreg, TraMineR, TriMatch, tscount, tukeytrend, waterData |
Reverse enhances: |
JM, pampe |